To examine the CR information about Foreign to Earth Humans (EFs)
- to find out who Ptaah and Billy mean when they speak of EFs (Part 1)
- to determine whether the EFs present any danger for mankind (Part 2)
Part 1: Who are the Foreign to Earth Humans (Non Plejaren Extraterrestrials) Coming to Earth for Thousands of Years?
According to Billy (CR 710) there are 3 types of extraterrestrials that came/come to our planet (1):
Group 1:
“I can say that the Earth-foreigners, who are generally simply called extraterrestrials or aliens by the Earthlings, have in fact been around for a long time... Their early ancestors worked in many different ways on Earth, and also in various countries in Asia, North Africa and partly in Europe, but mainly in the early days in the North African country, which in later times was called 'Kemet' and then finally in later times Egypt.. Sfath (who took Billy onto a flight back in time (to ancient Egypt) called them 'long-skulls' “..because, in contrast to the round skulls of the human beings of Earth, they had skulls that were long and thickly protruding towards the back, they stood out unmistakably from the human beings of Earth.”
Group 2:
Half-small people with large and somewhat V-shaped heads and excessively large eyes.
Group 3:
Other Earth-foreigners around the world, such as giants up to about 3 metres tall
Apart from Gilgamesh the CRs do not mention any reason why these ETs are coming to our planet or what their mission is. The only information Billy is willing to give us is that the foreigners (it seems likely that by this he addresses the long skulls) have been for so long that they, too, may have a right to stay on our planet.
What do we know about these 3 Groups?
1. Group-1: “Long skulls” (1)(2)
They assisted humans to build the first Giza Pyramids some 75,000 years ago (3).
They came/come from the Orion (“Hunter”) (4) and Leo star constellations.
The layout of the Giza pyramids correlates with the 3 stars of “Hunter’s Belt” (5).
The Sphinx correlates with the Leo Constellation.
These Long Skull ETs have been visiting our planet for at least 389,000 years (6). They
settled on all continents (but mainly in Egypt), rose to power and subjugated peoples. (6).
The worldwide spread of long-skulls may explain some of the similarities (like irrigation
systems and pyramids) in e.g., South America and (Yucatan/Teotihuacan) Mexico (7).
They not only moved the heavy stones of the Giza pyramids via sound in their position (8)
and are in possession of very advanced technologies but brought medical science to Earth
(9).Even Ptaah is interested to find out about their medical discoveries (10).
In rare occasions people from the Long Skull race may have mixed with Earth humans:
There are instances of humans who a re born with a long skull.
2. Group-2:
“Half-small People” with large eyes, large-headed and V-shaped-headed People
They came/come from the Star Constellation Reticulum (11) and are, according to
Quetzal “… in spite of their high technology and various sciences, still very unknowing in
terms of really spiritual and creational interests, yet still arranged into a high and liberal
culture with expressed human rights.”. (12).
There are no known humans that have any features of the V-headed ETs (which may be
due to the fact that the Reticulum androids are a-sexual.
3. Group 3:
Re. the other Earth-foreigners such as giants (Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, Gilgamesh):
see Ancient Earth History, Part 3 » Billy Meier UFO Contacts (theyflyblog.com)
Many of them escaped the Lyrans (CR 69:21)
Due to their Earth appearances and their mixing with earth humans there are, in rare cases,
humans born who are excessively tall
The Big Question
So, in accepting Billy’s account, there are 3 types of “Foreign to Earth” groups visiting our planet.
But when Ptaah or Billy speaks of the EFs do they mean all 3 groups of EFs or one particular group?
There are CR passages which imply ‘all 3 groups’ – e.g. when Billy calls all the 3 groups ‘primitive’:
Billy (just before CR 710:121):
But it seems that giant ETs like Viracocha in Easter Island or Quetzalcoatl in South America/Egypt were more of a ‘one time only’ appearance on our planet whereas the V-headed and Long Skulls kept coming again and again. So, would it be them who are, according to Ptaah “… of an inhumane disposition and behaviour, consequently dominated by contrary impulses with regard to humanity, compassion, empathy, peace and freedom, etc. are dominated by contrary impulses.”? (15) Would it be them Billy acknowledged to be as well having ‘a right to live on our planet’?
We should note that Billy and Ptaah are calling the EFs ‘primitive’ not because of a lack of technology – they did have a very high technology for many thousands of years - but because they, are
This raises the question that we will try to solve in Part 2 of our research: “On the basis of Billy Meier’s CRs: Do the Non Plejaren ETs Present Any Danger for Earth Humanity?”
Please note
The UFOs or UAPs we see in our skies are not just from the three groups of EF (Earth Foreigners). Theare are as well the present-day US/Russian/Canadian/English “saucers”. In addition (and much more advanced) there are as well the flying saucers of
- the blue race of Agartha A and B, called “Earth Future Ones” because their flying crafts are similar to the ones of Earth humans in the future.
- the flying crafts of these future Earth humans who – some 500 years from now – have managed to fly back in time in beam ships (CR 39:356-358):
Side-note: No matter the conflicts in between in 500 years from now mankind has managed to time travel)
(1) Billy after CR710:120 https://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_710
(2) https://theyflyblog.com/2021/11/ancient-earth-history-part-2/
(3) Asket’s Explanations Part 5
- You wonder about the age of the pyramid.
- This, and also a few other pyramids on the Earth, was constructed when the constellation of Lyra (Lyre/Explanation of 4th September 1975) was positioned in the sign of Cancer.
- That results in a time span of 2 x 36,650 years and therefore 73,300 years in total.
- You must calculate 2 x 36,650 years back from the time of the Hegira in order for you to obtain the correct figure.
The Hegira (Mohammed travelling from Mekka to Medina to escape persecution) was in AD 622. This means the first pyramids were built in (73,300 – 622 =) 72,678 BCE
(4) CR 222:40-41
(5) Orion correlation theory - Wikipedia
(6) Ptaah (CR 721)
- When the last Plejaren immigration community came to earth around 13,500 years ago, it happened in a completely secret way, because since 389,000 years ago other extraterrestrials had come to earth and had settled far and wide on all continents, above all, the long-skulled ones.
- In ancient Egypt in particular, they rose to positions of power, waged wars and subjugated tribes of peoples
(7) https://theyflyblog.com/2021/11/ancient-earth-history-part-2/
We know, too, that Ptaah’s ancestor Ptah assisted the trade between South American natives and the Egyptians – so some similarities may be due to this culture exchange. Details see CR 520:46-50
(8) CR 215:298 (Quetzal)
“298. The human muscle power was used by the human beings of the Earth, who worked on the building, while the telekinetic powers were used by the foreigners from the star systems Orion and Leo, and of these foreigners, however, only a few had powerful telekinetic powers, thus, only small works were settled in this manner.
Distance to the Orion Constellation: ca. 1344 lightyears
Distance to the Leo Constellation: ca. 79 lightyears
(9) PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21657099/
(Homer and Herodotus: Egyptian medicine is the base of Greek medicine)
PubMed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8459052/
(10) Ptaah in CR 856
“They not only erected very great buildings by sound vibrations, but also brought medical knowledge to Earth. But these have been lost and forgotten in the course of the millennia that have passed…”
(11) According to the Plejaren (Quetzal) the Roswell Crash is a reality:
CR 215: 74-98
(12) Quetzal’s description of the Reticulum people: CR 215:100
NB: The Zeta (“Z”) Reticulum (“Net”) constellation is located some 39.3 light years from our Sun.
(13) Description of the V-shaped Reticulum androids
by a D. D. from the Roswell Fire Brigade who watched the removal of android bodies from the UFO crash site.
“It was no bigger than a child but it was not a child - no child had such an oversized balloon-shaped head. Its eyes were large and dark set apart from each other on a downward slope. Its nose and mouth were especially tiny almost like slits and its ears were not much more than indentations along the side of its huge head. It had a greyish-brown complexion and was completely hairless.”
(14) Billy in CR 710:
“This was also observed by the very early Plejaren, who have been coming and going on Earth for more than 26 million years, as you yourselves still do, but you never came into contact with the ‘long-skulled’, nor with the ‘big-headed’ and ‘big-eyed’, the ‘normal-headed’ or otherwise different Earth-foreigners. And you still keep it that way today, because these Earth-foreigners were already judged as ‘primitive’, so to speak, by your early ancestors.”
(15) Ptaah: in CR 710
“130. We call the Earth-foreigners spoken of 'immature', 'primitive', as well as 'low-minded', 'cruel', 'inhuman' and 'unapproachable', calling them 'unfeeling', and, in our judgement, as uncompromising creatures and 'brutes', because they are of an inhumane disposition and behaviour, consequently dominated by contrary impulses with regard to humanity, compassion, empathy, peace and freedom, etc. are dominated by contrary impulses...