Hey there Jube.bug hope you're enjoying the show.

Wow C.B. (Harry Lear Shit-for-Brains), sounds like your done with your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs then? What a relief, I mean what an amazingly accomplishment to have convinced yourself, yet again, another Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid, but that's all you ever do, is convince yourself your own Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs are valid. You see dipshit, you have to actually convince other folks your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, and that's the point you don't seem to understand. You actually have to find and convince someone intelligent, smarter than yourself, an academic accredited in mathematics, that your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid which is about 22-million people smarter than you that you need to convince if you hope to help Earth get ready for Apophis in 4-years using your new and improved Pi = 3.1446 horseshit with twice the cleaning power. You see Sparky, convincing just yourself your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid, isn't good enough, but that's all you've been doing for the last 8-years and look where its gotten you - no where except posting your bullshit in a Billy Meier Truth about Pi discussion forum, which I might add, you never refer to Billy Meier's information about Pi.

But as long as you seem happy to have proven the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid to yourself, well congratulations are in order although, to be fair, you're just doing what you've always done, which is to convince yourself each and every time, your numerous endless P = 3.1446 horseshit proofs, one after the other are valid, but for 8-years now each-and-every one has been proven to be a fake.

Remember 8-years on your YouTube channel your very first faked Pi = 3.1446 horseshit geometric proof was found to be fraud. Yup those were the days and nothing has really changed just one faked Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof after another for 8-straight years and still counting. But back then, you were quite goddam proud of yourself for your geometric proof, you actually fooled yourself into believing you had finally done it, proven the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, and that was 8-years ago and what have you done differently since then? Absolutely nothing.

Then remember your quadratic equation faked Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof we both buried while you were suffering from multiple personality delusion masquerading as "Lukie". Remember that, and you thought you were so goddam smart you had proven Billy wrong.

Yup its just one faked Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof after another with you, no smarter now than you were 8-years ago when you started this goddam bullshit but each and every time, arrogantly think you've finally proven Pi = 3.1446 yet, here you still are, no one believes you except yourself. And so for the last 8-years now, your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs have gotten you nowhere, but each and every time you think you've finally found the solution, and have proven Billy Meier was wrong.

Yup what a goddam idiot. I mean to foolishly claim to have proven Billy Meier wrong, really shows your true colors, as arrogant asshole piece of shit.

  • C.B. replied to this.

    Hush You see dipshit, you have to actually convince other folks your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, and that's the point you don't seem to understand.

    I do understand very well and I follow in this regard what a German scientist said some decades ago:

    A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
    Max Planck

    So, RIP Hush…..


    Science advances one funeral at a time.
    Max Planck

    oh C.B. (Harry Lear shit-for-brains),

    Now you're rambling like a philosopher, deflecting, instead of focusing on what's important, which is to convince someone intelligent, smarter than you, accredited in mathematics, your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid which you are avoiding. You see dumbass that's the only way forward, not your goddam distracting philosophy lesson there Sparky.

    How about less philosophy more action, get someone besides your dipshit self, who is smarter, accredited in mathematics, to buy into you snake-oil-salesman pitch that the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, and then you'll get the recognition you think you deserve, but you have to first come up with a valid credible Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof. And if you can't convince anyone else your proof is valid, then its obviously a fake, unless of course you're so delusional, you think you're the only one gifted able to understand your horseshit logic, which, you actually probably believe. In fact believe you've mentioned that you think you're smarter than Billy Meier and all the mathematicians in the world. Goddam, are you ever full of yourself.

