_Climate change is man made. Anyone comparing the rising curve of CO2 and the number of people living on our planet should be aware of the main reason why our climate changes (1). But in CR 215 Quetzal mentioned that the atomic tests, too, had caused our planet “to enter the first phase of a swaying orbit around the Sun which will ultimately lead to a "new ice age". (2)
So yes, mankind’s atomic tests, too, do change the climate. _
If we examine the description of the effects more closely ...
The FoM translation (‘extraordinary’) is the usual translation of the German word “aussergewöhnlich” But this world literally translates into ‘outside of what it used to be’ so I used the word 'unusual'.
As for the word “Schlingerbahn" in CR 215:286:
It is a compound word (“Schlinger” and “Bahn”).
In the given context the word “Bahn” relates to the Earth’s pathway around the Sun.
The verb “schlingern” means to “swerve / sway” (rolling from one side of the given path to the other) like a person that had a few drinks too many or car that goes into a bend with too much speed and sways off the road.
My Impression
Instead of Earth’s straight elliptical orbit it may enter a sinus curve elliptical orbit which sometimes is further away and sometimes closer to its original pathway (hence there may be severe temperature swings). If my impression is right than this fact may be an additional (and hard to predict) variable when questioning whether Apophis is on a path to hit our planet. In a 12-months period this could look like that (my own impression - the reality may be quite different - e.g., only a few but more elongated wave tops/valleys).
I mention this because in a recent CR Billy told us that massive temperature swings would happen worldwide (in the southern and northern hemisphere). Could they be, to some degree, an expression of Earth’s “Schlinger-Orbit”?
That is to say – was “a sway closer to the Sun” the impulse of this year’s very hot European summer and the relatively warm winter temperatures in the southern hemisphere?
We know that they resulted in a very diminished ice-shield in the Antarctic.
Naturally, the high temperatures leading to a diminished ice-cover would have warmed the oceans much more *) than usual creating a further impetus of the warmer temperatures worldwide.
*) Comparative Antarctic Ice Cover
_Sep 2022: 18.19 square km (7.02 square miles)
Feb 2023: 1.79 square km (0.691 square miles)
As the color white reflects the sunrays back into the atmosphere the ice cover protects the polar regions from absorbing the heat energy that is created when sun rays hit (non-white) surfaces.
(The surface’s molecules start to vibrate faster and transfer their energy to neighboring atoms – this process leads to temperature increases) _
CR 215 (Quetzal to Billy)
All of this will lead to increasingly horrible floods and unusually massive snowfalls which will advance to the southern countries and finally even to the equatorial regions because through the insanity of human beings the Earth has imperceptibly begun to enter a swaying orbit as a result of the atomic bomb explosions within and on the Earth.
And this will be the reason that the planet will **slowly but surely enter an unusual spinning orbit around the Sun, while the first phase is already occurring, ** which causes a change in climate, leading to a new ice age.
(My translation may contain mistakes.)
Please note as well:
At the time of the CR (Feb 28, 1987) the first phase had already "begun".
2023 is 36 (and the 2036 Apophis event would be 49 ) years later.
So, we should expect that the swaying disturbances of the Earth orbit today (and in 2036) are in a more advanced stage/have more noticeable effects.