Jude Andre Charles

All those people, excluding me, have all the same problem regarding π as a function of φ.
They can’t prove π=3.1446 without using φ.
You can’t begin with the premise that π= 4/√φ because you’re inserting the result before you prove it. Hence there is no proof. It is like a trick of magic, you hold the dove in your sleeve and make it appear later.
See what I mean.
I began with 4b=π and there is no way to imply the golden ratio in the equation.
The golden Ratio reveals itself first when we determine the value of the hypotenuse=1 and this is at the end of the derivation.
All other “derivations” I have seen begin with the premise that φ determines the value of π, but can’t prove it without using φ. This is no proof at all.

Hey Jude.Bug and HRBoT (Harry Lear Shit-for-Brains),

Couldn't help but notice you dipshits were promoting the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit LiE, and, well, I couldn't resist sharing the TRUTH according to Billy Meier's information about Pi.

Like a broken record-player, the Pi-Radical dipshits spew their Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof in a forever cycle of moronic dipshit nonsense accomplishing absolutely nothing, getting nowhere fast, and unable to convince anyone intelligent, their Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid too feeble minded and stupid to know how to convince the world their Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid with Apophis approaching getting closer every day, yet after 8-years still no credible proof the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, and what pray tell are those clever (LOL) Pi-Radicals ever going to do about it except keep posting their horseshit in a Billy Meier's TRUTH about Pi discussion forum topic.

HRBoT still foolishly maintains his latest-and-greatest faked "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid, too stupid to understand the flaws in his dipshit logic, but don't take my word for it, get a second opinion dumb-ass. Write-out your shitty "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit on some toilet paper, put on a clean Depends, and if you still know how to drive without getting lost, go find yourself a nearby high school and have a good'o chat with the high school math teacher about your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit and maybe they'll knock some sense into your delusional mind and help you understand the flaws in your shit-for-brains logic there HRBoT.

Isn't it just wonderful playing pretend mathematics, how the golden ratio magically reveals itself in Pi, like a Hasbro transformer, by simply arbitrarily setting the hypotenuse equal to 1 - How Convenient!

In CR 722, Billy Meier clearly states the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN, so when are you dipshits going to stop playing your true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit games?

  • C.B. replied to this.


    It seemed to be going better but you fell again on your head, evidently.

    Oh HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

    Really, cool what's going better - your bowel movements?

    • C.B. replied to this.


      uuuh! and now head on the run against the wall…!

      Oh my HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

      You're last post was complete gibberish, and doubt anyone could make sense what's spewing out of your mind, which is par-for-the-course for you Pi-Radicals, inline with Jude.Bugs miles of mindless calculator screen captures. This may be perhaps why you avoid finding someone accredited in mathematics to discuss your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, if you can't even put together a simple thought into words properly. You'd just be an embarrassment to yourself in front of an intellectual, trying to explain your 6-line "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, while mumbling nonsense. Its probably better if you just stay at home and color, and keep posting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in this Billy Meier Pi discussion forum.

      Say HRBoT, here we are 8-years later after you invented the new and improved Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, with twice the cleaning power, and still no credible proof. You've only got 4-years left before Apophis arrives to convince the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. What ever are you clever Pi-Radicals going to do about that? What's your strategy? Does it involve continually posting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in this Billy Meier Truth about Pi discussion forum topic. Man-o-man you got your work cut for you. Mind if I watch?

      I mean its actually less than 4-years because you have to allow sufficient time for mankind to implement your Lear-Unwise-Prize Pi = 3.1446 true and correct value into all the computers, precision instruments, CNC machines, etc., oh yeah lets not forget correcting the standard kilogram measurement in Europe you were so hot-and-bothered about, and all this has to get done, you got to get busy ensuring the world will implementing your new Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in less than 4-years.

      OH MY GOD, how are you going to do it HRBoT. What's you're strategy, do you think your Pi-Radical shit-for-brains buddies are going to help? Just some advice, you morons need to support just ONE fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof. As it stands each of you dipshits are off on your own tangent with your own unique Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs, which will never work. Just try and find one really good fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof you all agree on, for a start - how about that strategy Sparky - clock is ticking....you're 8/12 years and counting and still no convincing Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof that would convince anyone intelligent, just your shit-for-brains buddies including Christian Frehner and Michael Horn believe in your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. God dammit HRBoT you need to get busy and stop playing pretend mathematics with 4-years remaining.

      • C.B. replied to this.


        uups! When hammering the wall with the head goes bad…...

