Well C.B. (Harry Lear Shit-for-Brains),
Shit-for-brains Christian Frehner, who is a FIGU Core member, stupidly ignored Billy Meier's information about Pi, which he should have trusted, I mean that's why one becomes a FIGU Core member, to spread Billy Meier's teachings, but no this dumbass knucklehead Christian Frehner, with help from dipshit, shit-for-brains Michael Horn, both foolishly trusted an Earth dipshit moron, know-it-all, arrogant lying bag-of-shit Harry Lear instead for reasons only these dipshits understand.
So Sparky, Christian Frehner and Michael Horn really screwed up putting their trust in Harry-the-dipshit-Lear trusting and spewing his Pi = 3.1446 true and correct value to the FIGU Community when Billy Meier confirms in CR 722, the true and correct Pi is still UNKNOWN.
The three of you dipshits, Christian Frehner, Michael Horn and Harry Lear, are all goddam stupid morons for NOT trusting Billy Meier's information about Pi which he makes perfectly clear that its true value is currently unknown and that its true and correct value will be resolved by Earth's brilliant scientists, NOT dipshit Harry Lear playing with a measuring tape in his garage. I mean how goddam stupid can anyone from the FIGU Community be to actually trust Harry Lear over Billy Meier's information about Pi. Well, actually Christian Frehner and Michael Horn are actually that goddam stupid it would seem.
You would think after all the invaluable information Billy Meier has shared, these three knuckleheads, Christian, Michael and Larry, would have learned enough to trust Billy information about Pi, as Billy has been consistently correct and accurate, not only that but all Earth 22-million scientists also confirm traditional Pi = 3.14159 is Valid as confirmed by Ptaah in CR 712, but NO, these dipshits, Christian Frehner and Michael Horn thought they were smarter and believed Harry Lear's goddam bullshit instead. All 3-of them, bunch of dumbass morons.
Anyway I digress, we're all just waiting for you to stop boasting about how smart you are and just show us a real genuine credible proof for your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit using marbles - if marbles help? The world is waiting, because after 8-years of watching you fail and lying your ass off using every trick in the book, like a snake-oil-salesman, how about getting some results this time, I mean aren't you tired of constant failures, one-after-another for 8-straight years? Only 4-years left there shithead to prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid and I'm not seeing any credible results so far. What are you waiting for - Christmas (LOL). I get it, you're more of a talker, and not a doer. That's ok, you're embarking on a fool's errand, because you're a moron know-it-all, and guarantee 4-years from now, you still will not have credibly proven your PI = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, mark my words, but - prove me wrong - dare you dipshit.
If you truly were sincere about liking my physically based Pi = 3.14159 marbles experiment then why haven't you given me a thumbs-up for my post? If you are going to use marbles to help prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, you should tell us how you're going to do it, why keep us in suspense. Oh, its because you can't, that is you still don't have a goddam clue how to credibly prove Pi = 3.1446, and you're just as brain dead now as you were 8-years ago when you started posting your dipshit Youtube videos showing your amazing how to measure a round object with a measuring tape video. I mean if you instead had posted an instructional YouTube video how to change a Depends by yourself in under 10-minutes, at least that would be useful or at least more amusing than your shitty, pointless, faked Pi = 3.1446 horseshit videos.
Say when are you going to bring back your multiple-personality disorder alias "Lukie" and "pythagoras" for us to enjoy?