Hush Actually faking geometric proofs is quite easy

Oh really!
And why didn’t you point out the fake in this geometric demonstration?

  • Edited

Well HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks), first it was kind of fun pointing out the fraud in every faked Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof but after awhile it just gets kind of boring especially after pointing out the defect in their logic, the bozo's still don't understand what the hell they did wrong because they're nincompoops so dense, and pea-brained, even when you spell it out for them they still don't understand as in your case with your last Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof or as you correctly pointed out with Jude (thanks for the help with Jude by the way) who didn't understand he needed to account for the circle circumference but he still had no goddam idea what you were talking about. You have no idea how funny it was reading your posts back-and-forth each trying to understand the other's fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit neither one understanding the other.

I've basically had enough of your horseshit Pi = 3.1446 proofs because you dip-shits never learn from your mistakes, you just pull another Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof out of your vacuum bag, you're all stuck in Pi = 3.1446 horseshit rut unable to see the truth. I have no idea why you're so obsessed with this Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof but is an example of the ongoing devolving and degradation of the human psyche and thank you for serving as a primary role model - witnessing the decline right before my very eyes (LOL).

    Hush yet... You are just hot air blowing like a fart. And the fact that you only call out a few snippets of contact reports to which only you include your lies and delusions, shows the lack of nutrients your "farts" possess.

    Again... Show math! Prove us wrong.

    I understand C.B.'s derivation. There is only a slight flaw in the calculation, and this has to do with the nature of exponents. The Pythagorean Theorem rectifies that with correctness for as long as "a" is the height of the triangle (which at the same time serves as the radius of a circle) and "b" is the base of the triangle (which at the same time serves as 1/2 of the side length of a square).

    If the intention was to square the circle with Areas of the square being the equivalent of the circumference of a circle, let me tell you both... THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

    Every time one speaks of squaring of the circle, one knows that it has to do with the the relationship between the perimeter of a square and the circumference of a circle. IT IS POSSIBLE TO SQUARE THE CIRCLE ONLY IN THAT FASHION.

    If the Perimeter of a square is 32 because all 4 sides of the square were 8, then the circle's will be 8/2 multiplied by the square root of the Golden Ratio, and the circumference will still be 32.

    Then take 1/2 of the square and multiply it by 4. In this case, you get a smaller square of Perimeter 16 and area 16. Divide that by the radius of the circle and for sure you will get 3.144606.

    Try it with 3.141593... It doesn't work.

    It is pointless to slander MH, CF, or HL and try to separate them from Billy. If they say it is correct, the same as Guido wanted approval for its correctness and got it before he passed away, then I too see the Truth in their approval of 3.144606 as being the true value of PI.

    Again... You have to do it for yourself to see the Truth.

    Like them Flat-Earthers who got humbled after travelling to Antarctica and witness the Sun never set even at midnight proving that the planet is a globe.


    Hush. Do your due diligence and do the math. But I know you won't because your next post is going to be you copy pasting your pre prepared answers.

    I mean... Let's face it. You have a notepad with copy pasted texts and your Photoshop is prepared with all default presets so you won't have to think and truly exercise your brain to explain these things logically for us to understand these things.

    Is there anything constructive you would like to input. Or do you still want to fart hot air?

      Jude Andre Charles If the intention was to square the circle with Areas of the square being the equivalent of the circumference of a circle, let me tell you both... THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

      And so just to be clear. Impossible (yet) to construct. NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO CALCULATE.

      The key lies in the Pythagorean Theorem. It gives out almost if not everything.

      • Edited

      There you are Jude,

      Back from sulking having licked your wounds from HRBoT's tongue lashing scolding you for not taking the actual circumference of a circle into consideration in your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit calculator screen-captures. Even with both of you two morons, HRBoT and Jude, odds are still way in my favor. Same old broken record Jude complaining about me having to prove this and prove that, but dumb-ass you're the one trying to come up with a Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof and neither one of you knows how to do that?

      Its funny you're defending HRBoT's last proof, which it seems you may have finally understood but he FAKED as I've easily proven, as he's faked all his Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs. HRBoT made some dumb-ass assumptions in his math proof; one he wrongly assumed the hypotenuse of his triangle was equal to '1' which is incorrect and two; he assumed he could just plop his 'b' variables into a right-triangle when its unknown what shape the triangle may represent for the value of 'b' once its solved for but its unknown that's the point; I'm guessing you're not following any of this are you Jude. That's ok, you're just a harmless bozo one of the merry Pi-Radicals dressed in spandex tights parading around showing off your crazy Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

      Have no idea why you're talking about flat-lander and a globe. Actually surprised you didn't mention the teenage mutant ninja turtles again, oh was it mortal kombat, yeah it was mortal kombat, you must be a big fan. Maybe you should leave mathematics alone and go watch your favorite movies instead of rambling constant inherent gibberish.

