Now now Jude,
No reason to get rude and extremely nasty using the c-bomb. Men and women read these posts and you shouldn't be so disrespectful using the "C-bomb" word which is derogatory to woman, and "Faggot" is a derogatory term used to describe homosexual males. Don't get mad just because I'm sharing the TRUTH and you find that unsettling. Everything I've been sharing about Pi is the absolutely truth, according to Billy Meier, Ptaah, and all 23,080,000 of Earth's accredited scientists.
What you need to understand, is that you nor anyone else on Earth, including HRBoT, will never successfully convince anyone INTELLIGENT, that the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is the true and correct value of Pi. What we are doing here now, is just bantering back-and-forth. I know that you're Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is invalid and just making sure the FIGU Community are fully aware of your Pi = 3.1446 scam. I wouldn't feel obligated in this regard if that piece of shit Christian Frehner would have just stuck to Billy Meier's information about Pi instead of endorsing that goddam moron Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Christian, as a FIGU core-member and trusted spokesperson of the FIGU Mission, foolishly LIED pushing Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit onto the FIGU Community and from his stupid actions, he managed to convince many within the FIGU Community Pi = 3.1446 who then appeared like stupid morons to academics all because Christian is a lying bag-of-shit and refuses to accept responsibility for lying to the FIGU Community and then that bozo moron, Michael Horn also starts promoting that Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Trying to correct their dumb ass mistakes is like a full time job (LOL). Goddam idiots both of them.