Hello Mike, I wondered if you and/or others might like to conduct a seasonally festive activity and be interested to unpack a tender juicy little chunk, an excerpt of text with me, or six lines if you prefer. It is lines 206. to 212. PPKB CR9.
- Es wird eine gewaltige Neuerung auf der Erde stattfinden.
- A tremendous renewal will take place on the Earth.
- There will [be] a tremendous innovation on the earth [which] will take place.
- Das Intellektuelle wird nicht mehr allein massgebend sein, sondern ĂŒberrundet werden von Geisteswissen und Geisteskönnen.
- That which is intellectual will no longer be the only decisive factor, but will be run rings around by spiritual knowledge and spiritual ability.
What does this mean? Let's unpack it.
I think this may be a bad translation. What spiritual knowledge and spiritual ability, what is a 'spiritual ability' and how would 'spiritual knowledge' stand up to google.scholar in terms of wording. I'm quite interested to better know and better explore what this may represent in the capitalistic, economical, trades and social exchange landscape of the thing. Is this perhaps saying that a new trade over the top and above, yet in the same area of 'religion' may emerge, could this be referring to the trade of clairvoyants, mediums, psychics, psychologists, mind-relevant health service practitioners and mental-health trade professionals etc.
Geisteswissen und Geisteskönnen
If we change Geiste to ghost no, if we change geistes to mind it becomes mind-knowledge and mind-can or or mind-know and mind-able
- Alles, was geistig-bewusstseinsmĂ€ssig nicht hoch genug entwickelt ist, um fĂŒr die höheren SphĂ€ren des Geistigen empfĂ€nglich zu sein und mit ihm in Harmonie einherzugehen, wird ausradiert und eliminiert werden, weil es störend und gefĂ€hrlich das Leben in jeder Form beeintrĂ€chtigt.
- Anything that is not highly enough developed in spiritual-consciousness-based terms, for being receptive to and for in harmony with the higher spheres of the spiritual go hand in hand with it, will be erased and eliminated, because it disturbingly and dangerously impairs the life in every way.
What does this mean? Let's unpack it.
I think bad translation elements here. I read this as; 'people eventually get bored of monotony', and 'folks will chemically denature the thought radiation that has been causing harm to the general public for centuries'
- Alles Geisthemmende, Geistversklavende, Bewusstseinshemmende und Bewusstseinsversklavende wird vernichtet werden, nachdem alles die Höhepunkte ĂŒberschritten hat.
- All spirit-inhibiting, spirit-enslaving, consciousness-inhibiting, and consciousness-enslaving things will be destroyed, after everything has passed the climaxes.
What does this mean? Let's unpack it.
What is a ghost-inhibitor? and a ghost-enslaver? If we change geiste Geist from spirit to 'mind' then this makes much more sense. The reading is then; 'people will make a breakthrough generally in their thinking'.
Bewusstseinshemmende und Bewusstseinsversklavende
Consciousness-being-inhibiting and consciousness-being-enslaving
Höhepunkte - high point, climax, pinnacle, peak
So... "209. All mind-inhibiting, mind-enslaving, consciousness-being-inhibiting, and consciousness-being-enslaving things will be destroyed, after everything has passed the climaxes."
- An erster Stelle werden in dieser Beziehung die Religionen und Sekten stehen, die als bösartigste Unterjocher des Bewusstseins und dessen Entwicklung fungieren.
- First and foremost, in this regard will be the religions and sects, which function as the most malicious enslavers of the consciousness and its development.
- Das Neue Zeitalter bringt es mit sich, dass die Erde von allen rein negativen und rein positiven MÀchten gesÀubert wird, wodurch eine gesunde neutrale Ausgeglichenheit geschaffen werden kann.
- The New Age brings with it that the Earth is cleansed of all purely negative and purely positive might, wherethrough a healthy neutral equalisedness can be created.
What does this mean? Let's unpack it.
What do you think this means. The inclusion of the word 'cleansed' indicates no more war, no more crime, which cannot be surely by the Plejaren history of their world this didn't occur until event 52,000 years ago. Or it could mean something less magnificent: 'people broadly manage to get a better grip over themselves, straighten themselves up and in their day to day life they lead, in terms of constructive beneficial thoughts'
Rein - clear, clean, cleansed, straightened, purified, unadulterated
- Die Wegbereiter dieser UmwĂ€lzungen sind die kosmischen, die schöpferisch-natĂŒrlichen und alles bedingenden Gesetze.
- The pioneers of these developmental changes are the cosmic, the creational-natural and all-conditioning laws.
What does this mean? Let's unpack it.
I take this to just mean 'science' plain. Normal changes in a societies evolution of its culture. Oh and there's an actual science there.
What do you think?
All the best