Covalent Bonds

Thank you for all of that. Very detailed. I think it might be best to not mess with something unknown to me. I struggled with my question but now I'll say. I just wanted to know if it's something I have to have or am I okay not messing with it? My intuition was telling me to leave it alone, as I do with pyramids. If there is a potential for harm, if it isn't used properly, specially with me being a simple earth worm with limited creational knowledge, then best leave it be.
The universe wont mind, I'm sure. Now On the other hand, for fun. If it would give me powers to see one week into the future just once, Then yeah. I'd be all for that. If only.

Thanks for the input.

    Geo Hello Geo, this may be true... it is true, and trusting intuition, usually and generally a good time to exercise some sort of caution, and in fact a useful piece of general advice I may even keep for myself, not to mess with something unknown to me, good advice thank you. However, then we go away and think about it some more, don't we, we have some reflective time to ourselves. If we are weighing it up together now, what we can say generally is that dabbling, experimentation and trying things out, on the whole, broadly beneficial and useful, with an aim and purpose, we wouldn't have found the real secret extraterrestrials of all of Earth history, had it not been for that creative flexibility, and willingness to take a chance to move beyond those barriers. I'm reasonably confident that what Plejaren say usually and generally has a basis in reality, happy to say this has 'something' behind it, reasonably comfortable in saying there 'may' be theoretical unknown dangers, probably in the area of health and mental health, negligible in moderation, however, having said that, I might be tempted now myself, having been introduced to all of that, going to an alternative metaphysical mystic gift shop that sells dreamcatchers, incense, candles, ornaments, collectibles etc., rare earth gems, stones, crystals etc. etc. having a general look around for a while, then picking out a small gem stone corresponding to that info, just sort of feel it in the hand for a while, how it makes you feel, if anything, and maybe buy it, speak to the cashier for a while about it if they are conversational, take the gemstone away, and then do the same again a few times, see if it has any influence over feelings and thoughts, arising thoughts etc., then leave it safely nestled in a small stream as they recommended, lodged into a recess nook, come back after a week or whatever, then see if the gemstone is the same or different or whatever.

    I reckon what the reality of the findings will be is that there is really not much of anything useful for us now in this time to be doing with this subject, which FIGU are not already doing, and most of that info is not available to us anyway, and at this stage of history with these factors and variables, I would be tempted to say no dangers whatsoever 'comparatively' to normal life on Earth, which is genuinely dangerous, keep your wits about you in life still. I still may try it out some time, because I like to try everything in moderation, if I get the time that is, which is the other factor keeping me away from most of the pseudoscience info, not that I don't appreciate BEAM and Plejaren very much at this stage, but that of time and time, position of time and reality of the time, now, you get the idea. I have a feeling future generations will have longer life expectancies and the genetic modification will be reversed, and much of the rationale behind giving such quantities of information of vast variety of subjects is due to knowing that future, where Earth people will have more time, less work and longer lives than now, opportunities to look at interesting fields of science at that stage, not so much today. But I also feel Eduard has had a duty to cover all bases, with the widest possible net to catch all possible mystery varieties for the sake of nomenclature and for the sake of clarifying the truth, so there's that too.

    There is by the way another pseudoscientific area related to what may be coming up in your own personal future, but again its related to consciousness, subconsciousness, unconsciousness, thoughts and feelings again, so its yet again a case of getting into that space and weighing it up as to whether one may be able to get that to work on some level or another. BEAM is famous for stopping bullets with it.

    All the best anyway, wishing you well. Daniel

    • Geo replied to this.

      Covalent Bonds
      Thanks buddy !
      One thing I am very in tune with is consciousness, unconsciousness, thoughts and feelings. I am quite sensitive to those energies. My entire life it's been noticeably fine tuned to the point people would ask me if I'm a mind reader. I Can feel peoples feelings sometimes. I would laugh it off but after a while, I stopped acting on those things just to not have to explain it to people. I'm not saying I'm a gifted prophet guru by no means. Just sensitive to it.
      The subconsciousness on the other hand is a foreign land to me.
      Let me know if you see the future if you try some crystals.


        Geo That's good Geo, and I don't dispute that at all, I suspect a fair few in this community will be on some level too, you're in good company. Exploring the subconsciousness information and info about the so-called 'Gemut' is a good idea I recommend at some stage, now that is a subject worth exploring if you're already quite a sensitive individual, that info will make more sense.

        A quick speculative thought from me on a different subject, do you know about chemistry and electron configuration? Perhaps a chemist in the audience may like to comment later. From the explanations of Plejaren we could speculate that there are additional electron configurations which extend into 'geisteslehre' spheres, this may mean that we can condition matter, some types of matter, with the brain alone, because some matter's electron configuration is ultra-fine, this could take the form of conditioning the path of certain organic acids by thoughts and feelings alone, or influencing as yet not entirely understood fine-wave processes, does seem to stack up with some of the info given, such as transference of intelligence from one person to another by transplanting some small amount of brain acid, or it could relate to teleportation, kinesis, levitation, spontaneous human combustion as examples. This is an area of science that will be well understood later in history, not so much now. That was some quick less explored thoughts from me.

        • Geo likes this.

