If I'd have to choose, I'd choose balance over transcendence anytime.

Q is in the above picture the equation I found to prove that the true value of Pi. Q stands for Quadrature as it combines 2 equations in one:


I could have Photoshop'd this, yet it is so satisfying when you know Photoshop isn't involved. 💯🔥💯

Dear Jude,

Perhaps the most basic concepts to understand when trying to solve for Pi is that you cannot solve for C using Pi because Pi is unknown. That's why mathematicians have developed very clever methods to estimate C without using Pi.

The FIGU Radical bozos always, always cheat by ASSUMING Pi = 3.1446 as part of their faking the proof process rather than actually solve for C legitimately; without using Pi (because its unknown).

You walk around beating your chests like know-it-all baboons claiming a traditional polygon method to calculate Pi doesn't represent a true curve line however there is literally no other way to calculate the 'ACTUAL' circle circumference true curved length. Human beings of Earth only know how to compute straight line distances. Your golden ratios and Kepler triangles methods DO NOT provide any insight into curved line distances and are bound by straight line concepts. You are overlooking the simple fact that you have to figured out how to compute the actual distance of a curved line without knowing Pi. Polygons is one viable method first developed by Archimedes.

You cannot assume Pi has a value to calculate C; you have to first find C without using Pi because Pi is unknown. Once C has been 'estimated' (without using Pi) Pi may then be calculated from an estimated C value. The more sides in a polygon, improves the estimate of the circle circumference which improves the estimate of traditional Pi. Polygons is a viable method developed by Archimedes, to estimate the 'actual' circle circumference when Pi is unknown. Pi cannot be assumed to solve for Pi. Do you understand? Something you and the FIGU Radicals need to get through your thick skulls.

The only way you solve for your unknown C is by assuming Pi = 3.1446 and then bozo's jump for joy every time you're assumed Pi = 3.1446 produced the desired C value which is as fake as the Pi value you assumed to calculate C with. YOU CANT SOLVE FOR THE CIRCUMFERENCE using an ASSUMED Pi value of 3.1446. If you don't understand this you should go back to school.

Here is a great place to start learning about traditional Pi = 3.14159.

Billy has already stated the true and correct Pi is unknown. You're just blowing wind with absolutely no proof the true and correct Pi = 3.1446. All you do is talk, talk talk like the know-it-all's you are; with absolutely no credible proof.

We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.

Instead if reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

Important information about the circular-ratio pi!
By Christian Frehner

Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.

Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!

Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct. There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idots.

Found this while cleaning OneDrive. It's a comparative magic square using Pi made in Excel. I guess this is a perfect occasion to present it to everyone. I forgot where I put the Excel sheet but once I find it I will share it with you all.

Hello Jude,

Interesting to see if anyone comments on your magic triangles other than FIGU Radicals. Would be nice if someone other than a FIGU Radical would contribute to the conversation although admittedly, at my wits-end trying to help them understand their monumental mistakes but entertained watching them stubbornly stick to their convictions and complement each other's Pi = 3.1446 discoveries all of which lack credible proof; like watching the blind lead the blind.

Billy has already stated the true and correct Pi is unknown. You're just blowing wind with absolutely no proof the true and correct Pi = 3.1446. All you do is talk, talk talk like the know-it-all's you are; with absolutely no credible proof.

We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.

Instead if reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

Important information about the circular-ratio pi!
By Christian Frehner

Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.

Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!

Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct. There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idots.

Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven

In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.

Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446

Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth.

Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

Then a few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.

Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.

Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.

There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.

How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!

We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.

Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

Important information about the circular-ratio pi!
By Christian Frehner

Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.

Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!

Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown.

Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.

There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.