        Please HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

        Stop hammering the wall with your head, this may hurt and put a hole in the wall especially with your thick-skull, even if void of brains, is none-the-less ill-advised. I know you're frustrated, its been 8-years and still no credible proof for your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit and with only 4 Lear-years remaining its really looking like Earth's brilliant scientists (hell of a lot smarter than you Pi-Radical dipshits) will still be using traditional Pi = 3.14159 when Apophis arrives unless you get busy, or a least find some cheerleaders to support your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. You better get cracking there HRBoT, and save the world from Apophis with your mystical-magical transcendental, through space-and-time, multidimensional, golden ratio Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

        • C.B. replied to this.

          Hush You better get cracking there HRBoT, and save the world from Apophis with your mystical-magical transcendental, through space-and-time, multidimensional, golden ratio Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

          It is true, resentful ignorants have spontaneous and deep insights into the matters the hate. Well, almost: 3.1446 is not transcendental as a number but yes, it could be transcendental through Space and Time, marked through the difference of 0.003 of Diameter btw 3.1446 and 3.1415926. Not bad!
          Swifts can fly to their nests in the cliffs at 200km/h and stop instantaneously at the entrance. Where does this tremendous kinetic energy go that otherwise would smash the bird?
          Dimensions are evidently dynamically interconnected. We should observe if they do some kind of “twist” by stopping.

          Yes HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

          there you go again, spouting off your word-salad nonsense like Kamala, talking about spontaneous resentful ignorants, with deep insights (this is precious) and matters of hate, and then, just as quickly, you're back into the transcendental Pi gibberish and 3 mm differences in diameter and have absolutely no idea what the hell your talking about - but its cute.

          Its a wonder anyone can ever understand what the hell you're talking about. Ever notice how much more I write than you. You write a couple lines of horseshit, most of which can never be fully understood. Your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is a few lines of nonsense lacking a proper presentation and explanation, filled with assumptions. You seem to bask in the glory knowing folks who cannot understand your few simple words are idiots compared to you which inflates your enormous ego no doubt. What an asshole.

          One of the greatest accomplishments for an academic, is develop a talent express oneself clearly, concisely, and completely, in such a way, as to be fully understood by the audience with true clarity and understanding no matter how complex the subject. An academic anticipates, prepares and documents every potential question of logic and reason validating the information has been properly QAQC, with no rock left unturned regarding the comprehension of the information presented. It seems you actually get-off on confusing folks with your couple lines of nonsense explanations, which only reinforces your self-deluded brilliance when folks don't understand what the hell you're talking about there Sparky.

          I mean there you are spewing crap about the common swift ramming into cliffs at 200 km/hr and I'm like, holly shit what has this got to do with his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, which is probably another bullshit claim as usual. Perhaps those swifts are using inertia dampeners just like in Star Trek based on your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, able to stop-on-dime. May be its just you Pi-Radical dipshits and the swifts get the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

          Anyway thanks for the trivial lesson, cool insights there HRBoT, but how about, and this is just a random thought, why don't you focus on proving your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to world and academia, with only 4-years left, instead rambling on about swifts flying at 200 km/hr into cliffs - huh? Suggest you get started with the kindhearted sympathetic high school math teacher, someone whose patient and less prone to call you a dipshit when you show them your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof.

          • C.B. replied to this.

            Well HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

            Again just nonsense spewing out of your brainwashed mind, and so, it shouldn't be surprising to anyone why you are unable to convince anyone intelligent your PI = 3.1446 horseshit is valid.

            • C.B. replied to this.


              Time for you pills now, paps

              Thank you HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

              for the concern, but I cannot accept your generous offer, you'll need those pills for your headache from having bashed your thick-skull into your walls (LOL).

              • C.B. replied to this.

                Thanks for displaying again such a beautiful and simple derivation of π3.1446

                Oh HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

                No need to thank me but you are most welcome all the same, and its only because you earned the prestigious Lear Unwise Prize award for your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit few-lines of effort. Again, congratulations, and suggest you take the award with you when you go show a math teacher your amazing "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, I mean you worked for it - all six lines of it that you stole from someone else - not even your original idea, but hey, you're lying bag-of-shit, its what you do best.

                • C.B. replied to this.


                  Keep going Jimmy. One glimpse after the other and, who knows, may be you get it once.

                  HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

                  You must be quite proud of yourself, you've actually convinced yourself your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, well isn't that special and do you recall, not that long ago, you were just as arrogant with another Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof. Never changes with you, you never get smarter, nor wiser, just more stubborn, arrogant, and foolish. I guess, just like before when you idiotically claimed you had proven Billy wrong, with your last fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, so are you again now claiming to have proven Billy wrong with your latest "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof?

                  • C.B. replied to this.

                    Hush Never changes with you, you never get smarter, nor wiser, just more stubborn, arrogant, and foolish.

                    but it is changing with you, Jimmy. don’t lose hope.