Pi number
Continuous gaslighting even when you have a degree.
Screamed that pi proofs are fake even when they are valid. Geometric proof and mathematical expression are mutually exclusive.
The four conjectures coming together to form a valid proof as the value is the only unique solution if the perimeter of circumscribed polygon is shorter than the circumference.
Prove that it is shorter? It's a postulate, just like Archimedes postulate that it remains longer.
It all comes down to which is correct. The true value of pi is the one that is correct as, it is the only way to properly square the circle, and to show that there are two constants. Even if it means destroying the current mathematical system.
Shows who you really are.
- Edited
Hey Lukie,
Look you old fart clean out the wax in your hard of hearing ears and listen for a change, as I've advised repeatedly all you need to do is go visit some universities, talk to scientists, show them your amazing math proofs Pi = 3.1446, get recognized for your amazing brilliance, and restore your credibility. Of course you wont do that because you're a little PUSSY too scared and coward that they'll tell you you're full of crap - which you are.
The only reason you're here posting your crap Pi = 3.1446 in this Forum is because dumb assess Michael Horn and Christian Frehner gave Harry-the-bozo-Lear a platform within the FIGU Community to spread his lies and for some strange reason you're defending this dumb ass.
I've proven HARRY LEAR IS A LIAR (below), and his deception is blatantly obvious, yet Michael Horn and Christian Frehner; two bozo, dumb assess responsible for promoting Harry Lear's LIES, do absolutely NOTHING to make amends and take responsibility for their foolish actions spreading Harry Lear's LIES within the FIGU Community.
In case you don't realise this you dumb ass moron, the FIGU Community is not about Harry Lear and his crazy lunatic theories about Pi = 3.1446. This community is about Billy Meier's truth and this topic concerns Billy Meier's information about Pi. Who gives a rats ass what Harry-the-bozo-Lear has to say about Pi. No one cares, he's just a moron dumb ass who thinks Billy Meier is wrong and can't prove a damn thing. Harry Lear couldn't be more of a moron if he tried.
Why did you show up in this forum Pi topic suddenly when I exposed Harry Lear's FRAUD and LIES? You've been defending the dumb ass bozo Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 ever since like YOUR credibility depended upon it.
I've only ever posted Billy Meier is correct about Pi, and quoted his Contact Reports references about Pi, and if the TRUTH prevailed in the FIGU Community, the Pi topic should have only had about 3 to 5 posts in total. Why, will Billy Meier's information about Pi is very straight forward; there is nothing to debate. In CR 712 Ptaah states Pi is unknown and traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi and an instumentarium is needed to find true Pi. Done, straight forward and easy to understand, 3-5 posts maximum on the Pi topic is all that would be required if folks trusted Billy Meier's information about Pi.
But we're approaching 300 posts on this Pi topic thanks to incredible bozo's Michael Horn and Christian Frehner who started this nonsense promoting Harry-the-bozo-Lear's Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, these dumb asses gave Harry Lear a platform to promote his Lies, instead of referring to Billy's Contact Reports. So the FIGU Community are confused, do we trust Michael Horn's and Christian Frehner's LIES who foolishly supported Harry-the-bozo-Lear's Pi = 3.1446 or do we trust Ptaah traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi. And Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, what do they do to solve the confusion; absolutly nothing so because of the total and complete incompetence of Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, helping to spread Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 LIE within the FIGU Community, that's why there are nearly 300 posts in this FIGU Forum Pi topic. So thank you Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, for your dumb ass contribution to spreading Harry Lear's LIES when the FIGU Mission is about spreading the truth.
The only reason you're here, and you showed up when you did, was to defend Harry-the-bozo-Lear's credibility right after I started posting proof he is an unscrupulous liar. That's IT, that's the only reason you're here Lukie, no other reason.
Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven
In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.
Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446
Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth (24).
Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
Ptaah then clarifies in order to correctly find the true and correct Pi, an instrumentarium is required which has not been invented on Earth (27).
Ptaah then warns the FIGU Community in the Contact Report about individuals who will foolishly attempt to claim they've solved the true and correct Pi which he identifies as Know-It-Alls (28); or non-scientists who foolishly believe they have preferential, gifted knowledge only they possess (because they're special) regarding the true and correct PI = 3.1446, which is exactly what is happening within the FIGU Community as Ptaah anticipated.
A few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.
Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.
Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.
There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.
How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!
We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner are 100% responsible for letting this Pi = 3.1446 nonsense get out of hand within the FIGU Community when Billy Meier clearly states Pi is UNKNOWN yet these two dumb ass BOZOs refuse to acknowledge their monumental mistake, admit they were wrong and show a little humility. At least if they acknowledged they made a mistake wrongly endorsing the numskull Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446, when they should have known better and supported Billy Meier Pi is UNKNOWN, they could restore their own credibility within the FIGU Community but as it stands, the fact that they both just sit there like bumps on a log, reveals their indifference to the TRUTH.
Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.
Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.
Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!
Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a dimwitted human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting Billy Meier and Ptaah statements about Pi. They foolishly trusted Harry's claim Pi = 3.1446, and ignored Billy Meier's statement Pi is UNKNOWN. Harry, who lacks any university degree, and talent limited to measuring mostly round wooden objects, drawing pretty pictures and has above average coloring skills.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.
There are a number of unintelligent 'know-it-alls' participating in this community Pi discussion topic, who pretend to be subject matter experts claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 yet possess no formal education, no professional skills nor accredited training in mathematics. However if they believe Pi = 3.1446, they should work together, collaborate and coordinate a united, formal response by drafting a proper legitimate proof Pi = 3.1446 as a report which may be presented to, and seriously considered by, the world scientific community and it needs to be a hell of a lot better than Harry Lear's letter to President Trump which had more grandstanding than credible proof.
