Yes HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),
there you go again, spouting off your word-salad nonsense like Kamala, talking about spontaneous resentful ignorants, with deep insights (this is precious) and matters of hate, and then, just as quickly, you're back into the transcendental Pi gibberish and 3 mm differences in diameter and have absolutely no idea what the hell your talking about - but its cute.
Its a wonder anyone can ever understand what the hell you're talking about. Ever notice how much more I write than you. You write a couple lines of horseshit, most of which can never be fully understood. Your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is a few lines of nonsense lacking a proper presentation and explanation, filled with assumptions. You seem to bask in the glory knowing folks who cannot understand your few simple words are idiots compared to you which inflates your enormous ego no doubt. What an asshole.
One of the greatest accomplishments for an academic, is develop a talent express oneself clearly, concisely, and completely, in such a way, as to be fully understood by the audience with true clarity and understanding no matter how complex the subject. An academic anticipates, prepares and documents every potential question of logic and reason validating the information has been properly QAQC, with no rock left unturned regarding the comprehension of the information presented. It seems you actually get-off on confusing folks with your couple lines of nonsense explanations, which only reinforces your self-deluded brilliance when folks don't understand what the hell you're talking about there Sparky.
I mean there you are spewing crap about the common swift ramming into cliffs at 200 km/hr and I'm like, holly shit what has this got to do with his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, which is probably another bullshit claim as usual. Perhaps those swifts are using inertia dampeners just like in Star Trek based on your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, able to stop-on-dime. May be its just you Pi-Radical dipshits and the swifts get the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.
Anyway thanks for the trivial lesson, cool insights there HRBoT, but how about, and this is just a random thought, why don't you focus on proving your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to world and academia, with only 4-years left, instead rambling on about swifts flying at 200 km/hr into cliffs - huh? Suggest you get started with the kindhearted sympathetic high school math teacher, someone whose patient and less prone to call you a dipshit when you show them your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof.