We can use this forum thread to discuss Plejaren suggestions, recommendations and guidance for improvement, with a focus on national and international improvement; with anything from the literature that may be of use for our life on planetearth.
The first step is to identify what those suggestions are by selecting the quotes and excerpts from the Contact Reports, Books and articles and bringing them into the discussion, so we can review them. It will be a case where we may need to reword and reformulate the sentence structure and content, in order that they are simple and targeted enough for the intended audience; people in government, wider society, culturally and nationally relevant.
One model we can use is the PDSA model, 'plan, do, study, act'
This model for improvement provides a framework for developing, testing and implementing changes leading to improvement. It is based in scientific method and moderates the impulse to take immediate action with the wisdom of careful study.
Plan – the change to be tested or implemented
- Quotes or excerpts from the Contact Reports
- Conduct national research in the country residing in to see if it has already been implemented before and what the result was.
Do – carry out the test or change
- Identify a group of persons in governments that may be interested in good suggestions for improvement
- Cater the quote or excerpt in own words and address it according to the national landscape of suggestion for improvement, to ensure it reaches the persons that may be interested.
Study – based on the measurable outcomes agreed before starting out, collect data before and after the change and reflect on the impact of the change and what was learned
- Conduct national research in the country residing in to see if it has already been implemented before and what the result was.
- Was the good suggestion debated or raised in government and implemented, if so was it effective, if not what barriers were encountered.
Act – plan the next change cycle or full implementation.
- Take the key questions to ask about the Contact Report quote which have been given to us as helpful suggestions for improvement by Plejaren Federation personnel, and see if it has been good advice that we can action or implement, or whether there are specific barriers that need to be addressed to make the P's suggestion for improvement useful to us.
1-What are we trying to accomplish? (The aims statement)
- We need to set clear and focused goals with measurable targets. These goals require leadership and should focus on problems that cause concern nationally and internationally. They should be relevant to the length of the project, i.e. the rest of human history, and be bold in aspiration.
2-How will we know if the change is an improvement? What measures of success will we use?
- In order to answer this question, you will need to measure outcomes such as 'manage earth better'. If we make a change, this should affect the measures and demonstrate over time whether the change has led to sustainable improvement. The measures in this model
are tools for learning and demonstrating improvement, not for judgement.
3-What changes can we make that will result in improvement? (The change concepts to be tested).
- There are many potential changes we could make. However, evidence from scientific literature and previous improvement programmes suggests that a small number of changes are most likely to result in improvement.