Hush Why not, since you're done inventing a new and improved Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, try inventing something else that really cool like a perpetual motion machine?

Every Idiot, each one of them without exception, comes about to talk about the Perpetuum Mobile as being something impossible.
But none of these Idiots does care about to be living inside a PM, called Universe.
Nature has not set any limits for mental derangements. And this is a real riddle.

Hush Although I'm pretty sure since your such a lying bag-of-shit, your perpetual motion machine, if you made one, would be rigged and a fraud like everything else you present is faked.

Do I hear the sound of jealousy in your words.
There is no shame in being mediocre, the shame comes about you when you try to be something else that you’re not. And so you become a liar and an hypocrite.

Hey there Jude.bug and HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),,

How are my two favorite high school math educated dingbats doing today? Just have to say Jude.bug's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs are so confusing no one understands what the hell he's trying to do and I'm sure HRBoT would agree. With Jude.bug's endless, random calculator screen captures there's really nothing to comment. Even HRBoT avoids commenting on Jude.bug's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit screen calculator proofs, because not even HRBoT understands what the hell Jude.bug is attempting to prove. Jude.bug you just leave everyone speechless.

HRBoT isn't much better but at least its somewhat easier to point out the flaws in his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs like with his latest "B"ees Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, where he arbitrarily assigns the hypotenuses is magically equal to '1' using his bag-of-tricks. Or perhaps the "B"ees Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is no longer your latest version? You have so many different version of your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs its hard to keep track.

Why HRBoT of course a perpetual motion machine is possible, that's why I've suggested you start building one as your next project. I'm starting to understand HRBoT lives in his own little imaginary universe where anything is possible, like creating energy from nothing and where the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is a reality.

Now HRBoT, since you've proven the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to yourself and a few of your moron dipshit buddies, you should direct your enormous high-school math knowledge brainless-power, to a new project, like perpetual motion. Never mind the world leading scientists state energy cannot be created from nothing, which breaks the first/second laws of thermodynamics, you, HRBoT, have the ability to prove perpetual motion is possible in your own misguided mind and to yourself just like you've proven the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 to yourself within your own imaginary world.

I'm just so happy for you that you've finally proven Pi = 3.1446 to yourself, without any help or endorsement from someone intelligent, and without a credible peer review from any of the 23,080,000 experts skilled and accredited in mathematics. As long as you know the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid, to hell with what anyone intelligent thinks about your proof when all your dimwitted buddies agree with you and that should be enough.

So you're making great progress HRBoT, you've proven the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to yourself, so this is a great opportunity to start building your new perpetual motion machine which you think is possible. Now would like to share an interesting observation, for centuries although many people have tried to build a perpetual motion machine, there are no known working devices. You're probably thinking its because these devices, the one's that worked, were quickly suppressed and hidden from the world. Well maybe, but may also consider they just didn't work as most have been proven to be a fraud, just like the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is a fraud. Anway, consider every perpetual motion machine ever built used circular shaped objects in their designed based on traditional Pi = 3.14159.

Now consider if you designed and built a perpetual motion machine with round objects based on your true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, the universe will likely take notice, because your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit incorporates the Golden Ratio which makes the universe very happy because the universe loves the Golden ratio so the universe, once you've built your machine, one night after you've been tucked into your cozy bed, probably on Christmas Eve, will swoop down into your garage and sprinkle its magic pixie-dust on your perpetual motion machine, and in the morning when you wake up, Christmas Day, you will find a forever spinning, working, perpetual motion machine in your garage.

And then you'll become famous for having invented the first ever working perpetual motion machine and it was all because you designed your machine using your true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Now is that a beautiful story and a wonderful touching legacy to all your hard work HRBoT, proving Pi = 3.1446.

Perhaps try reading CR 251 where Billy Meier states very clearly,

The true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun

..therefore it may be logically concluded,

The true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by the dip-shit Harry Lear in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape

  • C.B. replied to this.

    Hush HRBoT isn't much better but at least its somewhat easier to point out the flaws in his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs like with his latest "B"ees Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, where he arbitrarily assigns the hypotenuses is magically equal to '1' using his bag-of-tricks. Or perhaps the "B"ees Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is no longer your latest version? You have so many different version of your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs its hard to keep track.

    You lie as you breath and to such extent that you are polluting the surrounding air already.
    Hypotenuse = 1 is not magic….well, may be for you .
    Inscribing b and b2 in a semicircle as a right triangle, the only diameter-hypotenuse that ensures b to be π/4 is hypotenuse =1.
    To take any other value for the hypotenuse would need to change the original equation 4b=π.
    Say we take h= 2 then we change the equation too 24b=2π .
    We cancel the 2 and return automatically to 4b=π.
    You failed, again.

    Of course you can replace the value 1 of the h with whatever value you like, arbitrarily but this is only done by ignorant buttheads who have no idea about Math.
    You see, the derivation is so simple, so damn simple that you cannot pop up with some bullshit trying to refute it.

    Hush Even HRBoT has avoided commenting on Jude.bug's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit screen calculator proofs because not even HRBoT understand what the Jude.bug is doing, it leaves everyone speechless.

    Laying, again.

    I did of course comment on his screenshots. But may be you were busy doing your yoga, Head-into-Butt stance. Of course you’re in trance and can’t read the comments.

    Hush Why HRBoT of course a perpetual motion machine is possible, that's why I've suggested you start building one as your next project. I'm starting to understand HRBoT lives in his own little imaginary universe where anything is possible, like creating energy from nothing and where the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is a reality.

    I would take such kind of comments seriously if you were able to explain what Matter, Energy and Space are.
    But, as you have no clue about these concepts as most of the Academics don’t I just read your comments as written by some mentally challenged halfwit who sleeps with his eyes open.
    Anything else?

    Well of course HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),

    There will always be "something else" until the lies and bullshit spewing out of your flapping mouth stop in this Billy Meier Pi topic forum, which I might remind you, was intended to talk about Billy Meier's information about Pi, not your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit which you arrogantly keep shoving down our throats - what a stupid question (LOL).