    And the thing is, we both know you can't actually credibly prove the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, otherwise you would have done it by now after failing for 8-straight years which only proves, your lack of success means Pi = 3.1446 is a hoax otherwise you would have succeeded by now. The fact that after 8-years of trying to prove your Pi = 3.14446 horseshit is valid, and continually failing, actually validates its a hoax, as Billy Meier has stated in CR 722, the true and correct Pi remains UNKNOWN which means the true and correct Pi is NOT 3.1446 you goddam dipshit. But, prove me wrong, go convince anyone accredited in mathematics, what you're selling is credible. I mean sure, its ok to convince other morons like Christian Frehner and Michael Horn your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, but I'd like to see you try that trick with someone intelligent. I know, I know, you've actually already tried about 7-8 years ago, and the academics all called you a 'quack' which is precisely you are and why you're stuck in here still foolishly selling your snake oil Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to the FIGU Community when Billy Meier has clearly stated in CR 722, the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN, so you're wasting your time dipshit. Get that through your thick goddam skull moron.

    • C.B. replied to this.

      Hush Now you're rambling like a philosopher, deflecting, instead of focusing on what's important, which is to convince someone intelligent, smarter than you, accredited in mathematics, your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid which you are avoiding.

      Im struggling to remain polite…… Math is not about convincing anyone and that’s the advantage of it.
      There is a result and those who can read it don’t need to get convinced. The willfully blind you just leave them to die out, as Planck wisely pointed out.

      Hey there C.B. (Harry Lear Shit-for-Brains),

      Well you should be good at struggling so I'm not worried you can handle it, I mean you've been struggling for 8-years to prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid and look at well you've handled constant failure.

      Ok ok, enough of the bullshit word-salad nonsense, and stop deflecting and changing the subject, just because you cannot credibly prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid to academics accredited in mathematics after 8-years of trying and failing. That's the simple truth there dipshit and where has it gotten you, absolutely nowhere. The truth is you've FAILED to convince anyone intelligent your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid because you're a QUACK and your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is a HOAX, get that through your thick goddam skull moron. All you do is talk-talk-talk-talk, but no action, no proof, no nothing after 8-years, still no credible proof internationally recognized that your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. You've only managed to convince other moron's like yourself and Christian Frehner and Michael Horn that your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, but not anyone intelligent is the point. Not really interested in your opinion regarding the semantics about convincing others your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid, JUST DO IT already dipshit. Less talk more action because you're going nowhere fast and if you don't change what you're doing, you'll just repeat what you've been foolishly doing, and be in this same position, still posting your horseshit Pi = 3.1446 proofs in this Billy Meier forum, 4-years from now, having accomplished absolutely nothing in all that time.

      Say when we go out for coffee, not only do I expect you wont bite anyone in public, but I'm also going to have to request you don't get excited and have an accident in your Depends while we're discussing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Ok Sparky. Say how about, and this is just a thought, giving me a thumbs-up for all my hard work trying to spread Billy Meier's truth about Pi and working tirelessly to stop complete dickhead morons like you from spreading lies to the FIGU Community. It's easy, just a mouse-click on the 'thumbs-up' button for my post. I'm sure you can do it Sparky.

      • C.B. replied to this.

        Hush Ok ok, enough of the bullshit word-salad nonsense, and stop deflecting and changing the subject, just because you cannot credibly prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid to academics accredited in mathematics after 8-years of trying and failing.

        You are struggling and failing Jimmy and failing big time.
        Instead of making yourself ridiculous trying to deflect attention from this fact, try to find something new to refute 3.1446 and let’s have some more fun.

        Say C.B. (Harry Lear shit-for-brains),

        Seems like you weren't convinced that the 22/7 marbles physical example disproved Pi = 3.1446? You are a tough old-fart to please damn, I guess 22-marbles doesn't provide the required precision to convince you so lets use more marbles to increase the accuracy for the Pi estimate.

        The strategy is identical to Archimedes method whereby the accuracy of Pi = 3.14159 improves with increasing the number of sides in the polygon, similarly the accuracy of Pi using marbles, will also increase by incorporating more marbles in both the circumference and through the diameter while maintaining a tight no-gap circumference that best suites reducing the marble gaps through the diameter which is unavoidable.

        Using an AI solver, 1448, 16-mm marbles around the circumference, and 461, 16-mm marbles through the diameter results in 3-digit precision estimation of Pi = 3.141. Understand the marble circumference diameter is deliberately sized such that all 1448, 16-mm marbles fitted around the circumference are touching with no gaps while limiting or reducing the gap through the diameter which cannot be entirely eliminated but can be minimized considerably.

