Hush it's ok. One day... You will see what we see. Until then... Ill leave you in your denial.
Pi number
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Jude, I totally understand your opinion, good luck with your quest.
Hush still... Thank you for your analysis.
Hush thanks. It's actually a new awakening. It's like looking at a subliminal image and uncovering it's true message. Once you have seen it, you can never unsee it. I hope you see it too.
Maybe I'm wrong! Who knows? Oh! By the way... The square root of the square of 320 minus 8 is 3.14460551103.
Like a subliminal message
Hello Jude,
Just realized your second drawing incorrectly shows that the internal triangle angles are equal however they are actually different as previously referenced in my response to Liddz and Arthur's faked Pi=3.1446 proof here. Essentially you've copied the same proof as Liddz and Arthur. Seems you guys all use the same bag of tricks.
Well if you can ever provide a credible valid proof Pi = 3.1446 then yes, look forward to that day when we see eye-to-eye on Pi however that day will never happen because you and the FIGU Radicals are attempting to prove the impossible and that is precisely why no one in the entire world is listening to this nonsense.
Arthur, your circle circumference equation is wrong lacking adequate proof. Its all fine and dandy to propose the circle circumference is based an assumed equation, however it is quite impossible to prove the equation is valid and accurate using mathematics which is precisely why the FIGU Radicals resort to endless streams of pretty colored pictures in order to fake their Pi = 3.1446 proofs.
Jude Andre Charles
Hello Jude if you learn to ignore the 'subliminal' images in your mind's eye, which is clouding your judgement, and focus more on mathematics, the truth traditional Pi = 3.14159 remains the best estimate of true Pi will be revealed, according to Ptaah in CR 712.
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FIGU Radicals if I may offer some help proving the impossible, Pi = 3.1446. There is an interesting YouTube video channel, "The Gnostic Church and Academy of Lord Jesus Christ", and they've apparently discovered, that JESUS knew how to SQUARE the CIRCLE based on the Giza pyramid dimensions here. Hoping you find this useful although at no point during the 1-hour video does he credibly and accurately prove squaring the circle is valid. This Jesus guy refers to a Numberphile YouTube channel video about squaring the circle.
The Numberphile YouTube channel share their expertise in mathematics on various topics and they clearly explain the concept of "squaring the circle" which is to construct a square and circle with the same area but this is impossible. Numberphile explains that in 1882, it was discovered Pi is a 'Transcendental' number, meaning Pi is not an algebraic number, and therefore it is not-constructible and makes squaring the circle totally IMPOSSIBLE; similar to what I've been saying all along.
Hoping in some way this may help the FIGU Radicals with their never-ending quest attempting to prove the impossible Pi = 3.1446, which is like trying to rescue sailors who refuse to abandon their sinking ship. But I'm here to help and just throwing it out there. If interested, willing to help with coloring your fake Pi = 3.1446 drawings. I used to color a lot as a kid, but a little out-of-practice these days.
If I could just learn how to color better and help the FIGU Radicals with their fake Pi=3.1446 proof drawings to at least look better if nothing else. Harry, a self-proclaimed mathematician (which he isn't by the way), is at least good at coloring, as shown below in his faked Pi=3.1446 drawing. Harry's choice of colors; the yellow's and blues; well it all just looks really good, and curious if he may be interested in hosting online coloring classes, just don't know how to reach out to Harry to see if he would be interested in teaching?
Michael Horn recently posted a link to Harry's website in a June 2024 blog response to a "Pi" related question which suggests Michael and Harry are really good friends so perhaps Micheal, if he wouldn't mind, could reach out to Harry and find out if Harry is interested in hosting online coloring classes so more FIGU Radicals could pitch in and help fake the Pi=3.1446 proofs that look really really good?
If Michael Horn is sharing links to Harry's faked Pi=3.1446 proof website, obviously Michael agrees and sides with the FIGU Radicals and supports Harry's belief the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, contrary to Billy Meier's Contact Reports information in CR 722, where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi value is unknown, and contrary to Ptaah's statement in CR 712, which clearly states the true and correct Pi is unknown and that traditional Pi is the best estimate of true Pi.
[unknown] I suggest that we keep on exploring 3.144606. We already know how flawed 3.14159265359 is, so we can safely ignore Hush's rambles and continue finding more out of 3.144606.
Hush has a right to have his own opinion. But at the end, opinions are always wrong.
