The spirit lessons offered to passive members are presented in an organised format referred to as 'Lehrbriefe' or 'Lehrebrief'. These lessons graduate in their level of complexity of understanding as they progress chronologically. There is information to be found in the so-called 'Lehrbriefe' format that cannot be found in the books, however, it is true that much of the Geisteslehre is to be found in the books, in some cases the information is explained better and more comprehensively in the spirit lessons than anywhere else. However, I must also say that, allot of the spirit lesson material is also written in Billy's books. It is not written in the same format, but allot of the info is available within the pages of the books. In these books that have this info, it is stated that it comes from a particular spirit lesson. The Geisteslehre is additionally included in parts of the the books; Genesis, Meditation, Life and Death, Arahat Athersata and included in the Geisteslehre Spirit lessons.
The spirit lessons (Geisteslehre/Ghostlectures) are sent in batches, one short of a bakers-dozen i.e. just a normal dozen I suppose, of 12 lessons per year, divided 3 times annually into 4 lessons each parcel delivery, i.e. year one, spirit-lessons 1-4, 5-8 and 9-12. According to the 'average' Earth human evolution, 1 spirit lesson can be learned in 1 month when the student commits to 3 hours and 58 minutes per week for the learning of that 1 spirit lesson in 1 given month. Alternatively, once you have become a passive member, you can apply to to the 'Geisteslehre', and once paid and approved you receive one book of 4 lessons per 4 months.
There is one other additional way of being allowed to study the 'Spirit Lessons' besides that of becoming a passive member and that is to become a patron instead. Anyone may become a patron, donor or sponsor who, through a one-off and/or regular donation, assist and support FIGU in a charitable capacity for a minimum amount agreed to by the CG49. Patrons may then study the Geisteslehre and additional be granted entry into the recurring General Assembly of the Passive Group, however, they have no right to vote as a Passive Member would, per Article 7 of the FIGU Statutes document.
Excerpt from Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block, page 424
- Semjase: Everyone at this time who is actively occupied with the Geisteslehre will gain an incredible advantage and the possibility for a faster evolution which will bring them after the next life about 124 years further in consciousness and spiritual-development, to which they will develop as an elite, after which in later time the Spiritleaders of Earth will develop, after which they will execute the Spiritual leading of Earth.
"14. Those who therefore now strive for it under our guidance gain an unheard of advantage and the possibility of a faster evolution, which advances them after the next life by about 124 years in the consciousness and spirit evolution, whereby they become an elite, which slowly evolves in later times as spiritual leadership for the Earth, after which the spiritual leadership of the Earth can then be carried out by them."
The symbols in the book 'Symbole der Geisteslehre' are 601 of 52,476,812 spirit symbols, and are those that are used in Spirit-Telepathy. This fact is discussed in the Geisteslehre No. 17, p.179.
The symbols of the Spirit Teaching embody not only the concepts they represent, but they contain any of a whole universe of meanings, and they generate in the person who deals with them, a new bond/attachment to the symbol and the idea for which it stands. Occupying oneself meditatively on the symbols of the spiritual teaching, and in detail, is, from my own experience a valuable and extremely helpful means of self-knowledge, self-education and character development and personality development. The symbols accommodate not only nice and edifying or forbidding and awful âimagesâ, but in themselves are very involved and to deal with them radically and unreservedly, is informative and valuable.
With the feelings and stirrings they evoke in us to inspect, to perceive and deal with, can bit by bit help us on our stony and laborious path of evolution. Our reactions to the symbols are not neutral in fact, but shaped by our thinking and our personality."
The ability to use Spirit-Telepathy is only available to those who have reached level 4 and I would think that mastery of primary telepathy would be a requirement to precede this. A note, about primary telepathy as well: Billy mentioned that amongst the Plejaren, not all can use primary telepathy, but only a small percentage have developed this ability.
Since the Symbole der Geisteslehre (symbols of the spiritual teaching) have been created by Nokodemion, terrestrial human beings cannot compile them through any means. This is possible only for the personalities of the Nokodemion line.