      Well Micheal Horn and Christian Frehner are absolutely nincompoops for promoting Harry Lear's Pi=3.1446 horseshit lie to the FIGU Community and the posters prove it when comparing Billy Meier's information from the Contact Reports to these 3-dumb asses. By now they either realize they've made a mistake or they still believe in the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. If they still believe in the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, then they don't believe in Billy Meier's information about Pi and are NOT true to the FIGU Mission of TRUTH and HONESTY and therefore need to be held accountable for promoting this bullshit. If they are aware they made a mistake, then they should do the right thing and admit they were wrong promoting this LIE Pi = 3.1446 horseshit as influential representatives to the FIGU Community, especially Christian Frehner, FIGU Core member who LIED to the FIGU Community promoting Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit instead of listening to and trusting Billy Meier's information about Pi. The fact that none of them will step forward and admit they were wrong and I'm highlight their indifference to the TRUTH which is contrary to the very foundation of the FIGU Mission is built upon. If anyone should know and understand the importance of sharing the truth its Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, and correcting your mistakes once you've learned the truth - goddam dumb-shits just sit their like useless bumps on a log - morons.

      Please spare me your ongoing Pi = 3.1446 horseshit as I've just cleaned this Billy Meier Pi-Topic forum room from your Pi bullshit stench and I'd like to keep it clean if you don't mind. That Pi = 3.1446 horseshit really stinks up the place - P.U. that smell is awful.

      Anyway had fun this weekend bantering back and forth and let you two dumb-ass morons enjoy this nicely cleaned up Pi-Topic room, free from the horseshit smell of Pi = 3.1446 and I'll be back next week to clean up your mess again. Say Jude do you like my posters; HRBoT refuses to comment. At least thanks for noticing. Greatly appreciated.

      Jude Andre Charles If the intention was to square the circle with Areas of the square being the equivalent of the circumference of a circle, let me tell you both... THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

      This derivation gives the value of π not the squaring of the circle.
      If you want to find out the square with the same area of the circle, which is the meaning of the squaring, you just take b and draw the square root: √b. This is the side of the square with the same area of the circle. You multiply:
      √b*√b and obtain b, now as the area of the square equaling that of the circle.

        C.B. what intrigues me is the how you found 3.144606 out of the equation? I can tell you that 3.144606 for me comes from dividing the perimeter of a square with twice the radius of a circle which has a circumference of a same value as that of the square, and that's for as long as the arrangement is within the parameters of the Golden Ratio.

        4b = 3.14159265359 will ALWAYS yield 3.14159265359. Unless you substitute the 3.14159265359 for 3.144606, but from there, the construction would be needed to prove that it works. With the formula you provided, you'd have to enlighten me as to how you arrived at 3.144606 without the Golden Ratio.

        I, one time, found that the square root of 32 minus 8 gives out the square of 3.144606. Doesn't mean that I can construct anything with it (yet). Still... It is worth exploring.

        • C.B. replied to this.

          Jude Andre Charles

          Jude Andre Charles what intrigues me is the how you found 3.144606 out of the equation?

          I found the value of the areas b ; b2 can be used to construct a right triangle and solve the value of b over Pythagoras.
          I never thought of Golden Ratios by developing the derivation.

            C.B. try it with Golden Ratio. Your derivation makes use of the Pythagorean Theorem, which is good.

            Start with the Kepler's (Tycho Brahe's) triangle and you will see the difference.

            • C.B. replied to this.


              Take this as an example:

              4 times 1 divide by the square root of the Golden Ratio. Tell me what you get.

              Or in that case, it would be 4 times 0.786151 divided by one will yield the same result

              This one has the Golden Ratio as a radius. The full base of the Pyramid shows up as 3.14460551103.

              Also the slant of the Pyramid is equal to the every side of square:

              Also... For as long as the square and circle have the same perimeter/circumference, the circle within the circle will always be of a radius of 1, and will fit snuggly under the Pyramid.

              • C.B. replied to this.

                Jude Andre Charles

                Yeas, but if you change the slope or angle of the pyramid then it isn’t anymore. This is not an evidence that the exact value of π is 3.1446,….. is just an evidence that the Egyptians used that proportion.
                Take some math lessons online to understand the difference.

                  C.B. the construction is proportional. You change the slope, everything changes at the same time.

                  • C.B. replied to this.

                    C.B. in the configuration I showed you, 3.144606 is practically everywhere... And always constant.

                    • C.B. replied to this.