        Upon closer inspection near the top where the diameter insects the circumference it is a perfect fit with no gaps.

        The table below shows that 1448 marbles around the circumference divided by 461 marbles through the diameter results in a Pi 3.141.

        The interesting part is looking at the gap in the marble diameter where it intersects the bottom of the circle. The precisely drawn illustration of the physical representation of the model, shows there is a 1.39 mm overlap as is calculated in the above table, where the diameter falls on top of the circumference however visually it’s a reasonable approximation of PI = 1448/461 = 3.141. Its not perfect, but enough to show that Pi is reasonably estimated at 3.141 better than fake Pi = 3.1446 as shown in the next diagram.

        In order to achieve fake Pi = 3.1446 using the physically based model, the number of marbles through the diameter, which is the denominator in the Pi calculation, must be made smaller in order to increase the value of Pi from 3.141 to 3.144.

        In order to achieve Pi = 3.144 for a fixed 1448, 16-mm marble circumference requires a marble diameter of 460.47 which is less than 461 by 0.53 marbles which works out to 8.45 mm gap in the diameter between the marbles. its obvious from the diagram below the gap for fake Pi = 3.144 is huge and unrealistic compared to traditional Pi = 3.141. This proves beyond any doubt fake Pi = 3.144 is a hoax.

        Now the physically based model doesn't LIE, so it should be pretty obvious traditional Pi = 3.141 is an excellent representation of the physically based marbles model compared to fake Pi = 3.1446 which is not revealed in an actual physical environment at all, not even close.

        If you're at all skeptical these results are very easily replicated and reproducible. Now don't blame me if you're too stupid to understand this C.B. but it conclusively proves your Pi = 3.1446 is horseshit like I've been saying as has Billy Meier who states true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN in CR 722, as has Ptaah in CR 712 who states traditional Pi is VALID for all round and circular calculations in both math and physics, and, as 22-million academics in mathematics will tell you, ALL, that,

        Pi = 3.1446 is a HOAX and a SCAM

        • C.B. replied to this.


          You’re a coarse ignorant and a cheater and I will prove it here…..again.

          You talk about marbles as some 3.1446 fanatics talk about Units, to hid the fact that they do not understand how it works to prove π 3.1446.

          It is not the marbles but the segments that connect the center of the marbles and builds up the polygon .

          It works like that: You put all the marbles in a straight line.The line running through their centers is the length of the polygon you want to generate arranging the marbles into a circle.
          But there is a problem. When you roll the marbles to form the circle the said line breaks up, the diameters meet no more at the perimeter of the marbles and if you project them outside the perimeters they intersect in the gap btw the marbles that originated by rolling them to shape a circle in the point marked as G. It generates a polygon but the length is larger than the original straight line running through the center of the marbles.

          The alternative to build a polygon is to connect the center of the marbles with straight segments of line.

          But, there is a circle running through the center of the marbles which, as you can easily see, is longer than the polygon.
          No matter how many marbles you take the problem remains the same, the circle will be always larger than your estimate with the polygon. Which means there is always a gap approaching circular lines with straight ones.

          You are seeing it directly, with your own eyes!
          You try to bend the straight line running through the center of the marbles by rolling them into a circle but it breaks up and you have to connect the center of the marbles to build up the polygon. But this one is circumscribed by the circle. which remains always larger.
          It is the graphic depiction of how a straight line becomes larger when we try to convert it in a circular one.

          You can approach the circle taking more and more marbles, but we fall back to the original question: the circular lines measure Space differently than straight ones.Hence the difference btw 3.1446 and 3.1415.

          There is always a gap. Btw the straight line segments connecting the center of the marbles and the circle running through the center of the marbles.