    Ok thanks for confirming your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is indeed your latest version, its just so hard to keep track. We've shared some great memories haven't we HRBoT in this epic tussle with me defending the TRUTH, according to Billy Meier's information about Pi, and you with your constant stream of lies, and fraud, and bullshit. Remember not too long ago when you foolishly claimed to have proven Billy Meier WRONG and Jude.bug, nothing more than a trained little pet, always there by your side, ready to give you a thumbs up no matter what kind shit spews out of your mouth.

    We've had some memorable days in here haven't we HRBoT. Look at all the horseshit you've been spewing and infecting in this Billy Meier forum with your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit; it's remarkable how much crap you have in your bag-of-tricks.

    Just one piece of Pi = 3.1446 horseshit after another and this last piece of shit you posted, was pretty hard on the eyes – Wow.

    Anyway going back to your latest "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, which you've confirmed is your latest is never ending string of failed attempts to prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, how do you rationalize its ok to inscribe your "B"ees into a semicircle right triangle?

    Perhaps try reading CR 251 where Billy Meier states very clearly,

    The true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun

    ..therefore it may be logically concluded,

    The true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by the dip-shit Harry Lear in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape

    • C.B. replied to this.

      Hush how do you rationalize its ok to inscribe your "B"ees into a semicircle right triangle?

      Ok, moron. One more time.

      Simply because every semicircle has a right triangle inscribed in the form of

      (x2)2 + x2 -h2 = 0
      and, when this semicircle has h = 1 then x = π/4.

      Trying to refute this derivation must be for you like biting on granite.

      Don’t get tired of being stupid?

        Hey Jude.bug and HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),

        How come neither of you ever "LIKE" any of my posts? They're way more clever and funny then any of your lamed-brain bullshit? This hurts my feelings, you guys are meanies! (LOL).

        • C.B. replied to this.

          Hush How come neither of you ever "LIKE" any of my posts?

          Hey, I guess I did, right at the beginning of this lovely chat.
          I Liked but only once seeing that all following Posts were all the same as the first one.

          C.B. I read "Das geometrische π". And I have tried to apply it using Desmos. For anyone interested, it is a magnificent read.

          Thank you

          • C.B. replied to this.

            Jude Andre Charles
            Having found the length of π he can square the circle as well, which was considered from ancient times impossible with ruler and compass.

            Hush : I supplied this proof after it was given to me by an associate and the measuring angle for the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle is NOT 51.85 degrees or 51.75 degrees. The ratio of the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle divided by the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is the Golden ratio = ((√(5) plus 1)/2) = (φ) = 1.6180339887498. The ratio of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle divided by the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is the square root of the Golden ratio = (√φ) = 1.272019649514069. The angle of the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle is ATAN(√φ) = 51.82729237298 degrees.

            The proof is valid because both of the right triangles are Kepler right triangles.

            Hush : Both of the right triangles are Kepler right triangles of different sizes because both right triangles are Kepler right triangles both of the right are similar. The measurement angle of the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle is ATAN(√φ) = 51.827292 degrees. The proof is correct because both of the right triangles are Kepler right triangles.

            Hush : More information about the Kepler right triangle revealed part 1:

            Some of the properties of the Kepler right triangle:

            The measuring angles for the hypotenuse of a Kepler right scalene triangle are (ATAN(√φ)) = 51.82729237298776 degrees and (ATAN(1/(√φ)) = 38.17270762701224 degrees in Trigonometry.

            (ATAN(√φ)) = 51.82729237298776 degrees is gained when the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 is applied to the inverse of the Tangent function in Trigonometry.

            38.17270762701226 degrees is gained when the ratio (1/(√φ)) = 0.786151377757423 is applied to the inverse of the Tangent function in Trigonometry.

            If the hypotenuse of a Kepler scalene right triangle is divided by the shortest edge length of the Kepler scalene right triangle then the resulting ratio is The Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            √φ = 1.27201964951406 is the ratio gained from dividing the second longest length of a Kepler scalene right triangle by the shortest edge length of the Kepler right scalene triangle.

            √φ = 1.27201964951406 is also the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            The Kepler right triangle is the solution to:

            1. Discovering the correct value for 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            2. Creating a circle and a square with the same surface area by using just compass and straight edge.

            3. Creating a circle and a square with equal perimeters by using just compass and straight edge.

            1. Creating an Equilateral triangle and a circle with equal perimeters by using just compass and straight edge.
            1. Creating an Equilateral triangle and a circle with he same surface area by using just compass and straight edge.
            1. Creating a Pentagon and a circle with equal perimeters by using just compass and straight edge.
            1. Creating a Pentagon and a circle with the same surface area by using just compass and straight edge.
            1. Creating a Cube and a sphere with the same surface area by using just compass and straight edge.
            1. Creating a Cube and sphere with the same volume.

            10.Creating a Phi Pyramid and a sphere with the same surface area by using just compass and straight edge.

            11.Creating a Phi Pyramid and a sphere with the same volume.

            1. Creating a Locun ratio Pyramid and a sphere with the same surface area by using just compass and straight edge.
            1. Creating a Locun ratio Pyramid and a sphere with the same volume.

            More information about the Kepler right triangle revealed part 2:

            More information about the Kepler right triangle revealed:

            The measuring angles for the hypotenuse of a Kepler right scalene triangle are ATAN(√φ) = 51.82729237298776 degrees and ATAN(1/(√φ)) = 38.17270762701224 degrees in Trigonometry.

            ATAN(√φ) = 51.82729237298776 degrees is gained when the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 is applied to the inverse of the Tangent function in Trigonometry.

            38.17270762701226 degrees is gained when the ratio (1/(√φ)) = 0.786151377757423 is applied to the inverse of the Tangent function in Trigonometry.

            If the hypotenuse of a Kepler scalene right triangle is divided by the shortest edge length of the Kepler scalene right triangle then the resulting ratio is The Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            √φ = 1.27201964951406 is the ratio gained from dividing the second longest length of a Kepler scalene right triangle by the shortest edge length of the Kepler right scalene triangle.

            √φ = 1.27201964951406 is also the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            A Kepler right scalene right triangle can allow a circle with a circumference equal to the perimeter of a square to be created.

