Hush yet... You are just hot air blowing like a fart. And the fact that you only call out a few snippets of contact reports to which only you include your lies and delusions, shows the lack of nutrients your "farts" possess.
Again... Show math! Prove us wrong.
I understand C.B.'s derivation. There is only a slight flaw in the calculation, and this has to do with the nature of exponents. The Pythagorean Theorem rectifies that with correctness for as long as "a" is the height of the triangle (which at the same time serves as the radius of a circle) and "b" is the base of the triangle (which at the same time serves as 1/2 of the side length of a square).
If the intention was to square the circle with Areas of the square being the equivalent of the circumference of a circle, let me tell you both... THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Every time one speaks of squaring of the circle, one knows that it has to do with the the relationship between the perimeter of a square and the circumference of a circle. IT IS POSSIBLE TO SQUARE THE CIRCLE ONLY IN THAT FASHION.
If the Perimeter of a square is 32 because all 4 sides of the square were 8, then the circle's will be 8/2 multiplied by the square root of the Golden Ratio, and the circumference will still be 32.
Then take 1/2 of the square and multiply it by 4. In this case, you get a smaller square of Perimeter 16 and area 16. Divide that by the radius of the circle and for sure you will get 3.144606.
Try it with 3.141593... It doesn't work.
It is pointless to slander MH, CF, or HL and try to separate them from Billy. If they say it is correct, the same as Guido wanted approval for its correctness and got it before he passed away, then I too see the Truth in their approval of 3.144606 as being the true value of PI.
Again... You have to do it for yourself to see the Truth.
Like them Flat-Earthers who got humbled after travelling to Antarctica and witness the Sun never set even at midnight proving that the planet is a globe.
Hush. Do your due diligence and do the math. But I know you won't because your next post is going to be you copy pasting your pre prepared answers.
I mean... Let's face it. You have a notepad with copy pasted texts and your Photoshop is prepared with all default presets so you won't have to think and truly exercise your brain to explain these things logically for us to understand these things.
Is there anything constructive you would like to input. Or do you still want to fart hot air?