    I find it funny none of the debunkers like you nor preachers use the most important proof - Right Angle Altitude Theorem.
    That's the only way to properly prove that pi, based on circumference of circle, and not based on area of circle, is indeed 4/sqrt(golden ratio), WITHOUT assuming, WITHOUT biasing(biased trigonometric functions) WITHOUT cheating.
    Let there be a circle with diameter 1 unit.
    Let there is a right angled triangle ABC where AB is longer than BC, and AC is the diameter of circle, 1 unit.
    Let AB be pi/4. Draw a line perpendicular to the diameter, AC, and intersects with point B.
    The new intersection between the perpendicular line and the diameter will be marked as point D.
    Using the theorem, AB2 = AD • AC
    Let BC be "x", which stands for unknown value.
    Using the theorem, DC is x2
    AB:AD = BC😃C = a:a2
    Only the Kepler's triangle CAN be applied to BOTH the triangles with such characteristic.
    Checking correctness of the variables.
    12 = x2 + (pi/4)2
    1 = x2 + pi2/16
    Knowing that both the triangles are Kepler's triangles, knowing their bases are shared and sum to 1 unit, and knowing angle ABC is 90 degree as it is enclosed in a semicircle, x = pi2/16.
    One can construct the Kepler's triangle with value 1/sqrt(phi), 1/phi, and 1, where phi is the golden ratio, 1/2+sqrt(5)/2. Then a line which is perpendicular to the longest line and intersects with the peak of the triangle can be added. The values of the smaller triangle will have identical characteristic, that is, a:a2.
    Line DB = x2 = pi4/256
    pi4/256 + pi2/16 = 1
    Solving the equation gives multiple roots including the actual correct answer, 4/sqrt(phi).
    What does this shows actually?
    A circle has TWO constants.
    Pi, 4/sqrt(phi), 3.1446 based on circumference.
    Zi, 4(0.5!)2, 3.14159265 based on area.

    Hey there Lukie,

    Your calculations are fine however near the end the equation x = pi2/16 makes invalid, unproven assumptions. The correct equation for x = (1 - Pi2/16)^.5.

    So another Pi = 3.1446 nitwit has crawled out of the dark shadows debunking traditional Pi = 3.14159 however none of you bozo's have ever proven traditional Pi = 3.14159 is invalid! That's because traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi; common knowledge among every scientist, engineer, mathematician, and likely every school teacher, in the entire world.

    All you Pi = 3.1446 bozo's do is play with your Kepler triangles and golden ratios like a child with toy blocks never accomplishing anything constructive. If you had any intelligence you'd know Pi = 3.1446 is fake; its impossibly large. So you've already proven you're another idiot within the FIGU Community; adding to the growing list of morons.

    The Right Angle Altitude Theorem which you claim is the root to faking Pi = 3.1446, is a straight-line concept and offers no insight into the true and actual length of a curved line. Again, as always, you bozo's try to sneak your way into solving for Pi without resolving the actual distance of a curved line. If finding Pi by circumferential distance is the objective, then the first step is to estimate the circle circumference "C" without using Pi - because Pi is unknown. Both C and Pi are unknown, so first estimate C, and use the estimated C to estimate Pi. You can't 'cheat' around this - bozo.

    Welcome, to the exclusive FIGU Radicals club - you'll fit right in! Membership is primarily open to anyone who proposes the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, contrary to statements made by Ptaah and Billy Meier as well as the fact that every scientist, mathematician and engineer in the entire world knows Pi = 3.1446 is a hoax. So you qualify with your Pi, 4/sqrt(phi), 3.1446 based on circumference. nonsense!

    Its important to do your share as a FIGU Radical in order maintain the mindless babble and growing archive, the true and correct Pi = 3.1446. A little disappointed that your very first post had no pretty drawings showing a fake Pi = 3.1446 proof? With a little practice you will master the FIGU Radical fake Pi = 3.1446 protocol. Arthur likes copying other peoples faked proofs, Jude like posting several feet of calculator images with no explanations, and Liddz prefers to copy/paste from an extensive inventory of fake Pi = 3.1446 nonsense equations and calculations, and in time you will discover your own unique style to fake the Pi = 3.1446 proof. A little advice you will find its easier to fake your proofs using the coloring techniques mastered by the fraud artist Harry Lear.

    My understanding is that in order to maintain your good standings within the FIGU Radical club, its preferred not to have a university education in mathematics (probably why I'm not welcome), however being a know-it-all on the subject is mandatory and also, the FIGU Radicals consider it sacrilege to learn and understand how traditional Pi = 3.14159 is calculated; you could be summarily disbarred if they ever found out you tried to understand the truth. The whole point of being a FIGU Radical is to maintain the Pi = 3.1446 hoax proposed by the master scam artist Harry Lear.