The reason the Pi Radicals have no credible proof Pi = 3.1446 is because this proof is physically impossible, and does not nor will ever exist. The Pi radicals will never be able to prove Pi = 3.1446 to their dying day which explains why they still do not have a credible proof to this day. None-the-less the PI = 3.1446 bozos think they've discovered a great secret of the universe only they could unlock thanks to their special talents, unique gifts, and/or think their spiritually evolved, which gives them magic powers to understand the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which has eluded the worlds leading scientists, mathematicians and engineers for over 2000+ years, something a moron would actually believe.
The Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.
There appears to be a tremendous amount of unnecessary confusion surrounding this topic.
The estimation 3.14159... has two catastrophic problems:
i. ignores isoperimetric inequality L² ≥ 4πA with equality holding only for perfect circles.
ii. ignores numerical boundaries 4r² = 1 containing the circle r = 1/2 of circumference π.
Concerning i, Archimedes' upper- and lower-bounds involve the use of non-circles. He is assuming the perimeter of the circumscribed n-gon must always be numerically greater than the circumference of the circle it contains. The problem here is this assumption of entrapment is not necessarily true for all n: if n ≤ 58, the n-gon will indeed roll further on a flat plane than the circle. However, if n ≥ 59, the circle rolls further. How & why? The isoperimetric inequality has not yet been retroactively applied to circle measurement itself. All outstanding methods involve exhaustive use of non-circles. Mathematicians have never solved for L = π (i.e., isoperimetric equality between line & curve.)
It's still unsolved for in the Archimedean paradigm. What does it have to do with circle measurement?
For only a perfect circle does its centre translate linearly as it rolls on a flat plane. Accordingly, it preserves the integrity of the radius as 1/2 throughout without deviation. Conversely, any & all non-circles' centres translate non-linearly. Even as n→∞, the centre of the n-gon undergoes non-zero oscillation(s) for any & all n ≠ 4. Only the perfect circle of n = 4 neutralizes oscillation. Why is this important? The perimeter of either figure describes its own translation down a flat plane. If the radius is a variable, some non-zero value of that translation is expressed up the y-axis instead of it all being focused solely down x- like the circle is. The lesser n-gons overcompensate this redistribution with their r > 1/2 vertices but do a poorer & poorer job until at n = 59 the circle translates further due to having no oscillation.
The inequality L² ≥ 4πA logically implies:
if: a non-circle,
then: no equality exists
therefore: no convergence to a perfect circle is possible.
Mathematicians are presently assuming it is nevertheless possible to converge on an equality through an inequality.
To assume this is to betray logic itself: if x then not y. If non-circle then not equality to even begin to converge on.
Mathematicians must retroactively apply isoperimetric inequality to all legacy methods of circle measurement.
Concerning ii: Archimedes assumed the use of Absolute Euclidean Geometry which grants unbounded continuity of the plane. This means one assumes all axes extend towards so-called infinity. The problem here is π is both geometrically & numerically bound by the square of its own diameter. There is only a finite amount of empty space outside the circle but inside the square of its own diameter & it all adds up to 1. Archimedes' plane allows up-to an infinite amount of empty space around the figure which permits shifts in perspective of the same object.
For example: the apple falls on Newton's head. Look from his perspective & ask 'does the apple get bigger as it falls?' Or does the same-sized object merely occupy more of his periphery? Clearly the latter is true. Replace Newton with Archimedes who is working on inscribed & circumscribed n-gons. The apple hits him, but so does the realization his circumscribed n-gon is the exact same object as the inscribed n-gon from a closer perspective. It carries the same ratio because they are the same object. Mathematicians allowing r > 1/2 are not paying any respect to the boundaries of the unit square & instead are arguing the containing square is larger than actual. This does not add area to the circle, it adds more empty space around it & brings it closer in perspective. It is impossible to capture more circular squared area than a perfect circle per discrete unit. Mathematicians believe they can... but that's why they are getting the wrong answer. It's impossible.
To properly bind the plane, one must define the area outside the circle but inside the square of its own diameter:
The area outside the circle but inside the square of its own diameter is now discretely defined as Њ "nye".
It is important to do this because this discrete region is also reflected inside the circle:
Because mathematicians have paid no respect to the finite boundaries of the circle, they miss the underlying scalar relations.
The circle contains Њ + π/2 - 1 = π/4 & by adding another equivalent Њ, one completes the square 2Њ + π/2 - 1 = 1.
This implies the interior of the circle is reflecting the exterior. If the exterior is made smaller, so is the interior despite perspective.
When approximating a circular squared area, one is approximating the unit square of measurement itself.
If one argues less Њ than actual exists (ie. a circumscribed n-gon) one argues less π than actual exists. Why?
The numerical value of π is owing to the numerical integrity of the remaining Њ inside the unit square.
If you misrepresent one, you are necessarily misrepresenting the other by assuming a larger reference unit.
To see this, look at -Њ + 1 = π/4. What must one add to -Њ to arrive at the circle r = 1/2? An area of 1. No more or less.
What must one add to the same -Њ to arrive at an even greater figure whose r > 1/2? An area greater than 1 & no less.
Mathematicians are assuming the use of a larger unit than actual to capture a figure whose native square is only 1.
If mathematicians are still confused as to how a "larger" figure can report a numerical area less than the circle inside of it: consider two cookie cutters N & C with N being an n-sided cutter & C being a circular cutter contained by N. The mathematician will press both into an even layer of dough & ask 'which contains more dough?' without understanding the amount of dough is irrelevant: what is relevant is the ratio of dough per unit of radius required to capture it. If N & C were given the same finite amount of dough, which cutter produces more cookies? Because C requires less dough to get the job done, it will produce more cookies than N per equivalent amount of dough. This means that for every 3141 cookies produced by N, C will produce 3144 because it requires less dough to make them.
