Well my Pi-Radical buddies,
They say small things amuse small minds, exemplified right here in this Billy Meier Pi discussion forum, intended to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi, but has become a rat's nest infected with Pi-Radicals having fun playing pretend mathematics, showing each other's great-big fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs, all though some fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs are pretty tiny like HRBoT's (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains) latest "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is only a few lines long, thanks to his amazing, illogical and ridiculous assumptions, but when playing pretend mathematics, there are no rules.
Now Jude.bug, don't get in the way of HRBoT's criticizing his own behavior, and just leave him be, and allow him to discredit himself, its ok, HRBoT, by definition, a discredit to himself and everyone else (LOL). Jude.bug, taking HRBoT's advice to use quadratic equations to solve for Pi is a fool's errand, for one, he's a lying bag-of-shit, and two, you need to learn to think for yourself and stop being his puppet.
Oh and Dirko, thanks for showing your true colors as another Pi-Radical pushing the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit; you had me fooled there for a minute as a normal person but you're just another clueless foolishly claims the value for traditional Pi = 3.14159 isn't good enough to calculate the exact location of Apophis, while having little to no knowledge in mathematics, which only proves, you're like a monkey, monkey see, monkey do meaning you're just repeating what that dipshit Harry Lear's is saying instead of trusting Billy Meier's information about Pi.
Its interesting how you Pi-Radical dipshits, when you refer to Billy Meier's information about Pi, which is very rarely, you only present the information in the Contact Reports that vaguely supports your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit agenda like in CR 836. CR 836, wasn't anything Billy Meier or the Plejaren had written or stated. That section you copy/pasted was written by another Earthly bound Pi-Radical dipshit moron who foolishly believes the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit and even quotes Harry Lear. Ever notice the Plejaren nor Billy Meier NEVER directly mention Harry Lear; that's because he's not worth mentioning because he's a dipshit.
The Plejaren's response to Oleg's writeup was polite at best, nothing more and they avoided any specific comment on ANY details Oleg had presented so you can't really infer anything, and at best, speculate whatever you want, it means nothing. The real meat and potatoes in Billy's CR's about Pi, which you Pi-Radicals cleverly avoid, is in CR 712, where Ptaah states that traditional Pi = 3.14159 is VALID for all circular and round computations in both math and physics and Pi = 3.14159 is also confirmed valid by 20,080,000 academics on Earth, each one accredited in mathematics. Basically, if you had any brains, you'd realize you will never convince anyone in the world, who is intelligent, accredited in mathematics, that your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. It will never happen, so you knuckleheads can keep playing pretend mathematics trying to prove Pi = 3.1446 is a fool's errand. HRBoT has been trying to credibly prove Pi = 3.1446 for going on 8-years now and look where its gotten him to, nowhere! - except posting his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in a Billy Meier discussion forum because no one else in the world will listen to his nonsense.
Also consider Billy in CR 251, states the true error in Pi will be solved by Earth's brilliant scientists who work frantically together to save our dying Sun. Our Sun is NOT dying anytime soon to the extent that Earth's scientist will be frantically driven to try and save it, so when Apophis arrives, guarantee Earth scientists will still be using traditional Pi = 3.14159 which is a damn good thing, because if they were using Harry-the-dipshit-Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, we'd all be doomed (LOL). Its amazing how all you Pi-Radical dipshits just crawl out of the woodwork like rats fleeing a dying Pi = 3.1446 ship. Meaning you will never ever successfully prove Pi = 3.1446 because its physically impossible but you are all just too goddam stupid and stubborn to realize this very simple truth.