            If a circle and a square are created with equal perimeters of measure than half the perimeter of the square divided by the radius of the circle is Pi and if either the perimeter of the square or the circumference of the circle is divided by the diameter of the circle then the resulting ratio is Pi.

            Also if a circle and a square are created with equal perimeters of measure and the width of the square is divided by the radius of the circle then the resulting ratio is half of Pi = 2/√φ = 1.572302755514847.

            The ratio 2/√φ = 1.572302755514847 half of Pi can be gained from 2 divided by the square root of (φ) = 1.618033988749895 = (√φ = 1.27201964951406).

            If the hypotenuse of a Kepler scalene right triangle is divided by the shortest edge length of the Kepler scalene right triangle then the resulting ratio is the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            √φ = 1.27201964951406 is the ratio gained from dividing the second longest length of a Kepler scalene right triangle by the shortest edge length of the Kepler right scalene triangle.

            √φ = 1.27201964951406 is also the square root of the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            Please remember that if the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is divided by 1 quarter of the shortest edge of a Kepler right triangle the result is the ratio 4 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (4 times √φ) = 5.088078598056276.
            The square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069. √φ = 1.272019649514069 multiplied by 4 = the ratio 5.088078598056276.

            Please remember that if the hypotenuse a Kepler right triangle is divided by 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle the result is the ratio 4 times the square root of the Golden ratio (4 times √φ) = 5.088078598056276.

            The square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069. √φ = 1.272019649514069 multiplied by 4 = (4 times √φ) = 5.088078598056276.

            If a circle and a square are created and the perimeter of the square is the same measure as the circumference of the circle and the circle’s circumference is divided by the circumference of another circle that has a diameter that is the same measure as the width of the square then the result is the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.27201964951406.

            If a circle and a square are created with the same surface area and the circumference of the circle is divided by the circumference of another circle that has the same measure as the width of the square then the result is the square root of the square root of the Golden ratio = √√φ = 1.127838485561682.

            Please remember that the ratio √√φ = 1.127838485561682 is the square root of the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 and the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 is the square root of the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            If the shortest edge length an Illumien right triangle is reduced to 1 then the second longest edge length of the Illumien right triangle is equal to the square root of the square root of the Golden ratio = √√φ = 1.127838485561682.

            If the shortest edge length an Illumien right triangle is reduced to 1 then the hypotenuse of the Illumien right triangle is equal to the Locun ratio = the square root of 2.272019649514069 = (√(√φ plus 1)) = 1.507322012548768.

            If the second longest edge length of an Illumien right triangle is divided by 1 quarter of the shortest edge length of an Illumien right triangle the result is the ratio = (4 times √√φ) = 4.511353942246728. (4 times √√φ) the ratio 4.511353942246728 is 4 times the square root of the square root of the Golden ratio = 1.127838485561682.

            The ratio √√φ = 1.127838485561682 multiplied by 4 = (4 times √√φ) = 4.511353942246728.

            A circle with a radius equal to (4 times √√φ) = 4.511353942246729 equal units of measure has a surface area of 64 equal units of measure according to Golden Pi = 4 divided by the square root of Phi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693.

            8 squared = 64.

            Please remember that the ratio √√φ = 1.127838485561682 is the square root of the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 and the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 is the square root of the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895. If 4500 is multiplied by the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 the result is 5724.0884228133105. (5724).

            Repeat: 4500 times √φ = 1.272019649514069 = the ratio 5724.0884228133105 is the radius of a circle with a circumference of 36000 equal units of measure according to Golden 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 and Golden Tau = 8/√φ = 6.289211022059386.

            Constants that unify and alter space and time. The Quadrature of the circle constants:

            The Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            (Phi = (2/((√(5) subtract 1))) = The Golden ratio = 1.618033988749895).

            (φ plus 2) = 3.618033988749895. ((2/((√(5) subtract 1))) plus 2) = 3.618033988749895

            (√(φ plus 2)) = 1.902113032590307. (cosine (18 degrees) multiplied by 2) = 1.902113032590307.

            √φ = 1.272019649514068.

            √√φ = 1.127838485561682.

            Golden 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            Half of Golden Pi = 2/√φ = 1.572302755514847.

            (√(1 plus (√φ)) = 1.507322012548768. √(√φ plus 1)) = 1.507322012548768.

            ((√(√φ plus 1)) plus 1) = 2.507322012548768.

            (1 plus √φ) = 2.272019649514069. (√φ plus 1) = 2.272019649514069.

            (2 plus √φ) = 3.272019649514069. (√φ plus 2) = 3.272019649514069.

            (√(2 plus √φ)) = 1.808872480169365. (√(√φ plus 2)) = 1.808872480169365.

            (2/(√√(3 times φ))) = 1.347419325335723.

            √((34 times 17 times TAN(54)/2 times 5)) times √√φ/(34) = 1.479351567442321.

            (√(1.5 times √φ)) = 1.381314400949727.

            (1.5 times √φ) ^ (1/3) = 1.240304615214716.

            (φ times √√φ) = 1.824881003459009.

            (φ times √√φ/√φ) = 1.43463271511265.

            (2/√φ) ^ (1/3) = 1.162818837094896.

            (√(√(√(φ) plus 1) plus 1)) = 1.583452560877265.

            (2 ^ (1/3)) = 1.259921049894873.

            (√√φ times (2 ^ (1/3))) = 1.420987448840718.

            The proof above is correct because both of the right triangles are Kepler right triangles.

            The measuring angles for the hypotenuse of a Kepler right scalene triangle are ATAN(√φ) = 51.82729237298776 degrees and ATAN(1/(√φ)) = 38.17270762701224 degrees in Trigonometry.

            ATAN(√φ) = 51.82729237298776 degrees is gained when the ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 is applied to the inverse of the Tangent function in Trigonometry.

            38.17270762701226 degrees is gained when the ratio (1/(√φ)) = 0.786151377757423 is applied to the inverse of the Tangent function in Trigonometry.

            If the hypotenuse of a Kepler scalene right triangle is divided by the shortest edge length of the Kepler scalene right triangle then the resulting ratio is The Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            √φ = 1.27201964951406 is the ratio gained from dividing the second longest length of a Kepler scalene right triangle by the shortest edge length of the Kepler right scalene triangle.

