Dear Jude and HRBoT (Harry Lear Bag-of-Tricks),
How are my two favorite nincompoops doing? I see you've been busy pushing the Pi = 3.1446 horseshit posts from 425 to 565, while never once mentioning Billy Meier's information about Pi; which is the underlying intent of this Billy Meier Pi topic discussion forum.
All you've accomplished in your 100+ post frenzy, of which about 6-feet is from Jude's random calculator screen-captures, was to confuse each other with your own Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs – too funny.

No wonder you Pi-Radicals cannot work together to collaborate and document a proper Pi = 3.1446 proof if none of you can understand nor agree upon each other's proof's. It's like you have your own little Pi = 3.1446 proofs in your tiny little brains but can't understand each other's equally stupid Pi proofs. Swear to God you guys are like a comedy troupe.
Jude, you need to address the 'actual' circle circumference length in your fake Pi = 3.1446 equations which you've ignored which thankfully HRBoT understood was important and tried to explain to you but this simple concept went way over your head, but that's not too surprising - actually.
HRBoT, you need to take your own advice that you gave Jude, and properly address the actual circle circumference length in your simplistic childish dumb-ass equations. Your latest Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proof has two parts that first demonstrates a few grade-school level circle-square equations and then magically transforms into a right-triangle equation using the variable 'b' in both equations but you haven't properly addressed the relationship or connection of variable 'b' between the circle-square and right-triangle parts.
That is part of the problem with you dimwits; you never properly document your proofs, its either a few simple lines of equations or 5-feet of random calculation equation images. Neither of you should be surprised that no accredited scientists understand your horseshit Pi = 3.1446 proofs when you can't even explain to your own Pi=3.1446 horseshit proof to your Pi-Radical buddies without confusing them. The fact that you are unable to 'truly' understand each other's Pi = 3.1446 proof, actually means that you are at least smart enough to see the flawed logic and bullshit in each other's proof.
Both of you morons need to understand that the ONLY way to solve for Pi is to address the ACTUAL circle circumference length. It should be obvious to you, as it is to the majority of human beings on Earth who know how to think and use their brains, that Archimedes polygon method is the ONLY WAY to actually estimate the circumference length of a circle. Only when the length around the circle has truly been derived, may the circle circumference estimate be then divided by the diameter to estimate Pi. You dimwits keep trying to cheat by estimating Pi using Pi as a variable in dumb-ass equations and you're both too stupid to understand this basic concept of using Pi as a variable doesn't work. YOU HAVE FIND A WAY TO ESTIMATE THE CIRCLE CIRCUMFERENCE LENGTH FIRST BEFORE DERIVING Pi - dumb-asses.
It's none-the-less amusing and a pleasant past-time watching two morons who seriously think they've solved Pi =3.1446. In spite of the fact the world academic community rejects your Pi = 3.1446 horseshit proofs there is a practical solution for all your hard work vainly and foolishly trying to prove Pi = 3.1446.

Who is smarter a neanderthal, or two Pi-Radicals Jude and HRBoT. Well obviously the neanderthal is the smartest because the neanderthal knows he doesn't understand mathematics.