          When you say “there are no gaps” you’re cheating again. What you’re saying with no gaps is that you are considering the marbles as being in a straight line. But they are not.
          In a straight row the diameters of the marbles are connected into a straight line. When you bend the row this connection breaks up and there are gaps btw the diameters, in the latitude and the longitude. You have to connect the centers with straights segments to obtain the polygon which is not a circle and doesn’t run smoothly through the marbles. Now, the only line running smoothly through the centers is a circular line, larger than the perimeter of the polygon.
          Now, the perimeter of the polygon is not the original straight line running through the straight row of marbles but something else strange to the circle of marbles.

          Hey there C.B. (Harry Lear shit-for-brains),

          You can't even understand a simple physical Pi marbles example without getting confused - unbelievable. Why are you such a goddam idiot, huh? Were you dropped on your head as baby? Christ are you ever a stupid moron, even when the physical proof is laid out for you so simple to follow a baby could understand you get confused by your own goddam stupidity. No wonder you believe in the Pi = 3.1446 you truly are one stupid son-of-bitch.

          There are no goddam gaps between the marbles you stupid shithead except at the bottom where I clearly explain. You're just too goddam stupid to understand basic geometry and math unable to admit the obvious truth as clearly shown in the physical based marbles example, that clearly shows, for anyone of normal intelligence anyways, that Pi = 3.1446 is a HOAX. What a goddam moron. Christ you are one stupid goddam idiot, explaining anything to you is like trying to explain math to a baby, what a dipshit.

          At least I know now explaining anything to you is a complete waste of time. So here's what we need to do. If you're so goddam smart go convince the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid and stop wasting your time in here shithead. Huh, why don't you do that dipshit instead of wasting your time in here posting your goddam shit-for-brains Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Do something useful you goddam moron. Of course we all know the reason why you hang out in a Billy Meier discussion forum, because you're a FAILURE convincing the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. You tried, you failed, and that's why you bide your time in here, lying your goddam ass off about your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit because no else believes you, and I know you've tried, but they've all called you a QUACK, which you truly are. You are one sick puppy boy.

          What I don't understand is how in the hell you ever convinced Christian Frehner and Michael Horn your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. That obviously proves both Christian Frehner and Michael Horn are absolute dipshits for believing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit when Billy Meier has clearly stated the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN. Christ I'm surrounded by a sea of brainwashed goddam dipshits. Its no wonder the Plejaren are leaving Earth disappointed with the FIGU Mission lack of success with goddam idiots like Christian Frehner and Michael Horn spreading lies to the FIGU Community.

          Hope you understand you stand alone in the world pushing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, nobody 'NORMAL' believes you. You will NEVER convince anyone intelligent your Pi = 3.1446 is valid. Its been 8-years and you've gotten NO WHERE, and it will another 4-years and when Apophis arrives you will have achieved ZERO, accomplished NOTHING, convinced NO ONE, your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid because you're a goddam moron too stupid to understand Pi = 3.1446 is physically impossible as I've just proven - shit-for-brains Harry Lear. In four years, you will still be here posting your goddam Pi = 3.1446 horseshit and will have accomplished not a goddam thing because your a complete dipshit. What goddam specimen of a human being; arrogant, lying bag of shit, and smart as a bag of hammers.

          • C.B. replied to this.

            Hush You can't even understand a simple physical Pi marbles example without getting confused - unbelievable. Why are you such a goddam idiot, huh? Were you dropped on your head as baby? Christ are you ever a stupid moron, even when the physical proof is laid out for you so simple to follow a baby could understand you get confused by your own goddam stupidity. No wonder you believe in the Pi = 3.1446 you truly are one stupid son-of-bitch.

            This is no physical proof of anything, Jimmy.
            You explain the marbles in a circle as they were in a straight line and do not understand what happens when you roll them into a circular form.
            You just throw things together to imitate a mathematical process and expect me to accept the nonsense.
            It is not how it works.
            And, when I try to explain it to you I’m in the situation that I exceed quite soon your intellectual limits.
            So, I try to go to your level: This example with the marbles is BS! And what you think to understand about it, is BS as well.
            You have no bloody idea what you're talking about, you could even use small little ducks instead of marbles and would be talking the same pauper nonsense about refuting π 3.1446. and then crying that I do not understand.
            You lack the most basic feature to go into these questions : the ability to think
            You’re not even a clown.