            √φ = 1.27201964951406 is also the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            ATAN(√φ) degrees = 51.82729237298776 degrees rounded off to 51.83 degrees.

            Please click on the Wolfram alpha link below to confirm the truth of my claims.

            ATAN(√φ) degrees:


            Hush : More information about the Kepler right triangle revealed part 3:

            Panagiotis Stefanides fourth order equation:


            • Panagiotis Stefanides: Quadrature of circle, theoretical definition:


            The square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069:

            Minimal polynomial: (-1 - x2 + x4)


            The square root of the square root of Phi = √√φ = 1.127838485561682.

            Minimal polynomial: (-1 - x4 + x8)



            THE REAL VALUE OF 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.


            Minimal polynomial: x4 + 16x2 – 256 = 0


            The knowledge of the square root of the Golden ratio being applicable to the diameter of a circle divided by 1 quarter of the circle's circumference can easily be verified if 2 right angles are created and the vertical right angle is used for the diameter of the circle while the horizontal right angle has 1 quarter of the circle's circumference placed on to it resulting in a Kepler right triangle with the diameter of the circle being the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle while the shortest edge length for the Kepler right triangle is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the circle's circumference.

            The fact that the result of creating 2 perfect right angles with the vertical right angle being used as the diameter of the circle while the horizontal right angle is used as 1 quarter of the circle's circumference results in a Kepler right triangle is 100% proof that the real value of 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            Apply the Pythagorean theorem to al the edges of the Kepler right triangle to get the exact measure for the diameter of the circle then divide the circumference of the circle by the diameter of the circle to get 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            The Kepler right triangle is also featured in the Great Pyramid of Giza and also the Earth and moon ratio according to Pi as 22 divided by 7 = 3.142857142857143.

            Pythagorean theorem:


            There's something about phi - Chapter 12 - Pythagoras theorem and the golden ratio:


            Kepler right triangle:


            Method for constructing a Kepler right triangle:


            Drawing a Kepler Triangle (Great Pyramid):


            constructing the kepler right triangle:


            GOLDEN GEOMETRY: Draw Phi, the Golden & Kepler's Triangles, and Fibonacci's Spiral (Sacred Geometry):


            Kepler right triangle in the Great Pyramid of Giza:


            How to Draw: Great Pyramid Triangle Using Phi and Sacred Geometry:


            Pyramid and Squaring the circle:


            The square root for the square of the Golden ratio = sqrt[sqrt(phi)] √√φ = 1.127838485561682 is the key to creating a circle and a square with the same surface area:


            51.82729237298776 degrees converted to arc minutes and seconds

            51.82729237298776 degrees converted to arc minutes and seconds =

            51° 49' 38.25254"

            51 degrees, 49 minutes, 38.25254 seconds

            Converting to only minutes or seconds

            = 3109.63754 minutes

            = 186578.25254 seconds


            48.43814254219005 degrees converted to arc minutes and seconds

            48.43814254219005 degrees converted to arc minutes and seconds =

            48° 26' 17.31315"

            48 degrees, 26 minutes, 17.31315 seconds

            Converting to only minutes or seconds

            = 2906.28855 minutes

            = 174377.31315 seconds.


            More information about the Kepler right triangle revealed part 4:

            “Constructing a golden ratio spiral from whirling Kepler right triangles”:

            If a line is divided into the Golden ratio-Phi of Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 and that line that is divided into the Golden ratio-Phi of Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 is used as the diameter of a semi-circle then Kepler right triangles can be formed that can help to create a spiral that is similar to a Nautilus shell and can be expanded to infinity if the point that divides the starting line into the Golden ratio-Phi of Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 is used as the center of the Golden spiral.

            The longer measure of any of the 2 right angles that make up the Golden spiral are in the ratio to each other in the square root of the Golden ratio-Phi of Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 = √φ = 1.272019649514069.

            Please remember that if the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is divided by the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle the result is the square root of the Golden ratio-Phi of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = 1.618033988749895 = √φ = 1.272019649514069.

            Please remember also that if the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle is divided by the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle the result is also the square root of the Golden ratio-Phi Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 = √φ = 1.272019649514069. Please remember that if the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle is divided by the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle the result is the Golden ratio-Phi of Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            Constructing a whirling of multiple square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 rectangles:

            A square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069 rectangle can be constructed from a Phi = Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 rectangle if the longer edge of the Phi = cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is swung like an arc towards the other longer edge of the Phi rectangle thus the longer edge of the Phi rectangle becomes the diagonal of a Square root of Phi rectangle and the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle.

            A rectangle with ratio 1: square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069 and with diagonal Phi = Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 is a Square root of Phi rectangle.

            The edges of a Square root of Phi rectangle can be divided by Phi such that the major part is another Square root of Phi rectangle and the minor part are two Square root of Phi rectangles.

            This division of the square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069 rectangle divided into smaller Square root of Phi rectangles can be repeated ad infinitum (fractal) if the edges of the square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069 rectangle are enlarged in the square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069 ratio. Every division of the square root of Phi rectangle is a smaller square root of Phi rectangle and is rotated 90 degrees.

            A Square root of Phi rectangle is also related to Ammann chair pattern tilings.

            Diagonal division of a Square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069 rectangle makes a Kepler right triangle with the edges in geometrical progression, 1: square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069: Phi = Cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.



            Golden spiral derived from the square root of the golden ratio rectangle:


            Kepler right triangle information axial:


            Logarithmic spirals and continue triangles (The Kepler right triangle and spirals):


            Google search images for Logarithmic spirals derived from both the Golden ratio and the square root of the Golden ratio for Spira Solaris:


            Spira solaris:


            The Ordered Distribution of Natural Numbers on the Square Root Spiral:


            Fermat's spiral:


            To get the correct measure for a circle’s diameter and to prove that Golden 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is the true value of Pi by applying the Pythagorean theorem to all the edges of a Kepler right triangle when using the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle as the diameter of a circle then the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal in measure to 1 quarter of a circle’s circumference. Also if the radius of a circle is used as the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle then the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to one 8th of a circle’s circumference:

            Example 1:

            The circumference of the circle is 12 but the measure for the diameter of the circle is not yet known. To discover the measure for the diameter of the circle apply the Pythagorean theorem to both 1 quarter of the circle’s circumference and also the result of multiplying 1 quarter of the circle’s circumference by the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            Divide the diameter of the circle by the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 to confirm that the edge of the square that has a perimeter that is equal to the numerical value for the circumference of the circle is equal to 1 quarter of the circle’s circumference.

