Hi Paul,
I’m posting your reply here from the Neutrality thread:
There is no animosity from me however, I do not wish to talk about it any further as nothing useful will come from it.
That is all I have to say on the matter.
My apologies to you!
Ok, of course you can always choose not to talk about something. That’s your decision to make. I was hoping to get into a discussion with you about your recent post to Daniel (8877).
In my most recent video, A Discussion on Neutrality, I talked about how other people’s behaviors and actions affect us inside. I said, “It’s not what they say, it’s how we react”. You might not know what this means so I thought to explain it a little more.
When we encounter and interact with others, there is always a possibility that something they say or something they do affects us in a way that makes us react inside. And this reaction can be many things, but it can also be negative. In other words, it’s “something we don’t like”. And this “something we don’t like” is transferred over to the person we are interacting with. This begins the path of not liking that person.
The thing that we don’t like about someone else, is within us and NOT within the other person. The ONLY way the “something we don’t like” can be recognized, acknowledged and then worked on, is if we see and recognize that the “something we don’t like” is within US and actually has nothing to do with the other person.
What I wanted to point out to you was that your post: “Daniel/8877 or who ever you are maybe you could do something constructive and answer this question. How does one remain neutral in the presence of an obvious Troll?” strikes me as you have “something you don’t like” within you. I don’t know you, so I could be wrong. But as a fellow student studying the Teaching of the Truth, I felt obligated to point this out to you.
I was attempting to point something out for you that would provide an opportunity for growth, or in other words, a step up. However you feel towards Daniel/8877, is with you and will always be with you unless you decide to change it.
You wrote, “I do not wish to talk about it any further as nothing useful will come from it.”. I’m sorry to read that you don’t want to talk and nothing useful will come from it. That’s your decision and I will respect it. I won’t correspond with you on this subject again unless you initiate it.