        Hello. I was reading about this so-called ‘subconsciousness’, I will leave ideas surrounding explanation and how we might read the information and draw conclusions from it for discussion later. I think the subject rapidly becomes a political matter when we get past the individuals subconscious at any rate, which probably should be addressed in Whitehall, we can see from this arrangement that it is not widely understood or widely appreciated, because while delving further into this concept of ‘collective subconscious’, becomes apparent that malign peoples together can rather unpleasantly influence the lives of the many, through sources such as religion. I suppose that’s an obvious conclusion we already knew, but if it was backed by science, I think if the subconsciousness were better understood, legislatively would be managed better, my opinion. Perhaps that’s a conversation for another time in future history. To this reasoning I have gathered a smattering of quotes below which address wider subject.

        PPKB CR662 “modern times, … according to the Plejaren began in 1844”.

        PPKB CR25 Subconsciousness (Unterbewusstseins)
        “74. … more than 99.7% of so-called 'spiritualist sessions' (Spiritistischer) are based on fraud, self-deception and charlatanry.
        “75. So wrong things are consciously claimed and underlined by magic tricks and so on.”
        “76. In very, very many cases there is also self-deception, because the spiritualist practitioners (Spiritismusbetreibenden) are of the wrong opinion that otherworldly beings or deceased people would answer them.”
        “77. A medium of this kind is very susceptible to telepathic swinging waves (Telepathische Schwingungen) of the subconsciousness and through this ability 'taps' other people's subconsciousness or storage banks (Speicherbänke) as they experience things that are of the future or past.”
        “78. Uninitiated (non-informed) (Uneingeweihte) and ignorant people thus believe that the medium actually has psychic abilities.
        “82. This form of alleged ‘Spiritism’ (Spiritismus) awakens a malign (böse) self-delusion in the medium, which also includes the accompanying persons.”
        “83. Every reality is lost.”
        “100. Human beings should therefore never have the audacity to summon the dead, because this is pure nonsense and can be damaging to consciousness.”
        “101. A great deal of misery and distress could already be solved in your world by it alone if you would refrain from this malign and misleading, false Spiritism.”

        Stimme der Wassermannzeit No.107 “…there are those who recognise the scary situation and are trying with all means possible to wake up the majority of mankind who think and act wrong.”

        PPKB CR39 WE-form (Wir-Form) and WE-subconsciousness-level (WIR-Unterbewusstseins-Ebene)
        "What am I to understand by the WE-subconsciousness-level?"
        "195. It concerns subconsciousness-connections to the WE-form of the Earth-humans and, therewith, to same-dimensioned life-forms in this world’s area, who stand in nowise higher in their evolution than the connection-seeking Earth-humans themselves; thus, they cannot convey or obtain any translated or higher knowledge (= collective subconsciousness)."

        PPKB CR31
        “173. If the Earth-human would finally get rid of their deadly sects and religions, then these misleading or malicious collective subconscious intelligences, resp. collective subconscious powers, would lose their suggestive power over persons, because where truth and logic and the compliance with the Creational laws prevail, malignancy can no longer assert itself.”
        “174. But since these malicious human-collective subconsciousness-intelligences are aware of this, they very skilfully control and direct the lives of sects and religions.”

        PPKB CR229
        “218. The secret of the individual’s integrity will be broken and destroyed when they are trained like little dogs and led like lambs to the sacrificial stone to be slaughtered and bled for all kinds of gain.”
        “219. The human being will no longer know mercy and justice, but will only see their own profit and advantage, and they will only live in cruelty.”
        “220. The individual will become a prisoner of their own gaze, of their own thoughts and feelings; and of their own speech they will be drunk and will not notice how they go more and more astray and to ruin.”
        “221. People will take lies, images and reflections from the Godcults and their rulers and servants for that of the truth of the world, for the person will be like a patient and stupid sheep, with whom can always be done what pleases.”
        “222. But the consequences for this will not be absent, for like beasts of prey and birds of prey, fanatical wretches of other cults will herd the one like the other into flocks, in order to be able to push them more easily into the abyss and into death.”

        PPKB CR435
        “24. This also includes the question of trust and the question of judgement as to whom to trust and whom not to trust, and whether something is judged to be good or bad, etc.”
        “25. This is because the unconscious thoughts of the human being proceed at such lightning speed and generate feelings that the process is not realised by the human being, precisely because the 'prefrontal cortex' or the 'factor of reason' or the 'voice of reason' is bypassed.”
        “26. This, however, has nothing to do with the so-called 'first thought' that arises out of an intuition or out of a presentiment that arises as a product of the subconscious or out of impulses from the memory banks.”

        Stimme der Wassermannzeit No.107 “Mankind is still blinded by progress, technology, money and exterior prosperity”, “…perhaps it is also the reality, that mankind must first fall into the deepest abyss of its history before it wakes up and realises that it is stuck in a dead end”, “greed… cannot form a stable basis for a healthy human society.”

        PPKB CR476
        “Human beings of the Earth bring about many terrible things and catastrophes themselves” … “by collectively directing their thought-powers and subconsciousness powers so mightily at terrible things and catastrophes and so forth. Also belonging with that are the false assertions and lies of anxiety-mongers and panic-mongers as well as from doomsday prophets, religions and their sects, and so forth, upon which the susceptible human beings focus, whereby the terrible things and catastrophes, and so forth, then actually come about.”

        PPKB CR576 (Lines 15. to 62 worth carefully reading)

        1. … every one of the fine-fluidal types (Feinstoffart) expands also in a totally different space-time realm (raumzeitlichen Bereich)
        2. These different realms thus correspond to different levels of reality, just like those different ones, which are purely human associated, like however also those, which are connected to fine-spiritual perceptions (Empfindungen), which spring from the spiritual realm (geistigen) of the Gemut (Gemüt).
        3. The fine-fluidal energy, which flows from the highest realm, is therefore that, which arrives from the spiritual Gemut-realm (Gemütsbereich) via the spiritual in the material subconsciousness (materielle Unterbewusstsein) and then ultimately into the material consciousness (materielle Bewusstsein).
          “29. Therefore this fine-fluidal energy (Feinstoffenergie) virtually flows from above to below.”
          “34. The energies of the fine-fluidal levels penetrate all levels of material existence and form therein accordingly the polarity principle of the atom and molecule, which indeed forms the foundation of coarse matter.”

        PPKB CR602 “it was the case with us Plejaren at very early times, when our ancestors applied these Henok methods, including the Multinational Peace Fighting Troops, which finally led to the fact that all wars were ended and all criminality as well as crimes of all kinds came to an end, consequently we have been living for thousands of years without wars and the like, but also without any criminality and crimes.”

        PPKB CR602 “places must be chosen which are far away from any civilization, where the degenerate must be given all possibilities for life support and learning. This means that the degenerate should be given all the necessary means to earn their living through their own manual labour, however, isolated and protected from society and guarded in such a way that they cannot escape. Female and male must be accommodated separately at different places of measure fulfilment and/or places of banishment, consequently they do not produce any descendants and they also cannot educate and infiltrate these with their fanatical-radical as well as blood- and murder-seeking thoughts and feelings as well as with their inhuman behaviours.”

        PPKB CR807 “… [some people] simply fall into prostitution for the sake of mammon, young women as well as men, because it is easier for them to make money this way than to earn what is needed to live through honest work. Many young people are of the lowly intelligent belief that they have to do as the celebrities do, so they try and fail miserably to become psychological ruins and a burden to fellow human beings, to end up in the loony bin - or 180 centimetres under the Earth, because they die miserably as unfit to live or kill themselves.”

        Stimme der Wassermannzeit No.107 “…profit-hungry people, by whom all older workers were and will be pushed from their jobs and positions, even though their healthy caution had properly brought the businesses to bloom.”

        PPKB CR466 “excluded from any responsibility in terms of social participation, with the result that an existential void is created”.

        PPKB CR466 “All these humans, young and old, are not sufficiently or not at all placed in the middle of society and not in the public space where they could participate responsibly. Social participation is completely denied to them, even though humans are a social being and only true through their positive and responsible actions in the community.”

        “Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens”

        • Geo replied to this.
        • Geo likes this.

          Covalent Bonds

          Multinational Peace Fighting Troops. Now that is a topic that needs cultivated. All my life I have watched people just settle for what is laid on their life-plate and it baffles me to no end how 9.3 billion people can not realize that they are the trees that make the forest that they can not see because of fear.
          I almost took it upon myself to design and order some lapel pins with an emblem and the wording of "Multinational Peace Fighting Troops" on it, but I decided that that isn't my business to do. The order in which events happen in time is not my business regarding when that will happen and with no jokes implied, I also felt that the all watching eye of the shadow people who run the world might intervene to prevent such a lapel pin from being made in a way that I am not to keen on experiencing because I am pretty darn sure they read this material and there is no doubt that they do not want that to happen.
          That era in time will come when it's ready.


            Geo Its described by Quetzal as reminiscent of the 'Dauntless' faction in the divergent fictional film and book series, written by Veronica Roth. Quite controversial that the drama fiction, to make the narrative realistically workable, had to be set after a post-apocalyptic nuclear war destruction of the world disaster though, uncanny. There would have to be the deterrent of the factionless too, another Plejaren system, sending criminals away as described in PPKB CR602 [included in comment above].

            PPKB CR150

            1. Unfortunately, there is not, at least not in the sense that a sudden end could be set for these murders and other inhumane atrocities.
            2. There would be only one solution in the long run, and that would be through a transnational party, therefore an international peace combat force and a union with enough members in every country of the Earth, which would have ascendance over every other party.
            3. This peace-keeping force and party, however, I use this term for better understanding, should be apolitical in every form and relation and be uniformly aimed, through spiritual leadership and fight for peace, to steer the population of each country into the life-correct courses and into the necessary knowledge.
            4. In truth, such a peace-combat force and party would have to be a uniformly oriented 'Free Peace Combat Community', whereby the framework of the UNO and NATO in this modified sense would be exactly the correct one.
            5. But it cannot be avoided that these organisations and the community would have a top spiritual leadership with sub-leaderships well-informed in the spiritual teaching, after which everything could be truly steered in a creationally-given form through these leading forces.
            6. There should therefore arise no political machinations in the sense as they are common on Earth and which lead to war, murder and manslaughter and revolutions.
            7. Terrorism and anarchism, criminality, riots and demonstrations, etc., would also have to be prevented by this, in that all Earth-humans would have to be treated uniformly and placed under a uniform order and legislation.

            PPKB CR238

            1. The Security Council, however, has also succumbed to a false and lenient erroneous humanism, as have virtually all the governments and courts of the world, whereby the evil of crime and violence can become more and more prevalent both criminally and politically.
            2. Only a hard, just and relentless crackdown can help before a catastrophe happens.
            3. A multinational peacekeeping force in Henok's sense would be the solution, but you know better than I do.

            PPKB CR427
            "a multinational troop, fighting for peace, according to Henok's scheme, will be finally stood on its legs, through which real peace could be created on Earth, likewise still remains a great dream in the meantime. Humanity must finally become intelligent and therefore allow understanding and reason to prevail in order to dismiss the false governments and bring such humans to the pinnacle who work for true peace and for the people. It is namely not done with the idiotic conferences of state powers who lead a great snout in regard to peace and the fighting of terrorism and for the well-being of humanity, because fundamentally it is these themselves who plot terror, death, destruction and ruin on the Earth and spread it worldwide. The powerful only exercise their power, live after their desires and crazy ideas, on which they satisfy themselves, and indeed it's all the same whether, thereby, millions of humans lose their worldly possessions or even their lives. The great mass of all peoples is unfortunately, however, stupid and of only meagre intelligence because they would rather pray religiously, full of devotion, fanatically and full of expectation to their imaginary gods, who can, however, bring them no help, because these do not even exist. The great mass of humans of the Earth will simply not comprehend, that there is no God-the-father, no heavenly gods, no angels and no saints who determine and decide over the wellbeing and sorrows, as well as over the being and not-being, of the individual and the entire humanity. It will not be grasped, that it is the human himself as an individual and as the entire humanity, who determines and brings about his fate in every iota and that subsequently only he, entirely alone, can, and must, bring himself every necessary help. That is so because the human himself, and quite alone – without some such godhead, angel and saint, and so forth – creates his thoughts and feelings in himself and from that carries out his behaviour, subsequently he himself is responsible in every regard for each and every thing in every relationship, and therefore, also, he himself determines his fate, and indeed in regard to the individual humans as well as to the entire humanity. Were the human of the Earth finally to break loose from his religious and sectarian delusional belief and turn himself towards the named truth of self-responsibility for all things, then he would proportionally quickly turn to the better. The tyrannical and irresponsible state powers would be bumped from their thrones and replaced by powers which would work only for the wellbeing of the humans and therewith also for peace, and indeed according to the will of all those humans and peoples who demand peace and are willing to build up their intelligence in order to let reason and understanding prevail all around. Unfortunately it is, however, presently still so that, with the great mass of humans of the Earth, the intelligence is still stuck in children's shoes, and indeed this includes all who function as state powers and bring harm, death, ruin, destruction, war and terror over humanity. But they all think – the peoples, as also the state powers and their vassals – that their intelligence is greatly developed and that they do not have more to learn regarding this, subsequently they would do the correct thing in accord with understanding and reason, which however does not in the least correspond to the truth, because truthfully they are abyss-deep without intelligence and thereby, thus without valuable reason and without effective understanding. Unfortunately, only a few humans with real evolutional, valuable intelligence, respectively, with pronounced understanding and corresponding reason, let themselves be found on the Earth, yet they are those who make the effort in order that the humans of the Earth, progressing in consciousness, learn what love, peace, wisdom, freedom and harmony is. And since unfortunately in this regard there are only a few, it will still long continue, before everything evil alters and a transformation comes about for the better. Yet every individual of all these few humans must daily make the effort to live as a model for all others, because only through that example of the correct way of life, according to the creational measure of the laws, as well as through the necessary discussions, thoughts, feelings and behaviour, and through the written words of instruction, is it possible that the humans of the Earth build up their intelligence, respectively, their understanding and their reason. Only through the ceaseless instruction in regard to the truth through the few truly knowing and intelligent ones, could an alteration to the better come to pass, and indeed also then if only one iota (of truth) remains hanging in the world of thought of the still unintelligent ones. If, namely, the iota and iota line up together, then something forms from out of it, which constantly becomes bigger and more extensive and subsequently also spreads itself, becomes more powerful and ultimately forms a factor which cannot be overlooked, which can no more be left out of attention."

            PPKB CR426
            "The worldwide peace-government must be concerned with acting according to Henok's scheme, in that their troops, fighting for peace, destroy and eliminate all weapons of mass destruction, respectively, all kinds of weapons of war, in all countries, and so a worldwide peace would be brought about and be preserved. If the people, on one hand, have no power-greedy ones at the rudder any more, and no weapons of war at their disposal any more, and they could also no longer manufacture or buy such, with which they can attack and force down other people, then the chance of a worldwide peace really exists. Yet such an action requires a proper portion of intelligence which, as a rule, is just as absent in the criminal and irresponsible power-leaders as it is in all the people who are their followers, and who support the state criminals. As a matter of fact there are only very few individual cases with governments of which it can be said that these lead the people correctly and are actually also concerned about the wellbeing of the people"

            There's another few visions of the future there for you anyway. Wishing you all well. Daniel

            • Geo likes this.

            Geo Hi GEO I surely understand the intensive marketing that has be done by those wanting many human's wealth on selling protection from online theft. You are allowing yourself to be chained in areas that you should be at peace with, those you want to share with. You have walked into a forum with the title of Creation-energy teaching lessons then you are already known to very powerful groups yet we are still breathing or you are not a passive member or a paid subscriber to the same lessons.. You are correct to not trust those with web pages and emails, text messages from anyone you can not find who they are. But even the government employees allow all of our information to taken from lack of knowledge. Only you can choose when and where you want to be free and ask others that are skilled in this format to help you find a more secure area that will allow you to speak/write/type/chat freely thus giving those with the answers to your questions the freedom to answer. If you have a strong understanding of the contact reports this method has been planned for a very long time to reach as many as possible for all time. And for the group my real full name is Billy Jack Wilson I was 13 the year that Billy Jack name became famous and learned to be physically attacked at anytime as a freshman in highschool. Geo if you meet all the requirements for this topic and want to chat ask James for my email he is free to give it to you and we can learn from each other. But if anyone really wants to do this then evolving with this tech is a must even a very old man in switzerland is talking to us with it.

