Hush : The traditional value of Pi = 3.141592653589793 is wrong and dangerous
Any ratio that is not the result of a circle's circumference divided by a circle's diameter is not pi and that should be easy for any mathematician to understand.
The traditional value of Pi = 3.141592653589793 is wrong because it has not been derived from dividing the circumference of a circle by the diameter of a circle, instead the traditional value of pi = 3.141592653589793 was originally derived from Archimedes’ multiple polygon limit calculus approach that involves constructing circles around polygons and also constructing circles inside of polygons.
Constructing circles inside of polygons and also constructing circles around polygons is not the same as circumference of circle divided by diameter of circle.
It is impossible for a polygon to become a circle and that means that it does not matter how many edges that a polygon has there will forever be a gap between the edge of the polygon and the curvature of the circle that contains the polygon.
A circle does not have any edges.
It is impossible for a polygon with an infinite amount of edges to exist because a polygon is known and identified by the amount of edges that a polygon has for example a decagon is a polygon that is known to have 10 edges.
Archimedes’ multiple polygon calculus limit approach to finding pi can only produce approximations for Pi but never produce the real value of Pi.
Using calculus to discover Pi is a waste of time and effort because there will forever be an area under the curvature of a circle because the curvature of a circle is fractal in nature. The more the area under a curve is magnified the more crevices can become visible.
Academic mathematicians of today are now using computer simulations based on a infinite series of numbers that they assume will just magically result in the correct value of Pi but the problem with infinite series is how can anybody use a random series of numbers to converge to Pi when they have not discovered Pi due to the fact that they have never divided the circumference of a circle by the diameter of a circle in their entire lives?
Infinite series is not the same as circumference of circle divided by diameter of circle and that means that anybody that is using infinite series to find Pi is either knowingly or unknowingly an idiot.
Pi means circumference of circle divided by diameter of circle.
I am here to stop mathematicians from committing fraud.
If an individual does not understand that any ratio that is not derived from a circle's circumference divided by a circle's diameter is not Pi then that individual is confused.
Academic Mathematicians are committing fraud by claiming that the ratio 3.141592653589793 is the correct value of Pi.
It is wrong for Academic mathematicians to claim that Pi MUST be transcendental and Squaring the circle is impossible when the fact remains that mathematicians do NOT know what the correct value for Pi is because Academic mathematicians are only using an approximation of Pi due to their refusal to measure a circle with a diameter of 1-meter and count the amount of times the 1-meter diameter fits around the curvature of the circle.
To discover the correct value of Pi the circumference of a circle MUST be divived by the diameter of a circle to discover Pi or alternatively divide the surface area of a circle by the surface area of the square that is located on the radius of the circle.
The correct value for pi is 4/√φ = 3.1446055110296931442782343433718357180924882313508929506596078804
The correct value for pi is 4/√φ = 3.1446055110296931442782343433718357180924882313508929506596078804...
The correct value for pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is NOT transcendental because of the following minimal polynomial that is associated with it:
x4 + 16 x2 - 256
The correct value for pi can be confirmed by creating a circle with a diameter of 1-meter upon a piece of foam board that is larger than A0 such as 2A0 with a beam compass with a radius of 50 centimeters and also a rotary circle cutter with a radius of 50 centimeters.
A 4 meter tape measure can be used to measure the amount of times the diameter of 1-meter fits around the curvature of the circle to determine the circumference of the circle, so that the circumference of the circle circle can be divided by the diameter of the circle with 1-meter to discover the true value of pi.
Experiments involving physical measurement of a circle with a diameter of 1-meter have confirmed that the correct value of pi is a minimum of 3.1446 and is larger than the assumed value of pi = 3.1415.
The decimal expansion for pi is infinite and to discover the decimal expansion for pi beyond 3.1446 4 MUST be divided by 3.1446. 4 divided by 3.1446 = the ratio 1.2720218787763.
4 divided by the ratio 1.2720218787763 = 3.1446.
The ratio 1.2720218787763 is an approximation of the square root of the golden ratio of √φ = 1.272019649514069, because the ratio 1.2720218787763 squared meaning that the ratio 1.2720218787763 times the ratio 1.2720218787763 = the ratio 1.6180396600856.
Proof that the Kepler right triangle is the key to the true value of Pi can also be demonstrated if the length of the measuring tape is a minimum of 4 meters = 4000 millimeters, because if the circumference of the 1-meter diameter circle = 3144.6 millimeters is marked and placed on a horizontal straight line while the 1-meter diameter of the circle = 1000 millimeters is multiplied 4 equal times on a vertical straight line the result is the circumference of the 1-meter diameter circle = 3144.6 millimeters is the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle while the multiplication of the 1-meter diameter of the circle = 1000 millimeters = 4000 millimeters is the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle.
The multiplication of the 1-meter diameter of the circle = 1000 millimeters by 4 equal parts is 4000 millimeters. 4000 divided by 3144.6 = the ratio 1.2720218787763.
The ratio 1.2720218787763 is an approximation of the square root of the golden ratio of √φ = 1.272019649514069, because the ratio 1.2720218787763 squared meaning that the ratio 1.2720218787763 times the ratio 1.2720218787763 = the ratio 1.6180396600856.
The ratio 1.6180396600856 is an approximation of the golden ratio of the square root of 5 plus 1 divided by 2 = (φ) = 1.61803398874895. It is evident that the infinite decimal expansion for the correct value of pi can be derived from the formula 4 divided by the square root of the golden ratio = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144..
Apply the Pythagorean theorem to the 2 right angles that are created from the results of the diameter of the circle being multiplied 4 equal times upon a vertical straight line while the circumference of the circle is placed upon a horizontal straight line, to get the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle.
A wooden circle with a diameter of 1-meter has also been measured and used to confirm that the correct value of pi is 4/√φ = 3.1446. Below are videos involving the measurement of circles with a diameter of 1-meter to prove that the correct value of pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144:
I must repeat: any ratio that is not the result of a circle's circumference divided by a circle's diameter is not Pi.
Introduction to the true value of Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 – Pi intro video brand:
Proof 7 Part 1 Pi Circumf Measurement:
Pi tape foam board circle 1:
Pi Tape Measurement Foam Board Circle 2:
Pi Tape Measurement Foam Board Circle 3:
Pi tape measurement Hardwood :
Pi video Math brand:
Geo Proof 1 Brand:
Geo Proof 2 Brand:
Geo Proof 4 Brand:
Geo Proof 6 Brand:
5 More Constants Brand:
Fixing and Correcting the problems caused by using Traditional Î = Pi
Harry Lear Interview Apophis & Pi:
Golden ratio:
Back to basics: How to measure a circle article about Pi:
Traditional Î = Pi = (51066975/16255123) = 3.141592653589793 is false.
Traditional Î = Pi = (10 ^ 12)/(16255123/10213395)/(2)/(10 ^ 11) = 3.141592653589793 is false and is also the result of the perimeter of a regular polygon with more than a trillion edges divided by the diagonal of the polygon that has a perimeter with more than a trillion edges.
Perimeter of the regular polygon = 1000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
That is 1 Plus 42 zeros.
Commas removed = 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Diagonal of a regular polygon with 1000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 edges = the ratio 3.183098861837902e + 82.
divided by 3.183098861837902e + 82 =
(10 ^ 42)/(3.183098861837902) = 3.141592653589793.
((10 ^ 42)/(30685681/9640191)) = 3.141592653589793.
Traditional Î = Pi = with 24 decimal places = 3.141,592,653,5897,976,949,617,8102
Traditional Î = Pi = with 15 decimal places = 3.141,592,653,589,793.
Regular Polygon calculator. Please remember to use a minimum of 15 digits to be accurate:
Regarding the chords and arcs of circles:
A chord is a straight line. The edge of a polygon is a chord.
An arc is a curve. The total arc length of a circle is the full curvature around the circle.
If an arc is attached to a chord in a circle then the length of the arc is longer than the length of the chord.
It is known that the curvature of a circle is longer than the chord length for the perimeter of a polygon that is contained inside of the circle and this knowledge makes it evident that the numerical value for the perimeter of a polygon is always the same as the numerical value for the division of the curvature of the circle that contains the polygon.
If the circumference of a circle is divided into 3 equal parts then the circumference of the circle will contain both 3 chords and 3 arcs and the length of 1 of the arcs will be longer than 1 of the 3 chords that make up the circumference of the circle.
If the circumference of a circle is divided into 8 equal parts then the circumference of the circle will contain both 8 chords and 8 arcs and the length of 1 of the arcs will be longer than 1 of the 8 chords that make up the circumference of the circle.
If the circumference of a circle is divided into 12 equal parts then the circumference of the circle will contain both 12 chords and 12 arcs and the length of 1 of the arcs will be longer than 1 of the 12 chords that make up the circumference of the circle.
The curvature of the circle when divided into equal divisions has the same numerical value as the perimeter of a polygon that is contained inside of the circle.
If a polygon is inscribed inside of a circle then the diagonal of the polygon and the diameter of the circle will have the same measure but the total curvature around the circle will be longer in measure than the perimeter of the polygon that is contained inside of the circle.
The correct definition for pi is the ratio for the circumference of a circle divided by the diameter of a circle.
Traditional Î = Pi = 4 divided by the square root of = 1.621138938277405 = 3.141592653589793 is false and does not come from the ratio for the circumference of a circle divided by the diameter of a circle.
Traditional Π= Pi = (4/√(48908982/30169519)) = 3.141592653589793 is false.
The correct value for pi cannot be derived from dividing the perimeter of a polygon with a trillion edges by the diagonal of the polygon with a trillion edges.
The measure for the curvature of a circle divided by the diameter of the circle produces the correct value for pi = 4 divided by the square root of the golden ratio = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.
To discover the value for the curvature of a circle divided by the diameter of a circle a circle with a 1 meter diameter should be created and the number of times the 1 meter –diameter can be multiplied around the curvature of the circle must be measured and recorded to confirm the correct value of pi.
The measure for the curvature of the circle with a 1-meter diameter must be divided by the 1-meter diameter to confirm the correct value for pi.
Measurements from multiplying a 1-meter diameter for a circle around the curvature of a circle has already been recorded and the correct value for pi have been confirmed to be 3.1446 and not 3.141.
To get the rest of the digits for the true value of pi = 3.1446 a kepler right triangle can be used to create a square that has a perimeter that is equal in measure to the curvature of a circle.
If the second longest edge length for a Kepler right triangle is used as the diameter for a circle then the perimeter of the square that is located upon the shortest edge length for the Kepler right triangle can be confirmed to be the same measure as the curvature of the circle that has a diameter equal in measure to the second longest edge length for the Kepler right triangle.
When the perimeter of the square that is located on the shortest edge length for the Kepler right triangle is divided by the diameter of the circle that is equal in measure to the second longest edge length for the Kepler right triangle the correct value for pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is further proven and then the correct value for pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is multiplied by the diameter of the circle that is equal in measure to the second longest edge length for the Kepler right triangle the result is that the curvature of the circle is confirmed to be the same measure as perimeter of the square that is located on the shortest edge length for the Kepler.
The arc length of the circle is the same measure as the perimeter of the square because the square root of the golden ratio = √φ = 1.2720196495141 can allow the curvature of a circle to be placed on a straight line by using just compass and straight edge.
The Square root of the Golden ratio can be used to transfer the total curvature of a circle to a straight line. The Square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.2720196495141 can turn curves into straight lines and straight lines back into curves.
The square root of the golden ratio = √φ = 1.2720196495141 can be used to transform curves into straight lines and straight lines into curves.
The claim that the perimeter of the square is the same measure as the arc length of the circle due to the measure of the arc length of the circle being derived with the use of the square root of the golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 can be confirmed if a circle with a 1-meter diameter is created and the diameter of the circle is multiplied around the curvature of the circle confirming that the correct value for pi must be 3.1446.
The Kepler right triangle also confirms that ratio for a circle’s circumference divided by a circle’s diameter is 3.1446.
4th dimensional equation/polynomial for Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693
Minimal polynomial:
x4 + 16x2 – 256 = 0.
Chord (geometry):