Billy’s Poem - Part 1 -

We live in a time when major powers and systems of thought (capitalism/democracy – communism/authoritarian rule) clash in a bitter fight for world-domination. Is there any information in Billy's CRs that should alert us - this question underlies this investigation.

  1. In CR 834 Ptaah tells us that Billy’s poem (written when he was 12 years old) will come true.
    “... what will inevitably come, as you already wrote at the age of 12 in a poem that I have recorded here. With the help of Father Zimmermann, you then sent it to all the members of the Swiss Federal Council in Bern, as well as to various state leaders in Germany and Austria….”

  2. Ptaah’s assertion makes Billy's poem a prediction of unchangeable future events.
    If they point to a future WW (1) then the following CR 251 excerpts may describe our here and now:

a) “If the human being does not finally come to his/her senses, then the Third World War cannot be avoided, which will first start with conventional weapons, but then escalate into nuclear, chemical, biological and radiation weapons…”

b) “And again, new weapons will be talked about as well as the death of four heads of state who will die within seven days. This will be a last sign of danger of the fact that the world war that has been feared for so long will still break out within only about two years if the Earth-humans do not finally become masters of reason and stop all evil.”

c) "The world war will then begin in a certain year in the month of November, after about 5 years of “work in intensive form”, whereby this time will be preceded by another four years in indefinite preparatory form." "If the war really breaks out, then it will last up to about one month shy of 4 years, so it will end in October of the fourth year, " (CR 251)

I'm not sure what the expression “work in intensive form” implies.
But if it stands for the built-up of aggression/hate/revenge since 2022 and if this continues on until 2027 then, maybe, acc. to CR 251

  • The next WW may start in (2022 + 5 =) 2027 (in Nov)
  • It may end in (2027 + 4 =) 2031 (in Oct)
  • The death of 4 statesmen in 1-week may happen in (2027 -2 =) 2025.

This is, of course, a very simplistic attempt to date the CR 251 information.
And yes, there are many unknowns and other possibilities. The quoted CR 251 passages may only be a prophecy that may never come true or refer to a (much) later time . But the events in Billy’s poem – which Billy witnessed in one of his voyages into the future in his early youth – why would Ptaah mention them?
Maybe to alert those who are able to do so, "For the sake of life on Earth and all of humanity’s discoveries that would be lost.:
Please stop this war."

(1) In 2014 Billy quoted an article in the prestigious German Zeit (Time) Newspaper in which previous German Chancellor Schmid comes to a similar conclusion as Ptaah and Billy:
The brewing conflict in the Ukraine reminded him (German Ex-Chancellor Schmid) of the situation in 1914 before the First World War... The two were "increasingly comparable". .. the danger is worsening, as in August 1914

Billy’s Poem - Part 2 -

Is there further CR info that would support a major war in our time?

[Billy after talking about the U-War/CR 833]
“But there is something else, namely an imminent danger also lurks from the depths of space, which the earthling will probably not be able to face. Just as in Yucatán an asteroid heavily studded with nickel, chromium and iron altered the all-encompassing course of life on Earth, unleashing a seismic wave 7 km per second [= 25,200 km/h] across the entire Earth and wiping out 85% of all life, so will …”

One explanation for Billy’s warning may be the prospect of a major war at the very time of the ‘earth crust-splitting’ (2) Apophis impact. We know that the Red Meteor (Apophis) will come close to our planet in 2029 and may, if it did not hit Earth, return in 2036. If there was a war between 2027-2031 that leaves our planet devastated (1) then, as Billy says, we earthlings “may not be able to face the imminent danger from space” in 2029 and 2036.

A similar warning came from Quetzal in 1981. He then stated that Apophis may be a ‘a reminder and a punishment by the cosmic forces’ (3) due to mankind’s “materialistic and misleading disunity” and “megalomania”. He does not mention the wording “war. But sadly, the reasons he mentioned may well describe the sentiments that underlie WW3.

One truly hopes that these dire prophecies will never happen.
Were it not for a foretelling poem released by the Plejaren who are usually reluctant to tell us what our future will be.

                                                            ---------- / ----------

                              There are 3 ways of gaining wisdom: 
                                             First, by reflection, which is noblest; 
                                             Second, by imitation, which is easiest; 
                                             and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” 


(1) Quetzal CR 215:208-209 (‘Henoch Prophecies / WW3’)

  1. The cruel happenings will last about 888 days and cause civilization to collapse.
  2. Yet, the terrible scenario will continue, and epidemics and various diseases as well as enormous famines will be spread among the human beings, while the economy of the world will totally collapse and there will be no possibility to produce any goods.

