The human eye is delightfully evolved for its purpose and function, in terms of its structure, but creation didn't 'design' anything, creation is not an entity its just a thing that exists, my argument is that folks never need to say 'universe' in every sentence because its a constant that doesn't need to get repetitive, this is the area of the main error in religion and why its talked about by BEAM readily in order to clarify the truth not to bolster religion and fortify it unlike ever before. In fact the human eye (and most other organs) can evolve in many additional ways that earth humans have not had need for, this is partly what Plejaren are saying, the whole point of this thousands page offering, that there are additional humanity's out there who also think too, and in some rarer cases their eyes have evolved differently, not outside the natural laws, within them, but certainly not a case of design work, its just proportioned to many factors, continues to evolve. So this term 'creation' as FIGU and BEAM uses it, must still be everso careful not to confuse it with 'creationism', because their description of the so-called 'laws' or naturally occurring mechanisms, aka maths and science, are additionally flexible, the natural laws evolve themselves too, and that's why time travel and faster than light travel is possible too, because there is flex in the natural laws, we can assist ourselves with consciousness, because the old religious idea framework doesn't marry up with scientific and evolutionary principles. We ourselves can 'engineer' an eye for a biological being for instance, but it will still carry on evolving after that and continue to proportion itself to all sorts of factors, it will also fail if it is not ready for, such as the case where ozone layer gets hole and people go blind over period of time, have to wear glasses etc. This is why religion creates a hereditary disease which can be measured by doctors, but which future generations can evolve free of, because we have the opportunity as we evolve to take real or unreal, but universe continues to evolve.
mind your own 'beeswax' is a colloquial expression meaning something tantamount to, 'I don't care or give a hoot, not my concern', the expression is still used in some places. But Billy was talking about beeswax candles. Perhaps he is referring to the religious version of the three days of darkness which advises the burning of beeswax candles, some basic research into it indicates it reduces certain poisonous gases and substances in the air, probably why given in relation to that prophetic event because the 'darkness' was caused by those compounds in the air for many days. In reality a diving breathing system to hand would be better advice so you have a week or so of clean air to breath. But BEAM hasn't given the same advice in his prophetic literature, he has said world war 3 was averted by the work of extraterrestrials and world war 4 instead will occur differently.
I don't know if you know this but anatomically modern humans received their dna from a different humanity on a different world according to Plejaren, this means that broadly speaking we've been reproportioning that dna from another world to suit earth and how we exist here ever since, there is many secrets hidden inside of that fact, such as why women are abused, and why we've had so much war, and so much religion, because we are proportioning ourselves to life on earth on this planet under these factors, and we also had a civilisation reset too. The Neanderthal had proportioned itself well for life here at its level of evolution of lessons, but consequence of it was it had problems breeding, many neanderthals would die during childbirth, that's not something a humanity just walks into in terms of evolution, it is targeted and precise need for evolutionary purposes due to environmental and social factors.
Good day, wishing you well.