Hey there Jude.bug and HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),,
How are my two favorite high school math educated dingbats doing today? Just have to say Jude.bug's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs are so confusing no one understands what the hell he's trying to do and I'm sure HRBoT would agree. With Jude.bug's endless, random calculator screen captures there's really nothing to comment. Even HRBoT avoids commenting on Jude.bug's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit screen calculator proofs, because not even HRBoT understands what the hell Jude.bug is attempting to prove. Jude.bug you just leave everyone speechless.
HRBoT isn't much better but at least its somewhat easier to point out the flaws in his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs like with his latest "B"ees Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, where he arbitrarily assigns the hypotenuses is magically equal to '1' using his bag-of-tricks. Or perhaps the "B"ees Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is no longer your latest version? You have so many different version of your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs its hard to keep track.
Why HRBoT of course a perpetual motion machine is possible, that's why I've suggested you start building one as your next project. I'm starting to understand HRBoT lives in his own little imaginary universe where anything is possible, like creating energy from nothing and where the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is a reality.
Now HRBoT, since you've proven the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to yourself and a few of your moron dipshit buddies, you should direct your enormous high-school math knowledge brainless-power, to a new project, like perpetual motion. Never mind the world leading scientists state energy cannot be created from nothing, which breaks the first/second laws of thermodynamics, you, HRBoT, have the ability to prove perpetual motion is possible in your own misguided mind and to yourself just like you've proven the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 to yourself within your own imaginary world.
I'm just so happy for you that you've finally proven Pi = 3.1446 to yourself, without any help or endorsement from someone intelligent, and without a credible peer review from any of the 23,080,000 experts skilled and accredited in mathematics. As long as you know the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid, to hell with what anyone intelligent thinks about your proof when all your dimwitted buddies agree with you and that should be enough.
So you're making great progress HRBoT, you've proven the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to yourself, so this is a great opportunity to start building your new perpetual motion machine which you think is possible. Now would like to share an interesting observation, for centuries although many people have tried to build a perpetual motion machine, there are no known working devices. You're probably thinking its because these devices, the one's that worked, were quickly suppressed and hidden from the world. Well maybe, but may also consider they just didn't work as most have been proven to be a fraud, just like the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is a fraud. Anway, consider every perpetual motion machine ever built used circular shaped objects in their designed based on traditional Pi = 3.14159.
Now consider if you designed and built a perpetual motion machine with round objects based on your true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, the universe will likely take notice, because your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit incorporates the Golden Ratio which makes the universe very happy because the universe loves the Golden ratio so the universe, once you've built your machine, one night after you've been tucked into your cozy bed, probably on Christmas Eve, will swoop down into your garage and sprinkle its magic pixie-dust on your perpetual motion machine, and in the morning when you wake up, Christmas Day, you will find a forever spinning, working, perpetual motion machine in your garage.
And then you'll become famous for having invented the first ever working perpetual motion machine and it was all because you designed your machine using your true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Now is that a beautiful story and a wonderful touching legacy to all your hard work HRBoT, proving Pi = 3.1446.
Perhaps try reading CR 251 where Billy Meier states very clearly,
The true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun
..therefore it may be logically concluded,
The true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by the dip-shit Harry Lear in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape