Billy’s Poem - Part 1 -
We live in a time when major powers and systems of thought (capitalism/democracy – communism/authoritarian rule) clash in a bitter fight for world-domination. Is there any information in Billy's CRs that should alert us - this question underlies this investigation.
In CR 834 Ptaah tells us that Billy’s poem (written when he was 12 years old) will come true.
“... what will inevitably come, as you already wrote at the age of 12 in a poem that I have recorded here. With the help of Father Zimmermann, you then sent it to all the members of the Swiss Federal Council in Bern, as well as to various state leaders in Germany and Austria….”’s assertion makes Billy's poem a prediction of unchangeable future events.
If they point to a future WW (1) then the following CR 251 excerpts may describe our here and now:
a) “If the human being does not finally come to his/her senses, then the Third World War cannot be avoided, which will first start with conventional weapons, but then escalate into nuclear, chemical, biological and radiation weapons…”
b) “And again, new weapons will be talked about as well as the death of four heads of state who will die within seven days. This will be a last sign of danger of the fact that the world war that has been feared for so long will still break out within only about two years if the Earth-humans do not finally become masters of reason and stop all evil.”
c) "The world war will then begin in a certain year in the month of November, after about 5 years of “work in intensive form”, whereby this time will be preceded by another four years in indefinite preparatory form." "If the war really breaks out, then it will last up to about one month shy of 4 years, so it will end in October of the fourth year, " (CR 251)
I'm not sure what the expression “work in intensive form” implies.
But if it stands for the built-up of aggression/hate/revenge since 2022 and if this continues on until 2027 then, maybe, acc. to CR 251
- The next WW may start in (2022 + 5 =) 2027 (in Nov)
- It may end in (2027 + 4 =) 2031 (in Oct)
- The death of 4 statesmen in 1-week may happen in (2027 -2 =) 2025.
This is, of course, a very simplistic attempt to date the CR 251 information.
And yes, there are many unknowns and other possibilities. The quoted CR 251 passages may only be a prophecy that may never come true or refer to a (much) later time . But the events in Billy’s poem – which Billy witnessed in one of his voyages into the future in his early youth – why would Ptaah mention them?
Maybe to alert those who are able to do so, "For the sake of life on Earth and all of humanity’s discoveries that would be lost.:
Please stop this war."
(1) In 2014 Billy quoted an article in the prestigious German Zeit (Time) Newspaper in which previous German Chancellor Schmid comes to a similar conclusion as Ptaah and Billy:
The brewing conflict in the Ukraine reminded him (German Ex-Chancellor Schmid) of the situation in 1914 before the First World War... The two were "increasingly comparable". .. the danger is worsening, as in August 1914