So HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),
Now that you've proven Pi = 3.1446 to yourself, and you seem quite happy with your accomplishment, what's next on your to do list? I mean you've accomplished so much with so little talent, its quite remarkable really - just a grade school math education. I mean if you are capable of inventing a brand new version of Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, wondering if you have any brain cells left after all that work, must have been exhausting for you having to think so hard.
Why not, since you're done inventing a new and improved Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, try inventing something else that really cool like a perpetual motion machine? That would be child's play for someone with your rare and unique talent - so why not do that? This would be a great next little project for you. You could probably use one of your perfectly round wooden disks and connect it to a fan, some peanut butter, and other things, to make it spin forever. You may not have gotten famous for inventing the new Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, and sorry about that, you must be somewhat disappointed no one credible believes you, but if you could invent a perpetual motion machine you would be famous. Although I'm pretty sure since your such a lying bag-of-shit, your perpetual motion machine, if you made one, would be rigged and a fraud like everything else you present is faked.
Anyway was just really curious about your next plans are since you've accomplished this huge milestone proving your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to yourself and a few of your band of merry Pi Radicals in tights some of whom, like Jude.bug are still learning high school math quadratic equations.
Perhaps try reading CR 251 where Billy Meier states very clearly,
The true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun
..therefore it may be logically concluded,
The true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by the dip-shit Harry Lear in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape