Scott Do you have the neutralising procedure as well please?
The Creation-energy teaching lessons (Geisteslehre)
Hello James,
If I recall the crystals can be neutralized 2 ways. If you have the Mid-Size Pyramid (7 persons) or the Large Pyramid (7 + persons) the crystal is placed 1/3 the distance up from the base to the apex inside the pyramid for 72 hours. The 2nd way is to place the crystal in a running stream or brook for a period of 14 days. I know this is not always easy, but that is what FIGU recommends. After the crystal is neutralized it should be good for approx 5 years. FIGU Canada sells the small and mid size Pyramids and Billy Books also sells them:
Hope this helps....
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Scott That is excellent information thank you Scott. There are plenty of streams of water here in Scotland. They are everywhere.
Thats Great James, yes that should be no problem for you...Hopefully you can find your crystal/stone locally if you don't already have one...For some reason I thought you were in the UK...
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Scott Well Scotland is still a part of the UK since 1707 with the Act of Union. I grew up in Plymouth , England however. Now I'm in Helensburgh , Scotland.
Thank you James, for some reason I always thought the UK was considered England, but my knowledge of history needs improving .
I'm glad this came up. I imagine that non-figu members often wonder what the difference is between studying the Geisteslehre and just studying Billy's books. I think many (most?) people ask themselves why they should pay extra money for the Geisteslehre when they have spent a lot on the books, and feel they can't justify the cost, partly based on the fact that they are not sure exactly what they are signing up to with the Geisteslehre. Perhaps passive/patreon members could write something about how they would describe the differences. Is it an extension of the books or an addition? Would it be allowed to list topics covered in the Geisteslehre without revealing the contents? Many thanks.
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SteveLane There seems to be an overlap of information provided by the books, websites and creation-energy teaching but in a Venn diagram sense so there is also information provided in each format that is not provided by the other formats.
I think it would be fine to provide a list of contents personally but I don't have them.
A more important point perhaps is whether you want to risk going without some useful evolutionary information in this lifetime? If not then buy everything!
Hello ,
I am very interested in taking out a subscription in addition to the passiv-member.
I would like to know if it is possible to study the content of the Geisteslehre with the same method I use, i.e. using deepl translate and then correcting and improving my own translation (while understanding the original meaning of the text of course).
I'm getting better and better at reading German (mainly billy's books), I've always understood the meaning of the sentences to the best of my understanding.
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Hi Scott, DeepL pro offers maximum security as your text is deleted immediately after translation. As you will have a responsibility to protect the contents of the teaching letters, it is important it is not “accessed” by using free forms of translation.
I also got this cleared with Christian F. before I decided to use it.
The free form does not offer the same security which is fine for newsletter translations but not for Teaching Letters.
Scott, a book scanner is the best and easiest option. However it’s possible to use the inbuilt scanner on some laptops. Then, I would edit it in word to ensure the text is identical to the official letters and then translate.
I would then do a final edit to make sure the bold text in the official letter are also in bold in the translation and every page starts exactly with the same words etc.
Scott I suppose it could be beneficial to type the teaching letters by hand into a Word document. It could aide in getting used to the spelling of German words. The spell-checker could be temporarily set to German to catch typo's.
Scott I have been wanting to spend some time with others that have experienced a shift in what they thought live to be after starting to deeply reflect on the material. I have been on this path for a long time and have acquired all of the translated material over time each changes like a stream in a forest, every time I come back to it is different.. It took me 10 years to become a passive member in hopes of finding others that have managed to not to flame out. That do no harm goes outward to the world but also inwards to one's own psyche. This topic has been the hardest to deal with I have paid for the lessons but have not seen a single page. I have attempted to buy them all so I can move on at my rate for I am seasoned in life and have the time. But if we can not share between members then learning and teaching is going to very complex for every step would require a reference to published works. Over the last few years I have used the concentration exercise as a baseline to just what another is ready to really learn. But even this has been a hard one, for is harm being done when a human is not even ready for this first exercise. Plus everyone has to be apart of the live each has created to date. we can all change without wrecking others lives. Vivienne Legg did a wonderful video about Attentiveness in which everyone could take her words into a big city street corner or the suburbs or into the social environment they are in. So this topic is being addressed but having the right method. But James as I enter this forum how do you understand the third parties statement?