Wow, quite an opening statement claiming you've proven Billy Meier wrong, especially in a FIGU Community created to discuss Billy Meier's authentic accurate teachings of the truth. Why Lukie, I do believe this is the first time you've mentioned Billy Meier in any of your posts. Congratulations for mentioning Billy Meier for the first time. So lets get to the juicy stuff; you really believe you're smarter than both Billy Meier and his Plejaren friends. Amazing what extraordinary arrogance you have said Red Riding Hood to the wolf.

And you've been working on faking Pi = 3.1446 for 7-Years now - what dedication. How is it going so far after 7-years? Oh never mind, I see you're still at it, well keep up the good work solider, you're a real trooper! With 7-years practice no wonder your coloring and drawing pretty pictures are almost as good as Harry Lear's who, coincidentally, started faking his Pi = 3.1446 proofs on his YouTube channel ALSO 7-years ago and so isn't interesting Harry has above average coloring skills, and your drawings are very pretty, which admittedly you also started working on 7-years ago. Lukie do you and Harry Lear share the same birthday? Small world isn't it full of coincidences.

Thankfully Harry Lear mostly lurks in the shadows these days after igniting the fake Pi = 3.1446 flame within the FIGU Community which has been quite hard to extinguish. Seems folks have a propensity to believe Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446 nonsense when they should know better to trust Billy Meier who is honest and truthful when compared to Harry Lear, is a proven LIAR (read below).
We can thank two FIGU celebrities Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, as being outstanding promoters of Harry Lear's fake Pi = 3.1446 proof within the FIGU Commuity. Bozos Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, rather than trust Billy Meier information regarding Pi is UNKNOWN, believed and promoted the uneducated misfit, dimwit Harry Lear's false claim Pi = 3.1446 within the FIGU Community when neither Billy Meier nor the Plejaren have EVER stated Pi = 3.1446. Numbskulls Michael Horn and Christian Frehner thought it was ok to fabricate new information claiming Pi = 3.1446 and promote this nonsense within the FIGU Community when Billy Meier has never EVER published such a LIE. How stupid can you be, I mean really.
Two respected members of the FIGU Community had the gall to invent new information claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, never once endorsed by Billy or the Plejaren, which is completely asinine and unbelievable. They both need to be grounded, sent to their rooms without dinner and say their sorry to the FIGU Community. Total dumb asses both of them! Sorry Lukie, didn't mean to exclude you, you are also a bozo and a dumb ass; one of my favorite dumb assess actually.
Lukie you've made a brand new pretty picture, isn't that wonderful and it has 2-more colors; yellow and red, I'm so proud of you. Glad I helped inspire you to do better and try harder. That's the only way we learn to become better human being.
Apparently this new pictures is the be-all, end-all, the final proof Pi = 3.1446. Wow, this is amazing, well it’s a lot to take in, I have to pause and catch my breath, its so beautifully colored. You know you've really outdone yourself this time, and if its really as good as you claim, should be on display in the Smithsonian or at least in the basement in a box collecting dust.
Such a pretty picture, with no explanation of what this represents which is a typical trade-mark of a 'know-it-all' whose creations are so profound they speak for themselves and damn anyone for asking for an explanation what this represents. A 'know-it-all' basks in the glory of their profound creations, so if you expect a proper explanation good luck, because its quite probable the know-it-alls can't explain it nor understand it either or just too lazy. I mean the less information they share about their profound creations, the less likely anyone will discover its flaws.
So just when I thought you'd learned your lesson to properly document your findings, you're back to square one, pumped out yet another pretty picture fake Pi = 3.1446 proof (must be at least the 12th attempt by now if not more), and expecting folks to understand what's going on in that tiny little know-it-all brain of yours. I honestly have no idea what the hell you've proven in this latest attempt.
You claim this is the final proof Pi = 3.1446 but provide absolutely no explanations. You haven't even shared a simple equation showing the end result Pi = 3.1446. That's the whole point of proving Pi = 3.1446; it requires near the end of the proof one line that shows in conclusion, therefore Pi = 3.1446. You've omitted the most important part of the proof dumb ass.
How are you going to convince the world's leading scientists you've discovered the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 if you don't provide any documentation. You would think after 7-years of absolutely no progress trying to prove Pi = 3.1446, you might have learned a thing or two along the way such as the importance of documentation. So you get a "F" for documentation – dumb ass. What a stubborn idiot.
From what little I can surmise from your pretty pictures (last two versions); in your previous example you developed a quadratic equation comprised of several line segments along the circle diameter AC. This new pretty picture only shows the one circle diameter line segment AC = 1 but there is no equation for segment DC which is required to complete the quadratic equation for AC. So what are you up to Lukie with his magic math tricks? Oh yeah, forgot you don't document anything because you're so smart and/or lazy, and you're also very profound, forgot that last bit but very poor at explanations. Its a good thing you never went to university and got a degree because you never would have made it with such poor documentation habits.
The quadratic equation method you've proposed requires a line segment which passes through the circle centroid which, in your example, is AC. You show no other circle diameter lines in your diagram other than AC and the quadratic method you've proposed must be applied along the circle diameter which has a length equal to '1'. For example you can't use BD + FE as a substitute but who knows what the hell you're thinking because you don't explain anything. No wonder its taken you 7-years and you STILL HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING. And you still haven't actually proven Pi = 3.1446. I mean you really haven't documented how you've proven Pi = 3.1446; if you have show the proof dumb ass. Typical know-it-all creator of the profound nothingness.
Say check out my reoccurring text where I've added a new paragraph slamming Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their incredible stupidity spreading Harry bozo Lear's Pi = 3.1446 nonsense to the FIGU Community. Let me know if you have any comments or recommendations.
Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven
In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.
Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446

Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth (24).
Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

Ptaah then clarifies in order to correctly find the true and correct Pi, an instrumentarium is required which has not been invented on Earth (27).
Ptaah then warns the FIGU Community in the Contact Report about individuals who will foolishly attempt to claim they've solved the true and correct Pi which he identifies as Know-It-Alls (28); or non-scientists who foolishly believe they have preferential, gifted knowledge only they possess (because they're special) regarding the true and correct PI = 3.1446, which is exactly what is happening within the FIGU Community as Ptaah anticipated.
A few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.
Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.
Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.
There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.
How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!

We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner are 100% responsible for letting this Pi = 3.1446 nonsense get out of hand within the FIGU Community when Billy Meier clearly states Pi is UNKNOWN yet these two dumb ass BOZOs refuse to acknowledge their monumental mistake, admit they were wrong and show a little humility. At least if they acknowledged they made a mistake wrongly endorsing the numskull Harry Lear's Pi = 3.1446, when they should have known better and supported Billy Meier Pi is UNKNOWN, they could restore their own credibility within the FIGU Community but as it stands, the fact that they both just sit there like bumps on a log, reveals their indifference to the TRUTH.
Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.
Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!
Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a dimwitted human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting Billy Meier and Ptaah statements about Pi. They foolishly trusted Harry's claim Pi = 3.1446, and ignored Billy Meier's statement Pi is UNKNOWN. Harry, who lacks any university degree, and talent limited to measuring mostly round wooden objects, drawing pretty pictures and has above average coloring skills.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.
There are a number of unintelligent 'know-it-alls' participating in this community Pi discussion topic, who pretend to be subject matter experts claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 yet possess no formal education, no professional skills nor accredited training in mathematics. However if they believe Pi = 3.1446, they should work together, collaborate and coordinate a united, formal response by drafting a proper legitimate proof Pi = 3.1446 as a report which may be presented to, and seriously considered by, the world scientific community and it needs to be a hell of a lot better than Harry Lear's letter to President Trump which had more grandstanding than credible proof.
The reason the Pi Radicals have no credible proof Pi = 3.1446 is because this proof is physically impossible, and does not nor will ever exist. The Pi radicals will never be able to prove Pi = 3.1446 to their dying day which explains why they still do not have a credible proof to this day. None-the-less the PI = 3.1446 bozos think they've discovered a great secret of the universe only they could unlock thanks to their special talents, unique gifts, and/or think their spiritually evolved, which gives them magic powers to understand the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which has eluded the worlds leading scientists, mathematicians and engineers for over 2000+ years, something a moron would actually believe.
The Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.