Hush I have to admit... I did make a mistake when describing the circumference as it should be "circumference divided by pi" instead of "circumference divided by diameter" because pi cannot be a diameter if we intend to find it. For that, I'm sorry for the GRAMMATICAL ERROR.

But the equation still remains valid!

Good day!


3.1415 doesn't hold any relationship with 1.618034. It has no balance. It's "transcendental" nature is a joke and a by-product of weak-minded ignorant fools who are too blind and too stubborn to see with their own eyes the literal truth.

Like Megatron said to Starscream in G1 Transformers (1984): Your knowledge is overshadowed by your stupidity.

Hush I strongly suggest that you familiarize yourself with Samuel Laboy, Eng., as well as Harry Lear, Jain 108, Panagiotis Stefanides, Mark and Scott Wollum, Ninth Prime and many more. The days of 3.14159265359 are slowly but surely coming to an end.

Your long posts look like the cries of a cornered dog. You have all evidences and more to come. Have fun trolling your way out of knowledge. 😁

Dear Arthur, to clarify you, me and others are supposedly posting on this forum in a collaborative effort to improve our understanding of the truth from Billy Meier's teachings however you, Jude and the FIGU Radicals team discuss complete nonsense, contrary to what Billy Meir has stated about Pi, by claiming the true and correct Pi=3.1446... whereas Billy's material makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. If you and others are not willing to discuss Billy Meier's material, including his accurate and credible references to Pi, then suggest moving your Pi=3.1446 nonsense discussion to another forum, perhaps the Flat Earth Society, where complete nonsense is tolerated.

Also FIGU Radicals like you, Jude and others, pushing Pi=3.1446, always refers to Phi and the Golden Ratio, which is a subject Billy Meier and the Plejaren have never discussed. Discussing Phi, the Golden Ratio, and Pi=3.1446 on this forum, makes about as much sense as talking about the price of hamburgers, none of which is ever discussed by Billy Meier. By the way, all references to "Phi" and the "Golden Ratio" have been stricken from the Future of Mankind Wiki. Granted these are valid concepts, however neither Billy nor the Plejaren have ever discussed these topics and we are gathered to learn what Billy Meier has to share with us so lets try to focus on Billy Meier's teachings and what Billy has to say about Pi. Ok, can we agree on that at least!

So in this forum we are each sharing our perspective on the subject of the true and correct "Pi". I'm sharing the truth about Pi according to Billy Meier's Contact Reports while you and the FIGU Radicals are lying to the FIGU Community falsely claiming the true and correct Pi=3.1446. So essentially we're engaged in the same activity, discussing the same topic but with opposing views. Therefore to call one person a TROLL just because they don't agree with your perspective and point-of-view seems rather unfair and reflects a biased, judgemental opinion does it not? Essentially you're implying that anyone who doesn't agree that the true and correct Pi=3.1446, and chooses to defend the truth, according to Billy Meier, is considered a TROLL? Pretty harsh but not too surprising from the renegade FIGU Radicals. Say do you FIGU Radicals have a badge, logo or crest, as you sound pretty hard-core? If you want I could try and design a logo one for you. What do you think of this one?

Mr Jude, you've done a great job uploading a series of screen captures showing random calculations with no explanations, no clarification why the number "32" was used in your first equation, (still a mystery), and have yet to prove clearly, concisely and logically, how the circumference of a circle equals the perimeter of a square, a critical assumption in your Pi video. Without proper documented proof (a bunch of calculation screen captures doesn't cut it) the video reflects another attempt to fake Pi=3.1446. That is, you could not present what you've posted here to any academic and expected to be taken seriously, that is guaranteed.

What you and the FIGU Radicals fail to understand is that Pi=3.1446 is simply impossible, like the perpetual motion machine, essentially a bunch of fakers trying to prove the impossible. Its not uncommon, that folks pushing Pi=3.1446 LIE talk about how scientists only consider mathematics, and that Pi requires consideration of vibrations, sound, different realms, and transcendental space, and the 4th dimensions, and so on and so forth, however this is really just about math, knowing how to do math, and being a little knowledgeable in math, nothing more is enough to easily proves Pi=3.1446 is physically impossible and this will hold true for eternity. The true and correct Pi value is something beyond our current comprehension however we know that traditional Pi is current the best estimate confirmed by Ptaah in CR 712.

So this is why a seamless solid credible mathematical proof Pi=3.1446 doesn't exist nor will one ever be found, and anyone who claims to have a valid proof Pi=3.1446 is faking it and simply lying. The great Harry Lear also faked his geometric math proof using pretty colored drawing. A valid mathematical proof simply doesn't exist as Billy Meier verified in CR 722, when he stated the true and correct Pi is unknown to Earth humans. If any of the nonsensical Pi=3.1446 proofs out there were actually credible, it would be immediately recognized and acknowledged by the leading scientists, engineers and mathematicians in the world. But this will never happen. No one 'credible' will ever listen to the FIGU Radicals claim the true and correct Pi=3.1446. Should stop wasting everyone's time and do something useful with your life (lol). At least I'm trying to help the non-Radicals better understand your deception and lies so they do not fall into your trap uninformed and that's worth something.

Say I haven't got my invitation to the next FIGU Radicals meeting. Just let me know, we can try on the badass logos I made and wear them on our jackets. That would be cool.

Just curious would the next FIGU Radicals meeting be in the United States by any chance? Just guessing perhaps that is where most of the FIGU Radicals originate from? Billy mentions something about Americans; oh yeah, something about they're not allowed to have their own FIGU Chapter. Why is that do you suppose? Anyway we could have a really good discussion and really looking forward to meeting you hardcore FIGU Radicals. If you want I can give a PowerPoint presentation on how improve coloring and staying in between the lines. Then we can talk about all the silly scientists who don't understand why Pi=3.1446. I'll even bring a jigsaw so we can cut more round wooden disks, after all this is all about quantity not quality.

    Hush you have to answer for the equation of Pi. How can pi have an equation if it is transcendental?
    How about explaining the following?

    All you do is flap your mouth like chicken wings without giving any sensical mathematical rebuttals.

    You want for us to give proof. Proof has been given. Yet, you persist in your rant. Then... By all means... Since you know so much... What makes your Pi so much more perfect?

    Jude, what exactly do you mean by TRANSCENDENTAL with respect to accurately calculating the true and correct Pi value? What does 'transcendental' have to do with just using mathematics, that's all you need, math and love (lol). Sorry Jude, whatever all those screen captures were, was a complete waste of time, as you have failed to legitimize your claim the perimeter of a square equals the circumference of a circle. Granted, it's possible to calculate a square side length such that its area equals the area of a circle, but what's the point. More importantly, this squaring the circle equation, you just pulled that out-of-thin-air; you are truly quite a magician if not a mathematician.

    Say Jude how much are you FIGU Radicals being paid to discredit the FIGU Mission by falsifying the Contact Report references to Pi and lying to FIGU Community claiming the true and correct Pi=3.1446? Is it more than $20?

    Hello Jude,

    Let me clarify, Billy Meier and the Plejaren never specifically mention the Golden Ratio or Phi as a point of discussion in any Contact Report. At best, as you've noted, Billy presents Guido's notebook of handwritten calculations for Pi=3.1446 to the Plejaren for comment. The Plejaren make it clear they cannot comment on Guido's Pi=3.1446 calculation therefore NO conclusions may be derived regarding its accuracy. Besides in CR 722, years later, Billy Meier, himself says the true and correct Pi values remains unknown to Earth humans, which means Guido's Pi=3.1446 was wrong and that is pretty clear.

    Agree that the content of each and every Contact Report should be presented intact and as written by Billy Meier, including Guido's Pi calculation in CR 260 however the Future of Mankind Wiki has many content contributors not just Billy Meier and the Plejaren. So if anyone has access to publish on the Future of Mankind Wiki website, they can publish whatever nonsense they want. There was a section on the Future of Mankind Wiki, titled, "Science and Mathematics", or something like that, and most of the section focused on the subject of Phi and the Golden Ratio. Unsure of the author but it wasn't anything Billy or the Plejaren wrote, nor ever discussed, and so whoever wrote this section was showcasing their own agenda, ignoring Billy Meier's teachings, and, as a result, the entire section was deleted - thankfully. May we now focus on the TRUTH according to Billy Meier!

      Hush just keep on believing that I'm part of some radical fanatics group. I may not be with FIGU, but I know FIGU is doing the right thing for humanity. And I can firmly say that I trust in them more than I trust in you. You sound more like a tongue twister, potential secret service mole trying to deter all potential followers through infiltration and false information. I'm not sure but your way of thinking (or rather not thinking) leads me to think that your main goal is not to promote peace nor to learn peacefully but rather instead to disturb the peace and live in a world of illusion to which I'm pretty sure that you are still very much clinging to the god fantasy. Reality is shown over and over to your face but you'd rather use FIGU as a scapegoat to use and abuse for all of your BS.

      Granted, I won't deny that it wasn't Billy who wrote the equation. And of course we all know Guido M. wrote it. But only Billy and the Plejaren have last words on what to add or not add within the contact reports. If it is in the contact reports, it might as well be mentioned by Billy. But I may be wrong, and if so, then I'm sorry. I'm simply human. Still you just can't deny that 4/sqrt(phi) is very much present in CR 260 and that it has a direct relationship with Pi=3.14460551103.

      However, mathematics do not lie. Geometry doesn't lie. Only humans do. And the one who want to live in the blindness will only be recompensed with blindness.

      What do your eyes see when you look at the video if not someone who have seen the truth and wants to share it? The effort one put to calculate over and over to get to the result and then share it to like-minded people who can actually see past the fakery?

      If you believe in the flat earth, that is you. I still know that we have a global population going down the drain in brainlessness. Just imagine.... 10 billion plus ignorant fools accepting ignorance as a popular trend. Ridiculous.

      Well Jude, your accusations are hurtful as all I've ever presented on this forum is information from Billy and the Plejaren quoted from the Contact Reports, and all you and Arthur have done is ignore Billy's information about Pi and I'm just gently trying to steer you in the right direction and understand the truth according to Billy Meier, but you FIGU Radicals are obstinate like teenagers and refuse to listen, and show strange calculation that don't' make any sense. Its utter and total nonsense what you and Arthur are doing.

      Just STOP lying to the FIGU Community and telling everyone the true and correct Pi=3.1446 when Billy Meier in CR 722 says the true and correct value is unknown to Earth humans due to our limited technology. STOP LYING to everyone and spreading your nonsense and perhaps, then, we can have a fresh start.

        Hush I still don't know who is radical in FIGU. You got me confused with your FIGU radicals propaganda. Who is radical in FIGU? You just do not make sense. Arthur presented evidences, Liddz brought forth evidences, I brought forth evidences and many more brought forth evidences, and all you've been presenting are rants about how the evidences are wrong but you are not actually showing anything to support that Pi=3.1415 is the Pi to use. Plus the fact that in the contact report they clearly say that this Pi=3.1415 is non-sense I do not even know why you are defending it instead of looking for the better version of it. I mean... seriously... let's be real... what have you presented so far? Why do you stand next to imperfection. CR 251 says that we will find the correct Pi eventually. Just to be clear... it says the correct value of Pi will eventually be found, implying that the current Pi, which you, like a suckling idiot, still absorb within your own self like it is the truth. But the fact that they say that we will find the correct value of Pi and that the search started since 1995 makes you look like a moron throughout the whole of the forum, because in reality, you look more like an hypocritical troll than anything else.

        However... it is the internet... I MAY be wrong about you! Maybe what you say may be true and that the true value of Pi is 3.1415... . Then by all means... show us all why 3.1415 is better than 3.1446.

        Take into consideration that if Pi 3.1415 is wrong... TRIGONOMETRY IS WRONG. So all angles are wrong. But you want to persist in saying that Pi=3.1415 is the correct value of Pi. Let me tell you this... I was in the meeting during the day when Todd B. was giving all the praise to 3.1415. I gave only a few comments on it then (since then) I haven't been in the meetings of FIGU Canada. Not because I do not like them. Nah. They are good people and I might scream within apocalyptical times and say "no I don't want to die" shitting my pants while destruction befalls us, but I'd rather die for them 777777 times than die for you thinking that you can play us like we are puppets in a circus.

        when i say wake up... I truly mean it... wake up... because you are only giving more to the agenda of those who would destroy us than giving more of the knowledge you posses in order for us to evolve forward.

        I am still asking you... aside from Jedi Reach who really f*** it up for us or rather for you, because now we need to be 777777 times careful because of you guys saying blocking knowledge like an obstacle.

        I do not hate you Hush. I just pity you. And it pisses me off. But it good talking to you because I barely have anyone to talk to.

        You seem like an intelligent dude (or dudette, in you are an actual female and not one of thos weird gender thing I'm still trying to wrap my head around)... Please test 3.1415 vs 3.1446 and do come back to us once you see what we actually all saw.

        Take into consideration that before I learned of Guido M. finding the value of Pi... I was already following Jain 108 years before. It is only in his book that I figured out that Billy Meier's (or rather Guido M.) Pi was the correct one.


        Logic started to unfold itself in a matter of a moment. Whether I was blunted, drunk or sober... the knowledge was STILL THERE LIKE A SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE UNVEILED.

        whatever you say doesn't matter to me because the Truth is the Truth. Whether you want to accept it or not... I can only care so little, because Apophis is coming and it is CONFIRMED that pi 3.1415 will not save. Or maybe it won't... who knows... you tell... I'm just tired of listening to stupidity and ignorance. 48 years and all I'm hearing is ignorance this... stupidity that. It gets tiring to such a point it is unfathomable.

