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Hey there Liddz,
Long time no see, welcome back to the club of Pi = 3.1446 horseshit morons, all certifiable quacks, trying to shove their Pi = 3.1446 horseshit down the FIGU Community throats, in, of all places, a Billy Meier forum intended to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi not your goddam Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, which, by the way, Billy Meier nor the Plejaren have EVER endorsed just that goddam piece of shit FIGU Core member Christian Frehner foolishly endorsed Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit and his side-kick dressed in tights, one of the Pi-Radical morons, Michael Horn, all of whom supported Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.
Since we're together now, I suggest we all pay homage to the one man responsible for bringing us together and that would be that lying bag-of-shit Christen Frehner who, as a FIGU Core member, in 2017 published a FIGU article, on behalf of the FIGU Mission, falsely stating to the FIGU Community, that Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 was the true and correct Pi value, when neither Billy Meier nor the Plejaren have ever stated the true and correct of Pi, and in fact in 2019, two years later, Billy Meier in CR #722 states the true and correct Pi remains UNKNOWN to Earth humans.
….so in respect of Christian Frehner foolish and stupid contribution to the FIGU Mission, for spreading lies to the FIGU Community, let us all now bow down and pay homage to the great and magnificent Christian Frehner because without his endorsement of Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, none of us would be here right now, so thank you shit-for-brains Christian Frehner for listening to that goddam moron Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit instead of trusting Billy Meier. Well done you goddam moron ….
Now back to business, Liddz where have you been? Did they leave the insane asylum doors open and you managed to sneak by the guards? You know I find it interesting, none of you dipshits actually care about what Billy Meier has to say about Pi do you! NO, you goddam know-it-all pieces-of-shit, you're all just a bunch of shit-for-brains morons, arrogantly shoving your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit down the throats of the FIGU Community.
You Pi – Radicals are disgusting, all of you pieces of shit, showing no respect for Billy Meier's information about Pi, and that applies to everyone of you assholes, especially Harry Lear who started this goddam bullshit in the first place. Ever wonder why no one intelligent believes in your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, well its because they're intelligent and all of you have shit-for-brains, that's really the honest to god truth. You Pi-Radicals are too stupid to understand Pi = 3.1446 is impossible and you're so goddam arrogant pushing your Lies lacking proper skills in mathematics.
How could someone like Harry Lear, who is so goddam stupid, collect such a swarm of idiots supporting his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in the FIGU Community when Billy Meier nor the Plejaren have EVER endorsed a true and correct Pi value which Billy Meiers states in UNKNOWN to Earth humans in 2019, CR 722. What part of that don't you understand you goddam dipshits?
Liddz I can only deal with one dipshit moron at a time but nice job there sparky copy/pasting the same pile of useless Pi = 3.1446 horseshit you always post, mindless goddam nonsense as usual about as productive and informative as Jude.bug's calculator screen images.
Now back to HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),
This is absolutely the last time I'm going show you why your latest "B"ee's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is bullshit and just another fake/fraud proof in an never ending string of nonsense from you dipshits with grade-school level math. Although I've already explained the flaw in your logic you're too stupid to understand what should be obvious. No wonder intellectuals, skilled in mathematics, call all you Pi-Radicals 'Quacks' – and all you Pi – Radials know that true. Its really what you bozo's really are; a bunch of high-school math educated know-it-all quacks, no smarter than a bag of hammers.
Anyway HRBoT, appreciate the shitty explanation of your "Bee's" Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof but you still haven't answered the simple question properly because you obviously don't understand the flaw in your logic and why it incorrect. You're proposed solution is actually really stupid, which may explain why your too afraid to show this "B"ee's proof to anyone intelligent.
You have one unknown variable 'b' which you are trying to solve and you know absolutely nothing about so you think you can just solve for 'b' right out of thin air?
Here is a simple analogy of how ridiculous your solution is. If you are able to solve for 'b' out of thin air then how about this, I'm thinking of a number 'g'. When 'g' is squared its value is g2. So now you tell me what number am I thinking of? Do your fancy right-triangle inscribed in a semicircle calculation smart-ass! Well lets work through it together. The number I was think of was g = 0.70.
Similar to your method, to solve for 'b', lets assign g to the long leg of a right triangle. Then lets assign g2 to the short leg of a right-triangle and we'll also assume the hypotenuse equal to 1. How lovely, we've now assumed values for every leg of the right-triangle and it’s a piece-of-cake to solve with all these wonderful convenient illogical assumptions.
Knowing the hypothesis is 1, and the long-leg of the right-triangle is 'g = 0.70', the short-leg of the right-triangle, g2, is 0.7141 calculated using Pythagoras theorem, but just wait a minute here, the actual value for g2 = 0.72 = 0.49 not 0.7141. How could that be, I followed your instructions perfectly?
The 3-legs of a right-triangle have specific lengths that must be numerically correct in portion to the geometry of a right-triangle. Therefore you may, assign any two legs of a right-triangle to whatever value your little heart desires from which the length of the remaining 3rd side may be calculated using Pythagoras theorem.
So as stated, it is valid to assign two sides of a right-triangle any random value or variable. So the unknown variable 'b' may be set equal to the length of the long-leg of a right-triangle and, the hypotenuse may also be set equal to '1' however nothing is known about nor may be inferred regarding the length of the 3rd side.
In your right-triangle, nothing is known about the actual length of the 3rd short-leg. You cannot assume the length of the 3rd leg is b2 without first proving this is a valid assumption. As I had originally stated, if you assume the log and short-legs of a right triangle are b and b2 respectively, then you cannot assume the hypotenuse is equal to '1' but you didn't have a clue to what I was referring.
If you still don't understand why your logic is wrong, after this exhaustive explanation a child could understand, then happy trails there sparky, never mind, just would like to end by congratulating you for having proven your latest Pi = 3.1446 "B"ees horseshit is valid to at least one person; your own arrogant self.
Perhaps try reading CR 251 where Billy Meier states very clearly,
The true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun
..therefore it may be logically concluded,
The true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by the dip-shit Harry Lear in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape