James Moore I use theoretical principles in forming an analysis of an industry or phenomena. The key part is really the historic information, the initial ideas are often redacted, so its important to sweep the research for key principles. Often the public information is widely discredited but the fundamentals are understandable to any human with a foundation of natural thought. The Tsunami research like geological research tends not to have high foot fall, so more often than not the narrative line is less defined. If you look into the research on the volcanoes off Africa with the unstable/porus rock on the west side, the displacement creates quite a surge of water. The internal turbulence found in super Tsunamis almost requires a two stage collapse. The first displacement bouncing off the bottom and lifting the second displacement as the pressure wave moves through the water at high speed the natural friction occurs in the lower wave and either magnifies or sustains the main thrust of the wave. For the bomb version speculation about a detonation near the shelf causing a large amount of water to travel from very deep to comparatively shallow - the north sea is often no more than 10 meters. This causes the large standing wave. I expect being more than a kilometre inland helps, cities like New York and London obviously can't be saved. This was apparent in the insurance models in 2012, if you recall we all just paid more rather than adjusting policy...