        AGAIN... UNLESS YOU SAY THAT PI (3.1415) CAN EVEN SQUARE THE CIRCLE... you jus make no sense : )

        Jude just Google the Internet you'll find literally hundreds of examples demonstrating why Pi = 3.14159. Every scientist, engineer and mathematician in the entire world knows Pi=3.1446 is a LIE. Billy Meier also confirmed Pi=3.1446 is a LIE, in CR 722 when he clearly states Earthly humans do not yet know the correct Pi value. The onus in upon the FIGU Radicals to prove Pi = 3.1446 but you will never succeed because such a proof doesn't exist, its literally impossible. That's why none of you FIGU Radicals have really been successful proving Pi = 3.1446 because if you were, the world would take notice. Basically Pi = 3.1446 is a complete a total fraud, and I'm here to make sure folks like you, don't wrongly influence the rest of the FIGU Community with this nonsense.

        Ptaah in CR 712, also states no one of Earth knows the true and correct Pi value. Ptaah goes on to clarify that the best estimate of true Pi is traditional Pi = 3.14159. One doesn't have to be a mathematician, (although it helps), just read the two most recent Contact Reports that discuss Pi, namely CRs 712 and 722, to really understand why the true value of Pi is unknown and that traditional Pi=3.14159 remains the best estimate of true Pi.

        I coined the term FIGU Radicals to describe anyone within the FIGU Community who persists in maintaining the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 contrary to the Contact Reports information about Pi, and contrary to every scientist, mathematician and engineer in the world who also knows Pi = 3.1446 is a LIE. So the onus is up to you FIGU Radicals to prove to the rest of the world Pi = 3.1446. If any of you were actually good in mathematics you'd stop trying to prove Pi = 3.1446 because you'd realize its impossible.

        Sorry I can't help you understand mathematics; you'll have work that out on your own. Good luck!

          Hush it's okay for you to apologize for your inability to do mathematics. And thanks for confirming that you are of no help at all.

          Arthur your results are clear and easy to follow. Typically once an anomaly, or a unverifiable assumption is detected, there is no point in proceeding further in the analysis review, as in this case with your first diagram! There is a grievous error by wrongly assuming the circumference of the circle / 4 = 1. NO proof has been provided to legitimize and validate this claim.

          The key challenge of trying to solve for Pi, is to prove there is a valid relationship between the circumference of a circle and a straight line segment however you've assumed this relationship before proving its valid which is incorrect.

          Harry physically measured Pi = 3.144 using a round wood disk, whereas Savio conducted the same experiment and measured Pi = 3.141 using a metal disk. There are a number of reasons why Harry over estimated Pi by 3 mm however the most probable is due to the wood contraction/expansion affected by Relative Humidity (RH) which has no affect on metal and likely why Savio's physical Pi measurement was accurate and a better strategy overall.

          One random paper on the subject of wooden expansion/contraction due to RH suggests that longitudinal expansion of between 0.1% to 0.2% may occur with a 6% change in RH (Fig 1). Therefore a physical measurement Pi = 3.144 occurs with a nominal 0.08% expansion of the wooden disk diameter longitudinally (Fig 2) well below the 0.1% to 0.2% threshold (Fig 2).

          I've heard the supposed story of 2 German engineers physically measuring Pi however this is nothing more than unverified hearsay. It might also be clarified an attempt to physically measure Pi is NOT proof Pi = 3.1446. To credibly prove Pi = 3.1446 requires using conventional mathematics, however this is an impossible task simply because PI = 3.1446 is impossible. That is why the FIGU Radicals avoid mathematics, and instead use pretty drawings (i.e. geometric math proofs) which can be easily faked, as a means of bypassing conventional mathematics, in order to falsify their Pi = 3.1446 proofs. This is the case in Harry Lear's geometric math proof where the Pi = 3.1446 was faked visually using pretty colored drawings, something he'd never get away with doing simply using conventional mathematics and putting the crayons away.

          The FIGU Radicals fascination trying to use Kepler's triangle and the Golden Ratio to prove Pi = 3.1446, fail to realize these are linear concepts. Therefore the key component of every faked Pi = 3.1446 proof is the assumption there is a relationship between Pi (curve) and Phi (linear) which has never been effective demonstrated only assumed. Even the drawing above of the circle and square together is based upon an Pi and Phi relationship but completely lacks adequate proof. You guys are completely wasting your time, just read the Contact Reports; Billy Meier and Ptaah in CR 712 and 722 are spot-on with everything they say about Pi.

          FIGURE 1

          FIGURE 2