You know HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),
You have to pay attention and stop being such a dimwit, your stupidity is embarrassing. In CR 722 Billy Meir states the true and correct Pi has not yet been determined by Earth humans, which means the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit you've been shoving down our throats is a fraud. Then in CR 251, Billy states pretty goddam clearly, for anyone with normal intelligence that is, the true and correct Pi will finally be solved by Earth's brilliant scientists trying to save our dying Sun. This means it hasn't been solved until then dumb ass!!
Therefore,logically, try to keep up sparkly, a dim-witted moron with grade school level math, using a measuring tape and a round wooden disk in his garage, doesn't solve for the true and correct Pi. Besides, 23,080,000 academics skilled in mathematics know Pi = 3.1446 is total horseshit, as also stated by Ptaah in CR 712. I mean everything Billy, Ptaah and 23,080,000 academics have stated or know about Pi is all corroborated and accurate. You're on the losing team dip-shit, you have zero chance of ever convincing anyone intelligent Pi = 3.1446.
Now this gives me an idea. You've got a knack for convincing morons like Christian Frehner and Michael Horn and others, the true and correct Pi = 3.1446. Why not focus on the dimwits in the world, and convince them Pi = 3.1446 instead of showing someone intelligent, academically skilled in math, your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. You're more comfortable with your own kind, morons and idiots and be far more successful and gain more support for your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit rather than approaching an academic. What do you think? Besides you seem to so scared of approaching an academic, this will take all the stress off, and you're already such a good snake-oil-salesman selling your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to morons. I think this is a good fit for you.
Don't worry if you can't figure out or having problem understand the simple messaging in Billy's CR 722 and CR 251 about Pi being solved by Earth's brilliant scientists. Don't stress yourself trying to figure out this common sense, easy for a normal person to understand logic from Billy's contact reports, which is probably because, since you're a compulsive liar, simply unable to comprehend and see the truth in front of your eyes - that's ok. Don't worry about it you have more important things to do.
Now is the time to focus on creating more fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs, that will help convince the moron's in the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid which means more pretty pictures and maybe cut some more round disks and perhaps a few wooden squares would make a nice accent. Considering its been 8-years now and still no credible proof Pi = 3.1446, so why not to hell with credible proof, just use what you have now, use all the tricks you've developed to pull the wool over a whole new batch of morons.
Well I've had enough of your moronic insights for one night, thanks for the entertainment. Bantering with you is like playing fetch with a dog, after awhile it just gets boring.