Hey there C.B., Lukie, or for someone with multiple personality delusions, lets just stick with HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),

Your sense of humor is terrible whereas my material is not only truthfully albeit brutally honest, but also pretty goddam funny cause I have a knack for it, so my advice is to you, just stop it with the jokes, you simply don't have what it takes, or your humor matches your high school level math skills, so just stick to simple things like physically measuring objects with your Pi tape (circles, squares, triangles, etc.) and coloring pretty pictures, its what you're best at.

So lets get back to the business of things, and why don't you pull out another brand-new bullshit Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs so I can give you some constructive comments to ponder and reflect upon, since you're a little pussy too scared to venture outside and visit a university, or even a high school math teacher and discuss your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs with any academic to get a second opinion which will confirm what I've been telling you all along. The truth is you prefer to show your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs to other high school math educated morons like yourself and then you all congratulate yourselves for doing such a great job proving Pi = 3.1446, like the blind leading the blind.

But of course you won't go show your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs to an intelligent academic, someone accredited in mathematics because you already know, what I've been saying all along, is that you will never convince an intelligent person your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. You're only good at convincing other dummies like yourself, like Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, that your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. That's why you hang around with other moron's like yourself and avoid intellectuals with academic degrees in science. You're stuck with a grade school level math education, you're old, retired and have nothing better to do than be a trouble-maker spewing lies, fraud, bullshit, horseshit, and dishonesty.

A normal person is actually suppose to get wise with age, whereas with you, its quite the opposite which is truly sad. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help - that's why I'm here. I care HRBoT, it's all because of you why I'm here, you're the wind beneath my wings.

  • C.B. replied to this.

    Hush But of course you won't go show your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs to an intelligent academic, someone accredited in mathematics because you already know, what I've been saying all along, is that you will never convince an intelligent person your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid.

    Well, if you’re ready to help just give a name of one of those “intelligent Academics” that I could contact and let’s see what happens.

    Hush A normal person is actually suppose to get wise with age, whereas with you, its quite the opposite which is truly sad.

    This is not true. Normal persons don’t get wise with age. They get just even more normal and they get horrified when something jumps out of the norm. Just look at yourself.

    So... I did this:

    o = number between 0 and 1 (binary);
    Phi = (1+sqrt(5)/2);
    a = phi * 8 * o <-- always remains the same;
    b = phi * sqrt(320) * o <-- sqrt(320) can be changed for (pi2+8);
    m = a + b
    n = a - b
    alpha = m + n
    beta = m * n
    r = sqrt(b-a)
    s = r/sqrt(phi)
    --> PI <-- = 4s/r = 4/sqrt(phi) if s/r is 1/sqrt(phi) = 0.786151377757, therefore 4 * 0.786151377757 = 3.14460551103...
    PERIMETER - > 8s
    CIRCUMFERENCE - > 2(4s/r)r


    Your calculator screen captures are usually quite long anywhere from 5 to 10-feet in length so this latest frenzy is remarkably short; no more than 3-feet which is very impressive for you - well done! Although have no idea what you're trying to illustrate, demonstrate or prove, so perhaps your colleague HRBoT; similarly trained in high school math, can shed some light on your thought process here and explain what the hell you're trying to show us?

    Jude did you forget to include references to Billy Meier's information about Pi in these latest posts as I didn't see any, although this is, after all, a Billy Meier discussion forum intended to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi, but what do you care - right; you're focused on pushing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, which Billy Meier has never endorsed or supported, just those dip-shits Christian Frehner and Michael Horn of the FIGU Community who foolishly supported Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

    Jude I have some great news to share, the Lear Unwise Prize committee discussed your latest Pi = 3.1446 horseshit submission and it was unanimously agreed, that you've rightfully earned your second distinguished Lear Unwise Prize so well done and keep up the good work. So what's next on your list of things to do?

      Hush Your calculator screen captures are usually quite long anywhere from 5 to 10-feet in length so this latest frenzy is remarkably short; no more than 3-feet which is very impressive for you - well done! Although have no idea what you're trying to illustrate, demonstrate or prove, so perhaps your colleague HRBoT; similarly trained in high school math, can shed some light on your thought process here and explain what the hell you're trying to show us?