So how to solve for π without making any mistake(s)?
Mathematicians' 3.14159... is describing a completely dead universe. There is no motion in it.
For L² ≥ 4πA, L² = π² for area A = π/4 which is the unit diameter circle whose circumference is π.
π length contains A = π/4 area with any area under any curve describing the energy required to perform work.
If π were a vehicle, it requires A = π/4 work to generate π/4 translation, thus 4A = π work per π translation.
Surround length π with area π in the form of an annulus to determine if & when the circle has translated π.
Apply v = s/t = π/4 to the origin o of a unit diameter circle as it rolls on a flat plane surface.
Let o translate π units of space s per 4 units of time t such that tv = 4(π/4) = π = o→o' & solve using Pythagoras.
According to the Pythagorean theorem, π = 4√w for π annulus width w = R - r = √5/2 - 1/2.
This is equivalent to 4/√Φ for Φ = R + r = √5/2 + 1/2 as put forward by others.
The estimation 3.14159... is what one gets when their assumptions are detached from reality.
Contrary to mathematicians' assumptions:
i. Non-circles can not bind or converge on perfect circles without loss of fidelity,
ii. Pi is bounded & requires bounded continuity to solve for without error.
i is a natural consequence of isoperimetric inequality involving the use of non-circles.
ii results in involving more empty space outside the figure than actual.
When you plug in 0.785398... as v = s/t, you find tr² ≠ 1 (hypotenuse) and/or w ≠ √5/2 - 1/2.
If arc length π/4 contains π/4 area with a sweeping orthogonal length, that length must be w.
The time is the perimeter of the unit square & the space is the circumference of the circle.
π can therefore be understood as the embodiment of space/time relations i.e. motion.
To close: contrary to assumption, it is indeed possible to prove π ≈ 3.1446... & with the Pythagorean theorem, no less. Using it, it can be shown for every 8r = 4 units of perimeter containing an r = 1/2 circle, it can & does roll ≈ 3.1446... per revolution. Because mathematicians have no regard for isoperimetric inequality and/or the numerical boundaries of the circle, they are invoking units & planes which have nothing to do with the circle. By arguing r > 1/2 on an unbounded plane, they are implicitly redefining the size of the unit square itself & thereby leaving the plane of the circle. To solve for π, it is essential to establish isoperimetric equality between line & curve while/as observing the boundaries of the containing unit. Failing these, 3.14159... is the maximum resolution afforded using non-circles & this number does not reflect the self-referential properties of the golden ratio. Accordingly... it is a dead number & any civilization based on it is bound to die off. If you look at the planet, you will see exactly where 3.14159... leads. What one sees is what one gets according to the circumstances.
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Hello Mr. Pythagoras,
Are you perhaps thee Mr. Pythagoras, or perhaps you feel worthy of such distinction. Anyway welcome to the Billy Meier Forum Pi-topic dedicated to discussing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge about Pi, of which NONE of your comments effectively address. Seems you've joined and picked-up the ball right about where Lukie's posts ended, sharing a similar perspective Archimedes method is 'flawed'. Well no one cares because you're not referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi! This is a Forum Discussion about Billy Meier's truth and this topic concerns Billy Meier's truth about Pi.
You've basically ignored the FIGU Forum Pi Topic purpose, which is to better understand Billy Meier's truth about Pi, and that sharing your opinion Archimedes Method is "flawed" was somehow relevant to Billy Meier's information about Pi - which it isn't. In fact, if anything, Billy Meier acknowledged the brilliance of Archimedes for solving Pi = 3.14159 in Contact Report 399.
In CR 399 Billy Meier actually lists the first 5-decimals of traditional Pi = 3.14159 which he credits to Archimedes cleverness therefore your opinion Archimedes Method is flawed, well this is just your opinion to which no one really gives a rat's ass about. This forum topic is intended to discuss Billy Meier's Truth about Pi which you have blatantly ignored – of course that's what you Pi Radical know-it-alls do, push your own agenda.
The fact you are unable to comprehend the brilliance of Archimedes Method to solve for Pi = 3.14159, suggests zero credentials in mathematics reinforced by a simple lack of compelling logic and evidence that would prove Archimedes Method is flawed other than what may be best described as gibberish no scientist would take seriously.
My more recent posts have alluded repeatedly to Ptaah's warnings in CR 712 that 'know-it-alls' foolishly claim they've discovered the true and correct Pi = 3.1446. In the latest September 1, 2024 Contact Report, Quetzal and Billy also discuss the problem of 'know-it-alls' which they characterize as folks with low intelligence which prevents them from understanding and accepting the truth. According to Quetzal, modesty and humility (opposite of arrogance) is required to learn, understand and be open to the truth. The Pi = 3.1446 Radicals are in fact 'know-it-alls' unable to process and accept the simple truth traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi.
The Pi = 3.1446 Radical know-it-alls are unable to accept the simple truth traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi which is common knowledge among every scientist, mathematician and engineer in the world for the last 2000+ years. Ptaah, in CR 712, also states traditional Pi = 3.14159 is valid for all round and circlar calculations in both math and physics.
Quetzal and Billy clarify in the recent CR 896, that 'know-it-alls' are unknowingly stupid which is why they arrogantly think they've solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 yet possess no credentials in mathematics, and due to their lack of humility and self-righteous arrogance, prevents them from trying to understand the simple truth that traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi, which may be derived using Archimedes Method, from the perspective of a mathematician. The 'know-it-alls' are stuck in their Pi = 3.1446 bubble.
The whole point of this discussion forum topic, is to discuss Billy Meier's truthful and accurate information about Pi, not your gibberish which no one gives a rat's ass about. The simple message is that if you're not prepared to discuss Billy Meier's information about Pi, then Buzz-Off, dumb ass; no one cares about your nonsense uneducated off-topic false-theories about Pi = 3.1446 or Archimedes 'flawed' method.
If you have any information to share that reaffirms Billy Meir's information about Pi, now that would be interesting and useful, however YOUR uneducated opinion Archimedes method is flawed offers no interesting perspective regarding Billy Meier's truthful information about Pi, to anyone in this Forum topic dedicated to Billy Meier's teachings. Billy Meier has NEVER discussed nor raised the issue there is a flaw in Archimedes method so your theory is unwarranted, off-topic and unwelcome. If anything Billy Meier actually compliments Archimedes for his brilliance.
Posting your Pi = 3.1446 crap in this forum topic accomplishes nothing. As I've advised Lukie, you bozo's need to properly document your fake Pi = 3.1446 proofs, or adequately prove Archimedes method is flawed, arrange a meeting with scientists, convince them your nonsense claims are valid, get recognized for your brilliance (or lunacy), then if successful, get published for your amazing achievements in scientific journals, or if unsuccessful, use your fake proofs as a comedy skit to entertain scientists at conventions; at least in this way you are salvaging your entirely wasted effort.
This Billy Meier forum Pi-topic is NOT about contradicting Billy's information about Pi, but rather trying to better understand the underlying truth in his statements, therefore the conflicting views shared by Mr. Pythagoras, Harry Lear, & Lukie; a tiny group of self-claimed uneducated know-it-all misfits, are not true to the intent of this Forum topic as they never refer to Billy Meier's material regarding Pi, foolishly believe the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, something Billy Meier, Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER endorsed. In fact in Contact Report 712, Ptaah makes it perfectly clear traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi. READ THE CONTACT REPORTS DUMB ASS! That's what this Pi topic is suppose to be about. Morons!
Want to extend a special acknowledgement to two popular well respected FIGU Community members, Michael Horn and Christian Frehner; two dumb asses for giving these Pi = 3.1446 Radical lunatics a platform to spread their crap within the FIGU Community. Well done you two BOZO's so just keep sitting there like two useless bumps on a log and continue to do absolutely nothing to correct your huge mistake misinforming the FIGU Community endorsing Harry Lear's Lies Pi = 3.1446 and accepting ZERO responsibility for spreading this false narrative to the trusting FIGU Community instead of realizing Billy Meier's information is correct and accurate about Pi - as always. The two of you get a gold star for stupidity. Well done.
Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven
In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.
Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446
Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth (24).
Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
Ptaah then clarifies in order to correctly find the true and correct Pi, an instrumentarium is required which has not been invented on Earth (27).
Ptaah then warns the FIGU Community in the Contact Report about individuals who will foolishly attempt to claim they've solved the true and correct Pi which he identifies as Know-It-Alls (28); or non-scientists who foolishly believe they have preferential, gifted knowledge only they possess (because they're special) regarding the true and correct PI = 3.1446, which is exactly what is happening within the FIGU Community as Ptaah anticipated.
A few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.
Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.
Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.
There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.
How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!
We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner are 100% responsible for letting this Pi = 3.1446 nonsense get out of hand within the FIGU Community when Billy Meier clearly states Pi is UNKNOWN yet these two dumb ass BOZOs refuse to acknowledge their monumental mistake, admit they were wrong and show a little humility. At least if they acknowledged they made a mistake wrongly endorsing the numskull Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446, when they should have known better and supported Billy Meier Pi is UNKNOWN, they could restore their own credibility within the FIGU Community but as it stands, the fact that they both just sit there like bumps on a log, reveals their indifference to the TRUTH.
Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.
Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.
Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!
Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a dimwitted human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting Billy Meier and Ptaah statements about Pi. They foolishly trusted Harry's claim Pi = 3.1446, and ignored Billy Meier's statement Pi is UNKNOWN. Harry, who lacks any university degree, and talent limited to measuring mostly round wooden objects, drawing pretty pictures and has above average coloring skills.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.
There are a number of unintelligent 'know-it-alls' participating in this community Pi discussion topic, who pretend to be subject matter experts claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 yet possess no formal education, no professional skills nor accredited training in mathematics. However if they believe Pi = 3.1446, they should work together, collaborate and coordinate a united, formal response by drafting a proper legitimate proof Pi = 3.1446 as a report which may be presented to, and seriously considered by, the world scientific community and it needs to be a hell of a lot better than Harry Lear's letter to President Trump which had more grandstanding than credible proof.
The reason the Pi Radicals have no credible proof Pi = 3.1446 is because this proof is physically impossible, and does not nor will ever exist. The Pi radicals will never be able to prove Pi = 3.1446 to their dying day which explains why they still do not have a credible proof to this day. None-the-less the PI = 3.1446 bozos think they've discovered a great secret of the universe only they could unlock thanks to their special talents, unique gifts, and/or think their spiritually evolved, which gives them magic powers to understand the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which has eluded the worlds leading scientists, mathematicians and engineers for over 2000+ years, something a moron would actually believe.
The Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.
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Its worthwhile to always give credit where credit is due and so its important to recognize the significant contribution from Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, who opened the FIGU Community doors to the Pi = 3.1446 Radical lunatics. Well done you two BOZO's so just keep sitting there like two useless dumb-ass bumps on a log and continue to do absolutely nothing to correct your huge mistake by misinforming the FIGU Community endorsing Harry Lear's Lies Pi = 3.1446 and ignoring Billy Meier's information about Pi is UNKNOWN, and accepting ZERO responsibility for spreading this false narrative to the trusting FIGU Community instead of realizing Billy Meier's information is correct and accurate as always. The two of you get a gold star for stupidity. Well done.
Lukie, my favorite lunatic is back after a short absence, and I see you've brought back your pretty flow chart which, like everything you present, fails to prove Pi = 3.1446. This simple black-and-white drawing would not likely impress Harry Lear, famous for his coloring skills so suggest getting out your crayons and spruce it up a bit.
Lukie you do realize this is a BILLY MEIER forum, and this topic is intended to discuss Billy Meier's truth about Pi. You and the Pi Radicals habitually push your Pi = 3.1446 lunacy onto the FIGU Community while never referring to Billy Meier's information about Pi for which this forum topic is intended. You are merely pushing your own know-it-all perspective Pi = 3.1446, arrogantly onto the FIGU Community, completely ignoring Billy Meier's information about Pi.
Ptaah warned about this behavior in CR 712 that know-it-alls would claim to have solved the true and correct Pi, which they claim is 3.1446 when in fact the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN according to both Ptaah and Billy. Billy states in CR 896 know-it-alls will NOT accept the truth, which in this case traditional Pi = 3.14159, is the best estimate of true Pi, because their low intelligence does not allow them to understand the truth.
Although this Billy Meier Forum Pi topic is focused on discussing Billy Meier's truth about Pi, your know-it-all arrogance ignores the Forum intent, and instead compels you to push your personal bias Pi = 3.1446 in a Billy Meier discussion forum. Its understandable that no one in the entire world will tolerate your Pi = 3.1446 crap and you feel at home here, thanks to dumb asses Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, who both promoted Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 nonsense onto the trusting FIGU Community instead of trusting Billy Meier's information about Pi is UNKNOWN and traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi according to Ptaah in CR 712.
Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven
In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.
Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446
Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth (24).
Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
Ptaah then clarifies in order to correctly find the true and correct Pi, an instrumentarium is required which has not been invented on Earth (27).
Ptaah then warns the FIGU Community in the Contact Report about individuals who will foolishly attempt to claim they've solved the true and correct Pi which he identifies as Know-It-Alls (28); or non-scientists who foolishly believe they have preferential, gifted knowledge only they possess (because they're special) regarding the true and correct PI = 3.1446, which is exactly what is happening within the FIGU Community as Ptaah anticipated.
A few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.
Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.
Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.
There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.
How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!
We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner are 100% responsible for letting this Pi = 3.1446 nonsense get out of hand within the FIGU Community when Billy Meier clearly states Pi is UNKNOWN yet these two dumb ass BOZOs refuse to acknowledge their monumental mistake, admit they were wrong and show a little humility. At least if they acknowledged they made a mistake wrongly endorsing the numskull Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446, when they should have known better and supported Billy Meier Pi is UNKNOWN, they could restore their own credibility within the FIGU Community but as it stands, the fact that they both just sit there like bumps on a log, reveals their indifference to the TRUTH.
Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.
Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.
Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!
Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a dimwitted human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting Billy Meier and Ptaah statements about Pi. They foolishly trusted Harry's claim Pi = 3.1446, and ignored Billy Meier's statement Pi is UNKNOWN. Harry, who lacks any university degree, and talent limited to measuring mostly round wooden objects, drawing pretty pictures and has above average coloring skills.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.
There are a number of unintelligent 'know-it-alls' participating in this community Pi discussion topic, who pretend to be subject matter experts claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 yet possess no formal education, no professional skills nor accredited training in mathematics. However if they believe Pi = 3.1446, they should work together, collaborate and coordinate a united, formal response by drafting a proper legitimate proof Pi = 3.1446 as a report which may be presented to, and seriously considered by, the world scientific community and it needs to be a hell of a lot better than Harry Lear's letter to President Trump which had more grandstanding than credible proof.
The reason the Pi Radicals have no credible proof Pi = 3.1446 is because this proof is physically impossible, and does not nor will ever exist. The Pi radicals will never be able to prove Pi = 3.1446 to their dying day which explains why they still do not have a credible proof to this day. None-the-less the PI = 3.1446 bozos think they've discovered a great secret of the universe only they could unlock thanks to their special talents, unique gifts, and/or think their spiritually evolved, which gives them magic powers to understand the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which has eluded the worlds leading scientists, mathematicians and engineers for over 2000+ years, something a moron would actually believe.
The Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.
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As usual, self-explanatory
By the way, the outer circle is the exact square root of 32.
All angles are equal.
All of these with 3.14460551103
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Hey Jude,
Guess you thought you'd give another try - promoting the Pi lie.
You do realise this is a Billy Meier Forum and this Pi topic focus is to discuss the information Billy shares about Pi yet you never discuss nor attempt to try and understand Billy Meier's information about Pi, no, all you and the Pi Radicals know how to do, is arrogantly push your own false-belief Pi = 3.1446 onto the FIGU Community and try and shove your nonsense down our throats.
If you read CR 722, Billy confirmed Pi = 3.1446 is wrong when he states Earthlings have NOT yet calculated the true value of Pi so obviously Pi = 3.1446 is the wrong value or is this simple logic too hard for you to comprehend?
If someone from the FIGU Community, listens to your crap Pi = 3.1446 and tells a scientist the Apophis threat is real, and also claims Pi = 3.1446, the scientist will laugh hysterically because claiming Pi = 3.1446 is absolutely ludicrous and trying to prove Pi = 3.1446 is a fool's errand; but this is something you and the Pi Radicals simply do not understand because you're not smart enough to comprehend the mathematics otherwise you would realize proving Pi = 3.1446 is impossible. Simply stated you lack the knowledge to realize your own limitations so you end up believing your own nonsense. You and the Pi Radicals need to go to school and learn 'real' mathematics and stop playing pretend.
Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven
In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.
Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446
Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth (24).
Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
Ptaah then clarifies in order to correctly find the true and correct Pi, an instrumentarium is required which has not been invented on Earth (27).
Ptaah then warns the FIGU Community in the Contact Report about individuals who will foolishly attempt to claim they've solved the true and correct Pi which he identifies as Know-It-Alls (28); or non-scientists who foolishly believe they have preferential, gifted knowledge only they possess (because they're special) regarding the true and correct PI = 3.1446, which is exactly what is happening within the FIGU Community as Ptaah anticipated.
A few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.
Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.
Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.
There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.
How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!
We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner are 100% responsible for letting this Pi = 3.1446 nonsense get out of hand within the FIGU Community when Billy Meier clearly states Pi is UNKNOWN yet these two dumb ass BOZOs refuse to acknowledge their monumental mistake, admit they were wrong and show a little humility. At least if they acknowledged they made a mistake wrongly endorsing the numskull Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446, when they should have known better and supported Billy Meier Pi is UNKNOWN, they could restore their own credibility within the FIGU Community but as it stands, the fact that they both just sit there like bumps on a log, reveals their indifference to the TRUTH.
Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.
Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.
Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!
Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a dimwitted human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting Billy Meier and Ptaah statements about Pi. They foolishly trusted Harry's claim Pi = 3.1446, and ignored Billy Meier's statement Pi is UNKNOWN. Harry, who lacks any university degree, and talent limited to measuring mostly round wooden objects, drawing pretty pictures and has above average coloring skills.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.
There are a number of unintelligent 'know-it-alls' participating in this community Pi discussion topic, who pretend to be subject matter experts claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 yet possess no formal education, no professional skills nor accredited training in mathematics. However if they believe Pi = 3.1446, they should work together, collaborate and coordinate a united, formal response by drafting a proper legitimate proof Pi = 3.1446 as a report which may be presented to, and seriously considered by, the world scientific community and it needs to be a hell of a lot better than Harry Lear's letter to President Trump which had more grandstanding than credible proof.
The reason the Pi Radicals have no credible proof Pi = 3.1446 is because this proof is physically impossible, and does not nor will ever exist. The Pi radicals will never be able to prove Pi = 3.1446 to their dying day which explains why they still do not have a credible proof to this day. None-the-less the PI = 3.1446 bozos think they've discovered a great secret of the universe only they could unlock thanks to their special talents, unique gifts, and/or think their spiritually evolved, which gives them magic powers to understand the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which has eluded the worlds leading scientists, mathematicians and engineers for over 2000+ years, something a moron would actually believe.
The Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.
Hush you have eyes, but you are blind. Good luck promoting 3.14159265359. Lol
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Oh Jude,
Its not me who needs luck, since the entire world of scientists, mathematicians and engineers, and most everyone else in the world, already understands traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi as also confirmed by Ptaah in CR 712.
It is you dear Jude, who needs luck, and you'd never find a bucket of luck big enough to credibly prove Pi = 3.1446. This is why no one in the entire world has ever taken notice of the Pi = 3.1446 garbage-proofs you the Pi Radicals dream up; one after another all fake and phooey.
Hey check this out Michael Horn is presenting at the upcoming MUFON conference. This would be a great opportunity for you and the Pi Radicals to promote your Pi = 3.1446 lie. Normally avoid helping a lost cause but willing to make an exception in your case so here is my idea.
We know Michael has promoted Harry Lear's nonsense claim Pi = 3.1446 over the years to the FIGU Community as recently as June 2024 so it wouldn't surprise me if he was the catalyst that sparked this Pi = 3.1446 nonsense in the first place and probably hooked up Harry with Christian who then foolishly published his Pi = 3.1446 article in Bulletin #77 (the blind leading the blind) which successfully mislead the FIGU Community with the Pi = 3.1446 lie which only made matters worse.
Now we know almost every organization in the world is corrupt but who would have ever imagined, within the FIGU Community, deception prevails in positions of influence and like corrupt politicians, both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner refuse to accept any responsibility for misinforming the FIGU Community by spreading Harry's lie Pi = 3.1446 which, by now, they must knowingly be well aware, and like immature children, express no regret for their actions, and do absolutely nothing to make amends to the FIGU Community, and refuse to set things right.
Anyway, I digress, my suggestion would be for you to reach out to Harry Lear and suggest to Harry that he design a brochure promoting his Pi = 3.1446 proof. Harry, famous for his coloring and drawing skills, should be able to make a spectacular pamphlet promoting Pi = 3.1446. Then print off say a couple-hundred brochures which Michael Horn could take with him to the MUFON conference and leave as hand-outs. This will truly help you Pi Radials spread the message Pi = 3.1446 or make you look like a bunch of dumb asses. But if you believe in a cause, as you do, who really cares if folks think you're dumb ass. Anyway something to think about.
Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven
In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.
Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446
Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth (24).
Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
Ptaah then clarifies in order to correctly find the true and correct Pi, an instrumentarium is required which has not been invented on Earth (27).
Ptaah then warns the FIGU Community in the Contact Report about individuals who will foolishly attempt to claim they've solved the true and correct Pi which he identifies as Know-It-Alls (28); or non-scientists who foolishly believe they have preferential, gifted knowledge only they possess (because they're special) regarding the true and correct PI = 3.1446, which is exactly what is happening within the FIGU Community as Ptaah anticipated.
A few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.
Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.
Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.
There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.
How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!
We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner are 100% responsible for letting this Pi = 3.1446 nonsense get out of hand within the FIGU Community when Billy Meier clearly states Pi is UNKNOWN yet these two dumb ass BOZOs refuse to acknowledge their monumental mistake, admit they were wrong and show a little humility. At least if they acknowledged they made a mistake wrongly endorsing the numskull Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446, when they should have known better and supported Billy Meier Pi is UNKNOWN, they could restore their own credibility within the FIGU Community but as it stands, the fact that they both just sit there like bumps on a log, reveals their indifference to the TRUTH.
Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.
Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.
Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!
Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a dimwitted human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting Billy Meier and Ptaah statements about Pi. They foolishly trusted Harry's claim Pi = 3.1446, and ignored Billy Meier's statement Pi is UNKNOWN. Harry, who lacks any university degree, and talent limited to measuring mostly round wooden objects, drawing pretty pictures and has above average coloring skills.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.
There are a number of unintelligent 'know-it-alls' participating in this community Pi discussion topic, who pretend to be subject matter experts claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 yet possess no formal education, no professional skills nor accredited training in mathematics. However if they believe Pi = 3.1446, they should work together, collaborate and coordinate a united, formal response by drafting a proper legitimate proof Pi = 3.1446 as a report which may be presented to, and seriously considered by, the world scientific community and it needs to be a hell of a lot better than Harry Lear's letter to President Trump which had more grandstanding than credible proof.
The reason the Pi Radicals have no credible proof Pi = 3.1446 is because this proof is physically impossible, and does not nor will ever exist. The Pi radicals will never be able to prove Pi = 3.1446 to their dying day which explains why they still do not have a credible proof to this day. None-the-less the PI = 3.1446 bozos think they've discovered a great secret of the universe only they could unlock thanks to their special talents, unique gifts, and/or think their spiritually evolved, which gives them magic powers to understand the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which has eluded the worlds leading scientists, mathematicians and engineers for over 2000+ years, something a moron would actually believe.
The Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.
Hush can't you say anything else more constructive than repeating the same thing without ever exercising the logical side of your brain to see for yourself if 3.14159265359 is truly the one like you claim so vehemently?
Are you a parrot? Do you want a cookie?
The CR you are presenting... We've read them. And of course, if after reading them, we all come to the same conclusion (except you of course since you keep on posting the same thing without doing the logical exercise for yourself), then maybe you should re-read the CR again to figure out what we all have figured out.
Again, I'm telling you this... I know no radicals and I'm not one of those. And I doubt any of us here consider ourselves as radicals. We may be observers, and through thorough observation, we see want you cannot. That is why you are blind. The fact that you repeat yourself over and over makes you dumb. And the fact that you close yourself religiously behind the CR as if you have the full answers make you deaf.
If you want to call Harry, Micheal, and Christian frauds, you might as well call Billy a fraud. These guys have been within his circle faithfully with major loyalty. Makes me wonder if ou know anything about anything for real.
Arthur left because of you. You're not understanding the mission of unification. You just want to blindly separate through segregation... Like a slaver.
You make me sick. I truly wish that you never come close to Billy... Or if you do, I hope he exposes your lame pass as a true deceiver.
Hush your rant makes no sense. Flip the script. Dumbass.
Hush it won't be long before everyone labels you as an artificial intelligence. Your LLM is based on human flaws. And if you're human, you can never deny your flaws. I know I have flaws, and if there were flaws in the equations, I'd spot them and correct them. That's mental exercise. What do you do? You investigate like a 5 years old and come to non-sense conclusion while insulting everyone. You are LAME.
Hush Like I said before, and humbly, I do not have a degree in mathematics. But like EVERYONE on this planet, basic mathematics is a given. And understanding geometry is by far the easiest thing to do.
We all want one thing: FOR YOU, HUSH, TO SHOW A PROOF OF PI THROUGH SIMPLE EQUATIONS to support your claims.
We all don't want you to say that scientists and academics have already done that. SCIENTISTS AND ACADEMICS are not on the forum trying to protect Pi... YOU, HUSH, HOWEVER, ARE! You should be accountable for your claims.
We, "The FIGU Radicals", as you love to call us without ever knowing any single one of us (I was surprised that I was part of a group without my own awareness), are ALL ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT WE POST, because we know that if that which we are accountable for will eventually come back to bite us. That is why we come with MORE, AND MORE, AND MORE PROOFS to support our claims.
What have you brought upon the table aside from a pile of copy paste? You look like a pissed-off office exec distributing copies after copies of a document the exec himself/herself did not understand in the first place.
Don't you know that you are pathetic?
Hush are you even core member to flap your mouth like an angry bird?
Hush let me ask you? Do you agree that 1 times 4 is equal 4? Do you agree that 2pi times half of the square root of phi SHOULD equals 4? Do you agree that the first question is representative of the perimeter of a square and the second question representative of the circumference of a circle?
Hush you see... I have a flaw, and I'm proud to admit it... I DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING, even if I wanted to. What makes you think you know better?
- Edited
Now now Jude,
No need to lose your cool but I appreciate the frustration you and the Pi Radicals must feel knowing not a single accredited scientist, engineer or mathematician in the entire world will tolerate your fake Pi = 3.1446 crap proofs. If you had a formal post-secondary education in mathematics you'd understand why proving Pi = 3.1446 is impossible and why a proof Pi = 3.1446 simply doesn't exist and why, you can search for the rest of your life, and you still will never find a valid proof Pi = 3.1446.
You and the Pi Radicals foolishly believe you understand mathematics without any accredited skills on the subject, and this is why you foolishly believe your own nonsense proofs Pi = 3.1446, because you don't know any better, because you're not smart enough to understand the flaws in your own logic. Even when the flaws in your Pi = 3.1446 proofs are explained, you still don't understand.