(2) Quetzal CR 150:493-498

  1. The meteor mentioned in the prophecies, which will have an enormous size and will cause very vicious destruction on Earth, and which besides climatic also threatens to bring tectonic and other changes, will also threaten to split the Earth's crust, from today's North Sea to the Black Sea, which however does not have to be true with certainty, because today certain factors speak against it.
    And its journey is to end on Earth? Is there not anything you guys can do about it?
  2. You know very well that it will be so and that we must not stop this happening.
  3. The cosmic forces themselves have pre-programmed this event, which could only be stopped or averted by the Earth-humans themselves.

(3) Quetzal CR 150:499

  1. In their materialistic and misleading disunity and in their megalomania, however, they disregard all warnings and prophecies, so that the event will probably inevitably come to pass, as a reminder and a punishment, if you want to see it in that manner.

    A more detailed account of the WW3 scenario is given in the Henoch Prophecies (HP) in CR 215:146-293. In this (1987) CR Quetzal stated that an event (Pope will not reside in Rome anymore) as the beginning of the HP and that “after the turn of the millennium, the papacy will exist only a short period” (CR 215:179 ).

    But in 1990 Ptaah revised Quetzal’s statement: “… our probability calculations weren’t fulfilled” (CR 236:260)
    The event that made a “recalculation” necessary was the advent of Gorbachev, the freeing of eastern European countries and the re-unification of Germany in 1989 which were, indeed, ‘major (unexpected) changes in world politics’.

    Then, in 2003, in CR 348:15-18, Billy asked Florena if there were any newer Plejaren calculations re. Pope John Paul II and the start of these prophecies.
    (Florena) “18. It is also correct that the next pope will be the second last before major acts of war, if the entire political and economic world situation as well as the human beings do not finally change for the better.”

    The ‘next pope’ was Pope Benedict who followed pope John Paul II in 2005. If Pope Benedict was ‘the second last pope then, according to Florena, the reign of our current pope may coincide with the start of these ‘acts of war’.

    • IPQ replied to this.
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      BLS I understand the Vatican read Billy’s work and as this is a prophecy, and prophecies can be changed, it’s possible the “resignation” of Pope Benedict was done so as to alter the path of this prophecy.
      Interestingly, Pope Francis has recently hinted at retirement also.
      I wonder if these retirements have changed the prophecies in some way…

      • BLS replied to this.

        If you meant pope Francis (considering retirement):
        He had revealed (I think in Dec 2022) in an interview that shortly after being elected pontiff in 2013 he wrote a resignation letter in case medical problems impede him from carrying out his duties.
        We may not know whether this would change Florena's forecast.
        But we know from Ptaah that Billy's poem comes true (CR 834).
        If we accept Ptaah's prediction the question may not be "if" but "when".

        • IPQ likes this.

        Billy in CR 711
        “Through my prophecies and the various predictions, I have pointed out and openly stated time and again since the 1940s and until today what will happen and take place in the future and thus also in the present time, just as it is actually happening in the whole world today, but still no attention is paid to it, but everything is only ridiculed, just as everything of my predictions is concealed by the public media of all kinds. Furthermore, and I should actually also mention this, on the one hand the media, if they already mention any particular things, still falsify everything according to their own interpretations, twist it and often even reproduce it in a mendacious and slanderous manner.”

        4 days later

        We may add Jmmanuel’s predictions that may, like the stanzas of Billy/s poem, describe events of the coming time

        Extract of the Talmud Jmmanuel / Chapter 25 (Predictions of Jmmanuel)

        1. But Jmmanuel answered and said: Two thousand years will pass and some additional time, ….
        2. …. henceforth will be a great affliction, which has never happened before since the beginning of the world and will never happen again.
        3. …there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when this time begins; due to the absurdity of man and due to his greed.
        4. Metallic machines they will build, by air and by water and by land; and they will annihilate each other.
        5. Heavy missiles they will cast out from the metallic machines over the land and on the cities.
        6. Fire will burst forth from the missiles and burn down the world, so not much will be spared.
        7. Foundation stones of life (nuclear energy?) and deadly gasses they will place into the missiles, so that with it they will kindle the deadly fire (nuclear bombardments) and annihilate (nuclear radiation?).the land and life.
        8. If at that time, the mighty ones of civilizations would not come, as the sons of the heavens of long ago, had gone in order to halt the unrestrained deadly insanity and the actions of the insane tyrants, verily, I say unto you: Not one human being would survive.
        9. As the human race at that time will be far more than ten times five hundred million people, so will great portions of them be annihilated and killed.
        • BLS replied to this.

          Who is Jmmanuel referring to in Chapter 25:33?

          “At that time the mighty ones of civilizations [will come] like the sons of the heavens of long ago, to halt the unrestrained deadly insanity and the actions of the insane tyrants”
          There is a passage in the Henoch Prophecies speaking of ETs that may, perhaps, intervene (1)
          Are these the members of the blue race (2) = extraterrestrials that live on our planet (close to the Himalayas) for a long time who may, due to their advanced technology, intervene to stop the developing global nuclear holocaust” (as they intervened(??) / (destroying Atlantis) in response to the nuclear destruction of Mu by Atlantis forces? (3)

          (1) CR 215 (Henoch Prophecies)

          1. And at this time, the possibility could become reality that extraterrestrial forces intervene ….
          2. These extraterrestrial forces will give up their anonymity and their state of secrecy …, should this possibility become reality.

          (2) Previous Discussions about the blue race can be found here:

          and later:

          (3) CR 70:106-133

          Please note that some of the dates mentioned in CR 070 have one digit too much:
          E.g. - in CR
          70:111: Atlant returned to our planet 33,000 (not 133,000 Earth years ago
          70:120 : The Plejaren scientists scaped to Beta Centauris 15,000 (not 115,000) years ago
          70:125: Arus returned to our planet 13,000 (not 133,000) Earth years ago
          70:131: Sumerians arriving from Sirius settled on our planet 33,000 (not 133,000) Earth years ago (they arrived at the time the Plejaren migrants around Atlant settled in Atlantis)
          70:138 The Armus people arrived on our planet 33,000 (not 133,000) Earth years ago

          • BLS replied to this.

            Were the recent switch on/offs of Earth nuclear equipment by UAPs (1) a test run?

            We should mention that Edgar Cayce indicated that a great many who lived in Atlantis are reborn in our time (2). So, based on this hypothesis, could it be that the nuclear switch on/off by ETs was but a "test run" ordered by some blue race leaders anxious to prevent a repeat of the nuclear holocaust that once destroyed their (aboveground) capital? (3)
            Just a thought…
            Luiz Elizondo tells us that the UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena – new word for the UFOs in our skies) are switching the "nuclear capabilities of major nations" on and off at will:
            Details see “Is our planet ‘checked out’ to evaluate “the success of an invasion?”

            (2) Edgar Casey (EC) explicitly mentioned that "…As they (Atlanteans that are reborn today) made such alterations in the affairs of the earth in their day, as to bring destruction upon themselves, that they are entering (are reborn) now that they might make changes in the affairs of peoples and individuals in the present?" (EC, Reading 364-1)

            Some 700 (=43.75 %) of EC’s ca. 1600 readings were given to people who had one or more incarnations in Atlantis

            (3) CR 60”50-93**

            • BLS replied to this.
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              Side Topi:c:** "Do we know that the blue race from Agartha make contact with other Earth humans? "**
              Short reply: Maybe.

              In CR 651 (1) in which Billy and Ptaah discuss the UFOs of “Erdzukünftige” (Earth Future Ones):
              Billy mentions that the blue race UFOs are much “spoken about and seen in the western hemisphere”. Ptaah is not allowed to mention they are specially interested in the western hemisphere.
              But he confirms that “the entire technology of the[se] subterranean inhabitants (they live below the Gobi Desert) corresponds to the future [space flight] technology that Earth humans will employ”.

              **We may conclude:_
              It is possible that the blue race will inspire other Earth scientists via impulses (like the Plejaren did to some Earth scientists).
              But it may be more plausible that this 'transfer of technical know-how' is the result of direct communication.' **

              Ptaah first mentions that there are 2 groups of “Erdzukünftige” (Earth Future Ones) whose UFOs are some of those seen in terrestrial skies:
              Group 1 (Ptaah, DR 651:48)

