_Summary of Findings
(Please correct me if I am wrong)
- There may be some doubts that a rubble pile asteroid like Apophis (1) could ““penetrate the European Tectonic plate”.
- And NASA’s origin of Apophis (2) does match Quetzal’s ominous warning (3).
- But Billy told us in November 2008 that the ominous Red Meteor will come close to Earth on April 13, 2029 (4).
- NASA confirms that on the same date Apophis will come close to our planet (5).
- We may therefore surmise that the dangerous asteroid that Quetzal / Billy / Ptaah mention in the CRs is identical with the Red Meteor aka Apophis.
- As Sfath’s Predictions (CR 670) tell us that -
“293. The whole coming chaos and disaster in the coming times up to the second and third decade of the third millennium will still appear harmless in contrast to that which the times after that will bring.” (6),
- the potential asteroid strike may happen past 2030.
- It is striking that both Petale in 1976 (7) and Quetzal in 1981 (8) mention that the potential asteroid hit will be an effect caused by “breaking the love commandment" (Petale) resp. mankind's “materialistic and misleading disunity and megalomania” (Quetzal)
With a view of our present
Should the common foe from outer space not cause those that can do so, stop their warring and seek discussions instead? Is this not the essence of all the predictions?
Note: All statements by NASA see
(1) (NASA, last update Sept, 2022)
“Apophis is classified as an S-type, or stony-type asteroid made up of silicate (or rocky) materials and a mixture of metallic nickel and iron.”
(2) (NASA, last update Sept, 2022)
Apophis is a remnant from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. It originated in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Over millions of years, its orbit was changed primarily by the gravitational influence of large planets like Jupiter so that it now orbits the Sun closer to Earth. “
(3) Quetzal (1981) / CR 150:
Is this now the Destroyer, or is it another comet that keeps passing through our solar system?
_492. Neither, my friend.
- It is coming towards the SOL-System from the depths of space** and is, so to speak, an alien._
(4) Billy in CR 475 (2008) / https://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_475_
” With regard to the Red Meteor, which will endanger the Earth on 13 April 2029… In the year 2029 it is supposed to either hit the Earth or whiz past it only very narrowly. If the latter should be the case, then a next dangerous meteor appearance would be in the year 2036, whereby then a nearing to the Earth could all the more lead to the catastrophe, if nothing is undertaken against it by the scientists or nothing changes in relation to the trajectory of the meteor itself. “
(5) (NASA, last update Sept, 2022)
“On April 13, 2029, Apophis will pass less than 20,000 miles (32,000 kilometers) from our planet’s surface – closer than the distance of geosynchronous satellites. During that 2029 close approach, Apophis will be visible to observers on the ground in the Eastern Hemisphere without the aid of a telescope or binoculars.“
(6) Sfath’s Predictions
(7) Petale in 1976:
“A meteor from space - comet-like, races close and crashes in the big pond, the air it burns up as a glowing ball, in the year of the three-value, with terrible sound, with terrible howling, gigantic power, as death-missile it crashes on the Earth… They (the people) scream and cry and plead with her, for much blessing and love and help from now on but they never thought about the great law, about the love-commandment, which they broke. They lived along, passing Creation by, because all-the-while love was immaterial to them. Only the punishing power of the highest one, allows a few to find their way back to the greatest One.”
(8) Quetzal 1981 / (CR 150)
_“498. The cosmic forces themselves have pre-programmed this event, which could only be stopped or averted by the Earth-humans themselves.
- In their materialistic and misleading disunity and in their megalomania, however, they disregard all warnings and prophecies, so that the event will probably inevitably come to pass, as a reminder and a punishment, if you want to see it in that manner.”_