You and the Pi Radicals are completely unskilled in mathematics, and still have yet to present a credible proof Pi = 3.1446. Understand its not up to me to prove Pi = 3.14159, because traditional Pi is common knowledge throughout the entire world. If you want to learn why Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi, don't be so damn lazy go learn it for yourself, I'm not your tutor. Google Pi and you'll find hundreds of websites that clearly explain how traditional Pi = 3.14159 is calculated you just have to be curious and want to learn.
By definition a "Radical" is someone who "favors extreme changes in existing views". Considering you and the Pi Radicals are a small group of misfits who believe Pi = 3.1446, when the whole world knows traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi, you are by definition a "Radical".
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner are absolutely dumb asses for lying to the FIGU Community spreading Harry Lear's Lie Pi = 3.1446 when they should have trusted Billy Meier's information about Pi. I don't get it, both Michael and Christian have faithfully quoted Billy Meier's information on virtually every subject, yet when it comes to Pi, both of these dumb asses, abandoned Billy Meier's information about Pi, I mean they completely ignored, in favor of a dimwitted Earth human Harry Lear who foolish claims Pi = 3.1446, something Billy Meir, nor the Plejaren have ever claimed to be true and correct.
In September 2017 FIGU Bulletin #77 Christian Frehner foolishly lied, claiming Harry Lear had proven the correct Pi = 3.1446 when Billy Meier had NEVER made such a claim:
Why is Christian, a FIGU Core Member, not sharing Billy Meier's information about Pi? Makes no sense. Then in August 2019, nearly two years after Christian Lied to the FIGU Community claiming the correct Pi = 3.1446, Billy Meier states clearly Earth humans have not yet found the correct Pi number:
So if Billy states Earth humans have not found the correct Pi number, obviously Pi = 3.1446 is NOT the correct Pi value. Therefore Christian Frehner lied two years earlier when he claimed Harry's Pi = 3.1446 was correct. Therefore Christian Frehner is a real dumb ass for foolishly claiming Pi = 3.1446 and what makes matter worse is he printed this false information on behalf of the FIGU Mission, when no where in the Contact Reports has Billy nor the Plejaren ever confirmed Pi = 3.1446. Basically Christian 'invented' new information which Billy has NEVER claimed.
Michael Horn is just as stupid for believing Harry Lear's nonsense instead of trusting Billy Meier's information about Pi. Yeah, so both Christian Frehner and Michael Horn, who both foolishly trusted a dimwitted human being of Earth, instead of referring to Billy Meier's information about Pi which authentic and correct. I'm just exposing Michael Horn's and Christian Frehner corruption and lies to inform the FIGU Community of their deception.
You claim to have read Billy Meier's Contact Reports so please do explain where precisely is it state that Pi = 3.1446? You obviously do not understand the information about Pi Billy has shared. In CR 712 Ptaah states traditional Pi = 3.14159 " is accurate for all round and circular calculations in both math and physics". What part of this statement do you not understand - dumb ass!
Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven
In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.
Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446
Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth (24).
Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
Ptaah then clarifies in order to correctly find the true and correct Pi, an instrumentarium is required which has not been invented on Earth (27).
Ptaah then warns the FIGU Community in the Contact Report about individuals who will foolishly attempt to claim they've solved the true and correct Pi which he identifies as Know-It-Alls (28); or non-scientists who foolishly believe they have preferential, gifted knowledge only they possess (because they're special) regarding the true and correct PI = 3.1446, which is exactly what is happening within the FIGU Community as Ptaah anticipated.
A few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.
Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth
This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.
Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.
There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.
How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!
We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner are 100% responsible for letting this Pi = 3.1446 nonsense get out of hand within the FIGU Community when Billy Meier clearly states Pi is UNKNOWN yet these two dumb ass BOZOs refuse to acknowledge their monumental mistake, admit they were wrong and show a little humility. At least if they acknowledged they made a mistake wrongly endorsing the numskull Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446, when they should have known better and supported Billy Meier Pi is UNKNOWN, they could restore their own credibility within the FIGU Community but as it stands, the fact that they both just sit there like bumps on a log, reveals their indifference to the TRUTH.
Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.
Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.
Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!
Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a dimwitted human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting Billy Meier and Ptaah statements about Pi. They foolishly trusted Harry's claim Pi = 3.1446, and ignored Billy Meier's statement Pi is UNKNOWN. Harry, who lacks any university degree, and talent limited to measuring mostly round wooden objects, drawing pretty pictures and has above average coloring skills.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.
There are a number of unintelligent 'know-it-alls' participating in this community Pi discussion topic, who pretend to be subject matter experts claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 yet possess no formal education, no professional skills nor accredited training in mathematics. However if they believe Pi = 3.1446, they should work together, collaborate and coordinate a united, formal response by drafting a proper legitimate proof Pi = 3.1446 as a report which may be presented to, and seriously considered by, the world scientific community and it needs to be a hell of a lot better than Harry Lear's letter to President Trump which had more grandstanding than credible proof.
The reason the Pi Radicals have no credible proof Pi = 3.1446 is because this proof is physically impossible, and does not nor will ever exist. The Pi radicals will never be able to prove Pi = 3.1446 to their dying day which explains why they still do not have a credible proof to this day. None-the-less the PI = 3.1446 bozos think they've discovered a great secret of the universe only they could unlock thanks to their special talents, unique gifts, and/or think their spiritually evolved, which gives them magic powers to understand the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which has eluded the worlds leading scientists, mathematicians and engineers for over 2000+ years, something a moron would actually believe.
The Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.
Mr. Photocopier... Here you can again compare 3.14159265359 with 3.14460551103 and see AGAIN the superiority of the latter with simple equations.
Keep on copying and allowing yourself to be exposed as a wiseacre and deceiver. The truth will slowly unfold itself and you won't be able to hide behind your veil of lies.