            Multiply the edge of the square by 4 to also confirm that the perimeter of the square has the same numerical value as the circumference of the circle.

            Divide the measure for the circumference of the circle by the measure for the diameter of the circle to discover the true value of Pi.

            Multiply Pi by the diameter of the circle to also confirm that the circumference of the circle has the same numerical value as the perimeter of the square.

            The second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is used as the diameter of a circle in this example. 12 divided by 4 is 3 so the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is 3 and is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the curvature of the circle’s circumference.

            The hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle divided by the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle produces the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            According to the Pythagorean theorem the hypotenuse of any right triangle contains the sum of both the squares on the 2 other edges of the right triangle.

            The shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is equal to quarter of the circumference of the circle that has its diameter used as the second longest edge length for the Kepler right triangle. The ratio gained from dividing the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle by the measure for the shortest edge of the Kepler right triangle is the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.61803398874989. The measure for the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle that has its shortest edge length divided into 3 equal units of measure is 3 times the Golden ratio = (3 times φ) = 4.854101966249685.

            3 times the Golden ratio = (3 times φ) = 4.854101966249685.

            (3 times φ) = 4.854101966249685 divided by 3 is the Golden ratio of cosine
            (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            The square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069

            (3 times φ) = 4.854101966249685 squared is 23.562305898749058.

            (3 times φ) times (3 times φ) = 23.562305898749058.

            3 squared is 9.

            23.562305898749058 subtract 9 = (9 times φ) = ratio 14.562305898749058

            The square root of (9 times φ) = 14.562305898749058 is (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208.

            Remember that the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is used as the diameter of a circle.

            The measure for both the second longest edge length of this Kepler right triangle and the diameter of the circle is (3 times √φ) = the ratio 3.816058948542208.

            3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208.

            Remember that the shortest edge length of this Kepler right triangle is 3 and is equal to 1 quarter of a circle’s circumference that has a measure of 12 equal units.

            Circumference of circle is 12

            Diameter of circle is (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208.

            Diameter of circle is (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 divided by the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 3 the edge of the square.

            3 multiplied by 4 = 12.

            The perimeter of the square = 12 and is the same measure as the circumference of the circle because the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 can be used to transfer the total arc length of a circle to a straight line. The arc length of the circle is the curvature of the circle.

            The perimeter of the square = 12 divided by (3 times √φ) = 3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 = Golden 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            12 divided by 3 times the square root of the golden ratio = 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 by the diameter of the circle = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 = 12.

            The circumference of the circle has the same numerical value as the perimeter of the square.

            𝝿 = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 is the true value of Pi.

            The claim that the perimeter of the square is the same measure as the arc length of the circle due to the measure of the arc length of the circle being derived with the use of the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 can be confirmed if a circle with a 1-meter diameter is created and the diameter of the circle is multiplied around the curvature of the circle confirming that the correct value for Pi MUST be 3.1446. The Kepler right triangle also confirms that ratio for a circle’s circumference divided by a circle’s diameter is 3.1446.

            (Please click on to the following links or copy and them into your web browser):


            Squared Scan of 2 Kepler right triangle Golden Pi proof (main proof):


            Scan of 2 Kepler right triangle Golden Pi proof (Main diagram)


            Kepler right triangle diagram with squares upon the edges of the Kepler right triangle:


            Kepler right triangle construction method:




            Golden ratio:



            4th dimensional equation/polynomial for Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693

            Minimal Polynomial:

            x4 + 16x2 – 256 = 0.


            THE REAL VALUE OF 𝝿 = PI = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144:

            Please copy and paste the following link into your web browser if you cannot click onto the following link:



            THE REAL VALUE OF 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            Minimal polynomial:

            x4 + 16x2 – 256 = 0


            3D plot of a graph proving that the real value of Pi is NOT transcendental:

            (Please click on to the following links or copy and them into your web browser):



            • Panagiotis Stefanides fourth order equation:


            • Panagiotis Stefanides: Quadrature of circle, theoretical definition:


            • 2/Sqrt[Sqrt[GoldenRatio]]

            2/√√φ = the square root of 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            (Square root of Pi = 2 divided by 1.127838485561682 = 1.773303558624324)


            (-256 + 16 x4 + x8)

            (x8 + 16x4 – 256)


            The Non Transcendental, Exact Value of π and the Squaring of the Circle 1:


            The Non Transcendental, Exact Value of π and the Squaring of the Circle 3:


            Pi by phi quadrature:


            Pi by Phi saved archive:


            Pi by Phi quadrature:


            Quadrature blogspot conclusions


            Quadrature blogspot Holistic:


            √√φ = 1.127838485561682 is the key to creating a circle and a square with the same surface area.

            The following Wolfram alpha site gives us information about the ratio √√φ = 1.127838485561682 =




            The square root of Phi = √φ = 1.272019649514069:

            (-1 - x2 + x4)


            The square root of the square root of Phi = √√φ = 1.127838485561682.

            (-1 - x4 + x8)


            Proof that the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal in measure to the circumference of a circle with a diameter that is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle:

            The shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is 12.

            If the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle is divided by the measure for the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle the result is the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = Phi = 1.618033988749895.

            The ratio of the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle divided by the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is also the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069.

            The shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is 12.

            12 multiplied by the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = Phi = 1.618033988749895 = (12 times (φ)) = 19.41640786499874.

            The hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle that has its shortest edge length equal to 12 is equal to 12 times (φ) = the Golden ratio = 19.41640786499874.

            Apply the Pythagorean theorem to the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle and the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle to get the measure for the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

            12 times φ = 19.41640786499874 squared = 376.996894379984929.

            12 squared = 144.

            (12 times φ times 12 times φ subtract 144) = 12 times φ times 12 times φ = 376.996894379984929 subtract 144 = 232.996894379984929.

