Please note:
Some or all of the information below may be well-known to most Forum members
(but some of the newer members on our Forum may not know)
1. The word “Plejaren”
According to a “very old dialect of the very old Lyran language” (CR 475:86-92) the “Ple” means “sevenness” and “Jaren” means “Law”
This may express a people that lives with the conscious awareness that all the happenings in the macro- and micro-cosmos are manifestations of / are guided by the Law of the Sevenness.
Billy’s book “Genesis” explains that once a human has found the “truth of the spiritual” he lives with a mystic view of the oneness of all existence the 7 main Laws of Creation are one. And, in a more recent CR he explained that we should “think us into this law”.
2. Life depends with what we identify.
We mentioned this already recently but it supplements the explanations about the word “Ple-jaren”. In CR10:189-191 Semjase tells us that our human impressions (fears, sorrows and problems) depend on our mind-set, i.e., what we tell our mind to seek:
Normally a human would identify himself as an individual being and identify himself with his body, his possessions and by prioritizing these violate all nature-related and the creative order.
But once a human has found the “truth of the spiritual” he lives with a mystic view of the oneness of all existence and “no hatred and no greed can dwell in him because he makes no selfish distinctions any more…” not only will he lose all fear - all nature is friendly to him. Even his enemies will ultimately yield and serve him.
3. Yukatan is a Plejaren word meaning the “quick one” (Name of Semjase’s brother)
Semjase (CR 55:24) “Sure, my brother is called YUKATAN (the quick one) and my sister PLEIJA (the one who honours the laws of sevenness”.
So, maybe the name of Mexican Yucatán *) peninsula may be a name dating back to Atlantis times: Maybe the Atlanteans named the land after “the quick one”, i.e., the 10-11 km large asteroid that crashed in the Gulf of Mexico some 65 million years ago ?
*) Re. the Mexican “Yucatán”:
Edgar Cayce tells us that Atlanteans fleeing Atlantis before its final destruction established 3 “Halls of Records” (containing the history of Atlantis/major discoveries like e.g., the “fire-stone” which was used to “regenerate the bodies of individuals”) in 3 places – one of them being in (what is today called) the Yucatán peninsula (the other near Bimini and the third near the Sphinx in Egypt)
4. Minoans were descendants of (Little) Atlantis
Before the explosion of the Santorini volcano (ca. 3500 years ago)
CR 055:200
“Crete was still called Minoa and its citizens were descendants of Atlantis.”
And we know from Billy that the wise men of Greece – they only appeared after the Minoans went to mainland Greece (which up to then was settled by simple farmers) after Crete was destroyed by many earthquakes.
5. The people of Atlantis were the descendants of Pelegon’s Race who returned to Earth
Those of Pelegon’s Race that were able to flee "... the most terrible war on earth" (around 40-41,000 BCR) never went back to the Plejaren homeland (maybe they still feared retribution for having stolen the spaceships some 50,000 BCE ?) but went to close by Beta Centauris – We may infer that they returned to earth 7000 years later to assist those they left behind
CR 060:25-27
Around 40,000 BCE: “ ….everything was annihilated during a war – “only a few thousand of Pelegon’s Race survived the tremendous catastrophe”
CR 060:25-27:
- These [few thousand], however, fled with good and far-reaching space ships out into space and settled on foreign worlds
- Only a very small remnant remained on the destroyed Earth and degenerated completely, whereby they lived completely separated from the small group of Earth-born humans of that time.
- When after around 7000 years the distant descendants of the ones that fled came back to Earth, they therefore found only extremely wild and degenerated individuals of their forefathers, who lived, as said before, far away from the Earth human beings.
Those Plejaren that were able to escape the terrestrial inferno in ca. 40,000 BCE did not return to the Plejaren home planet (which by then had become very peaceful)
- Many hundreds of thousands fled with large and small ships into free space, set down and settled in another space-time structure in Beta-Centaurus, which you know in your space-time structure as the Barnard star.
6. Before the Destroyer caused the (real) Sin Flood (8,104 BC) our earth had a 40-hour day and the Sun did not rise in the east
So if (almost 4 m tall) “Adam” lived some 2,000 years he lived not only 17,520,000 hours but 29,200,000 hours.
CR 005:35-40
7 Earth Rotation Changes
We know as well that in 1453 BCE, after Earth's close shave with the Destroyer cum Venus, causing many volcanos to erupt(as well the one of “Little Atlantis” = Santorini) - the direction of Earth's rotation changed.
NB I cannot find this source but Santorini is mentioned in CR 665:30-34
There may have been more “rotational upsets” through the 3 planetary destructions due to Plejaren wars contributing to polar shifts (e.g., when Atlantis was sunk by an asteroid).
And the Plejaren told us that the many nuclear tests in more recent times not only caused animals to lose their sense of direction, produced many cancers and assisted climate change but that they caused as well a "strange wobble" of our planet *)
*) I think Quetzal mentioned as well that, due to the many nuclear tests, Earth has entered an irregular orbit / slowly drifts away but I could not find the source.
8. The melting of polar ice will slow the speed of our planet's rotation
But world's scientist seem to think the opposite is true that ".. due to climate change and the influence of the sun on the Earth, huge masses of ice can melt away, so the enormous pressure caused by the ice can cause the Earth to bulge and possibly start to rotate faster..." –
Billy after CR 480:03
- Anyone interested in the consequences of overpopulation and what is to happen in the “coming decades” should read Sfath's predictions:
(from CR 656:232 onwards)