Dear Lukie,
If you're so smart go show your fake Pi = 3.1446 proofs to a scientist, get intentionally recognized for your brilliance proving Pi = 3.1446 and then together you and Harry Lear can rightfully boast Pi = 3.1446; but until then you're a fraud wasting your time here, because the truth is, no one in the real world will listen to you. Just saying! (LOL).
Anyway obviously you have no understanding of mathematics. Inscribing or circumscribing a polygon are valid techniques as both close onto traditional Pi = 3.14159; you're ineptitude is mathematics is truly revealed as suspected. Mathematics solutions trump pretty drawing solutions every time (not referring to a former US president). The many different methods used to to estimate traditional Pi = 3.14159 are sound, each and every one credible, valid and accepted throughout the world by every scientist, mathematician and engineer in the world. If you're going to prove Pi = 3.1446 you'll have a lot of work to do convincing anyone credible so rather than wasting time here blowing steam out of your butt with more false claims, should really spend your time putting a descent report together proving Pi = 3.1446 so you can present to a real scientist. Might want to wear tie.
Archimedes methodology is absolutely credible to estimate Pi; its lays the foundation for how traditional PI = 3.14159 is derived and if you went to school and studied math you would know this. I am definitely honest, repeating only what Billy Meier has stated; you're the fraud and LIAR, like Harry Lear, contradicting Billy Meier's information. May have overestimated your talent as a Deep State operative (LOL); just not smart after all in my humble opinion but like a deep state operative, intent on discriminating Billy Meier; and for that you are a very bad boy - go in the corner and play with your geometry set (lol).
Finally why I am so insulting to LIARS and FRAUDS. Well its typically how this community responds to anyone who blatantly ignores Billy Meier's truthful teachings. Quite often this community severely ridicules Earth scientists who either ignore or dismiss Billy Meier's information, so I'm just doing the same; but ridiculing folks within this community who are ignoring Billy Meier's truthful information about Pi in CR 712 & 722. Seems they can dish out the insults but can't take; so funny!
So I see you enjoy the geometric form to prove Pi = 3.1446 or what you're really saying, is that you advocate drawing pretty pictures to solve for the true and correct Pi instead deriving Pi mathematically which is the only valid method to obtain the closest estimate of true Pi which is traditional Pi = 3.14159.
You're foolishly trying to draw the FIGU Community away from the Billy Meier's TRUTH archived on the Future-of-Mankind site to other bogus networks claiming we shouldn't listen to Billy Meier, no we need to listen to YOU to learn the TRUTH. You're like this PSI guy that infiltrated the FIGU Community not too long ago and he was clever enough to pull the wool over everyone's eyes until his deception was uncovered and he was expelled from the FIGU Community. You're just another FRAUD like PSI.
For example you don't refer to Billy Meier's teachings about Pi on the Future-of-Mankind website because you're not truly apart of the FIGU Community. You probably don't even know what a Contact Report is? Your obviously a FRAUD no different than Harry Lear false claims the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 when Billy Meier clearly states on the Future-of-Mankind website (in CR 712 & CR 722) that true Pi is UNKNOWN and, in fact, the best estimate of TRUE Pi is TRADITIONAL Pi = 3.14159 (Ptaah CR 712) so all you're doing here is attempting to discredit Billy Meier's truth by drawing folks away from his teachings to bogus websites and bogus fake proofs Pi = 3.1446 contradicting Billy Meier's TRUTH and it never ends with you Bozo's and your fake Pi = 3.1446 proofs, with endless pretty picture drawings, instead of actually learning mathematics and learn to estimate true Pi = 3.14159 legitimately.
You imply you're smarter than Billy Meier who clearly states the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN in Contact Reports CR 712 & CR 722 and pop out of no where, and start touting your nonsense fake Pi = 3.1446 is true and correct derived from pretty drawing nonsense proofs no different than the well renowned bozo Harry Lear.
Unfortunately Harry succeeded in convincing nitwits like Michael Horn and Christian Frehner that his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 is the valid, when Michael and Christian should have known better and trusted Billy Meier's teachings, including ALL Billy's information about PI INCLUDING CRs 712 & 722, instead listening to that moron Harry Lear; a dimwitted fraudster who was also recently discovered a proven LIAR, who falsely claims the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, contrary to information quoted directly from Billy Meier who states true Pi is UNKNOWN.
How could Michael and Christian be so stupid to listen to Harry's nonsense Pi = 3.1446, instead of trusting Billy Meier's information about Pi - unbelievable! Personal message to Michael and Christian, if you truly don't know the truth about Pi, (obviously neither of you have a clue) trust Billy Meier information over anyone else and, you'll never go wrong. In fact both of you should know better than anyone else in the entire world-wide FIGU Community, by now, Billy is always authentic, honest, legitimate, accurate, correct and wiser with a little help from his friends; the Plejaren. He's proven his truthfulness and accuracy countless times, over and over again, and yet foolishly ignored and discounted Billy Meier's information about Pi (CR 712 & 722) and trusted a proven LIAR bozo like Harry instead. Sorry but both of you are dumb asses and that's not such a big deal; everyone makes mistakes, however you should be smart enough to realize your mistake.
Lukie I have a science degree and professionally skilled in mathematics and known absolutely 100% Billy Meier is completely and totally correct (as he always is) the true and correct, that is, its precise value, Pi is UNKNOWN, however TRADITIONAL Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate TRUE Pi as Ptaah also clearly states in CR 712. So I know absolutely Billy is correct; the math checks out precisely as stated by Billy and Ptaah and therefore know you're a FRAUD, and perhaps not too many folks here have the math talent and skills to see through your deception but you are clearly LIAR claiming Pi = 3.1446 no different than Harry, and you're Pi = 3.1446 is a HOAX and your pretty squares and circle drawings trying to prove Pi = 3.1446 is a complete waste of time so obviously you're a moron, an idiot and a bozo and wasting everyone's time here spreading your lies.
If you really were apart of the FIGU Community you'd refer to Billy Meier's truth about Pi on the Future-of-Mankind website however, instead you falsely claim we need to go to bogus websites to learn the truth so that essentially proves you're just a trouble-maker trying to lead folks away from the TRUTH. If you were part of this community you'd refer to the Contact Reports for the TRUTH. BOZO.
Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven
In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.
Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446

Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth.
Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

Then a few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.
Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.
Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.
There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.
How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!

We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.
Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!
Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown.
Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.
There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.