Oh Lukie is back - so I guess C.B. is sitting this one out! Talk about a split personality Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks.
Michael Horn was still promoting Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in 2024, when Billy Meier stated clearly in 2019 the true and correct Pi is Unknown you dumb ass dip-shit. When shit-for-brains Christian Frehner publish his Sign of the Times #77 article in 2017, endorsing Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, Christian was inventing new information because at that time, Billy Meier had never endorsed ANY value for the true and correct Pi. Christian, thinking he's a big-shot smart-ass, pretending knowledgeable and wise like Billy Meier, thought he could just invent new information on his own and falsely claim Harry Lear had discovered the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which is complete and total horseshit as we now know because Billy in 2019, states the true and correct Pi is "unknown". The very least that goddam Christian Frehner could do, is come forward and admit he made a mistake endorsing that moron Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, but the dumb ass just stay quiet as a mouse, hiding like a coward, refusing to acknowledged he lied to the FIGU Community, publishing a FIGU article falsely claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 invented by that high school math level moron Harry Lear, who, to this day, still cannot credibly prove Pi = 3.1446 to anyone intelligent. Michael Horn, just as stupid, wrongly promotes Harry Lear, but neither of these dip-shits has the balls to come forward and admit they made a mistake.
You Pi-Radicals are all about as smart as a bag-of-hammers! Bunch of goddam idiots, all too stupid and arrogant to realize you lack essential skills and abilities in mathematics, completely unaware of your limitations and lack of knowledge in math. You are all at a high-school level in math; just a bunch of uneducated know-it-all morons, lying bags-of-shit. Go to school and learn mathematics dip-shits instead of playing pretend math. Its amazing how goddam stupid and deranged human beings can become. And you stupid fools actually convinced Christian Frehner and Michael Horn that Pi = 3.1446 when these goddam idiots should have been listening to Billy Meier. I'm surrounded by idiots (LOL). Don't take my word for it, go show your horseshit Pi = 3.1446 proofs to any accredited academic in mathematics and they will tell you exactly what I've been saying - you're all full of shit! The only thing your Pi = 3.1446 proofs are good for is wiping your ass! You dumb shits don't realize you will NEVER convince anyone intelligent that your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid - that is a fact. The fact that you keep posting your high-school math level, Pi = 3.1446 horseshit for me to comment on when, if you had any intelligence, you should already know my response will be brutally honest and critical of your ongoing lame-brained bullshit, but you keep posting your horseshit anyways like mindless zombies, always some kind of new twist to your bullshit, is all proof anyone needs you guys are no smarter than a bag-of-hammers.