    Just throwing it out there, but optionally consider going to back to school, learn basic mathematics, and finally understand why Pi = 3.14159 is the best estimate of true Pi, and then contribute back to society instead of negatively promoting the Pi = 3.1446 lie. In fact once you attend school, and learn Pi = 3.14159, you could potentially get a job with NASA - imagine that, but as a FIGU Radical promoting Pi = 3.1446; guarantee you'll never get a job in a scientific field (lol).

    The FIGU Community seems to attract a disproportionate number of idiots pushing the Pi = 3.1446 LIE for some reason, like months to flame. And their persistence in propagating the Pi = 3.1446 LIE feels deliberately coordinated with over 200 - posts on this Pi topic already.

    As a math professional, feel obligated to stand-up for Billy Meier's correct and accurate statements the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN in view of the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 LIES perpetrated against Billy by the FIGU Radicals, Michael Horn and Christian Frehner who DO NOT accept the truth about Pi according to Billy Meier.

    Billy has never been wrong, yet there seems to be overwhelming forces at work who will stop at nothing to discredit Billy Meier statements Pi is UNKNOWN by a group of foolish FIGU Radical folks within the FIGU Community who refuse to accept Billy's knowledge and wisdom on the subject of Pi and lack the intelligence to know any better.

    There is something really fishy and corrupt going on here to discredit Billy Meier's truthful and accurate statements true Pi is UNKNOWN with this ridiculous true and correct Pi = 3.1446 hoax. The FIGU Radicals, promoting Pi = 3.1446 are in fact deceivers, and ABSOLUTE LIARS contradicting Billy Meier's statement the true and correct Pi is unknown. Reading CR 712 with a little intelligence, Ptaah makes it clear traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the most accurate estimate of true Pi. You Fraudsters are a determined bunch that's for sure however the truth will prevail - as always.

    Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven

    In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.

    Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446

    Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth.

    Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

    Then a few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.

    Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

    This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.

    Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.

    There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.

    How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!

    We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.

    Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

    Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.

    Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!

    Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown.

    Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.

    There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.

      You do realize that, having the corrected value of pi is important in determining whether Apophis will hit earth, yes?
      A circle has TWO constants, namely Pi and Zi.
      Pi being 4/sqrt(phi) and Zi being the conventional transcendental value 4(0.5!)2
      Pi can only be 4/sqrt(phi) and not any other value. The rule of tangency cannot be violated.

      Dear Lukie,

      If you had any intelligence you'd realize NASA is hell of a lot smarter than you bozo and accurately predicted the Apophis flyby on April 13, 2029 BECAUSE they used traditional Pi = 3.14159. If they had used Pi = 3.1446, their computations for Earth orbit intersection of the Apophis trajectory would be nearly 1-million km in error too large, due to fake Pi = 3.1446 being larger than traditional Pi = 3.14159. Dumb ass! Love the drawing; very pretty. You have potential to be a Harry Lear drawing/coloring protege.

      Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven

      In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.

      Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446

      Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth.

      Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

      Then a few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.

      Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

      This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.

      Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.

      There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.

      How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!

      We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.

      Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

      Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.

      Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!

      Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown.

      Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.

      There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.

        Gaslight, copy paste, and so on.
        Typical style of controlled opposition, or just federal agents for short.
        I can see your tiny little trick.
        Try to debunk the the fact that the arcs are tangent to the lines perpendicular to the diameter of the circle. You won't be able to.
        Oh and don't use the false proof of transcendence of Pi, it is really proving Zi instead.

        Dear Lukie you're another know-it-all dumb ass Pi = 3.1446 faker like Harry Lear and the pile of FIGU Radicals who thinks he's smarter than NASA, Billy Meier, Ptaah (who states traditional Pi = 3.14159 is the closest estimate of true Pi in CR 712) and every scientist, engineer and mathematician in the entire world. You must have some EGO.

        First you pulled the Right Angle Altitude Theorem trick out of your butt, and when that didn't work you grabbed another trick; the arcs are tangent to the lines perpendicular to the diameter of the circle . You guys sure have an endless supply of nonsense to pull from. Maybe try learning some legitimate mathematics - YOU THINK!

