C.B. if you have desmos or geogebra, can you visually show me?
Pi number
C.B. I'm trying it. I don't see it
you don’t have to make any diagrams with values!
If you have b and b2 and hypotenuse 1 just use the Pythagoras theorem to solve, then you get the needed value.
There is no easier way.
Jude Andre Charles
You should really learn the basics of Geometry and basically how to find out hidden values in the geometric figures.
If you like that stuff you will verily enjoy it.
Maybe I'm not expressing myself correctly:
What, logically, makes it so that 3.1415 becomes 3.144606 following your equation?
I'm not new with this: you sent out 3 videos on YouTube in regards to exactly the same reasoning as that which you bring forth. From what I noticed from another who tried to ridicule your findings (Phil Webb), he failed to notice something... Something that only you can see. Open my eyes on that one. Don't send me checking basic geometry. I'm already close to 5 decades old, so basic geometry is not so far from me. I just want to understand your reasoning.
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First off, 3.14159 becomes nothing in this derivation. I don’t need it, this is a completely different approach to the π value. Just forget it.
I just did set up a circle and a square with the same perimeter π and I found out that the value of the Areas can be used to construct a right triangle and solve the value of b or π/4 over Pythagoras. That’s all what you have to understand. It is the exact value and no approximate.
Sorry about the Geometry lessons, I didn’t want to insult you.
C.B. but the reason I'm confused is that if all is of proportion, why does the lower leg of the triangle increases exponentially?
The b2 changes everything. That's why it is good once, but then breaks apart once we increase it.
C.B. or rather... Why does the square grow exponentially as opposed to the circle?
The lesser leg b2 is Ok if you leave it as it is. Why do you keep “managing” things. Take them as they are, it is enough. Just solve Pythagoras and you have what you need b=0.786. It is incontestable.
Jude Andre Charles or rather... Why does the square grow exponentially as opposed to the circle?
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What is that?
Still trying to convert 3.14159 into 3.1446?
C.B. not converting neither trying to convert. Rather comparing.
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Hey Jude and HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),
I'm home - Oh my god, smells like a pigsty in here!
It's no wonder, you guys have been discussing the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit again stinking up the Billy Meier Pi-discussion forum, intended to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi. At the very least you morons could have left a window open - now I have deodorize and clean-up the Billy Meier about Pi discussion forum after you Pi-Radicals created this stinking mess.
I see HRBoT you're still pushing your last Pi = 3.1446 horseshit based on simple elementary school square, circle and triangle equations which Jude still cannot understand in spite of your best efforts to explain it to him which must be a little frustrating. HRBoT for someone who self-proclaims they are smarter than any mathematician in the world for having invent a new-and-improved Pi = 3.1446, you're actually going to have to convince someone your latest Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid and so far Jude doesn't have a clue.
So perhaps now you understand why I no longer bother trying to explain the flaws in any of your Pi-Radicals, Pi = 3.1446 horseshit logic as you're all just a little too stupid to understand the flaws in your own logic, or a know-it-all and too arrogant to study how traditional Pi = 3.14159 is calculated. You guys are lost in your own little Pi = 3.1446 bubble with nary a clue how to pop out and learn and understand the truth Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi as stated by Ptaah in CR 712.
Got some great news to share with you! The Nobel Prize committee in Stockholm, who reward discoveries that confer the greatest benefits to humankind, that improve society through knowledge, science and humanism, became aware of the American Harry Lear's claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446.
The Nobel Prize committee learned Harry faked his Pi = 3.1446 proof, he lied falsely quoting Billy Meier and the Plejaren endorsed his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 in his letter to President Trump, that he has never provided credible proof Pi = 3.1446 but none-the-less has managed to sway many dimwitted human beings, that Pi = 3.1446 was the true and correct Pi value.
The Nobel Prize committee recognized Harry Lear's extraordinary talent as a deceiver and liar, able to sway morons like Christian Frehner and Michael Horn, but others as well, into foolishly believing his claim Pi = 3.1446 is the true and correct value without ever presenting credible proof recognized by academia indicative of the ongoing degradation and erosion of humanism, and the rise of know-it-all arrogance which is an amazing achievement for just one man.
Therefore the Nobel Prize committee have decided to award the "Lear Unwise Prize" to worthy recipients who demonstrate achievements in outstanding stupidity in honor Harry Lear's legacy.
