Hey Jude and HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),
I'm home - Oh my god, smells like a pigsty in here!
It's no wonder, you guys have been discussing the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit again stinking up the Billy Meier Pi-discussion forum, intended to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi. At the very least you morons could have left a window open - now I have deodorize and clean-up the Billy Meier about Pi discussion forum after you Pi-Radicals created this stinking mess.

I see HRBoT you're still pushing your last Pi = 3.1446 horseshit based on simple elementary school square, circle and triangle equations which Jude still cannot understand in spite of your best efforts to explain it to him which must be a little frustrating. HRBoT for someone who self-proclaims they are smarter than any mathematician in the world for having invent a new-and-improved Pi = 3.1446, you're actually going to have to convince someone your latest Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof is valid and so far Jude doesn't have a clue.
So perhaps now you understand why I no longer bother trying to explain the flaws in any of your Pi-Radicals, Pi = 3.1446 horseshit logic as you're all just a little too stupid to understand the flaws in your own logic, or a know-it-all and too arrogant to study how traditional Pi = 3.14159 is calculated. You guys are lost in your own little Pi = 3.1446 bubble with nary a clue how to pop out and learn and understand the truth Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi as stated by Ptaah in CR 712.
Got some great news to share with you! The Nobel Prize committee in Stockholm, who reward discoveries that confer the greatest benefits to humankind, that improve society through knowledge, science and humanism, became aware of the American Harry Lear's claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446.
The Nobel Prize committee learned Harry faked his Pi = 3.1446 proof, he lied falsely quoting Billy Meier and the Plejaren endorsed his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 in his letter to President Trump, that he has never provided credible proof Pi = 3.1446 but none-the-less has managed to sway many dimwitted human beings, that Pi = 3.1446 was the true and correct Pi value.
The Nobel Prize committee recognized Harry Lear's extraordinary talent as a deceiver and liar, able to sway morons like Christian Frehner and Michael Horn, but others as well, into foolishly believing his claim Pi = 3.1446 is the true and correct value without ever presenting credible proof recognized by academia indicative of the ongoing degradation and erosion of humanism, and the rise of know-it-all arrogance which is an amazing achievement for just one man.
Therefore the Nobel Prize committee have decided to award the "Lear Unwise Prize" to worthy recipients who demonstrate achievements in outstanding stupidity in honor Harry Lear's legacy.

There are currently two worthy Pi-Radical recipients of the Lear Unwise Prize which is being awarded to HRBoT for his latest know-it-all proof Pi = 3.1446 using elementary grade-school math equations for a square, circle and triangle.

HRBoT's contribution's is particularly significant as he is the only person who understands his own proof, being unable to successfully explain his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof logic to his peer and fellow Pi-Radical buddy, Jude. HRBoT has a long journey ahead if he is going to convince the world that his latest proof is valid if he is unable to explain his logic to at least one other person. This is truly a great example of stupidity worthy of the Lear Unwise Prize.
And the Lear Unwise Prize is also awarded to Jude. The committee would be remiss for not also recognizing Jude's contribution to perpetrating the Pi = 3.1446 hoax, with boundless calculator screen captures none of which anyone can understand what he is doing or trying to prove but they look pretty.

Congratulations to HRBoT and Jude for your achievement; you have both truly earned and deserve the prestigious Lear Unwise Prize Award. Well done!