“The time has come when the waters will be plundered …”

Billy in CR 855:

“Sfath and I have seen what will come to pass, for now the time has come when what has been seen will be fulfilled and the Earth will finally, unconscionably, and thoughtlessly be driven on the path of destruction.
This is because the time has come when the waters will be plundered – deep down to the bottom of the lakes, other waters, rivers, streams and seas.
But the life-forms of all waters will resist. Besides overproducing in huge masses, the time has come when the wildlife will turn against humanity. Land animals and creatures etc. will increasingly defend themselves against the intrusion of human beings into the wilderness space and kill the invading human beings. This, as the living beings of the waters will do so more and more, especially in the seas, where human beings will be attacked, killed and even ships destroyed and sunk by aquatic animals, aquatic creatures and many other aquatic beings. There will also be marine creatures that reproduce independently in excess without sex partners. Marine creatures will multiply by the millions in large numbers and attack human technical achievements in the waters and render them useless.
This, as many as yet unknown and partly incurable diseases will afflict Earth-humans, namely by hitherto unknown bacteria and viruses from the depths of the waters of the seas and from the seabeds resp. the ocean floors, which will be churned up, broken open and whose resources will be exploited by the Earthling. In the process, the seabeds are destroyed, whereby a lot of ground ice is loosened and floats to the surface, contaminated with methane gas, which can even ignite and burn itself in the heat of the sun, causing havoc on the surface of the Earth, perhaps setting fire to forests, in addition to the gas entering the atmosphere and already causing a lot of damage and exerting a negative influence on the climate.”

October 2021 Article by the European Space Agency

“As part of the ESA–NASA Arctic Methane and Permafrost Challenge, new research has revealed that rapidly thawing permafrost in the Arctic has the potential to release antibiotic-resistant bacteria,”
“Thawing permafrost releases CO2 and Methane.…It is estimated that up to 2/3 of the surface permafrost will be lost by 2100… More than 100 diverse microorganisms in Siberia’s permafrost have been found to be antibiotic resistant. As the permafrost thaws and mixes with the meltwater it may create new antibiotic strains…”
“Now-banned pollutants and chemicals, such as the insecticide dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, DDT, that were transported to the Arctic atmospherically and over time became trapped in permafrost, are at risk of re-permeating the atmosphere. In addition, increased water flow means that pollutants can disperse widely, damaging animal and bird species as well as entering the human food chain.”
“…. the risks from emergent microorganisms and chemicals within permafrost are poorly understood and largely unquantified”.

Seeing it all in one:
There is an urgent need for new thinking and acting.
Not nations seeking to enrich themselves by taking away from other nations.
Not humans seeking to enrich themselves by taking away from other humans.
Not living beings “gaining” by eradicating other species.
There is a need to educate the global / universal impact of human thinking.
That every living existence in the universe is correlated to all other living existences.
That neither national nor human greed ‘is good’.
There is a need – from day 1 in life and schools - to educate the view of universal oneness.

For more details see

All that thawing permafrost releasing so much CO2 and Methane scares me! There is definitely an urgent need for new thinking and acting!

What could Billy’s reference to ‘asexually multiplying wild (sea) animals attacking humans” refer to?

Shark parthenogenesis (producing offspring without a male) has been observed but is thought to be rare (1). Water fleas have periods in which they reproduce asexually but have not the “mouth tools” to attack larger animals or humans. Parthenogenesis it is often the norm for corals, sponges and starfish but they don’t pose any danger for humans. This leaves – based on past observations - medusae, jellyfish (especially box jellyfish) and the ‘rare’ shark parthenogenesis as asexually reproducing sea animals which may pose a danger to humans.

But while sexual reproduction is the predominant mode of reproduction in the animal kingdom, we know as well from Petale (which Billy recorded in his book ‘Genesis’) that in cases of need females may reproduce asexually:
That is why - so Billy - female homosexuality is not unnatural (2) - not only for the human species but for all plant and animal species, too.(3)
Normally this "need" would be if the female does not find any male partner for a long time.
Not sure but perhaps this 'perceived emergency/need' may extend to ‘fighting off humans that take away the wild animals' habitats?