There are currently two worthy Pi-Radical recipients of the Lear Unwise Prize which is being awarded to HRBoT for his latest know-it-all proof Pi = 3.1446 using elementary grade-school math equations for a square, circle and triangle.
HRBoT's contribution's is particularly significant as he is the only person who understands his own proof, being unable to successfully explain his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof logic to his peer and fellow Pi-Radical buddy, Jude. HRBoT has a long journey ahead if he is going to convince the world that his latest proof is valid if he is unable to explain his logic to at least one other person. This is truly a great example of stupidity worthy of the Lear Unwise Prize.
And the Lear Unwise Prize is also awarded to Jude. The committee would be remiss for not also recognizing Jude's contribution to perpetrating the Pi = 3.1446 hoax, with boundless calculator screen captures none of which anyone can understand what he is doing or trying to prove but they look pretty.
Congratulations to HRBoT and Jude for your achievement; you have both truly earned and deserve the prestigious Lear Unwise Prize Award. Well done!
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So you want a formal proof to completely destroy your bullshits huh?
What if, the actual value of π is not transcendental?
What if, the actual value of π is greater than the approximated value?
What if, the actual circumference of the circle is inherently longer than the perimeter of the circumscribed n-gon at, and after a threshold n, and precisely because the circle has smooth curvature at all scale that the assumption of Archimedes where, the circumference remains shorter than the perimeter of circumscribed n-gon for all n fails to approximate the circumference, because it underestimates the circumference after the threshold n?
The actual value of π for such a scenario can now logically be postulated to be both algebraic and constructible, in complete opposing qualities with the transcendental area constant, ξ. Renamed it as ξ(pronounced as Xi) because this constant is rightfully NOT π. Instead, it is the constant derived strictly from the area of circle using the method of exhaustion, having the same value as modern approximated "pi".
From this postulate, we can add another postulate which serves as the final nail to the coffin. The actual value of π relates to the golden ratio, φ.
The range would be within ξ < π < 2√ξ, normalized using the square of equal area.
The ONLY value which fits all the postulates and within the range is 4÷√φ, ≈3.144605511029693144278234343371835718
3.1446m is the value measured from the circumference of a 1m in diameter circle, by Harry Lear.
What makes 4÷√φ being the only correct value?
Within the construction of squaring the circumference(not squaring the area as that is already proven impossible as ξ is proven transcendental by Lindemann in year 1882), the intersection points are minimal while having maximal geometric symmetries. The construction is thus geometrically balanced and harmonious, adhering to the qualities of φ.
What's next?
The start of a spiritual evolution for the whole of humanity. Acceptance of the mathematical truth that a circle has two constants.
love || evol
If C > P for n ≥ n_threshold, π > ξ.
π is both algebraic and constructible.
π relates to the golden ratio, φ, and adheres to Optimality.
Geometric Proof:
Lukie Poole:
We need to check that it doesn't work for other polygons.
((sin(2ξ/n) - 0)/(-cos(2ξ/n) + (n/x)tan(ξ/n)))((sqrt(((n/x)tan(ξ/n))2 - ((x/n)cot(ξ/n))2))/(-(x/n)cot(ξ/n))) = -1
The formula is derived from perpendicular slopes. The slanted line which intersects the critical point, and its perpendicular line(not shown here).
For n=4, the value is 4÷√φ
For n≥5, the value is less than ξ and for n=∞, x is ξ. Rejected as x is not within the range of ξ < π < 2√ξ and, x cannot be ξ.
For n=3, it is within range but not constructible.
x = -(3 sqrt(3))/4 + 3/4 sqrt(-5 - 64/(143 + 27 sqrt(73))1/3 + 2 (143 + 27 sqrt(73))1/3) + 1/2 sqrt(-45/2 + 144/(143 + 27 sqrt(73))1/3 - 9/2 (143 + 27 sqrt(73))1/3 + 81/2 sqrt(3/(-5 - 64/(143 + 27 sqrt(73))1/3 + 2 (143 + 27 sqrt(73))1/3)))
Final step. Compare n=3 and n=4 then justify why n=4 is the correct value.
For n=3, the value is ≈98.47531231526% closer to ξ
For n=4, the value is ≈99.9% closer to ξ
We can now conclude that 4÷√φ is the correct value of π based on the justification that it fits all postulates and it is the closest value to ξ, being 99.9% closer, compared to the value for n=3, being 98.5% closer while being non-constructible as well.
