Did Edgar Casey in his readings mention a major war?
In 1935 Edgar Cayce may have correctly predicted WW2 mentioning the Germans, Austrians joined later by the Japanese: “… and unless there is interference from what may be called by many the supernatural forces and influences that are active in the affairs of nations and peoples, the whole world – as it were – will be set on fire by the militaristic groups and those that are for power and expansion in such associations…” (Reading 416-7)
He did not mention a third WW but possible future conflicts which may indicate a possible worldwide conflict in the Middle East / Persian Gulf / North Atlantic / Indian and Pacific Oceans:
“As is understood by many, in the earth manifestation and the cycle of time much repeats itself...”
“What then, ye ask, is the influence that makes for this great change that maybe expected? The powers of light and darkness, as then, as 1600 years before. As in those periods, so today – we find nation against nation, the powers of death, destruction, wrecking of that which has been and is held near and dear to the hearts of those who have through one form or another set ideals.
“…What is coming to pass?”
“Strives will arise through the period. Watch for them near Davis Strait [between Canada and Greenland – possible oil deposits?] in the attempts there for keeping the life line open. Watch for them in Libya [oil?] and in Egypt, in Ankara and in Syria through the straits in those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf [oil?].” (Reading 3976-26)
The overarching reason for some of these conflicts may be access to oil which seems to tie in with some passages of the (HP=) Henoch Prophecies (CR 215:250-253).
It should be noted that the HP (CR 215) contain this passage:
- But there will also be settlements under the ocean that will be developed in the course of the future and these will be attacked and destroyed, claiming the lives of many thousands of human beings.
As there are no such settlements at present which may imply that the war that the HP prophecy may not be in our time.