These symbols may not be getting mixed with the symbols that are used in spiritual telepathy. Those symbols cannot be drawn.
Geisteslehre Lehrebrief 17; pp. 177-183 and Geisteslehre Lehrebrief 106; pp. 1286-1295
The Earth human in his current evolution is gradually beginning to discover the ability to send thoughts from himself to another person in order to communicate by other means than vocal or any other non-verbal means.
This is called Telepathy: (Greek = far feeling) pure spiritual or material consciousness-related energetic-oscillation based means of understanding, transmission and communications process.
The very first form of telepathy in humans is called primary telepathy, which works mainly through the ear, the inner ear and the cochlear nerve to the brain, specifically to the neocortex of the cerebrum (big brain).
This communication takes place at the current lightspeed.
In the beginning this form of telepathy is very weak and manifests itself as a faint whispering somewhere in the material consciousness which position can not be determined, also when the sender is still inexperienced the telepathic communication is interrupted similar to a radio transmission on the very edge of its range.
Primary telepathy consists of thoughts, words and so-called real-images; those images are images of real existing objects like pictures, objects in nature and humans, etc.
Over time and through practice the telepathy improves to a form, which is purely based in the material consciousness, exactly from the neocortex of brain, still bound to the single speed of light.
The forms of telepathy are countless, in the material and both the spiritual.
In the material, there is not just primary telepathy, but also material-consciousness telepathy, psyche-telepathy, material-subconscious telepathy, impulse-telepathy, mind-reading and instinct telepathy.
Next to humans also animals and (higher) plantlife are capable of telepathy based on their form of consciousness (instinct-consciousness, etc.)
The exception is for spirit-telepathy, which is only possible for humans and pure-spiritforms.
The sixth sense has nothing to do with telepathy; it is based in the solar plexus, which registers internal (your own feelings created by thoughts) and external feelings (feelings from other people)
The seventh sense is the âEmpfindungâ from the spiritual realm (the GemĂźt), and this process involves the Pineal gland.
From this fact one can see that also the seventh sense has nothing to do with primary telepathy, but with communication with (the GemĂźt), which is the spiritual counterpart of the halfmaterial psyche.
Then there is pure spiritual telepathy which ranges from 147x current lightspeed until 10>7000 lightspeed, however there is also GemĂźt-telepathy, Empfindung-telepathy, etc)
The spirit lessons includes many topics such as concentration, meditation, reincarnation etc. Over 365 lessons. Organised and structured in such a way that you learn the basics in the beginning and build on it with each lesson, rather than acquiring it from the books, however, not everything in the lessons are mentioned in the books. To finish all the 365 lessons one will need at least 365 months to finish it, about 30 years or so. Another thing to keep in mind is that itâs only available in German, but it has been made accessible to English speaking people, they would just need to translate the lessons personally for personal use. It is advised by FIGU to have some understanding of German and/or some experience in translating as some of the lessons can get complicated to translate, and may cause misunderstandings, but if you are into anything for 30 years you will fathom everything about it. Individuals will need to subscribe first before they gain access to the contents page, as one signs an agreement that one will not share the information within the books to other people. It is really an agreement of trust as there is no way for them to find out that you are sharing it, unless someone told them of course. The reason why they are strict, is mainly because the information within the books are very powerful and could be used for good as well as bad, being strict about it helps manage who is getting the books, so in signing the forms you agree that you are studying the information for your own growth. If someone is interested to know what is in then that individual would need to subscribe to the lessons, one could theoretically try it out for a year and stop any time if no improvement in behaviour is noticed. Which I doubt would happen if you understand the information written.
One thing for sure is that the information is extremely interesting, and is quite detailed in some of the lessons, that is why it is advised to start working on German translation ability if one plans to start the spirit lessons, because automatic translations can cause quite a confusion if you are not experienced enough. But with experience, English speaking people can translate quite good but not precisely, with at least over 1 year of intensive translating.