Well HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

Again just nonsense spewing out of your brainwashed mind, and so, it shouldn't be surprising to anyone why you are unable to convince anyone intelligent your PI = 3.1446 horseshit is valid.

  • C.B. replied to this.


    Time for you pills now, paps

    Thank you HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

    for the concern, but I cannot accept your generous offer, you'll need those pills for your headache from having bashed your thick-skull into your walls (LOL).

    • C.B. replied to this.

      Thanks for displaying again such a beautiful and simple derivation of π3.1446

      Oh HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

      No need to thank me but you are most welcome all the same, and its only because you earned the prestigious Lear Unwise Prize award for your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit few-lines of effort. Again, congratulations, and suggest you take the award with you when you go show a math teacher your amazing "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, I mean you worked for it - all six lines of it that you stole from someone else - not even your original idea, but hey, you're lying bag-of-shit, its what you do best.

      • C.B. replied to this.


        Keep going Jimmy. One glimpse after the other and, who knows, may be you get it once.

        HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit-for-Brains),

        You must be quite proud of yourself, you've actually convinced yourself your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, well isn't that special and do you recall, not that long ago, you were just as arrogant with another Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof. Never changes with you, you never get smarter, nor wiser, just more stubborn, arrogant, and foolish. I guess, just like before when you idiotically claimed you had proven Billy wrong, with your last fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, so are you again now claiming to have proven Billy wrong with your latest "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof?

        • C.B. replied to this.

          Hush Never changes with you, you never get smarter, nor wiser, just more stubborn, arrogant, and foolish.

          but it is changing with you, Jimmy. don’t lose hope.

          My delusional HRBoT (Harry leaR Shit for Brains),

          You are a sad all alone dipshit promoting your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof. I mean why can't you rally all your Pi-Radical dipshit friends to back you up. Haven't seen a single Pi-Radical buddy of your support your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit which proves, you're the only one who believes in your own horseshit. Yup, have to admit, you're a goddam expert in how to play pretend, pretending your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, pretend that you're smart, pretend you're an expert in mathematics with a grade school math education, pretend that you're smarter than Billy, pretend that you're smarter than all mathematicians in the world, yup you're a goddam expert in playing pretend, and so now why don't you go run along and do something useful instead posting your bullshit in this Billy Meier forum. The clock is ticking shit-for-brains HRBoT, only 4-years left to change the world. What are you going to do? Hide in your shell I suppose is all you're good at, meaning posting more of your shit in a Billy Meier forum - what a dipshit.

            C.B. he has something called the conspiracy of Pi where he goes in great length explaining why 3.14159265359 is wrong. I'll look up the link for you.

            • C.B. replied to this.

              Jude Andre Charles
              Fine. But we need the diagrams.
              Wollum did quite a chunk of a derivation and without the diagrams we’re in disadvantage to understand what he did.
              Could be I have a copy with the diagrams, I’ll look it up.

              Always the same problem, inserting φ in the calculation. Of course you get π related to φ, simply because you’re relating it intentionally. This is no proof at all.
              And, I believe to recall Wollum making the same mistake: taking two triangles and supposing them to be Kepler Triangles. Something he can’t prove beforehand and would be needed to consider those triangles in fact Kepler Triangles. He is just guessing and this, again, is not a mathematical proof.
              Do you get the point?

                C.B. just a quick question:

                Through your formula you found 3.144606, right?

                What then is 4 divided by 3.144606? And when you square the answer what do you get?

                I want your insight into this please.

                • C.B. replied to this.

                  Hey there Pi-Radicals,

                  Today, March 14 (3.14), is the date annually celebrated as Pi-Days; an Earthly tradition to honor traditional Pi = 3.14159, perhaps one of the greatest numbers in history, and so how are my favorite Pi = 3.1446 knuckleheads enjoying today's Pi-Days activities?

                  Do you Pi-Radical dipshits recognize today is the best day throughout the year to crash a few traditional Pi = 3.14159 celebrations going on all over the world and showcase one of your endless fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs? So get cracking there Pi-Radicals, only 4-years left before Apophis arrives, so you don't have much time left to convince the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. I mean you've already foolishly wasted 8-years and have accomplished absolutely nothing so far.

                  Today really is the best day of the year for you Pi-Radicals to go show academics your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit if you bozos weren't so goddam chicken-shit, you'd might have a chance to save the world from Apophis, but sitting in here, posting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit accomplishes absolutely nothing.

                  I get it, you're not feeling very confident, and just need a little time to find a little mojo juice, some gusto and gumption, not withstanding it would certainly help to find a valid, credible Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, which is perhaps why I'm guessing, you dipshits just hang out in here pushing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, where its safe, but gets you nowhere, and extremely fast. Soon it will be only 3-years, then 2-years, and then in 2029, when Apophis arrives, you goddam morons' still will not have credibility proven your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid - and that is a FACT, because Pi = 3.1446 is physically impossible something you shit-for-brains Pi-Radicals don't understand.

                  Seriously though, in celebration of Pi-Days 2025, here is a simple physical proof, that even Pi-Radical dipshits, could try which easily proves Pi = 3.1446 is impossible.

                  • C.B. replied to this.