Hi Geo,
Actually I’ve only been here a few months so I am also relatively new to the forum. 😊
I’m so happy you shared your experience and understanding about feelings and tears. We all have a different understanding of the teaching and because of this it’s really important that we share those unique understandings in places like this. It allows all of us to gain different perspectives on the same or similar topics which leads to a deeper understanding.
Unfortunately, I think many people read the forum, but very few actually post what they think or understand, for a variety or reasons, I’m sure. It’s too bad things aren’t different, but that’s the world we live in.
I really like what you said, “For myself. I try to embrace my feelings, both good and bad, and the reactions that come afterwards, like tears or anger. Feelings and emotions to me are like a Barometer for our inner self, so to speak and they should be looked at the same way we study the cause and effects that happen all through our lives. Like "Why am I angry or why am I feeling the need to cry?”
I also practice the same thing. This work is so critically important for conscious evolution but I don’t think many people analyze themselves in this way.
It seems like a strange coincidence (but I’m sure it’s not) that you bring up this exact topic of “observing how and why you feel as you do” because I just finished the script for my next video entitled “Thinking and the Will” yesterday! Below is a short excerpt. It’s about thinking and not feelings, but the self-observation approach is similar.
“Each human being must learn to observe and control their thinking. Thoughts cannot be changed by talking or by listening, or by reading books. Thoughts can only be changed through understanding the thoughts, by searching and seeking how and why particular thoughts arise. Try asking yourself: “Why did I just think that?” or “Where did this thought come from?” Try and find the reason for your thinking. This analytical process, this questioning of how and why your thoughts arose, will provide you an opportunity to understand and experience your own inner thinking process.“
What a coincidence, right? 😊
Anyway, thank you for your post and conversation.
All the best,