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Arthur excellent copy of another person's drawing, you've earned a 'well done' star but it could really use some color. Hope you will be signing up for Harry Lear's coloring classes. Small tip, if you're going to simply copy someone else, just do a screen capture, way faster than redrawing it. Better yet, instead of wasting time reproducing other people's drawings, go back to school and learn mathematics and then you'll understand why Pi =3.1446 is impossibly too big. I'm surrounded by amateurs (lol).
Hush I know you will believe that this does not apply to you, and you might just twist the words a little just to make yourself look good in the light. Truthfully, the way you present yourself is undignified.
That's so you, Hush.
And again... The hubris is LEGENDARY!
Hush... You make me see you as if you are a conservative bent on not allowing for change to be applied despite the fact that change is the only thing that remains a fact of life. You have not known authority on mathematics. Mathematics has authority on mathematics. We only have the power to uncover it with logic.
You've been asked several times to present a proof that 3.1415 is the correct pi if it is the correct pi. Again, others have shared the truth about 3.144606 and I myself even showed you that it is not possible to square the circle with 3.1415 (perimeter to circumference; not area to Perimeter) geometrically, but you are bent on making us drink your Kool-Aid.
You accuse many of being radicals for some unknown reason as if you are on a crusade to save humanity. I suggest that you save yourself first. You need that help.
I'm not gonna give up on the truth. That's for sure. For as long as the evidences point out to the correct direction. And if you think that you have the direction, then show us the way or just stfu. Because as I said before, if you are not here for elevation, then you are definitely an enemy of the Truth.
I wonder if on May 24th, 2024, you were the main reason why the "Science and mathematics" page on had been removed. Because when I noticed that it wasn't there anymore, it was a mere 1+1 connecting dots. Then I arrive here and all I see are rambles about the veracity of 3.144606 versus 3.14159265359.
Everyone knows that, based on the law of cause and effect, that there will always be a beginning and an end in infinite cycles. So Hush... Where does Pi begin in order for it to end up as 3.14159265359?
I feel like what you want is for us to send out an essay to prove that 3.144606 in the Terrence Howard format. But trust me on that... I'm not here for fame... I'm here for knowledge. I can care less about a noble prize. I just care about the result. And if the result points toward 3.144606, I'm following 3.144606.
There are too many people blindingly following other people's work without performing the research and then accept whatever the others feed them.
For example, I was 8 when I started to figure out that the church system was made just for the control of the people. But because I was underage, I couldn't say to my mom "I'm not going to church no more" without getting spanked. That's how much brainwashed my mom was back then and still is now. And I suspect that you have that blind vision quest ahead of you.
I do not care whether you accept 3.144606 or not. What I do care is for you to take both 3.144606 and 3.14159265359 and make a comparative analysis.
I can tell you now: I know how to square the circle perimeter to circumference. That's easy. However, the area to Perimeter... That works only if radius is 2 for the circle or 4 as a side for the square. As a geometric construction, as opposed to Perimeter to circumference, the other one IS IMPOSSIBLE TO REPRODUCE so far whether you use 3.144606 or 3.14159265359.
All that you are looking for is for a rise out of peaceful human beings who are trying to learn something new in order to advance in betterment. You are like a blood-sucking leech. Makes me wonder if you are doing this too to your friends.. If ever you have friends. And if you do have friends and they still let you act the way you do, then they are not your friends, because they are not pointing out what's wrong with you. And if they do point out what's wrong with you yet you do not want to accept it, then nobody can help, and eventually, nobody will help you until you finally help yourself.
You may believe yourself knowledge, but you are not humble, nor are you modest. You are like a great ape boasting it's chest in front of chimps after a meaningless battle.
I can tell you, I have no religion, nor do I have groups, nor sects, nor cults that I follow. NONE! What makes you believe for a second that I'm part of radicalism. I'm not part of any - ism whatsoever. You are spewing shit like you know but all you do is speculate. Plus as far as I've been reading all this, I'm still waiting for you to show us how powerful you fallible Pi 3.1415 is.
But you fail to give us anything other than insults.
So you said I was insulting you earlier this week. Would you enter the boxing arena with gloves when your opponent is showing up bare-fisted.
The bare-fisted opponent is you. You have no respect for others.
Remember when Hush said there was no connection between Pi and the Golden Ratio?
Can you do that with Pi 3.14159265359? I'm not saying that it is indeed the equation for Gravity, but who knows? Maybe you do, right? Since you know everything. Your omnipotence. lol
Hey Hush! You don't like 3.144606. I get you. Here's a gift (oh my... It is still related to the Golden Ratio... Silly me)
Produce some equations Hush! We need a real debate. Lmao
Oh yeah Hush! Don't tell me you don't understand these equations. Do you need to be held by the hand so that we can explain these to you? Do you want a pacifier too?