        So many bozo's determined to discredit Billy Meier's truthful and accurate information that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN. Guessing you're a Deep State operative. How much are you paid to discredit Billy Meier - is it more than $20? How about crawling back into the dark stinky hole your crawled out of. Works for me (lol).

        Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven

        In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.

        Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446

        Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth.

        Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

        Then a few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.

        Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

        This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.

        Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.

        There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.

        How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!

        We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.

        Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

        Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.

        Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!

        Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown.

        Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.

        There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.

          The Euclid theorem is a valid theorem that you gaslighted. It is used to determine the C2/16. Congrats on exposing yourself, fed.
          The final proof, tangency of the line and the arc, puts the final nail on the coffin of validity of pi 3.1446
          Kepler's triangle is a nice proof but it doesn't prove anything. All it does is serves as cheating. On the other hand, the tangency is a valid proof to determine the correctness of pi. No other values of C allows the lines to be tangent with the arcs. Also, Billy is a human and not extraterrestrial being. Get your head corrected.
          When mathematics fail, geometry is used instead.
          Humanity is too blinded by abstract mathematics that they fail to see the truth behind the interconnectness of geometry.

          My poor intellectually challenged buddy Lukie, you're presenting lots of fake Pi = 3.1446 nonsense at break-neck speed first claiming Pi = 3.1446 with the Right Angle Altitude Theorem trick, then claiming the arcs are tangent to the lines perpendicular to the diameter of the circle which proves nothing relevant, and now added Euclid's intersecting chords theorem, however none of which prove Pi = 3.1446. Not sure if all this nonsense is tied to one faked Pi = 3.1446 proof or these are separate fake Pi proofs? You're like a schizophrenic sharing bits-and-pieces of a faked Pi = 3.1446 nonsense. You need to get organized.

          The shotgun approach strategy never works to fake a Pi = 3.1446 proof. Put all your assortment of tiny little discontinuous theorems and fake proof-bits together into a neat logical organized report worthy of presenting to a scientist. Add pictures in sequence; learn from Arthur he's good at it, and make sure the pictures are colorful and look pretty to distract the scientists reviewing the report from discovering the fraud; techniques pioneered by the master faker Harry Lear.

          However you'll have a snow-balls-chance-in-hell of convincing any scientist the gibberish you've presented here is credible, but, by some rare twist of fate, if any scientist deems your work credible, you could earn a gold star on your report; something to proudly show off to your friends.

          Unfortunately the truth is that no scientist will ever endorse your fake Pi = 3.1446 nonsense that you've presented here, because everything is FAKE and any scientist would see through your FRAUD and DECEPTION which is why, instead of presenting your Pi = 3.1446 to scientists, who ignore you, you're stuck here touting your nonsense to the FIGU Radicals; your only audience; dimwits like yourself.

          If you're part of the FIGU Community then you would realize Billy Meier is 100% authentic and accurate.
          In CR 722 Billy states the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN! Give it up already BOZO. Claiming the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 is a FRAUD/LIE/HOAX. If you don't trust Billy Meier, why are you HERE? Dumb Ass! Say you never answered my question - how much are you being paid as a Deep State OPERATIVE to DISCREDIT Billy Meier? Its more than $20 isn't it. Come on, between buddies, you can tell me.

          Lukie you're just another true and correct Pi = 3.1446 fraudster added to the growing list of BOZOs attempting to discredit Billy Meier's information the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN such as:

          1. Arthur
          2. Christian Frehner
          3. Jude Andre Charles
          4. Michael Horn
          5. Kent
          6. Liddz
          7. Lukie

          ...and of course the man who needs no introduction....HARRY LEAR

          Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven

          In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.

          Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446

          Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth.

          Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

          Then a few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.

          Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

          This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.

          Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.

          There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.

          How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!

          We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.

          Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

          Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.

          Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!

          Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown.

          Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.

          There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.

          Folks, Lukie is most likely a Deep State Operative intent to discredit Billy Meier. For example he talks about the TRUTH, and links to some bogus website where he claims we can learn the TRUTH, however its common knowledge within the FIGU Community the Future-of-Mankind website is the best place to learn TRUTH; the best repository of truthful knowledge on planet Earth.