            • Geo replied to this.
            • Geo likes this.

              James Moore You maybe telepathic but how would you know? May I suggest which applies to the plants and and a search of your own website for body language. The sad part of this new form of communication is that 90% of all information between humans is non verbal, and plant kingdom is almost 100% but we may never find amount in time were we can walk together in time were we can experience the SSSC as our visitors do.

              I was reading about the average so-called 'reading age', relevant to how quiet this community is, apparently internationally its about 14 for many countries, and there's this term 'functionally illiterate', which doesn't represent stupid by any means, its no insult and couldn't shouldn't be used as one so don't, folks are still amply capable, evident really. What it represents is folks can understand short straightforward texts on familiar topics accurately, independently, and obtain information from everyday sources, but reading information from unfamiliar sources, or on unfamiliar topics, may represent challenges. Which I appreciate doesn't exactly answer why level 7 academics have struggled with some of these texts, but that's a separate arrangement of factors. This community is naturally quite small, those number who've taken interest in literature by Eduard and others. Isn't to say folks couldn't access it, absolutely can, however, with these particularly technical texts traversing languages, dealing with multilayered narratives, difficult new words, topics requiring additional research, even higher educational training in scientific circumstances, may deduce no vast audience, however, may also represent more a shallow surface reading for the widest proportion.

              Governments, Computers and the mind numbing media is a large part of the problem with low reading comprehension, low attention spans and a lack of desire to know things factually.
              No desire? I am shocked on how many "sleepy people" I see daily. They have no desire to know the truth about anything.
              I am that guy who, as you're reaching for the bottled water in the grocery, quietly mentions, as I walk by, to read the label on the bottled water their reaching for. I've tested it. ONE out of 20 people stopped and asked "What do you mean?" with a look on their face saying "You know something I don't?" Then I tell them. "99% of these bottled waters, in this store, say on the label
              (Source = Municipal)
              The few who listened didn't understand what Municipal means. The look on their faces after I explain that Municipal means they take water out of your kitchen tap, so to speak, then sell it back to you. Municipal water is what comes out of your faucet in your home. That look on their faces afterwards is the look that most earth dwellers need to practice every time a politician or an advertiser takes a breath.
              Computers ? Computers make people lazy. That's all I will say to that subject.
              Mind Numbing Media. No need to explain that in depth either. Pure evil. I will say one thing to that. Our parents were right when they said Mtv (Music television) will corrupt the minds of the youth. 40+ years later I can say "It did."
              Governments? Hahaha. I could write a book on this one. Deliberate brain washing and corruption 10,000 fold worse than the reason we allegedly broke away from Britain for back in the day.
              The lack of interest regarding Et's, as we know, was designed. The disinformation agents made sure people stayed brain dead. Especially regarding B.E.A.M.
              Those people in my life who at least consider the idea of extraterrestrials will not consider Billy Meier. Why ? Because the M.I.B only focus real hard on debunking the real UFO cases and they spend zero efforts debunking the fake ones and or the real ones that are so distant from the camera lens that even God himself, if he existed, couldn't cipher it.
              Why does the Gov hide the fact ?
              They are completely terrified of the day when benevolent ET's land and possibly assist those who are oppressed by the criminal Governments. They are SOOOO afraid of that they probably have nightmares dreaming about the day they lose their powers.
              I am sure most everyone here already knows these truths but It sure feels good venting it.


              Sorry for all of the word contractions. Sadly I am from America. The land of the 'Lazy language" I am working on removing those lazy words from my 61 years of American language training.


                During the 80's, I dedicated several years to creating technical manuals filled with engineering reports, charts, parts lists, and even notes jotted down on restaurant napkins. The primary objective was to provide comprehensive information about how to use the equipment, as well as an understanding of the theory behind the interaction between different sub-components when broken down into their smallest parts. This knowledge supported each other in a way that highlighted the interconnectedness of the entire system. However, as deadlines approached and the complexity of the process increased, my writing began to mirror that of the engineers I was working with. Occasionally, I would forget one crucial directive: all finished work had to be written at a sixth-grade reading level for ease of understanding by operators, maintenance crews, or repair technicians who were highly educated in their field but needed quick results since they worked on warships. This principle is echoed in the OM Canon 30, which states "The wise is prudent and without falsehood, wherefore he maketh few words about a matter or is silent because he knows that the truth requires only words in small numbers, so he opens his lips sparingly for words and for advice." This wisdom applies to many individuals on this platform who may be busy farm hands with limited time or PHD students eager to absorb new knowledge quickly.

                As a student once again, I find myself seeking guidance on a new matter - the lessons about creational energy. Despite having access to all translated books and media formats from Eduard Meier's works at my disposal, I still seek advice from those who have been taught and are willing to instruct others in truth. According to Canon 30 of OM, "Whoever lacks understanding, he may come to me or to my students who have been taught, who lovingly instruct all in the truth who want to listen to truth and obey it, equally, whether the seeking ones are prudent ones or fools or jesters or unrighteous ones." This passage emphasizes that everyone is welcome to seek knowledge and guidance, regardless of their background or understanding.

                Well, I'm really still a trump supporter and I believe in a good trump myself, I think its good for the gut, especially when I'm a freshman in the morning, but Ptaah to be fair trimmed it back short of causing an earthquake, he did say this can cause climate change which is basically as bad and conjunctiva of the eyes, and he's a doctor, PPKB CR653 "129. ...thousands of millions of human beings as well as by the mass breeding of cattle, pigs, other animals and poultry of many kinds, which emit their winds and affect the air we breathe and damage its quality.", "131. ...also affects the trachea, lungs and conjunctiva of the eyes." What I was actually looking for was an explanation as to why folks have such an enduring relationship with conspiracy theories, if I was going to solicit a tackle of it with a rubber truncheon, I'd probably go with how it adds value to folks lives falsely PPKB CR625 "wrongly appraised as being a very considerate, decisive human being who is sure in actions and is competent, and is therefore praised excessively". I think what's interesting about Eduard's works is he's dismissed PPKB CR443 "conspiracy books of various scribblers, such as Zacharia Sitchin, David Icke, Jan van Holey alias Jan van Helsing as well as Andreas von Rètyi and others. The two of us also talked about it privately, namely at a chess game on the 3rd of March 2005", "12. The entirety of this matter of faith and fantasies has developed into a delusion in them which already moves in schizophrenic forms, whereby they no longer perceive the truth and reality and consequently also can no longer recognise it." But what I find interesting also with Eduard's work, he has created new things, entirely new cut, deemed much higher grade than conspiracy theory, which even embroiled governments, which has to be a rarity PPKB CR728 "100. The fact is that worldwide, in a short time, radio and television broadcasts as well as newspapers will be reporting what is happening with regard to a new corona plague in Asia, which you foresaw with my father as early as the 1940s and also discussed with me in 1995, but which will be disregarded by many travellers, as is always the case when warnings are issued." then delivers an actual conspiracy theory a couple of months before a global pandemic, "Note FIGU: The origin for the criminal secret research on the Corona virus was a decision dating back to the 1970s. At that time, the leader of China, Mao Zedong, met with a vengeful American citizen who presented the Chinese party leader with the idea of developing a viral bioweapon, which Mao Zedong then took up and had implemented as a secret matter, which is still being worked on today and from which the Corona virus has now emerged. This, however, without the current Chinese government being involved in the project in any way or also having the slightest knowledge of it)."

                Back in the 1980's and 1990's I gave up on voting my vote never counted back then. The system I was in required that I use a absentee ballot a oversea military ballot would take at least 30 days to work back to your hometown election were all done before that ballot even left the main base. You are covering several topics as for the methane from the living and breathing live forms you left out the planted gases. A young member shared this with me. ( ) the big sky daddy just opened up a vast amount of gold and rubies but also massive methane reserves to be added to the the volcano ( ) From the research done by the group looking at why The Akkadian Empire vanished in 2500 bc and the 300 year drought which they claim was due to much water in the atmosphere, but that time frame has much more happening a lot of humans feared the sky and went to underground towns.
                You are having a great span of time with you thoughts and jump to a list of works I have never cared to look at but the COVID one is of interest. The 1st american to die from Covid was a young airman back in the 70's it was called the super cold, a vaccine was given to military personnel until 1990. Back then the the medical personnel would be at the pay line with their shots. no shot you went to the back of the line to get paid and if the cash ran out you did not get paid. But this is a contact report topic on October 13th 2019 was a very intertest event. ( ) my medical doctor who is a hard core Catholic (Read more at: ) gave me my first known covid run in but many died in my area. It was called a non positive tick fever by the CDC and even a Senator was not spared. I will never forget that time after my 7th day in the ER with a 102 temperature I went to a mental clinic for someone must be insane, I was hallucinating and surely the doctors were not suffering from Institutional syndrome my O2 was dropping to 72 and they injecting me with morphine to ease the pain of my organs shutting down for I was biopsy positive for pancreatic cancer at the time. I still ponder did those annual old shots spare me.. I am still amazed I made it for I lost my youngest brother "same DNA" and my sister in-law 3 months later to the very same illness. They oldest confirmed positive blood with covid was from humans in italy that had liver cancer that were in a medical experiment. How we were trained for CBR in the military and what happen here was not the same. You are very free to reflect on the GIZA intelligence and how many years the things they set in motion will take to clear. If you have some years on you then understanding how inites like the FORD corporation, Dole banana corp and many more can do what they want with in even China. How has your past life events fit with current events? I made very large changes in my families needs at just the right moment to do so.

                Geo "Those people in my life who at least consider the idea of extraterrestrials will not consider Billy Meier." If Billy had not mention a single word about religion then he would be famous. But he slammed the door in their faces with zero wikil room. I was not raised seeing nothing but drunk and sex crazed pastors and atheist did not do much better I would ask them why are fighting another's vision. Computer was my out back in 1973 it was a chance for everyone to learn at the rate they wanted what wonderful tool. For decades I could see that concept and all I had and could have done. I still remember when a retail store officer ask me to make his home a VR store I refused I only had 14 years of usage under my belt at the time. I refused to change. It only took me another 19 years to even touch a cell phone of my own which COVID forced me into for my doctors would not see me without a txt to come in. which is now 4 years old and only has three contacts. But cell business has made the price of the phone plus 20 a month since then just for me talk to my doctor from time to time. I am glad to see GEO has moved to the letter D. but your fear is misplaced the MAFIA fear the the more corrupt MAFIA we really do not matter to them. I have been around this planet at least twice and in over 180 countries fear is only warranted when we have done something to cause it. You have already given a real hacker more than needed to find you as have I and the NSA could link ever website your internet provider saw since the day AOL went live. I tens of thousands of passwords and thousands of email accounts and have only been hacked at my local gas station. And the silly email hack with the red page of death is a joke wanting BTC everyone has forgot how a computer really works or never understood it just the money mattered. I requested not to have an assigned ID for it seems very minor but I was given Passiv-Gruppe 160 here you will find a great room ( ) and if you research they fly blog site you will find me. to the same level, I can find no others that have done so but I have known real fear that the planet can give, man is weak and cowards compared to that force. But the might of ones thoughts can a very teriffy thing."