              1. And we call these groupings 'Earth-future ones' because the one grouping is effectively Earth-future or exists in the distant future on Earth and comes through time bridges (fly back in time) into the present time.
                Group 2 from Billy’s reply (CR 651)
                “With regard to [the] second grouping, which you also call 'future Earth-humans', it must be said that these are not, however, descendants of extraterrestrials from the distant future of Earth, nor are they direct, but indirect, very distant descendants of extraterrestrials. These people live deep underground under Earth's surface, and with their futuristic flying machines they also turn around in Earth’s airspace,
                … It is mainly this group of the future that makes a name for itself again and again, especially in the western world…
                I would be interested to know why these 'Earth-future ones' are so frequent in the western hemisphere and still are today, because in the eastern hemisphere such futuristic aircraft or UFOs are observed less often
                Ptaah’s reply
              2. …The reason why the inner terrestrial and also Earthly future 'Earth-future ones' operate especially in the western hemisphere is to be justified with this …, about which, however, silence is required.
              3. The reason for our [naming them] 'Earth-future ones' is based on the fact that the entire technology of the inhabitants of Earth's interior [state meaning: the entire technology of the subterranean inhabitants] corresponds to a future Earthly technology, which will only find its beginning in the near future and also will only become reality in the distant future.

              Please note:
              This information (and more) was given to us by the Plejaren and Billy that we stop and self-reflect.
              We do not need invasions, hate and wars which destroy our world.
              We were born on this planet to create unity and mutual respect.

              Re. The Danger of Apophis
              (Please note that the following are my own conclusions.
              The happenings Jmmanuel mentions may refer to a later time)

              There is as well some information in chapter 25 of the TJ (1) which tells that in “two thousand years and some additional time..” (from the time of Jmmanuel) comets (plural: Apophis – Benno?) will ‘fall from heaven’. Jmmanuel speaks of a 1000 days (almost 3 years) pollution of our planet due to oil smog One possible cause may the that major oil refineries are hit (2).
              Jmmanuel's predictions - should they not tell mankind to stop infighting and work together to counter this cosmic challenge?

              “44. But soon after the tribulation of that distant time, the sun and moon will lose their light, and the comets will fall down from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

              1. The framework of the Earth’s heavens and the atmosphere will be disturbed, and the land will burn due to the black oil of the Earth, ignited by the power greed of mankind, and the sky will darken from smoke as fire, which thus will rage for one thousand days and it will cover everything over the burning land and far beyond it with black soot. And therefore the weather will collapse and severe cold and manifold deaths will come over mankind, the plants and animals and over the Earth, due to the unreasonably deployed force of mankind, who will live in greed for power and passion and vice.”
              • BLS replied to this.

                Thanks for all that Bill!

                • BLS replied to this.

                  You are welcome, Hugo.
                  Salome, Bill

                  BLS (Maybe this should be a new discussion - like Apophis - Egypt - Ancient History?)
                  Apropos Apophis - Is this heavenly collision event built into the Giza Pyramids?

                  The CRs tell us of a possible collision with the Red Meteor in 2029 or 2036 (1).
                  Some scientists postpone it to a possible collision in 2068 (2).
                  But the possible date of this collision may as well be evident when a small section of the pyramid is facing a certain star:

                  1. We know that the layout of the Giza pyramids rekindles the 3 stars of the Hunter’s Belt and that the Great Pyramid was aligned with the Orion Constellation (3).
                  2. The people from Orion and Leo Constellation who assitsed in building the original pyramids (4) in 71,344 BCE had great knowledge (4) and powers to move the heavy stones via sound which resembled a form of telekinesis (5).
                  3. The original pyramids were built at a time when the Destroyer (Comet > 1.5 times the size of Earth) challenged life on our planet. Then people “found protection and survival because they built themselves structures like the Pyramids and also other shelters.”(6).
                    NB It is not clear why pyramids should protect from this danger.
                  4. Semjase tells us that a similar threat by cosmic forces is as well possible in our time (7).
                  5. As the Destroyer danger has been banned by the Plejaren (8) the danger from heaven may be Apophis.
                  6. Whatever this heavely danger - its date of impact can will happen
                    “… when the sunlight of a faraway star passes through the tube-like opening of the revelation, which stretches from outside the Giza pyramid to the centre, in a straight uninterrupted line and illuminates a particular point.”
                  7. The far away star in question may well be the brightest star (Mintaka, the middle star of the 3 stars) forming the Hunters Belt pointing to the largest pyramid (the middle pyramid of the 3 pyramids).
                    But we do not know of any tube-like opening in the largest pyramid (may be the tube is very miniscule?)
                    (1) Billy in CR 475 /
                    ” With regard to the Red Meteor, which will endanger the Earth on 13 April 2029… In the year 2029 it is supposed to either hit the Earth or whiz past it only very narrowly. If the latter should be the case, then a next dangerous meteor appearance would be in the year 2036, whereby then a nearing to the Earth could all the more lead to the catastrophe, if nothing is undertaken against it by the scientists or nothing changes in relation to the trajectory of the meteor itself. “

                  Page down to the article “The Red Meteor”

                  (3) Ptaah in CR 625 /

                  1. The Cheops Pyramid was, of course, created under the direction of Pharaoh Cheops, who had it completely rebuilt and remodelled, while 73,300 years ago (from 1996 AD = in 71,344 BCE) it was traced back to partially non-terrestrial builders, when non-terrestrials from the constellation of Orion were present in ancient Egypt, participated in the construction of the first pyramids and set themselves up as gods
                  2. The great pyramid was together with the others already in the early days and then also for the last recreation aligned on the Orion constellation, but the Sphinx according to the guidelines of Chephren on the Leo constellation.