            The square root of 232.996894379984929 = 12 times √φ = 15.26423579416883.

            The second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle that has its shortest edge length equal to 12 is equal to 12 times √φ = 15.26423579416883.

            12 times √φ = 15.264235794168832 divided by 4 = 3 times √φ = the square root of the Golden ratio = 3.816058948542208 = the diameter of the circle.

            3 times √φ = 15.264235794168832 divided by the square root of the Golden ratio = 1.272019649514069 = 12.

            The shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle has been divided into 12 equal units of measure and is the same measure as the circumference of a circle with a diameter that is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

            12 is the numerical value for both the circumference of the circle and the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle that has its hypotenuse equal to 12 times (φ) = 19.41640786499874 while the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is equal to 12 times √φ = 15.264235794168832.

            Circumference of circle and the shortest edge length of the mentioned Kepler right triangle are both equal to 12.

            1 quarter of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle and the diameter of the circle are both equal to 3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208.

            The Golden ratio = the square root of 5 plus 1 divided by 2 = 1.618033988749895 or alternatively cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            The square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069.

            The square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 multiplied by 3 = the ratio (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542207.

            The ratio (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542207 is the square root of the Golden ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 multiplied by 3 and also 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle that has its shortest edge length divided into 12 equal units of measure.

            12 divided by (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 = 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029692.

            Remember to multiply the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle that is 12 by cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = The Golden ratio = Phi = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 to get the measure for the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle = the ratio 12 times (φ) = 19.41640786499874 then apply the Pythagorean theorem to the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle and the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle to get the measure for the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

            The diameter of the circle is equal to 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

            The shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is equal in measure to the circumference of the circle that has a diameter that is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

            Divide the measure of the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle by the measure for 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle to get 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            Pi can also be calculated from the diagram of a circle contained inside of a square if the width of the square is the same measure as the diameter of the circle because if the perimeter of a square is divided by the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 then the result is the measure for the circumference of the circle that has a diameter that is the same measure as the width of a square.


            The width of the square = 3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208.

            Diameter of the circle that is contained inside of the square = 3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208.

            3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 multiplied by 4 = (12 times √φ) = the ratio 15.264235794168832.

            Perimeter of square that contains the circle that has a diameter that is the same measure as the width of the square = (3 times √φ) = the ratio 15.264235794168832.

            12 times the square root of the Golden ratio = the ratio = (12 times √φ) = 15.264235794168832 divided by the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 12.

            12 is the measure for the circumference of the circle that has a diameter that is the same measure as the width of the square.

            12 divided by 3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 = 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.
            (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542207.

            (12 times √φ/(4)) = 3.816058948542207.

            (12/(3 times √φ)) = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            (12/(12 times √φ/(4))) = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            The true value of 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            Proof that the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal in measure to the circumference of a circle with a diameter that is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle:

            The shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is 12.

            If the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle is divided by the measure for the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle the result is the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = Phi = 1.618033988749895.

            The ratio of the hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle divided by the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is also the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069.

            The shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is 12.

            12 multiplied by the Golden ratio of cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = Phi = 1.618033988749895 = (12 times (φ)) = 19.41640786499874.

            The hypotenuse of a Kepler right triangle that has its shortest edge length equal to 12 is equal to 12 times (φ) = the Golden ratio = 19.41640786499874.

            Apply the Pythagorean theorem to the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle and the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle to get the measure for the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

            12 times (φ) = 19.41640786499874 squared = 376.996894379984929.

            12 squared = 144.

            (12 times φ times 12 times φ subtract 144) = 12 times φ times 12 times φ = 376.996894379984929 subtract 144 = 232.996894379984929.

            The square root of 232.996894379984929 = 12 times √φ = 15.26423579416883.

            The second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle that has its shortest edge length equal to 12 is equal to 12 times √φ = 15.26423579416883.

            The second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is equal to 12 equal units of measure.

            The second longest edge length of the mentioned Kepler right triangle is the same measure as the circumference of a circle with a diameter that is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the hypotenuse the Kepler right triangle.

            12 times √φ = 15.26423579416883 is the numerical value for both the circumference of the circle and the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle that has its hypotenuse equal to 12 times (φ) = 19.41640786499874 while the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is equal to 12.

            Circumference of circle is equal to 12 times is √φ = 15.26423579416883 and the shortest edge length of the mentioned Kepler right triangle is equal to 12.

            1 quarter of the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle and the diameter of the circle are both equal to 3 times (φ) = 4.854101966249685.

            12 times (φ) = 19.416407864998738.

            3 times (φ) = 4.854101966249685.

            (3 times (φ) times 4) = 12 times (φ) = 19.416407864998738.

            The Golden ratio = the square root of 5 plus 1 divided by 2 = 1.618033988749895 or alternatively cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895.

            √φ = The square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069.

            The square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 multiplied by 3 = the ratio (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542207.

            The ratio (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542207 is the square root of the Golden ratio √φ = 1.272019649514069 multiplied by 3 and also 1 quarter of the second longest edge length of a Kepler right triangle that has its shortest edge length divided into 12 equal units of measure.

            12 divided by (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 = 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029692.

            Remember to multiply the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle that is 12 by cosine (36 degrees) multiplied by 2 = (φ) = The Golden ratio = Phi = (φ) = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 to get the measure for the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle = the ratio 12 times (φ) = 19.41640786499874 then apply the Pythagorean theorem to the shortest edge length of the Kepler right triangle and also the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle to get the measure for the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle.

            The diameter of the circle is equal to 1 quarter of the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle.

            The second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle is equal in measure to the circumference of the circle that has a diameter that is equal in measure to 1 quarter of the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle.

            Divide the measure of the second longest edge length of the Kepler right triangle by the measure for 1 quarter of the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle to get 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            Pi can also be calculated from the diagram of a circle contained inside of a square if the width of the square is the same measure as the diameter of the circle because if the perimeter of a square is divided by the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 then the result is the measure for the circumference of the circle that has a diameter that is the same measure as the width of a square.


            The width of the square = 3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208.

            Diameter of the circle that is contained inside of the square = 3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208.

            3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 multiplied by 4 = (12 times √φ) = the ratio 15.264235794168832.