      Oh snap! You still here? Lol

      Hush Jude did you forget to include references to Billy Meier's information about Pi in these latest posts as I didn't see any, although this is, after all, a Billy Meier discussion forum intended to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi, but what do you care - right; you're focused on pushing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit, which Billy Meier has never endorsed or supported, just those dip-shits Christian Frehner and Michael Horn of the FIGU Community who foolishly supported Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

      I gave you CR 856... DID YOU GET IT! I guess not since you are still looking for quotes. Lol

      Here's what you did not want to read:

      Cosmic Music
      by Oleg Kinash, Ukraine
      The idea that the universe is mysteriously connected to music is by no means new. It dates back to the Pythagoreans in ancient Greece, who first formulated this idea. Since then, various scientists and philosophers have tried to find a connection between these, at first sight, different fields of knowledge. But the question arises: does such a connection actually exist? Music plays an important role in our lives. It touches us and moves our innermost being. So why should not it also play an important role in the fundamental laws of nature? I am very interested in this topic and in this article I would like to present my attempts to connect these two concepts. The first very good indication of where we should start looking is found in the Asket contact reports. In one of them she says the following about mathematics: "The elementary formulae rest in the mathematically most important numbers 3, 7 and 12. All calculations in these three digits always and all the time give one and the same result in the equation itself – and the equation is a perfect round which can be calculated infallibly in multiples of 7 x 7. All mathematics rests in a closed ring that can be calculated at any time by the numbers 3, 7, 12, and 7 x 7, since the primordial is itself a perfect roundness, perfect to the smallest degree – a roundness of the relatively perfect in mastery of the becoming and passing away in the Creation itself."
      The best known simultaneous use of the numbers 3, 7, 12 is found in music. A piano, for example, consists of 7 octaves, each with 12 semitones. An octave is in turn composed of 7 white (C-D-E-F-G-A-B) and 5 black (D♭-E♭-G♭-A♭-B♭) keys. In medieval music, only chords consisting of octaves (12 semitones) and pure fifths (7 semitones) were considered harmonious. The pure fifth played a central role in medieval music, mainly because of the simplicity of its harmonic relationship. The perfect fifth is one of the simplest and most consonant intervals in music, surpassed only by the octave and the unison. It can be defined as the distance between two notes, encompassing 7 semitones if you pass the keys of a piano to the right, or 5 semitones if you pass them in the opposite direction, to the left. For example, the interval from C to the next G is a perfect fifth. From a harmonic point of view, the pure fifth is important because it is based on the ratio 3:2 in the harmonic series. This simple ratio is very pleasing to the human ear, which has led to its extensive use in music history.
      But one question remains open. Where is this circle that Asket spoke of? It turns out that it is quite easy to see. It has been in front of us all along, yet no one has ever paid attention to it. Figure 1 shows the famous circle of fifths with 12 semitones, which plays an important role in the composition of music. The adjacent notes in this circle harmonise with each other to the maximum, so that they blend seamlessly into each other without creating abrupt changes. If we were to change from one note to the next while composing, without any connection between them, such music would be unpleasant to our ears. This is why the circle of fifths is so important, because it allows the transition between notes to be as smooth as possible, seamlessly linking the notes together to create a sense of harmony. The interval of fifths, along with the octave and unison, is one of the most harmonious intervals in music. If one wishes to express harmony, joy and happiness in music, it is precisely these intervals that should be used. While for the representation of disharmony, sadness, tragedy, less harmonic intervals are better suited.

