Thank you for your input and I respect your views.
You are correct. I was led to Billy Meier through my research regarding UFO's and the occupants who pilot them. Also with that, my interest in mysteries and earths history. There was absolutely zero interest in searching for anything regarding my inner self. You may not believe this but I am and have always been quite in tune with my inner self and I wasn't trying to improve it, Though, after reading all of the reports, I realize that it isn't just about UFO's etc and there is a spiritual side of it. so to speak, as well.
Spiritual. That word is the type of word that triggers me into questioning things I want to stay away from. Why ?
Well, I did the church thing long ago and I stopped practicing it long before Billy Meier. I knew then that that was not the way. Even with the threat of eternal burning looming in the shadows, I still knew my inner self was wise to it.
I was so turned off by the hypocrisy that I developed a hatred for it. The idea of a loving god threatening his creation with never ending pain was beyond reason.
Then now, Here, now long after flushing that religious nonsense out of my life. I find the Billy Meier case. (10 years now) and I was so God smacked by it that I stopped researching most all UFO related stories. I thought. Ok, this is the one. I've seen every UFO story out there and Im done researching.
BUT here's where my head banging comes from. There are many similarities to religion in the reports and that gives me the hebegebees (Yes that's actually a word)
I wondered, to a degree, that perhaps the words "Spiritual, Prophecy, Predictions etc were chosen by the P's simply because they are words we use on earth that we could recognize but regardless of that, they are what I call "Churchy words"
Because of my hatred for religion, I am quite sensitive to it. Along with that Church hatred, I also never once had an interest in the mysteries regarding witches, spells, ghost, crystal ball readers, demons, etc. I just wanted to clarify that about myself so there isn't any misunderstanding regarding what I am searching for.
It's never been those mysteries I just mentioned. I'm not looking for goblins.
My interest is mostly astrophysics, space, the universe, other worlds and why this world is so messed up.
With ALL of that somewhat cleared up. I am searching and I will never stop searching for the absolute truth. It's a desire in me that is tremendously powerful. But as with everything, it has to come in chunks and some of it is hard to swallow.
The questions I have regarding some of the content in the reports is legitimate.
I am a meager little stupid earth worm who is having issues with someone saying they can fly a space ship through solid rock and cruise around in hot lava or needing to go back some 50,000 years or better to teach cavemen how to make fire. ( I said "Needing" because if there was no need for it, it would not have been done) Fact.
"...I saw for myself together with Sfath when we were also with the Neanderthals, where Sfath taught them how to make fire...: CR877
(In response to your Neanderthal comment. My point was that someone back in those early days already made fire because making fire was in practice in Billy's Life time Already. So there would be no reason to go back in time. It has already been done if it exist in Billy's current time Before they left for the time travel journey. Its a paradox. This rant could go round and round for eons. )
That is difficult to swallow. Making fire was obviously achieved by the time Billy was born so whats the beef with going back to teach something that has obviously already been learned ?
"Who did Adam and Eve's children mate with?" It's that type of conundrum question that can never be answered.
The Christians will never have an answer for that because there isn't one.
I ask "Why fire teaching" Blah blah blah. Nothing of that makes sense either.
I am 'all in' regarding improving myself. I crave it. I see so many people around me that appear to be stagnant walking zombies. Even the so called smart ones. The ones that are too smart to realize they are stupid. If you knew me 15 years ago you wouldn't recognize me today because even before Billy Meier, I have been improving my inner self as I mature over time. I understand the evolutionary process.
The questions I've brought up are legitimate and anyone not questioning them, to me, are somewhat overly trusting. That dogmatic thinking can be dangerous. especially on a planet such as ours.
So yes. I want self improvement but since I am not trained in it, I search for a place to find hints to it. I didn't realize that part of my training would fall into a category involving ufology. Honestly, the easy part is the spiritual side of this because I really get the basics of it. In a nut shell. Just be truthful, honest, kind, understanding, loving, respectful, etc. It's not about Jesus or being a goody two-shoe.
I have always thought like this. It isn't that complicated to be a decent human being. Unless a person is truly deranged in their mind, we all know the rights and wrongs of most everything and all we need to do is stick to it.
The hard side of this which is frustrating is the UFO side of it and the claims within the conversations. I won't ever discard it because I know better. It's in my pending folder that is overflowing with question.
Thank you Joseph for listing to my internal torture. LOL.
I am really much more calm about this than it appears. I am just passionate about the truth and have had my fill of deception.
I doubt ever that I will get a fly by from the P's so all I can hang on is watching for the prophecies to fulfill.
Seeing is believing.
Show me god or show me a beam ship. I just want the facts and not hearsay.
That's not asking too much.