(1) https://www.livescience.com/aquarium-shark-virgin-birth.html
(2) http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/13/16353.html#POST79322
(3) Billy in CR 829:23
“23. And this is not only the case with the human being, but with all genera and species of all living beings, that is, with animals, creatures and all other life-forms.”

So I guess according to the prophecy a deadly strain of covid will be spreading around world at the time when the USA breaks up? We have so much to look forward too!

I have seen news with sea creatures attacking and taking down boats of people as described in the contact notes so wow that is spot-on.

  • BLS replied to this.
    2 months later

    Our Times ...
    It is a strange but important time we live in, Hugo. The Covid Pandemic may just be the beginning.
    If I recall it right then Billy mentioned that from the after effects of (Long?) Covid further sicknesses will evolve that scientists regard as (unexplained)new viruses.

    Genesis page 74 (My translation – there may be mistakes)

    1. Bear in mind, human being of the Earth:
    2. No true prophets were ever and are ever assigned [allocated] to you to bring you peace in worldly life.
    3. True prophets bring you strife [unrest/discontent] in worldly life as well as struggle and discord with yourself and your neighbor [fellow human], for the prophets that teach the truth don’t bring you worldly successes and worldly life, but the all-great-timely life as BEING in relative perfection of the spirit, which you have to earn through the power and activity of your consciousness, and which is alien to [unknown] the knowledge of worldly thinkers and which in their materialistic way of thinking spurs them on into discord, so that they become the enemy of the spiritual knowledge and the prophets and for those who have the knowledge, whom they curse, as it will also be with you and your true last prophet of the new time, who is the seventh and last member [link] of the Nokodemion-lineage.
    4. But pay no attention to the discord [strife] and the struggle directed against you, for if you will be steadfast in the teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life, you will become the being and also realize that only the fear of those hostile to the spirit makes them fight against the truth and quarrel, which is why they disgrace and deny and go astray in bitterness and curse all truth and the knowing ones and prophets [proclaimers].
    • BLS replied to this.

      Orcas Attacking Boats
      Welcome to the Forum and thank you for bringing this to our attention.
      You are right, there are reports of, e.g., Orcas, attacking boats.

      "Our Time ..." (Add-on to the article above)
      Ours is a time of revealing a new, great truth. It will take time until this truth is fully recognized.
      Initially, there may be great opposition.
      **Only one example: **
      Despite Luis Elizondo's openness re UAPs there is a steadfast opposition to officially recognize the existence of extra-terrestrial life even though there is undeniable evidence of many sightings and the UAP's incredibly powerful techniques
      "The (NASA) study team started work on October 24, 2022 and held its first public meeting on May 31, 2023. The team's report was released on 14 September, 2023 and did not find evidence that extra-terrestrial life was responsible for the unexplained phenomena of UAP sightings."

      But the reluctance to accept extraterrestrial life may not be the worst.
      In CR 841 Bermunda explains that (according to Sfath’s Annales) in 2023 Billy would “announce what unpleasantness he has experienced when travelling ahead in in time”. Billy reluctantly agrees. The revelations are – as Hugo indicated – very worrisome.
      As were Darwin's 'revelations' to Billy and Sfath. https://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_836

      Thought is creative ...
      So, if the times are / were to become such chaotic - how should we react / keep a clear mind?
      (Semjase in CR 10)

      1. All unreal suggestions and human imaginations will be corrected by stating: "**I, the human, am a part of Creation that, as a fragment, as spirit, enlivens me. **"
      9 days later

      Expanding the Creativity of Thought

      In the latest CR (864) Billy explains the correlation between thought – feeling – emotion – action.
      Also, that someone who closely watches body language may be able to fathom the underlying thoughts that create these reactions and recognizing this may allow us to predict the person's question.

      The power of a thought's creativity depends on a human's oneness with the universal swinging wave. Billy teleporting a heavy oven from the street may be one sample of the immense powers that are available to tuned-in humans.