          One should ask why dear Lukie claims we can only learn the truth about Pi from some bogus website when all anyone needs to do, is to read Billy Meier's Contact Reports 712 & 722 about Pi. Even if you're not a mathematician; Billy and Ptaah explain the truth about Pi simply and plainly for anyone to understand except bozos like Michael Horn and Christian Frehner who have some kind of brain defect and unable to read and understand CRs 712 & 722.

          Lukie suggests I'm not promoting the truth, you have to learn the truth from his bogus website however I have only ever repeated Billy Meier's information about Pi which is 100% authentic and correct. I have provided countless references to Billy's Contact Reports information easily found and verified on the Future-of-Mankind archive whereas Lukie is pointing you to go over to his bogus website to learn the TRUTH. Just saying Lukie is likely not who appears to be otherwise he would reference Billy Meier's truthful knowledge found on the Future-of-Mankind site not some hogwash Ananke Logos website. Also consider I've recently posted information in the Contact Reports proving Harry Lear is a LIAR and a FRAUD, and suddenly Lukie shows up out of no where, completely out of the blue, to the rescue, like the Wolf in Pulp Fiction; here to clean up the mess and try to reestablish the Pi = 3.1446 LIE. Too funny!

          Anyway, Lukie, (cute name by the way) my dear lost boy, the TRUTH from Billy Meier states clearly - Pi is UNKNOWN, and he is 100% correct. Folks here gather to discuss Billy Meier's teachings of the truth and knowledge including what Billy has stated about Pi, and your Ananke Logos nonsense, isn't promoted by Billy Meier, nor ever mentioned by the Plejaren, just more hoaxes and lies and fabrications; a never ending stream of Pi LIES. Your link has nothing to do with promoting Billy Meier's teachings. Post your nonsense elsewhere.

          The absolute stupidity among the Pi = 3.1446 bozos within this community who persist in discrediting Billy Meier, who has stated the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN, based on advice from an advanced race of intelligent humans living in another dimension, defies rationale explanation. It's truly remarkable how so many morons emerging out of the cracks, have no understanding of fundamental mathematics, absolute know-it-alls, promoting the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 LIE, discrediting Billy Meier's information about Pi in the process who correctly states Pi is unknown.


          Harry Lear is not only a FRAUD but a LIAR and is easily proven

          In January 2018 Harry sent a letter to then president Donald Trump with numerous false claims he not only solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, and that the Plejaren were astounded by his brilliance, but what really sticks out, is Harry also claimed the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.144605511.

          Excerpt from Harry's Letter to President Trump claiming the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446

          Ten months after Harry sent his letter to President Trump, in November 2018, Billy Meier publishes Contact Report 712 where Ptaah states the true and correct Pi has not yet been calculated correctly and exactly on Earth.

          Excerpt from CR 712 Ptaah States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

          Then a few months later in August 2019, in Contact Report 722, Billy echos Ptaah's statements in CR 712, that the true and correct Pi is still unknown to Earth humans.

          Excerpt from CR 722 Billy States True and Correct Pi NOT Yet Known on Earth

          This clearly exposes Harry's bold-faced lies not only did he falsely claim he solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 but he also lied about the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446 because 10-months after Harry's letter to Trump, Ptaah states in CR 712, Earth humans haven't calculated the true and correct Pi, and Billy repeats Ptaah's message 9-months later in CR 722 on August 8, 2019, (as if to drive the point home), that the true and correct Pi is UNKNOWN.

          Since both Ptaah and Billy confirm Earth humans have not yet found the true and correct Pi it proves Harry Lear lied when he had earlier claimed to have solved the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 and the Plejaren were using his true and correct Pi = 3.1446. This demonstrates Harry Lear's deceptive, dishonest behavior as a unscrupulous LIAR.

          There are other obvious LIES in Harry's letter to President Trump, that contradict the Contact Reports statements by Billy, the Plejaren or just simply fabricated in order to sway anyone into believe his nonsense true and correct Pi = 3.1446 which both Ptaah and Billy says Earthly humans have not solved at this time, however it only takes a little investigation to expose the fraud and reveal Harry's dishonest nature. If Harry was truly honest this lie simply would not exist yet here it is so blatantly obvious for anyone to see.

