Well C.B. (Harry Lear shit-for-brains),
You're quite simply a goddam idiot ok, that's the simple truth, and why you're known as a QUACK among academics for promoting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. You honest to God are a complete dipshit as smart as a bag of hammers and the stupidest person I've never met - thank God for that too.
About the only thing you have proven is that you're brainwashed and totally delusional into believing your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. You only see and understand what you're brainwashed mind lets you see and understand. Easily to demonstrate as, for example, you completely avoid acknowledging Billy Meir is CR 722 has stated clearly the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN to Earth humans due to our limited technology is still very primitive. That means the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 is a HOAX. I mean just that statement alone from Billy makes it clear the true and correct Pi cannot be 3.1446 but you're so goddam brainwashed, your mind completely ignores anything and everything that goes against your sick belief that the true and correct Pi = 3.1446. You are one twisted puppy, unbelievable.
Then in CR 251, Billy states clearly the true and correct Pi error will be resolved by Earth's brilliant scientists while trying to save our dying Sun. From which may be obvously concluded that the true and correct Pi will NOT be solved by the dipshit Harry Lear measuring a round wooden disk with a tape measure. I mean you have to be a goddam brain washed idiot to think that Harry Lear actually solves the true and correct P i= 3.1446 when Billy states clearly the error in Pi is resolved by Earth's scientists but you ignore this information from Billy, because your a goddam brainwashed stupid lying son-of-a-bitch. Your screwed up, brainwashed mind completely ignores this detail. You Pi-Radicals only focus on anything and everything that promotes your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Its kind of scary how completely brainwashed and messed up humans can become and you and your Pi-Radical shit-for-brains buddies are living proof of that.
Anyway, its all good, thanks for confirming what a total dipshit you truly are and unable to understand basic geometry and why trying to help you understand basic math is a complete a total waste of time so that's over for good. You're way too totally messed up in the head, I mean a complete brainwashed lost cause with no more common sense than a pencil and discussing anything with you is meaningless.
The beauty of all this is that all I have to do is wait and watch you continue to fail and never succeed in ever convincing anyone intelligent your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid and that is a FACT. I mean the whole world already knows traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the most accurate estimate of true Pi and, as stated by Ptaah in CR 712. And you will never prove your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid, you've failed for 8-years, and you will undoubtedly keep failing for the next 4-years trying to prove to the world your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. You're a failure - and a moron and the only one who believes in your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit but it means you will never convince anyone else. You live in your own little Pi = 3.1446 horseshit world and that's fine.
Do you get it Sparky? I don't have to do anything, just watch and wait for you to continue to go no where promoting your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit because traditional Pi = 3.14159 is known to be valid on Earth, and you will never prove otherwise, and you will never succeed in convincing anyone intelligent your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit is valid. What a goddam dumbass and a total lying bag-of-shit.
I'll be surprised if I respond to any more of your posts, I mean you really are a stupid pile of shit, but will refresh my posters every once in awhile, perhaps post a few new ones to make sure you dipshits don't get away with your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit. Goddam are you stupid.