Hey there Jude & HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks)
How are my two favorite knuckleheads doing? You guys are lucky because you'll never need to worry about getting brain cancer. Jude, congratulations you've learned quadratic equations typically taught in grade-10 so how do you justify and rationalize being an expert in math pushing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof when you're still learning at a high school math level?
Neither you nor HRBoT are academically skilled in mathematics yet arrogantly ignore the expert wisdom of the world leading accredited mathematicians who all know Pi = 3.1446 is horseshit, yet you two bozos think you're actually smarter and that your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid but unable to prove it to anyone intelligent.
You guys have no problem convincing each other your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid but unable to convince anyone intelligent. The only people who believe your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is other morons like yourselves including idiots like Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, but anyone intelligent, like Billy Meier, Ptaah, and all Earth's scientists, engineers and mathematicians, they know for a fact Pi = 3.1446 is horseshit. Hope you realize that you're actually going to have to convince someone intelligent your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, if you have any hope of ever convincing the world, however this will never happen to your dying day because Pi = 3.1446 is a lie, hoax, scam, and fraud and physically impossible.
For reasons no one understands, you two bozos blindly believe you are experts in mathematics, but lack the academic qualifications and why you actually believe you own Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs is because you lack the respected education, skills and knowledge in math to understand and appreciate the flaws in your own Pi = 3.1446 horseshit logic. You don't truly understand mathematics as well as you arrogantly think you do and that is a fact.
In HRBoT's latest "B"ees Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof, the dumb ass doesn't understand why assigning the hypotenuse = 1 in his quadratic equation is logically incorrect. HRBoT doesn't realize the hypotenuse, derived from 'b', and 'b' are both 'unknown'.
Most folks are aware of their abilities and limitations and avoid pretending to be an expert on a subject they are unskilled however a few misguided people pretend to be smarter then they are, enjoying the notoriety of acting and sounding like an expert, on subject for which they have no accredited expertise. Such is the case with a math know-it-all who is oblivious to their academic short-comings in mathematics but none-the-less pretends to be an expert on the subject.
Math know-it-alls with no accredited skill in math, are like folks who foolishly believe they have a beautiful singing voice but do not understand how badly they truly sound. You math know-it-alls, don't actually appreciate how poorly skilled you are in mathematics. Rather than pursue the required credentials in math to become an expert or take the necessary singing classes to improve one's singing skills, these folks arrogantly continues to pretend to be an expert in area for which they have no skill or talent, naively and arrogantly unaware of their own lack of talent and limitations.
What you dumb asses don't realize is that if you did a little work instead of being such loud-mouth know-it-alls, and instead of being so goddam lazy pushing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit from your lazy-boy recliner, why not get off your duff, and become accredited in mathematics. If you did that, you would have earned the respect, expertise, knowledge and wisdom to now credibly push your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit and would finally be taken seriously.
However once you had a university degree in mathematics, you would ultimately realize the flaws in your prior Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs, and you would finally understand that you had been wrong all along pushing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. You would finally understand why Pi = 3.1446 is physically impossible. Basically once you endeavor to learn mathematics by first going to university to learn the subject like a normal person, you will finally understand why Earth's 23,080,000 academics knowledgeable and skilled in mathematics, knows that Pi = 3.1446 is horseshit.