            PS: Beyond your usual foul speech you didn’t refute even one word of what I wrote. Are you aware of that, Jimmy?

            Well C.B. (Harry Lear shit-for-brains),

            You're quite simply a goddam idiot ok, that's the simple truth, and why you're known as a QUACK among academics for promoting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. You honest to God are a complete dipshit as smart as a bag of hammers and the stupidest person I've never met - thank God for that too.

            About the only thing you have proven is that you're brainwashed and totally delusional into believing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. You only see and understand what you're brainwashed mind lets you see and understand. Easily to demonstrate as, for example, you completely avoid acknowledging Billy Meir is CR 722 has stated clearly the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN to Earth humans due to our limited technology is still very primitive. That means the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 is a HOAX. I mean just that statement alone from Billy makes it clear the true and correct Pi cannot be 3.1446 but you're so goddam brainwashed, your mind completely ignores anything and everything that goes against your sick belief that the true and correct Pi = 3.1446. You are one twisted puppy, unbelievable.

            Then in CR 251, Billy states clearly the true and correct Pi error will be resolved by Earth's brilliant scientists while trying to save our dying Sun. From which may be obvously concluded that the true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by the dipshit Harry Lear measuring a round wooden disk with a tape measure. I mean you have to be a goddam brain washed idiot to think that Harry Lear actually solves the true and correct P i= 3.1446 when Billy states clearly the error in Pi is resolved by Earth's scientists but you ignore this information from Billy, because your a goddam brainwashed stupid lying son-of-a-bitch. Your screwed up, brainwashed mind completely ignores this detail. You Pi-Radicals only focus on anything and everything that promotes your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Its kind of scary how completely brainwashed and messed up humans can become and you and your Pi-Radical shit-for-brains buddies are living proof of that.

            Anyway, its all good, thanks for confirming what a total dipshit you truly are and unable to understand basic geometry and why trying to help you understand basic math is a complete a total waste of time so that's over for good. You're way too totally messed up in the head, I mean a complete brainwashed lost cause with no more common sense than a pencil and discussing anything with you is meaningless.

            The beauty of all this is that all I have to do is wait and watch you continue to fail and never succeed in ever convincing anyone intelligent your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid and that is a FACT. I mean the whole world already knows traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the most accurate estimate of true Pi and, as stated by Ptaah in CR 712. And you will never prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, you've failed for 8-years, and you will undoubtedly keep failing for the next 4-years trying to prove to the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. You're a failure - and a moron and the only one who believes in your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit but it means you will never convince anyone else. You live in your own little Pi = 3.1446 horseshit world and that's fine.

            Do you get it Sparky? I don't have to do anything, just watch and wait for you to continue to go no where promoting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit because traditional Pi = 3.14159 is known to be valid on Earth, and you will never prove otherwise, and you will never succeed in convincing anyone intelligent your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. What a goddam dumbass and a total lying bag-of-shit.

            I'll be surprised if I respond to any more of your posts, I mean you really are a stupid pile of shit, but will refresh my posters every once in awhile, perhaps post a few new ones to make sure you dipshits don't get away with your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Goddam are you stupid.

            • C.B. replied to this.


              Fecal language does not refute mathematical facts.
              This confirms that my refutation of your marbles demonstration about 3.1446 being too large is correct.
              That’s the way arrogant and pedantic ignorants admit their failures. So be it…..

              What was that C.B. (Harry Lear Shit-for-Brains),

              Did you just prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid in your last post? Well of course NOT, you don't have a clue how to credibly prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, all you do is just talk and talk and talk, with your goddam word-salad dribble nonsense. That's because you have a condition know as brain washed, shit-for-brains.