      Figure 1: the circle of fifths
      In Figure 1, we can see not only the notes but also corresponding numbers associated with the notes. The notes are numbered in order of increasing frequencies. Note A has the lowest frequency and begins with 1. In different octaves it has different frequencies, viz.
      𝐴0 = 27.5 Hz
      𝐴1 = 55 Hz
      𝐴2 = 110 Hz
      𝐴3 = 220 Hz
      𝐴4 = 440 Hz
      Then follows the note B♭ with the number 2 and the note B with the number 3, and so on. If we look at the numbers in the circle of fifths, we see something amazing. If we go from the second digit of the note G (11) to the second digit of the note G♭ (10), we get the sequence of numbers: 1,6,1,8,3,0. This is nothing other than the "golden ratio", with the only difference that the last two numbers 3,0 are reversed:
      (1 + √ 5) / 2 = 1.61803 …
      This becomes even more obvious if we continue the clockwise movement. Then we see 1.5.2, which again are the numbers of the golden ratio. If we go from the note A♭(12) to B♭(2), we get the number sequence 1,2,7,2, which is basically the repetition of the right part of the circle in square form:
      √ 1.61803 = 1.2720 …
      Something very interesting happens when you divide the number 4 in the upper part of the circle by the harmonic sequences on the left and right:
      4 / √ 1.61803 = 4 / 1.2720 ⋯ = 3.14460 …
      The famous circular number 𝜋 seems to come out of nowhere (first mention of it is in Contact Report 260. And that is already 25 years ago!). But here some readers might disagree and say that this is not the case because the known circular number looks quite different. There should surely be a mistake here. And it is here that we come to an important point – that which distinguishes our mathematics from the one Asket was talking about. In our science, the term "harmony" is even missing. This exists in music, art and literature, but not in mathematics. In other words, our science is not harmonious. It is only suitable for describing gross matter and is therefore completely materialistic. It is a reflection of our way of thinking and understanding of nature. With such a science as ours, it is simply impossible to describe fine energies, fine matters or immaterial forms of existence. And it is therefore completely irrelevant how beautiful and elegant the theories our scientists constantly invent are. They inevitably remain materialistic, without any chance of transcending their limits. The only thing we can do in such a situation is to think anew, see anew and then calculate anew. For example, how can we understand the nature of the indwelling spirit (note Creation-energy) in every human being that is constantly reincarnating? Reincarnation also works according to certain laws and can be described mathematically. Or how can we understand the nature of space and time, which are not completely material. From the point of view of our science, all these things belong to the realm of the impossible.
      Another interesting method of calculating the number 𝜋 is based on multiplying all the numbers of the circle of fifths with a single exception: the sequence of numbers 5, 1, 0, 3 is replaced by 5, 13. This logic can also be seen in nature, especially in plants. Plant leaves grow in such a way that they maximise the amount of sunlight they capture. To achieve this, the leaves are rotated by a certain angle, the so-called "golden angle" (137.5°). In such cases, the 13th leaf is close to the fifth (see Figure 2).

      Figure 2: the plant

      It is also interesting that the numbers 12, 5, 13 form a Pythagorean triple. If we go clockwise starting with the number 4 to 9, we get:

      4 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 13 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 9 = 3144960

      As we can see, we are already very close to the number 𝜋. Unfortunately, somehow the number 9 in the result disturbs the harmony. It seems that something is missing, but I am not sure what it is.

      Regarding the experimental confirmation of this result, it can be said with certainty that the first five digits 3.1446 are correct. However, what follows after 6 remains unknown, as there are no more accurate measurements than those made by Harry Lear in 2019. Even these circumference measurements are not sufficiently precise to be considered scientific fact.

      There are also other notable similarities, such as the duration of the entire universe currently expanding, which will be followed by a contraction phase, which will take just as long.

      311,040,000,000 years

      Surprisingly, this number is strongly reminiscent of the circular number 𝜋.

      To determine the duration of the expansion phase of the universe, we take half of this total number. The result is then:

      155,520,000,000 years

      As we can see, we again get a harmonic sequence of numbers 1,5,2, which suggests that the entire lifetime of the universe is also based on musical principles. The number 152.5 also plays an important role in the calculation of the 280 elements, of which only 118 are currently known (see Contact Report No. 228).

      All this shows us again that nature holds more wisdom than we suspected. It has also shown that our scientific logic is not the "non plus ultra" and that in fact everything goes further and deeper. But how could it be otherwise? If we take a closer look at our science, we find that it is based on the principle of division. Instead of uniting things, we divide them, which seems to make little sense in view of the fact that everything we see has emerged from spiritual (note: creation-energy) energy and will eventually become that energy again when the universe contracts. Certainly, from a materialistic point of view, one can separate things and see them as independent to a certain extent, but eventually the point will come when this logic no longer works. After that, we are forced to look for new ways and change our ways of thinking. Finally, I would like to quote a passage from Contact Report 836 that I particularly like: "If the history of vibrations and sounds, and thus of music, is fathomed, then its original form can be recognised in the Creation existence of all things, to which end it can be said that practically everything and anything has arisen from the ground of origin in a vibrational melodic state and has remained constant in might."


      … What do you say to that?


      Very interesting and well written. It should be food for thought for anyone reading this because it really is for that of value. The author of the article has effectively put deep thought into these things. It is really worth reading and thinking about.

      Like I said Hush... Just Hush up. Ptaah said it himself:

      because it really is for that of value. [...] It is really worth reading and thinking about.. - PTAAH

      CR 856

      Date and time of contact: Thursday, 27th July 2023, 8:42 hrs
      Translator(s): DeepL Translator
      Date of original translation: Wednesday, 2nd August 2023
      Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
      Contact person(s): Ptaah

      Hush all you did was for nothing except to only slander good people working hard through their own efforts to find a way to maintain peace on Earth, but not only that, you have absolutely ridiculed yourself in such ways that if ever your true name was to be uncovered, you would be remembered forever as a naysayer and a slanderer, a liar and a know-it-all... The Fool of all fools.

      Hey there Jude-bug,

      The Future of Mankind contact reports are already posted on the main website, there is absolutely no point in recoping everything in here dumb ass. The whole point of this Billy Meier forum is to share, discuss, ponder and reflect upon Billy's teachings and knowledge not copy/paste the whole goddam contact report word-for-word from the main website into here - Jeppers Creepers! Everyone knows where to find the contact reports and posting them here makes about as much sense as your last Pi = 3.1446 horseshit which no one has a clue what the hell you're trying to show with all your calculate screen captures.

      The Contact Report you copied/pasted in here has NO information about Pi directly from Billy Meier. At best, the contact report included an article written by Oleg Kinash, from Ukraine. Suspect Christian Frehner was behind all this meaning Christian likely pushed Billy to mention Oleg's article to the Plejaren for comment. Honestly think Billy doesn't really give a shit about the true value of Pi, but Christian Frehner is obsessed with Pi = 3.1446, after all Christian endorsed Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in his FIGU article #77. Christian likely planted the idea with Billy to discuss Oleg's article with the Plejaren hoping the Plejaren would say something positive about Pi = 3.1446 because Christian had already foolishly endorsed Pi = 3.1446 when not even Billy had done something so stupid. However, as expected, the Plejaren didn't endorse Pi = 3.1446, in fact the Plejaren never even commented on any details Oleg mentioned in his article. You can infer what you want, but the fact remains the Plejaren were complementary, polite but noncommittal and so no new information was shared by the Plejaren about Oleg's article.

      If you want to know when the true value of Pi is finally solved read CR #251. There Billy clearly explains its solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun. The message when the true value of Pi is solved is so plainly and clearly stated in CR 251, its absolutely dumbfounding how could anyone be so goddam stupid to think that a dip-shit with a measuring tape solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446.

      I'm surrounded by moron's - it gets kind of lonely (LOL).

        Hush Honestly think Billy doesn't really give a shit about the true value of Pi, but Christian Frehner is obsessed with Pi = 3.1446, after all Christian endorsed Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit in his FIGU article #77.

        If you’re not “obsessed” with π 3.1446 it is only because you’re a pile of stupid meat unable to think only one step beyond your own mental limitations. Otherwise you would grasp, at least intuitively, the real value of this discovery, as Frehner does. Their only handicap, Frehner’s and Lear’s is they lack the mathematical proof to demonstrate the exact value of π 3.1446, which I have found. and you couldn’t refute.
        And because you are this pile of stupid meat you can’t even remotely imagine the significance of this π value compared to the static and non functional value of π 3.1415926. Let alone imagine how it could be useful to infuse new energy in a dying star.
        Nature has imposed certain limits to survive physical derangements but, intriguingly, She didn’t impose any limit to survive mental distortions. And that’s why you exist and waste your time here copy-pasting incessantly your own stupidity.

