Say C.B. (Harry Lear shit-for-brains),
Seems like you weren't convinced that the 22/7 marbles physical example disproved Pi = 3.1446? You are a tough old-fart to please damn, I guess 22-marbles doesn't provide the required precision to convince you so lets use more marbles to increase the accuracy for the Pi estimate.
The strategy is identical to Archimedes method whereby the accuracy of Pi = 3.14159 improves with increasing the number of sides in the polygon, similarly the accuracy of Pi using marbles, will also increase by incorporating more marbles in both the circumference and through the diameter while maintaining a tight no-gap circumference that best suites reducing the marble gaps through the diameter which is unavoidable.
Using an AI solver, 1448, 16-mm marbles around the circumference, and 461, 16-mm marbles through the diameter results in 3-digit precision estimation of Pi = 3.141. Understand the marble circumference diameter is deliberately sized such that all 1448, 16-mm marbles fitted around the circumference are touching with no gaps while limiting or reducing the gap through the diameter which cannot be entirely eliminated but can be minimized considerably.

Upon closer inspection near the top where the diameter insects the circumference it is a perfect fit with no gaps.

The table below shows that 1448 marbles around the circumference divided by 461 marbles through the diameter results in a Pi 3.141.

The interesting part is looking at the gap in the marble diameter where it intersects the bottom of the circle. The precisely drawn illustration of the physical representation of the model, shows there is a 1.39 mm overlap as is calculated in the above table, where the diameter falls on top of the circumference however visually it’s a reasonable approximation of PI = 1448/461 = 3.141. Its not perfect, but enough to show that Pi is reasonably estimated at 3.141 better than fake Pi = 3.1446 as shown in the next diagram.

In order to achieve fake Pi = 3.1446 using the physically based model, the number of marbles through the diameter, which is the denominator in the Pi calculation, must be made smaller in order to increase the value of Pi from 3.141 to 3.144.
In order to achieve Pi = 3.144 for a fixed 1448, 16-mm marble circumference requires a marble diameter of 460.47 which is less than 461 by 0.53 marbles which works out to 8.45 mm gap in the diameter between the marbles. its obvious from the diagram below the gap for fake Pi = 3.144 is huge and unrealistic compared to traditional Pi = 3.141. This proves beyond any doubt fake Pi = 3.144 is a hoax.

Now the physically based model doesn't LIE, so it should be pretty obvious traditional Pi = 3.141 is an excellent representation of the physically based marbles model compared to fake Pi = 3.1446 which is not revealed in an actual physical environment at all, not even close.
If you're at all skeptical these results are very easily replicated and reproducible. Now don't blame me if you're too stupid to understand this C.B. but it conclusively proves your Pi = 3.1446 is horseshit like I've been saying as has Billy Meier who states true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN in CR 722, as has Ptaah in CR 712 who states traditional Pi is VALID for all round and circular calculations in both math and physics, and, as 22-million academics in mathematics will tell you, ALL, that,
Pi = 3.1446 is a HOAX and a SCAM