          How Harry's fraud and lies have been suppressed, his false credibility allowed to propagate, and fester, within the FIGU Community with absolutely no regard for the truth or accountability, is a truly remarkable scam to have pulled off. Harry truly is the modern day Pied Piper. Well done Harry - You're a true scam artist!

          We can thank both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner for their monumental stupidity helping to promote the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense within the FIGU Community. Neither Christian nor Micheal are knowledgeable in mathematics and both completely unqualified to make any statements about the accuracy of the Pi number other than what has been shared by Billy Meier in the Contact Reports specifically CR 712 and 722 which state the true and correct Pi is unknown.

          Instead of reading and understanding Billy Meier's information about Pi in the Contact Reports 712 & 722, Michael and Christian choose to foolishly promote Harry-the-bozo-Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense, as recently as June 2024.

          Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core member, who thinks he's smarter and wiser then Billy Meier, foolishly published Bulletin #77 supporting Harry Lear's true and correct Pi = 3.1446 nonsense instead of referencing Billy Meier's information about Pi where Billy makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown. As a FIGU Core member, Christian, should be supporting Billy Meier rather than contradicting Billy Meier.

          Here is an example of a FIGU Core member who doesn't understand perhaps he should be supporting and sharing Billy Meier's truthful knowledge including Billy's information the true value of Pi is unknown, but rather decides instead to promote the Pi = 3.1446 lie fabricated by a dimwitted human being of Earth. Honestly if you're a FIGU Core member you should really only trust the information shared by Billy Meier and NO ONE ELSE!

          Both Michael Horn and Christian Frehner, have fallen victim to the Pi = 3.1446 lies spread by a human being of Earth, rather than listening to and trusting what Billy Meier and Ptaah state about Pi. The person they foolishly trusted which such a ridiculous claim the true and correct Pi = 3.1446, doesn't even have a university degree and only talent is cutting round wooden disks, making pretty drawing and has above average coloring skills, when Billy Meier makes it perfectly clear the true and correct Pi is unknown.

          Michael Horn and Christian Frehner believed the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense because they are unqualified to understand the mathematics of what they're supporting - like the blind leading the blind. They took a concept that there is an error in Pi, which Billy states, and blew it way out of proportion and ASSUMED and promoted the true and correct Pi = 3.1446 something Billy nor Ptaah nor any Plejaren have EVER stated is correct.

          There are a number of not very intelligent folks within this community unfortunately but the Pi = 3.1446 nonsense needs to be purged before Apophis becomes daily news in the media and we can't have folks within the FIGU Community looking like fools promoting Pi = 3.1446. That would be terrible as it makes the FIGU Mission look like a bunch of idiots.

            Pi is unknown, doesn't mean it can't be found. I find it funny you treat billy like some sort of absolute truth.
            Pi 3.14159265 is obtained from Archimedes approximation using both infinite sided polygon, inscribed and circumscribed, AND the area of said polygons.
            The area is a VALID approximation but the circumference is NOT.
            One cannot tell whether the perimeter of the shrinking circumscribed polygon remains longer than the unchanging circumference of the circle. Hence, one CANNOT approximate the value of pi. Instead, geometric relation is to be used. There are two conditions. One is whether pi is transcendence or not. The answer it ISN'T. Using Euler's identity ONLY prove that the constant based on area of circle, is indeed transcendence. Yet, it is NOT pi. Now begs the question. Is the pi from pi•r2 the same as pi from pi•d? They are not the same. Mainstream mathematics is BROKEN.
            Hence the incompleteness.
            Another question.
            Do you think thermodynamics second law is complete? Of course it ISN'T. How else would their spacecraft arrive here?

            Instead of insulting others and calling names like an NPC, how about being CIVILIZED for once?
            Draw the geometry yourself. It isn't even THAT hard. The website tool used is geogebra geometry.
            Even better, try to discussion pi instead of acting like a goddamn cultist worshipping the words of human as absolute truth. Pi is unknown AT THAT TIME. Doesn't meant it can't be found.