        Now, now HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),

        Well obviously Christian Frehner doesn't gasp mathematics, and why he foolishly endorsed Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Let not forget, you only have your grade school level math so we'll also have to put you into this same group with Christian (LOL).

        Well big-mouth if you believe you've proven Pi = 3.1446, show an academic, someone accredited in mathematics, there are over 23,080,000 worldwide, so pick anyone of them and show them your amazing proof. Of course you won't do that because you're a little bitch pussy wimp, too scared to go outside and show someone intelligent your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

        Yeah its way safer for a bitch pussy like you to just spout off your big floppy mouth in here, like loud barking dog that doesn't bite, meaning all you do is spout off but don't do anything really constructive about it and you're going nowhere faster - 8-years now dumb ass and still nothing but one faked proof after another.

        I get that you're too chicken to go show your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof to someone intelligent, and accredited in mathematics, fearing intellectual criticism, and that is safer to play pretend mathematics in your imaginary little world where you can arrogantly claim or believe whatever horseshit you want, a place where all you morons with grade school level math can congratulate each other for how much smarter you are than all the mathematicians in the world. You guys are on a level of stupidity I've never encountered before. Thank you for the experience.

        Now read this next part carefully dumb ass:

        In CR #251 Billy clearly explains the true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun not by a dip-shit in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape.

        • C.B. replied to this.

          Hush Well obviously Christian Frehner doesn't gasp mathematics, and why he foolishly endorsed Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 horseshit.

          Intuition, something you lack completely and fight against, is the real root of science. but this is way over your horizon.

          Hush Well big-mouth if you believe you've proven Pi = 3.1446, show an academic, someone accredited in mathematics, there are over 23,080,000 worldwide, so pick anyone of them and show them your amazing proof.

          I did already.
          You name one now we could contact and see what happens.
          If there are over 23’080’000 you will lightly find at least one to evaluate the derivation.
          but you won’t, you like only to talk nonsense all the time.

          Hush In CR #251 Billy clearly explains the true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun not by a dip-shit in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape.

          Contrary to you, expecting the “brilliant scientists” to solve your problems while you are babbling dirty nonsense all the time, he is doing something already.
          But you’re unable to see the abismal difference btw babbling and doing, otherwise you would shut up your filthy mouth for good.

          HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),

          Now now don't get your Depends into a knot because I referenced Billy Meier's information about Pi as he clearly stated in CR 251,

          The true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun

          ...from which may be logically concluded,

          The true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by a dip-shit in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape

          Don't blame me dumb ass, this is what Billy Meir wrote in his Contact Report #251 making it perfectly clear when the true and correct Pi will be solved. I know, I know how upsetting this may be for you, and Chrsitian Frehner and Michael Horn, believing in the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is the true value, but this is because you're all a bunch of dip-shit morons, so deal with your stupidity (LOL).

          Imagine folks within the FIGU Community will more likely trust Billy Meier's message stating the true value of Pi is currently unknown (CR 722) and that the true and correct Pi will be solved by Earth's brilliant scientists (CR 251) rather than your claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Although you do have a small following, there's you, Christian Frehner and Michael Horn, and Jude with his calculator, who all support the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit but most intelligent folks who part of the FIGU Community will trust Billy Meier because Billy has been proven to be consistently accurate and truthful unlike a lying bag-of-shit like you.

          • C.B. replied to this.

            Hush The true and correct Pi value is finally solved by Earth's brilliant scientists while they are working together frantically to save our dying Sun

            ...from which may be logically concluded,

            The true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by a dip-shit in his garage with a round wooden disk and his fancy measuring tape

            You don’t even understand what you’re copy-pasting hundred of times continuously!
            If the brilliant scientists are going to solve the value of π to save the planet it means that this unknown value will be and must be quite different from 3.1425926. Otherwise they could use very well this known value and save the Sun, but, evidently they are not going to use it according to Billy Meier himself and his alien friends.
            Do you agree about your abismal stupidity now?
            Further, this allegedly unknown value of π can be very well 3.1446, being different from 3.1415926 and an impossibility, according to current mathematical knowledge which current knowledge is not going to be used by those future scientists. Otherwise the whole problem would have been already solved!
            In other words you can't exclude 3.1446 from being that unknown value you piece of brick.

