Jude Andre Charles
Let’s take a Circle and a Square of same perimeter π and set the equality
4b = π
Now we need to find out the area of both figures:
For the Square is evident
As for the Circle we use 4b as π to calculate the area:
4b*1/4= b
We take the values b and b2 to construct a right triangle of legs b and b2 inscribed in a semicircle
We take a semicircle of Diameter or Hypotenuse 1, because it is the only semicircle where b and b2 will have their real values π/4 and (π/4)2.
We apply Pythagoras:
b4 + b2 – 1 = 0
And obtain the value of b or π/4:
b = 0.78615
And, following, the value of π or 4b:
Î = 3.1446055