Oh my HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),
You're last post was complete gibberish, and doubt anyone could make sense what's spewing out of your mind, which is par-for-the-course for you Pi-Radicals, inline with Jude.Bugs miles of mindless calculator screen captures. This may be perhaps why you avoid finding someone accredited in mathematics to discuss your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, if you can't even put together a simple thought into words properly. You'd just be an embarrassment to yourself in front of an intellectual, trying to explain your 6-line "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, while mumbling nonsense. Its probably better if you just stay at home and color, and keep posting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in this Billy Meier Pi discussion forum.
Say HRBoT, here we are 8-years later after you invented the new and improved Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, with twice the cleaning power, and still no credible proof. You've only got 4-years left before Apophis arrives to convince the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. What ever are you clever Pi-Radicals going to do about that? What's your strategy? Does it involve continually posting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in this Billy Meier Truth about Pi discussion forum topic. Man-o-man you got your work cut for you. Mind if I watch?
I mean its actually less than 4-years because you have to allow sufficient time for mankind to implement your Lear-Unwise-Prize Pi = 3.1446 true and correct value into all the computers, precision instruments, CNC machines, etc., oh yeah lets not forget correcting the standard kilogram measurement in Europe you were so hot-and-bothered about, and all this has to get done, you got to get busy ensuring the world will implementing your new Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in less than 4-years.
OH MY GOD, how are you going to do it HRBoT. What's you're strategy, do you think your Pi-Radical shit-for-brains buddies are going to help? Just some advice, you morons need to support just ONE fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof. As it stands each of you dipshits are off on your own tangent with your own unique Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs, which will never work. Just try and find one really good fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof you all agree on, for a start - how about that strategy Sparky - clock is ticking....you're 8/12 years and counting and still no convincing Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof that would convince anyone intelligent, just your shit-for-brains buddies including Christian Frehner and Michael Horn believe in your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. God dammit HRBoT you need to get busy and stop playing pretend mathematics with 4-years remaining.