            You know HRBoT (Harry leaR Bag-of-Tricks),

            You have to pay attention and stop being such a dimwit, your stupidity is embarrassing. In CR 722 Billy Meir states the true and correct Pi has not yet been determined by Earth humans, which means the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit you've been shoving down our throats is a fraud. Then in CR 251, Billy states pretty goddam clearly, for anyone with normal intelligence that is, the true and correct Pi will finally be solved by Earth's brilliant scientists trying to save our dying Sun. This means it hasn't been solved until then dumb ass!!

            Therefore,logically, try to keep up sparkly, a dim-witted moron with grade school level math, using a measuring tape and a round wooden disk in his garage, doesn't solve for the true and correct Pi. Besides, 23,080,000 academics skilled in mathematics know Pi = 3.1446 is total horseshit, as also stated by Ptaah in CR 712. I mean everything Billy, Ptaah and 23,080,000 academics have stated or know about Pi is all corroborated and accurate. You're on the losing team dip-shit, you have zero chance of ever convincing anyone intelligent Pi = 3.1446.

            Now this gives me an idea. You've got a knack for convincing morons like Christian Frehner and Michael Horn and others, the true and correct Pi = 3.1446. Why not focus on the dimwits in the world, and convince them Pi = 3.1446 instead of showing someone intelligent, academically skilled in math, your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. You're more comfortable with your own kind, morons and idiots and be far more successful and gain more support for your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit rather than approaching an academic. What do you think? Besides you seem to so scared of approaching an academic, this will take all the stress off, and you're already such a good snake-oil-salesman selling your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit to morons. I think this is a good fit for you.

            Don't worry if you can't figure out or having problem understand the simple messaging in Billy's CR 722 and CR 251 about Pi being solved by Earth's brilliant scientists. Don't stress yourself trying to figure out this common sense, easy for a normal person to understand logic from Billy's contact reports, which is probably because, since you're a compulsive liar, simply unable to comprehend and see the truth in front of your eyes - that's ok. Don't worry about it you have more important things to do.

            Now is the time to focus on creating more fake Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs, that will help convince the moron's in the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid which means more pretty pictures and maybe cut some more round disks and perhaps a few wooden squares would make a nice accent. Considering its been 8-years now and still no credible proof Pi = 3.1446, so why not to hell with credible proof, just use what you have now, use all the tricks you've developed to pull the wool over a whole new batch of morons.

            Well I've had enough of your moronic insights for one night, thanks for the entertainment. Bantering with you is like playing fetch with a dog, after awhile it just gets boring.

              Hush You have to pay attention and stop being such a dimwit, your stupidity is embarrassing. In CR 722 Billy Meir states the true and correct Pi has not yet been determined by Earth humans, which means the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 horseshit you've been shoving down our throats is a fraud. Then in CR 251, Billy states pretty goddam clearly, for anyone with normal intelligence that is, the true and correct Pi will finally be solved by Earth's brilliant scientists trying to save our dying Sun. This means it hasn't been solved until then dumb ass!!

              This is not the point, Idiot!
              The point is that, according to what Billy and his alien friends said, you cannot discard 3.1446 as a possibility for the value of π.
              But you’re too full of yourself to understand those statements.

              Hush The Future of Mankind contact reports are already posted on the main website, there is absolutely no point in recoping everything in here dumb ass. The whole point of this Billy Meier forum is to share, discuss, ponder and reflect upon Billy's teachings and knowledge not copy/paste the whole goddam contact report word-for-word from the main website into here - Jeppers Creepers! Everyone knows where to find the contact reports and posting them here makes about as much sense as your last Pi = 3.1446 horseshit which no one has a clue what the hell you're trying to show with all your calculate screen captures.

              Soooooo.... For you it's ok to take screenshots and post them repeatedly but I post ONE copy of ONE CR and you go bonkers. Plus... Did you read it? Can you agree that Ptaah finds that Oleg's insights in regards to 3.144606 is WORTH READING AND FOOD FOR THOUGHT, LIKE PTAAH SAID?

              You dimwitted jackass