      The visions of past and future events by Edgar Cayce (EC) may be another sample ***).
      In one of his (EC’s) readings he describes the mind-training that some Atlanteans were taught:
      “Through that particular period of experiences in Atlantis the Children of the Law of One ) – including this entity [person to which EC gives the reading in a previous incarnation], Rhea, the high priestess, were giving periods to the concentration of thought for the use of the universal forces, through the guidance or direction of … [pure in thought people].”
      “There are few terms in the present that would indicate the state of consciousness save that, through the concentration of the group mind of the Children of the Law of One
      ), they entered into a 4th dimensional consciousness - or were absent from the body.”(Edgar Cayce, Reading 2464-4)

      In CR 721:313-314 Billy may hint to a somewhat similar practice:
      “Effectively it is even the case that with this [wrong views of the meaning of ‘Geist’ resp. 'spirit'] completely wrong views and hypotheses or presumptions are conveyed to the human being and he cannot realize and also understand that namely the whole fundamentally corresponds to the energy of creation (creation-energy) and that he must think himself into this in every relationship solely and exclusively.”

      So, Arthur, this is the CR 721 passage which tells us ‘to think into this oneness with the all-pervasive creation energy – solely and only”. And this only comes to us when we realize that our life is given to us for the purpose of OM (law) E (and) DAM (Fulfilment).
      "If you human beings are pursued by the unfortune and are unable to form your lives as harmoniously as you would like, then you are able to change this if you turn to the consonance of the cosmic regulation and therefore to the creational laws and recommendations, and follow them."

      And these creational laws (OM) are - directly or indirectly- related to the Law(s) of Seven-ness ****):
      We know that the word "Plejaren" is a compound word composed of the words “Seven(ness)” and “Law” which may epitomize the ethical standards by which the 'Pleajren' live.
      See as well: https://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/FIGU_–_Open_Letter_15

      According to Billy’s book “Genesis”
      the terrestrial human being was once able “to read the creational laws” manifested in nature. But in our time, he has (especially through irrational teachings) lost this ability. To regain it he should reset his consciousness, 'Gemüt' and psyche:
      Firstly, by meeting his environment (fellow humans, animals, plants) with a sense of equality, reverence and respect. Secondly, by taking control of the sentiment that forms his consciousness and steering it towards equality and equalized-ness (responding to life's challenges with a “balancing thought/word/action”). **)
      Doing so will bring us in contact with the given Laws of Seven-ness (Genesis)
      "138. In this way you learn to develop yourself in concert with the outside world according to the given Laws of the Seven-ness."

      The power and value of human thought will depend on how much human thinking is in concert with the Laws of Seven-ness.


      *) Edgar Cayce’s readings tell us that in the time before Atlantis was destroyed two groupings formed. Children of the Law of One (recognizing the Law of One (= the Law of Seven-ness), spiritual goals) and their opponents, the "Sons of Belial" (who were self-obsessed, greedy and were driven by material goals)

      **) Semjase in CR 10 (reading the whole CR several times is a wonderful experience)

      1. Only an equalized sense which is rooted in the creational, in the creational service, in the creational essence of wisdom, its knowledge, its love, and joy, which are more real than all the material walls all around and the human environment, is value-full and serving the development of consciousness and spirit.
      2. To ponder again and again that the spirit is all-mighty, ever-present, all-knowing, and beyond that, unending happiness, unending beauty, unending value, the value of all things altogether, lets the word Creation become the absolute significance for the human being and brings forth evolution-based developmental changes in him/her.
      3. The clearer his consciousness-based intelligence becomes through this, the more, as a result, his/her personality gains in power, and the more prosperous his/her life becomes by this.
      4. A wise one full of consciousness sees what will happen in the most distant future, perhaps not until thousands of millions of years later, and s/he has the entire past of the life-forms and the humanity in front of his/her eyes.

      ****) >>> The Oneness of the Law of Seven-ness<<<

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