              Like I said, all I have to do is wait patiently and watch as you continue to fail, never successfully proving your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, and, as I've just demonstrated with the physically based marbles example, Pi = 3.1446 is physically impossible. Anyway Sparky, doesn't matter what you do or don't do, all I have to do watch and enjoy your ongoing failures to prove Pi = 3.1446 to the world. It will never happen and that is a fact of life dipshit. How does it feel to be goddam failure for 8-years and counting? What a dork.

              • C.B. replied to this.

                Hush Like I said, all I have to do is wait patiently and watch as you continue to fail, never successfully proving your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, and, as I've just demonstrated with the physically based marbles example, Pi = 3.1446 is physically impossible.

                Physically impossible?
                Look first at that and then we talk again about Physically impossible:

                Back to your marble (M) example.
                You have 22M and form a circle with it, connect the centers of the M and get a 22 sided polygon with a perimeter of 352mm with a ø of 112mm Ok?
                Well, the polygon has a perimeter of 352mm but, around that polygon there is a circle with ø=112 as well. right?
                Let’s use the standard π value to find out its circumference.

                Pc= 3.141529…* 112mm= 351.8583772mm

                Circumscribing a polygon with a perimeter of 352mm


                Forget it C.B. (Harry Lear shit-for-brains),

                There is no point in trying to discuss common sense with a brainwashed stupid goddam moron, you're a total lost cause. Way too stupid to understand the simplicity in a brilliant, if I don't say so myself, physically based 1448 circumference x 461 diameter marbles proof Pi = 3.1446 is impossible. You just have to accept you're way too goddam stupid to understand basic geometry and math; you should have gone to school there Sparky. So do tell, how many people have you convinced in the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid and I mean intelligent folks not the shit-for-brains moron's like Christian Frehner and Michael Horn who feel for your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit - huh?

                You see Sparky I just have to sit here and wait, and watch you continue to fail, vainly trying to convince the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, a task you will never achieve, never complete, never succeed. All that spew from your mouth, is nothing but pure lies, which you've already known now for 8-years. You're a QUACK, and will never ever prove Pi = 3.1446 to anyone intelligent and that is a fact dickhead. So keep posting your horseshit there Sparky, you're going nowhere fast and putting on quite a stupid show for everyone to enjoy.

                So just stop it with all your goddam nonsense and simply focus by proving your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid to the rest of the world, BUT YOU CAN'T CAN YOU, cause you're a dipshit.

                • C.B. replied to this.


                  Did you read what I wrote, butthead?

                  Hey there C.B. (Harry Lear Shit-for-Brains),

                  Honestly C.B. in my opinion you're a complete idiot and not worth wasting my time. I've shared a viable physical proof using marbles that Pi = 3.1446 is impossible but you're just too goddam stupid to understand such simplicity. Its because you're truly brainwashed and that's just how it is. My advice, since you're burdened with such dysfunction, and therefore mindlessly compelled to continue on your quest to prove the impossible Pi = 3.1446, is go for it and stop wasting your time in here because posting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in here accomplishes nothing as I've told you a thousand times.

                  Your foolish attempt to prove the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is quite harmless, I mean no one credible or intelligent will ever believe you, but go for it, if it makes you happy. I'm done wasting my time with your goddam brainless nonsense, you're just way too goddam stupid for me to bother with you anymore.

                  So, as you are so compelled and driven, focus on convincing the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit if valid, if that's what you truly believe. You're virtually alone in the world in this false belief, but so what if it makes you happy trying to prove the impossible. Its a fool's errand, but realistically, is truly the only way to towards achieving your silly goal is getting out there and show folks your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof and let them decided for themselves if you're full of shit or sincere or both.

                  The fact that you continue to post your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in here, kind of means you've already given up trying to prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid to the rest of the world because we both know nothing you post in here really matters and gets you no where fast. You are a strange human being there C.B., how could you possibly be from Earth?

                  • C.B. replied to this.


                    I get it.
                    You have a problem with 3.1446 because it is too large but have no problem at all accepting 3.1415929, which is too small.

                    I must confess. I did never, ever meet anyone like you, who did so much to debunk the standard π value trying to confirm it.