100 - ((x-ξ)/ξ)×100
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By the way, you're just a piece of shit for constantly spouting lies again, and again, and again, and again.
You think the machine to make a 1m in diameter circle is cheap? The fact that he is willing to spend his money just to measure a simple thing, already shows his resolve. Have RESPECT and fuck off.
A circle has TWO constants. Archimedes fucked up humanity and this is a FACT.
Archimedes assumed the perimeter of the circumscribed n-gon is always longer than the circumference of circle, WITHOUT assuming the opposite. Harry Lear's measurement shows the opposite result.
You claim that your friend's measurement results in ≈3.141592652
Where are the VIDEO evidences? Where's the DATA?
Fucking all talk and not even a single piece of data. Fucking con-man you are.
I suppose you're just a Jewish Satanic Metatronic Anti-GoldenRatio Black Cube SaturnWorshipping deep state agent designed to pour water on any growing flames.
However, not this time. The formal proof is COMPLETE. Using the created COUNTER axiom against Archimedes assumption/axiom. With geometrical proof, empirical proof, and a bit of mathematical proof which shows other values obtained using a different polygon are not correct. Either not within range or having a slightly larger deviation and non-constructible.
Now that it is DONE, everyone let's fucking wake up Humanity, and IGNORE THIS PIECE OF SHIT.
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Hey there Lukie,
Welcome back, say may I call you Harry Lear Bag of Tricks (HRBoT). Its just easier instead of trying to remember all your sneaky-tricky disguises.
Dropping the f-bomb now I see, well its understandable you're a little upset since you're not making any progress in the world trying to prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid and so you're back here simply expressing your frustration and venting off a little steam. I mean you're trying to prove the impossible Pi = 3.1446 horseshit and no one in the entire world, with intelligence, believes you. Even Billy Meier in CR 722 states the true and correct Pi is STILL unknown therefore the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 is horseshit, and Ptaah in CR 712 states traditional Pi = 3.14159 is still valid for all round and circular computations in both math and physics a fact known by every scientist, engineer and mathematician in the entire world.
So if I was in your shoes trying to prove the impossible, while never able to present credible proof for the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, yeah that would be upsetting although I don’t think I'd ever drop the f-bomb like a crude uneducated moron like you. And then on top of all that, you're also trying to defend Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit when Harry is a proven liar. In 2018 Harry falsely claimed Billy Meier and the Plejaren endorsed his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in his letter to president Trump but a year later, in 2019, Billy states the true Pi value remains unknow. So obviously Harry lied when he stated Billy and the Plejaren endorsed his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Harry also lied claiming Billy and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Unbelievable I mean this Harry Lear is a compulsive liar who cannot be trusted, yet here you are supporting this lying useless bag of shit. So you're collaborating with and supporting a compulsive liar while at the same time, trying to prove the impossible PI = 3.1446 horseshit and after 7-years still no one of merit believes you. so yeah, I see why you're a little upset, so let it out sparky, get it out of your system before it comes out of your back-end system and you have to change your Depends.
You sure stunk up the Billy Meier Pi discussion forum with yet another smelly stinking Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof. Where do you find all these Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs. I swear you must keep them sealed in a vacuum bag because they stink so much and you just pull a new one out every time the fraud from the last one is exposed. You're like mindless zombies, you don't think, you just focus on Pi = 3.1446, I need brains, Pi = 3.1446, I need brains to think with, Pi = 3.1446, brains, Pi = 3.1446, please give me brains (LOL).
You realize this Billy Meier forum topic intent is to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi. NO ONE gives a rats ass about what you think dumb ass. We're here to discuss and learn from Billy Meier and trust me, you have nothing intelligent to share.
You realize Billy Meier has never endorsed nor supported Pi = 3.1446 except that goddam FIGU Core member idiot Christian Frehner, guilty of spreading Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit Lie on behalf of the FIGU Mission to the FIGU Community, and with guile and cunning, shows no remorse or humility preferring instead to hide behind Billy Meier, rather than take responsibility for his own foolish action, and truthfully acknowledge his mistake to the FIGU Community for helping to spread Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit Lie.
Goddam morons Christian Frehner and Michael Horn both idiots spreading Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit LIE when they should have trusted Billy Meier's information about Pi. I mean in 2019, in CR 722, Billy Meier states the true and correct Pi was still UNKNOWN, yet in 2024, that dip shit Michael Horn is still referring folks from his blog to Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit website instead of referring to Billy Meier's information about Pi.