                  (4) Ptaah CR 256 /

                  1. So the great Cheops pyramid measured 152.5 metres in height at that time, which corresponds to one metre per 1 million kilometres of Earth-Sun distance.
                  2. Originally, the pyramid buildings, as well as the subterranean rooms that were often connected with them, were built under the direction of human beings who were of extraterrestrial origin and who at that time came from the regions of the constellation Orion, which is why the Egyptian pyramids were also constructed, formation-wise, as an image of this constellation, while the Sphinx structure was aligned to the constellation Leo.

                  (5) Quetzal in CR 215 /

                  1. The human muscle power was used by the human beings of the Earth, who worked on the building, while the telekinetic powers were used by the foreigners from the star systems Orion and Leo, and of these foreigners, however, only a few had powerful telekinetic powers, thus, only small works were settled in this manner.
                    Billy in CR 836 /
                    “ I learned from Sfath and was able to sense and hear through his apparatus, that every system satellite actually orbits around the sun with a very specific swinging wave resp. vibration. This swinging wave also corresponds to a very specific wavelength as well as an impulse, which in turn produces a special sound. I could perceive resp. feel and hear all this through Sfath's equipment. And such swinging waves and sounds were also known and useful to the far-away travellers, who also used them in early times on Earth and produced monumental works with them. They were even able to move the heaviest things through the air with it, which I mentioned years ago when I mentioned something about the building of pyramids in Egypt. At that time I simply used the term 'telekinesis' to explain it,

                  (6) Quetzal in CR 150 /

                  1. A large part of the Earth-humans at that time, however, found protection and survival because they had been warned by our ancestors regarding the coming of the Destroyer and the impending disasters, consequently, they built themselves structures like the Pyramids and also other shelters.

                  (7) Semjase in CR 52 /

                  1. When the pyramids were built, the astronomers at that time were already calculating the further fate of the Earth.
                  2. The calculations revealed that many thousands of years in the future a catastrophe would once again threaten the Earth from the cosmos, like at the time of the construction of the pyramids.
                  3. For indicating the impending catastrophe to the Earth’s inhabitants of later millennia, the obtained measurement data of astronomical nature of the distant future was therefore built into the pyramids.
                  4. And now the time is slowly fulfilling, since the astronomical measurement data which, as explained, served and were decisive for the construction of the pyramids, are gradually corresponding with the astronomical values of the present time, and announcing the thus more than 70,000 years ago prophesied happening.
                  5. And that occurrence will precisely be then, when the sunlight of a faraway star passes through the tube-like opening of the revelation, which stretches from outside the Giza pyramid to the centre, in a straight uninterrupted line and illuminates a particular point.
                    (8) (Christian Frehner answering Forum Questions)
                    "The destroyer comet will not return because it has been influenced by the Plejaren onto a course which leads it away from Earth."

                  NB For anyone intersted in Egypt's pyramids - further details about the pyramids can be found here

                  • BLS replied to this.
                  • Hugo likes this.

                    One word regards all the articles about possible future events.

                    • They are not to frighten but to alert the reader of the given warning signs (should they occur).
                    • Most of the events mentioned in these articles relate to prophecies that “… can be changed for the better if human beings make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings and actions,” (Quetzal in CR 215: 146),
                      With this in mind I ask the reader to feel part of the great majority of mankind who want to live in peace.

                    Add-on re. Semjase's statement in CR 52: “And now the time is slowly fulfilling “ [that a cosmic event is threatening Earth again [as did the Destroyer Comet at the time the pyramids were first built in 71,344 BCE]

                    When Semjase gave this forecast the Plejaren had not yet diverted the Destroyer comet. So, on first glance one could surmise that Semjase pointed to a new danger when the Destroyer comet returns to our solar system. It was on course to enter our SOL-system in 2255 (1). As this was much later than Semjase’s 1977 forecast (2255-1977=278years) it seems unlikely that the cosmic danger was related to the return of the Destroyer.