            Perimeter of square that contains the circle that has a diameter that is the same measure as the width of the square = (3 times √φ) = the ratio 15.264235794168832.

            12 times the square root of the Golden ratio = the ratio = (12 times √φ) = 15.264235794168832 divided by the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 12.

            12 is the measure for the circumference of the circle that has a diameter that is the same measure as the width of the square.

            12 divided by 3 times the square root of the Golden ratio = (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542208 = 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.
            (3 times √φ) = 3.816058948542207.

            (12 times √φ/(4)) = 3.816058948542207.

            (12 times √φ/(3 times (φ)) = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            (12/(12 times √φ/(4))) = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            The true value of 𝝿 = Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.

            (Please click on to the following links or copy and them into your web browser):


            Example of proof 1:


            Example of proof 2:


            Example of proof 3:


            Geometric diagram scan:


            • C.B. replied to this.

              Can you tell me where is the mathematical proof that π =3.142 3.1446

              Hey there Liddz,

              Long time no see, welcome back to the club of Pi = 3.1446 horseshit morons, all certifiable quacks, trying to shove their Pi = 3.1446 horseshit down the FIGU Community throats, in, of all places, a Billy Meier forum intended to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi not your goddam Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, which, by the way, Billy Meier nor the Plejaren have EVER endorsed just that goddam piece of shit FIGU Core member Christian Frehner foolishly endorsed Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit and his side-kick dressed in tights, one of the Pi-Radical morons, Michael Horn, all of whom supported Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

              Since we're together now, I suggest we all pay homage to the one man responsible for bringing us together and that would be that lying bag-of-shit Christen Frehner who, as a FIGU Core member, in 2017 published a FIGU article, on behalf of the FIGU Mission, falsely stating to the FIGU Community, that Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 was the true and correct Pi value, when neither Billy Meier nor the Plejaren have ever stated the true and correct of Pi, and in fact in 2019, two years later, Billy Meier in CR #722 states the true and correct Pi remains UNKNOWN to Earth humans.

              ….so in respect of Christian Frehner foolish and stupid contribution to the FIGU Mission, for spreading lies to the FIGU Community, let us all now bow down and pay homage to the great and magnificent Christian Frehner because without his endorsement of Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, none of us would be here right now, so thank you shit-for-brains Christian Frehner for listening to that goddam moron Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit instead of trusting Billy Meier. Well done you goddam moron ….

              Now back to business, Liddz where have you been? Did they leave the insane asylum doors open and you managed to sneak by the guards? You know I find it interesting, none of you dipshits actually care about what Billy Meier has to say about Pi do you! NO, you goddam know-it-all pieces-of-shit, you're all just a bunch of shit-for-brains morons, arrogantly shoving your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit down the throats of the FIGU Community.

              You Pi – Radicals are disgusting, all of you pieces of shit, showing no respect for Billy Meier's information about Pi, and that applies to everyone of you assholes, especially Harry Lear who started this goddam bullshit in the first place. Ever wonder why no one intelligent believes in your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, well its because they're intelligent and all of you have shit-for-brains, that's really the honest to god truth. You Pi-Radicals are too stupid to understand Pi = 3.1446 is impossible and you're so goddam arrogant pushing your Lies lacking proper skills in mathematics.

              How could someone like Harry Lear, who is so goddam stupid, collect such a swarm of idiots supporting his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in the FIGU Community when Billy Meier nor the Plejaren have EVER endorsed a true and correct Pi value which Billy Meiers states in UNKNOWN to Earth humans in 2019, CR 722. What part of that don't you understand you goddam dipshits?

              Liddz I can only deal with one dipshit moron at a time but nice job there sparky copy/pasting the same pile of useless Pi = 3.1446 horseshit you always post, mindless goddam nonsense as usual about as productive and informative as Jude.bug's calculator screen images.

              Now back to HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),

              This is absolutely the last time I'm going show you why your latest "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is bullshit and just another fake/fraud proof in an never ending string of nonsense from you dipshits with grade-school level math. Although I've already explained the flaw in your logic you're too stupid to understand what should be obvious. No wonder intellectuals, skilled in mathematics, call all you Pi-Radicals 'Quacks' – and all you Pi – Radials know that true. Its really what you bozo's really are; a bunch of high-school math educated know-it-all quacks, no smarter than a bag of hammers.

              Anyway HRBoT, appreciate the shitty explanation of your "Bee's" Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof but you still haven't answered the simple question properly because you obviously don't understand the flaw in your logic and why it incorrect. You're proposed solution is actually really stupid, which may explain why your too afraid to show this "B"ee's proof to anyone intelligent.

              You have one unknown variable 'b' which you are trying to solve and you know absolutely nothing about so you think you can just solve for 'b' right out of thin air?

              Here is a simple analogy of how ridiculous your solution is. If you are able to solve for 'b' out of thin air then how about this, I'm thinking of a number 'g'. When 'g' is squared its value is g2. So now you tell me what number am I thinking of? Do your fancy right-triangle inscribed in a semicircle calculation smart-ass! Well lets work through it together. The number I was think of was g = 0.70.

              Similar to your method, to solve for 'b', lets assign g to the long leg of a right triangle. Then lets assign g2 to the short leg of a right-triangle and we'll also assume the hypotenuse equal to 1. How lovely, we've now assumed values for every leg of the right-triangle and it’s a piece-of-cake to solve with all these wonderful convenient illogical assumptions.

              Knowing the hypothesis is 1, and the long-leg of the right-triangle is 'g = 0.70', the short-leg of the right-triangle, g2, is 0.7141 calculated using Pythagoras theorem, but just wait a minute here, the actual value for g2 = 0.72 = 0.49 not 0.7141. How could that be, I followed your instructions perfectly?

              The 3-legs of a right-triangle have specific lengths that must be numerically correct in portion to the geometry of a right-triangle. Therefore you may, assign any two legs of a right-triangle to whatever value your little heart desires from which the length of the remaining 3rd side may be calculated using Pythagoras theorem.

              So as stated, it is valid to assign two sides of a right-triangle any random value or variable. So the unknown variable 'b' may be set equal to the length of the long-leg of a right-triangle and, the hypotenuse may also be set equal to '1' however nothing is known about nor may be inferred regarding the length of the 3rd side.

              In your right-triangle, nothing is known about the actual length of the 3rd short-leg. You cannot assume the length of the 3rd leg is b2 without first proving this is a valid assumption. As I had originally stated, if you assume the log and short-legs of a right triangle are b and b2 respectively, then you cannot assume the hypotenuse is equal to '1' but you didn't have a clue to what I was referring.

              If you still don't understand why your logic is wrong, after this exhaustive explanation a child could understand, then happy trails there sparky, never mind, just would like to end by congratulating you for having proven your latest Pi = 3.1446 "B"ees horseshit is valid to at least one person; your own arrogant self.

              Perhaps try reading CR 251 where Billy Meier states very clearly,

              The true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun

              ..therefore it may be logically concluded,

              The true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by the dip-shit Harry Lear in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape

              • C.B. replied to this.

                Hush ou Pi – Radicals are disgusting, all of you pieces of shit, showing no respect for Billy Meier's information about Pi, and that applies to everyone of you assholes, especially Harry Lear who started this goddam bullshit in the first place.

                Are you showing respect for Billy Meier and Christian Frehner?
                Did you contact Frehner personally to tell him about your profound insights?
                I guess no, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting here under pseudonym.

                Hush Although I've already explained the flaw in your logic you're too stupid to understand what should be obvious.

                No, you didn’t Moron.

                Hush You have one unknown variable 'b' which you are trying to solve and you know absolutely nothing about so you think you can just solve for 'b' right out of thin air?

                If you really have a degree in Math, which I doubt very much, you should give it back with apologies.

                “b” is not an unknown variable, it is π/4 its nominal value.
                The derivation is done to find out its numerical value.
                That’s why you can’t take any hypotenuse, btw.

                Hush Here is a simple analogy of how ridiculous your solution is. If you are able to solve for 'b' out of thin air then how about this, I'm thinking of a number 'g'. When 'g' is squared its value is g2. So now you tell me what number am I thinking of? Do your fancy right-triangle inscribed in a semicircle calculation smart-ass! Well lets work through it together. The number I was think of was g = 0.70.

                I hope you’re not teaching Math somewhere on this Planet.

                4b=π is not taken out of thin air but your assumption of b=0.7.
                0.7 has no relationship to anything

                Hush Similar to your method, to solve for 'b', lets assign g to the long leg of a right triangle. Then lets assign g2 to the short leg of a right-triangle and we'll also assume the hypotenuse equal to 1. How lovely, we've now assumed values for every leg of the right-triangle and it’s a piece-of-cake to solve with all these wonderful convenient illogical assumptions.

                It is not similar to my method, not even remotely. You have indeed no method.
                You even assign a value to g before you solve your “derivation” ………..And derivation of what exactly ?

                You go on quadrating g and assume, arbitrarily, the hypotenuse being 1 although you can't do that.

                Hush Knowing the hypothesis is 1, and the long-leg of the right-triangle is 'g = 0.70', the short-leg of the right-triangle, g2, is 0.7141 calculated using Pythagoras theorem, but just wait a minute here, the actual value for g2 = 0.72 = 0.49 not 0.7141.

                You should better go teaching typewriting in some housewife’s school .

                Hush How could that be, I followed your instructions perfectly?

                How could that be?
                Simply because you’re a shameless, malignant hypocrite and willfully ignorant.
                That’s how.

                Hush The 3-legs of a right-triangle have specific lengths that must be numerically correct in portion to the geometry of a right-triangle. Therefore you may, assign any two legs of a right-triangle to whatever value your little heart desires from which the length of the remaining 3rd side may be calculated using Pythagoras theorem.

                The legs b and b2 are nominallycorrect and have a defined value, not arbitrary. And, according to this nominal value we choose hypotenuse =1 to keep b=π/4
                As you can easily see all three sides of the triangle are knownand we only have to operate to find out the numerical value of b.
                The derivation is already solved by setting 4b=π.
                A wonderfully simple derivation of the real value of π

                Hush In your right-triangle, nothing is known about the actual length of the 3rd short-leg.

                Of course it is known.
                Your ignorance is obscene.

                Hush You cannot assume the length of the 3rd leg is b2 without first proving this is a valid assumption.

                I don’t have a reason to assume anything.
                b2 is the area of the square 4b.
                I have b and its quadratic value b2. Why shouldn’t I solve by Pythagoras when I know too that the Hypotenuse is 1 ?
                You have no clue, boy!

                Hush As I had originally stated, if you assume the log and short-legs of a right triangle are b and b2 respectively, then you cannot assume the hypotenuse is equal to '1' but you didn't have a clue to what I was referring.

                I know the nonsense you were referring to but, again, the Hypotenuse is not an assumption. It is the only value for the H that keeps the nominal value of b as π/4, simply because b is calculated for a circle of diameter 1.
                If you don’t understand these evident facts then go and try plying dice.

                Well HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),

                I know you think you're very smart, but do tell, why can't you convince anyone intelligent, someone who is accredited and skilled in mathematics, that your "B"ee's horseshit is valid - huh? Why is that dumb ass! Well its because you're a goddam stupid moron unable to comprehend the flaws in his own logic and why an intelligent person knows you're a quake. That's why you only hang-out with other Pi - Radical quake morons like yourself.

                Just trying to help you understand but you're so goddam stupid its beyond hope helping you understand the truth, but don't take my word for it, go get a second opinion, oh yeah forgot, you're a pussy-ass scared little bitch, too afraid to go talk to someone intelligent, and learn the truth. There are 23,080,000 professionals, accredited in mathematics, any of whom you could talk to about your "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, all of whom will tell you you're a crack-pot. So, do what you do best, dumb-ass, just keep hanging out with your Pi-Radical moron dip-shits playing pretend mathematics and congratulating each other on how smart you are, its all you're good for really - nothing else, that and coloring. What a lying bag-of-shit, bozo the clown, moron (LOL). The FIGU Community is infected with dip-shit brainwashed Pi = 3.1446 horseshit morons, including two influencers, Christian Frehener and Michael Horn, and this time, its way worse than Covid (LOL).

                • C.B. replied to this.