                Getting back to the topic of the thread the so-called 'Geisteslehre' then. I am not a FIGU member or FIGU association affiliated person by the way, never claimed it though some have rather mistakenly evaluated I did, never have, I am just a reader from England. This means I have not necessarily seen the individual 'spirit lessons' which are sent to folks by membership subscription, though what I have indeed done is gone through the information about the 'geisteslehre' available in the public domain, in the books, booklets and articles, and read a number of spirit lessons which have been given here and there by international audience persons on forums, quite possibly they gave against the signed agreement, but I have been open to discuss things, so folks have given parts of it to me over the years too. I am just a reader.

                When I read Eduard's literature I have to skip over 'spirit' 'ghost' and 'creation', and use normal people words such as 'mind' 'mental' and 'universe'. The two things I really struggle with is the word choices 'creational' namely for its association with creationism and 'spiritual' concept association with spiritism, and due to the frequency in which it is used by the author, bordering indoctrination quantity of use and especially as its been given by extraterrestrials, been quite difficult for me to quantify why extraterrestrials would have encouraged it given their history with Earth. The first concerns the extent to which spirituality can be treated as separate from religion and religiousness and defined in a way which does not invoke theistic and metaphysical concepts. The second relates to the degree of complexity of the construct; while it appears investigators in the area generally concur that spirituality is multidimensional, there is little consensus regarding the number and content of the dimensions to be included to sufficiently and thoroughly delineate it. The third centres upon the emerging recognition that many definitions of spirituality, particularly those that try to operationalise it as separate from religion, may be contaminated with well-being concepts. The last involves whether or not spirituality can be understood as a universal domain of functioning rather than as something that is expressed in unique and specific ways across age, sex, and most importantly for culture.

                It has been reasonably acceptable because the extraterrestrials have given additional explanations around it, however, I still feel the translation could be refined better for English readers. I have encouraged better translations and word choices here and there anyway. I additionally struggle with the arrangement of it, alienating university academics in favour of lunatics from the ufology community, really struggled with the arrangement and I know I'm not the only one, they've even discussed all sorts of relevant matter. What I do know is that the Plejaren never intended it to be for a small little community of outsiders, they intended it for processing by our whole humanity, I don't know what to make of it to tell you the truth. I often find myself wondering if the extraterrestrial's are willing it, spurring it and cheering it on or whether they have genuine concerns as to how the information is being presented and portrayed, whether folks would understand and comprehend it or whether its going to just be mixed back into the swell of the occult. They have given 'some' good and useful information anyway, not nearly enough in my opinion, vast majority we already knew, it often comes across as just a cruel commentary of failure, abuse and misunderstanding, hardly helpful as we already knew that, and their attitudes towards some concepts are not alien at all, but we don't necessarily subscribe to how they do certain things, typically because its not workable for us maybe for them. I suppose from their point of view all the extraterrestrials see is a world of war run by religious people, given explanations corresponding to what they see, I would hardly call it helpful on many occasions, we actually allow religious people to run the world for good reasons. We have had commentators for decades who have portrayed Eduard's literature in a certain way which has ignored so much of it. Afraid of a critical evaluation or not capable of one, I can't work it out to be honest as I say, its had to be Eduard himself who has had to give that critical evaluation and build it in.

                • Geo likes this.


                I can assure you that there are no chains on me. I practice sensible security in a world that isn't so peachy, just like Billy Meier does at this home/center. Security cameras, Night watches, The "little ones" who come to figure out where the insecurities are within his computer, Him also using a computer that isn't connected to the internet. Him keeping or attempting to keep at least one phone in a secure manner. I am guessing here with this part but I would imagine the P's provide some form of security for Billy that we don't hear about. They P's themselves bend over backwards keeping their own safety and security at a level we could not do ourselves currently.
                I am not concerned about the Mafia or for that matter the all seeing eye of the governments. I could mask my personal data with every known form of security software and the governments would still know who I am. The hacking abilities used by the shadow people is implemented within the computer operation software from the moment of conception. Meaning the backdoor hack ports within our and every PC sold is there from the moment it is boxed in the factory. So those hacks don't concern me. All they will learn with my data is that I am not a brainless 'yes-man' who will bend over for anyone when I am order to. If and when my life ends, I will do it standing proud. Not on my knees.
                I stumbled over this quote a few weeks ago. It was written I think in 2008.
                it summarizes the feelings we experience when trying to blend the worldly ways with the creational ways. I was happy to find it because it helped me with the isolation issues that come with knowing how earth is now, compared to how our earth could be and the humans who exist in it.

                "...Since the 1940s, we have been living in the prophesied time of cold hearts. With its warlike, political and cult-religious turmoil, philosophical and ideological contradictions as well as social and societal disharmony, the earthly present of modern times stands in stark contrast to billions of years of creation-orientated spiritual teachings. This often very strenuous balancing act between everyday life on earth and the study and knowledge of spiritual teachings, and the peaceful existence of extraterrestrial visitors, is a discrepancy that is particularly noticeable for the many human beings who are close to FIGU. They are the ones who try to combine both worlds in their earthly lives. Dealing with and connecting these very contrasting worlds often requires a very tactful sensitivity between sensible silence and conscious public behaviour. The open-minded human beings in the inner and outer circles in and around the FIGU are often very challenged to harmonise these two opposing worlds in their own lives, but to do so without resenting the obtuseness and unreasonableness of Earth’s humanity or despairing of the earthly lack of understanding for the real truth…”

                Thank you for your input. I value every word.

                  Hey Geo, that's an interesting read you selected there 'Nokodemion and the Sevenfold Series of Prophets' that was written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer. The Plejaren offer a rather slanderous commentary on the English language which is pro-America, providing it chose the German language in 1795 by one vote, which of course it didn't, PPKB CR549 "As I learned from Ptaah's father Sfath, and later also from Semjase, Quetzal and Ptaah, a pastor's son of German origin was the crucial point in the USA's choice of English as the official language. If it hadn't been for the idiotic German-born and sectarian son of a priest, Frederik Augustus Conrad Mühlenberg, the German language would be spoken in the USA and around the world today. Regardless of this truth, this fact is slanderously presented by American fanatics as a conspiracy theory." "6. According to our linguists, ... corresponds to 'darkened consciousness' ... must also translate into the English language as 'lacking' or 'weak' intelligence." and they actually have to learn this divisive language based issue as extraterrestrials if they want a job working here on Earth, "7. That is also what we have learned from our history books dealing with these events." "8. The learning of these things is a duty for all of us Plejaren if we want to carry out missions on Earth." and apparently, quite interesting, what happened was, PPKB CR36 "21. Adolf Hitler was a genius in many respects. 24. However, he was not a human being with a highly developed spirit, but rather a human being with values of intellect and rationality, destined to lead the entire earthly politics and economy as well as all states in a certain positive direction so as to create a peaceful united world and Earth humankind. 25. For this purpose, he was trained and incarnated at his place. 26. He was intended to give the Earth a new appearance and to initiate new forms of development through positive gewaltsame Gewaltsamkeit [powerful actions using logic and rationality]. 27. This was strictly monitored and overseen. 28. But ultimately all efforts were in vain and he was not able to fulfil his task in the form in which it was envisaged. 29. Via the then leaders of the Thule Society and their clairvoyant Hanussen I, the Giza intelligences managed to take possession of the being of Adolf Hitler and to abuse him for their dark and malicious purposes, without him resisting it..." The rest is obviously history as to what happened, but we're told PPKB CR650 "5. The little more than 144,000 spirit-forms of the then distant descendants from Nokodemion peoples, who immigrated to Earth about 13,500 years ago, exist at present partly in living personalities, which are scattered all over Earth practically in all peoples, whereby they usually live their lives individually.", "6. Today there are also a few small groups, but they are really very small and consist of only a few people and are concerned with the 'teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life'.", "7. These new personalities have come together in modern times – whose primeval ancestors came to Earth from foreign worlds during an earlier epoch" "2. Henok – it was during his work on Earth at that time, when he fathomed the Nokodemion prophet line by foresight up to the third millennium about 13,500 years ago"

                  But what's not clear is how Germany was going to take over the world or place German language in it somehow instead, it was at any rate as we know America who had to put the final halt on the war itself and America which had the decider in the English language, and Britain among others had to give that a good talk to encourage USA to put a stop to that, wouldn't have happened if it spoke German instead, in fact would have been a non-issue, so a small paradox, not technically a paradox but several loose ends. We're told that the Giza Intelligences were actually just one individual or a few not sure, Plejaren criminals, and apparently just a single or small group of criminals apparently prevented world peace with the German language, and apparently a Plejaren criminal knows more than Henok. I don't dispute the longer term value of the Germania continent, England is basically related to Germania, a portion of old English comes direct, but I don't know that we can fairly call the English language primitive in this context of 13,500 years and Henok, a pair of Plejaren criminal wallies, with Hitler and one vote off in 1795. English language can also be used in a better way, optionally, too. An additional criticism I may have is that translations don't need to draw upon the thousands of English words for them to make sense, Plejaren criticism perhaps is that they can't control us so easily with English as its more flexible in terms of interpretation. I wondered if you knew of some more information available to explain it. I can't imagine it has been overlooked, I will look on the FIGU forum later to see if it has been addressed.

                  Wishing you all of the warmest sentiments.

                  • Geo likes this.
                  4 days later

                  Geo My dear new friend D. you seem to be in the pandoras box of just how we have been fooled into a reality of privacy. You should guard your person numbers very close at all times. I will never forget back in 1980's when AOL broke into my home and stole files from my computer, now it is done 10's of thousands time an hour and no one cares. I can give you the very same isolation as the PJ's on the current internet but you would lose all freedoms you use daily. If having to hide yourself at all times is a goal it has a high price. Just posting here more than once tells me you already do not care and have been very while trained. If I handed you a 93 cc chainsaw which is 8 horsepower would you be afraid of it and willing to learn how to even start it. I wish everyone the freedom of fear. The fear of family, friends or social groups has risen to the top of the real reasons humans have choose to be ghost of themselves online. I live in Billy Carter, Billy Graham and many others lands and even knowing my point of reality each of these groups will come to my aid even after being on my porch in very deep debate. Even the little man of statue Jim Baker would not attack me in person. I am just a student wanting to learn and even the worst tyrants I have meat want to teach. I can teach you how to hide but freedom you have to learn alone.

                  • Geo replied to this.

                    Billy / Daniel

                    Thank you for your wise words.